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19:38, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

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Posted by GM the ThirdFor group archive 0
GM the Third
GM, 1066 posts
Sat 20 Jun 2015
at 16:47
  • msg #193

Re: Level three, magic lab, storerooms, shadows, & zombies

A little visual clarification is necessary I think.
Note the crossbowmen fled as their action in the previous round, therefore they've got quite a head start if you really do want to chase them. Wearing only leather armour, they have a Move of 12". Only Ronalt, Sven, can hope to keep pace, and only Yew can hope to catch up with them - unless they do something really stupid (like turn and fight) or you do something brilliant and unexpected (like suddenly sprout wings or teleport).

Brother Yew
player, 687 posts
Half-elf monk
Sun 21 Jun 2015
at 10:31
  • msg #194

Re: Level three, magic lab, storerooms, shadows, & zombies

Brother Yew hurries forward past the prisoners until he reaches the bend just to the west of them. From there, if he can still see the fleeing crossbowmen (and if his line of sight is not blocked by any of his companions who might be chasing them) he will fire off a quick shot with his crossbow at the rearmost crossbowman to encourage them to keep on running.

OOC: Brother Yew rolled 7 using 1d10. Initiative.

GM the Third
GM, 1068 posts
Tue 23 Jun 2015
at 06:13
  • msg #195

Re: Level three, magic lab, storerooms, shadows, & zombies

The prisoners, dropping their loads and overjoyed at their apparent rescue flock around their saviours and impede the pursuit. Brother Yew is still quick enough however to send a bolt shooting at the heels of the last of the crossbowmen as they flew in panic up the spiral stairs.
The four prisoners introduce themselves as a merchant, and carpenter, a hawker and labourer, all taken on the road between Verbobonc and Hommlet. The loads they were carrying are general foodstuffs and other miscellanous treasure totalling about four hundred gold in value (much of it their own possessions and goods taken by the bandits).
Weapons and armour (all human sized) which can be recovered include 4 suits of leather armour, 7 shields, 4 short swords, 4 light crossbows, 4 bolt cases with a total of 25 bolts, 2 sets of chain mail, 2 spears, 2 long swords, 1 suit of plate mail, 1 bastard sword, 1 short bow and a quiver with 12 arrows.
Ronalt de Gault
player, 838 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Tue 23 Jun 2015
at 10:11
  • msg #196

Re: Level three, magic lab, storerooms, shadows, & zombies

With his pursuit blocked, Ronalt cleans his blade before putting it away.
"We are happy to gift you with your freedom. Best you pick up your loads as we are in the process of leaving this place of great despair."
Ronalt aids in removing gear from the dead and adding it to the groups laden packs.
When all is done he encourages them all, "Time to leave good folk. Our welcome is over."
NPC, 34 posts
Tue 23 Jun 2015
at 10:37
  • msg #197

Re: Level three, magic lab, storerooms, shadows, & zombies

"Here, you can have your sword back now," Wonnilon handed Sven back his short sword.
"I'll grab a few items for myself."
He salvaged a long and short sword, the bow, quiver and arrows as well as one of the shields.
Brother Yew
player, 688 posts
Half-elf monk
Tue 23 Jun 2015
at 13:40
  • msg #198

Re: Level three, magic lab, storerooms, shadows, & zombies

Brother Yew joins Ronalt in swiftly stripping the dead and salvaging whatever is useful or valuable enough to carry away.

"Arm yourselves with whatever you feel best suits you and help us carry the rest," he instructs the former prisoners.
GM the Third
GM, 1069 posts
Tue 23 Jun 2015
at 14:18
  • msg #199

Re: Level three, magic lab, storerooms, shadows, & zombies

"Somebody help me with that plate mail please," said the carpenter.
The merchant and hawker both went for the chainmail, while the labourer equipped himself with leather. All but the labourer picked up shields and the three longer swords, leaving the labourer with a short sword.
"I'll carry things," he said, wisely admitting his lack of combat skills and light protection suited him more to that role.
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 182 posts
Tue 23 Jun 2015
at 18:43
  • msg #200

Re: Level three, magic lab, storerooms, shadows, & zombies

Amathaon put his falchion in its sheath and relaxed a bit. Hopefully he could get healed soon.
Arek Blackiron
player, 845 posts
Seriously grumpy old
Dwaven Cleric
Tue 23 Jun 2015
at 18:53
  • msg #201

Re: Level three, magic lab, storerooms, shadows, & zombies

"Kee' ou' o' trouble lad, ah kin't do an'thing fer yer wounds fer at leas' ano'er 'alf a day."
At least...
Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 183 posts
Tue 23 Jun 2015
at 19:55
  • msg #202

Re: Level three, magic lab, storerooms, shadows, & zombies

Amathaon nodded and replied, "Thanks Arek. I understand."
GM the Third
GM, 1071 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2015
at 07:47
  • msg #203

Daylight again

It takes almost half an hour to armour and equip the rescued prisoners (mainly the carpenter who appears to have no experience with heavy armour) and make ready. Brother Yew leads off up the stairs and south through the 1st level of the complex.
Although sounds of movement are heard all around making for a very nervous transit, the ground level is reached without problem.

Where to now?
Brother Yew
player, 690 posts
Half-elf monk
Wed 24 Jun 2015
at 14:31
  • msg #204

Re: Daylight again

Exit the temple via the same door as previously. Yew will lead the way and scout ahead with his crossbow ready for trouble. He is half expecting there might be an ambush by those last four crossbowmen or something else outside so he will be reasonably cautious and look out for any sign of trouble ahead.
GM the Third
GM, 1072 posts
Wed 24 Jun 2015
at 15:05
  • msg #205

Re: Daylight again

Destination and intended route?
Ronalt de Gault
player, 839 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Thu 25 Jun 2015
at 03:58
  • msg #206

Re: Daylight again

Follow the path out we entered. Hopefully all intact.
GM the Third
GM, 1073 posts
Thu 25 Jun 2015
at 05:24
  • msg #207

Re: Daylight again

Already on the surface. Do you go to the cave, to Hommlet, Nulb, or somewhere else. What route do you intend to take to get there?
The other group may, or may not have changed their destination/route (by choice or circumstance), or simply misunderstood where to meet up.
Ronalt de Gault
player, 840 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Thu 25 Jun 2015
at 07:35
  • msg #208

Re: Daylight again

We planned to head for the cave. Following the road initially so to have easier terrain to move upon.
Ronalt will keep a watch on the trail sign as the other group only has a hour or few head start on us.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:36, Thu 25 June 2015.
GM the Third
GM, 1074 posts
Thu 25 Jun 2015
at 09:25
  • msg #209

Re: Daylight again

The road leads directly to, and through, Nulb. That's a place you probably don't want to go back too any time soon....
link to a message in this game
Brother Yew
player, 691 posts
Half-elf monk
Thu 25 Jun 2015
at 16:11
  • msg #210

Re: Daylight again

OK, follow the trail back through the forest to the cave (Ryker's Bowl).

link to a message in this game

We will cross the road to Hommlet about 3/4 of the way to the cave. Ronalt can search for tracks there to see if there is any clue whether the other group went on toward the cave or turned off toward Hommlet or Nulb.
GM the Third
GM, 1075 posts
Fri 26 Jun 2015
at 14:05
  • msg #211

Re: Daylight again

OOC: that particular map doesn't show the river unlike -
The river looks a bit like this, just a bit wider.

The bridge is a somewhat more temporary wooden structure sufficient to cope with a horse or two, but far to narrow and weak for a wagon or cart.

There are only two other crossing points according to the merchant - at Nulb, or a good six leagues upstream. Neither of these is likely to be relevant to you of course.
Brother Yew
player, 692 posts
Half-elf monk
Sat 27 Jun 2015
at 15:14
  • msg #212

Re: Daylight again

I'm confused. As I remember it, after leaving Nulb (back in 2010) we went to the cave (Ryker's Bowl) then followed the trail marked on Otis's map through the forest to the Temple of Elemental Evil. No problems. I don't remember any mention of crossing a river. We just plan to go back to Ryker's Bowl the same way.
GM the Third
GM, 1076 posts
Sat 27 Jun 2015
at 16:38
  • msg #213

Re: Daylight again

Yes, that was a serious oversight on behalf of the last GM.
The existence of the river is actually essential to making a number of other things work, otherwise I'd have already hand-waved it.
Ronalt de Gault
player, 841 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Sun 28 Jun 2015
at 08:04
  • msg #214

Re: Daylight again

I suppose the big question is do we catch up with the others before the bridge?
GM the Third
GM, 1077 posts
Sun 28 Jun 2015
at 09:19
  • msg #215

Re: Daylight again

Correct. You're only about 2 hours behind them, so it's possible...
Having so few crossing points actually makes it a bit easier for you to link up - fewer ways they could have gone.

Just waiting to see what they're doing before I update here.
Ronalt de Gault
player, 842 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Fri 3 Jul 2015
at 00:23
  • msg #216

Re: Daylight again

any update?
GM the Third
GM, 1087 posts
Fri 17 Jul 2015
at 14:03
  • msg #217

Re: Daylight again

The "treasure recovery" group tramps through the forest for about an hour and reaches the location the path used to cross over the Imeryds Run.
Camped on the eastern bank is the majority of those in the other group - there is no sign of the Prince or Haldan and what appears to be Celonor lays motionless on the ground covered by a cloak.

Continue in "A walk in the park".
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