Re: Level three, magic lab, storerooms, shadows, & zombies
The prisoners, dropping their loads and overjoyed at their apparent rescue flock around their saviours and impede the pursuit. Brother Yew is still quick enough however to send a bolt shooting at the heels of the last of the crossbowmen as they flew in panic up the spiral stairs.
The four prisoners introduce themselves as a merchant, and carpenter, a hawker and labourer, all taken on the road between Verbobonc and Hommlet. The loads they were carrying are general foodstuffs and other miscellanous treasure totalling about four hundred gold in value (much of it their own possessions and goods taken by the bandits).
Weapons and armour (all human sized) which can be recovered include 4 suits of leather armour, 7 shields, 4 short swords, 4 light crossbows, 4 bolt cases with a total of 25 bolts, 2 sets of chain mail, 2 spears, 2 long swords, 1 suit of plate mail, 1 bastard sword, 1 short bow and a quiver with 12 arrows.