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17:42, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

A walk in the park.

Posted by GM the ThirdFor group 0
Rolf the Strong
NPC, 33 posts
Me smart!
Me Wise!
Wed 22 Jul 2015
at 13:57
  • msg #131

Re: A walk in the park

Rolf sighed in exasperation.
"I just said only moments ago that Tindoome has two twelve foot long rowing boats!"
Brother Yew
player, 706 posts
Half-elf monk
Wed 22 Jul 2015
at 16:10
  • msg #132

Re: A walk in the park

"Yes, I understand, Rolf. I meant I have lived a cloistered life and have no experience of rivers or boats. Those who do understand such things are far better suited than I am to advise exactly how and where to cross the river. I only advise that we should go there and cross as soon as possible," Yew replied calmly.
NPC, 35 posts
Wed 22 Jul 2015
at 16:20
  • msg #133

Re: A walk in the park

"Ok, shall I lead off then? Scout ahead a few hundred yards?"
"Anyone on the flank or rear, or just stick together?"

Sir Juffer
NPC, 10 posts
Knight of the Gryphon
Thu 23 Jul 2015
at 08:28
  • msg #134

Re: A walk in the park

In reply to Brother Yew (msg # 127):

"I don't know how well we'll be able to cover the tracks of such a large group but it's worth a try I suppose."
He was quite dubious about the chances of success, and even more dubious about their ability to lay a convincing false trail.
Player, 822 posts
Thu 23 Jul 2015
at 08:35
  • msg #135

Re: A walk in the park

Given the Bugbears appear to be extraordinarily capable at scouting, witness the death of one of us, then I suggest if we are going to move an army of wounded through their territory we have a person on point, and two people on each flank if possible. I'm happy to take point. I'll only go perhaps 100 feet in front." Iviana offered
Ronalt de Gault
player, 849 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Fri 24 Jul 2015
at 02:50
  • msg #136

Re: A walk in the park

Ronalt returned from looking over the trail sign, diplomacy not his strongest skill, spoke to his companions.
"I will go point. Bugbears are something I am familiar with. Iviana you should keep with the wounded for now with Arek."
"Rolf can join me, as he knows of this crossing point."
"Wonnilon take the left flank, Yew the right. Use a dragged branch to make the tracking harder. It will leave a trail but not reveal our numbers so easily."

Ronalt looked to see if anyone wished to add anything further.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:51, Fri 24 July 2015.
Rolf the Strong
NPC, 34 posts
Me smart!
Me Wise!
Fri 24 Jul 2015
at 03:20
  • msg #137

Re: A walk in the park

"Hey, I'm just guessing the river will be calmer upstream. Never seen it myself."
"Could go downstream to Nulb, but I get the feeling some people don't like a few of you there?"

NPC, 36 posts
Fri 24 Jul 2015
at 03:22
  • msg #138

Re: A walk in the park

"Hope you can swim Yew," Wonnilon chortled.
"Looks like Ronalt wants you in the river."
Ronalt de Gault
player, 850 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Fri 24 Jul 2015
at 04:05
  • msg #139

Re: A walk in the park

"Upstream Rolf and we need someone watching the river side, Wonnilon. This land is not peaceful. A threat could come from there as much as the side you will be upon." Ronalt replied to the pair.
NPC, 37 posts
Fri 24 Jul 2015
at 04:50
  • msg #140

Re: A walk in the park

"Stick close to the bank and everyone can watch that flank freeing Yew for other areas."
GM the Third
GM, 1094 posts
Fri 24 Jul 2015
at 05:03
  • msg #141

Re: A walk in the park

A short while later and everyone was back on their feet (those not in stretchers anyway). Arek put the two zombies to work, one carrying Celonors body, and the other an end of a prisoners stretcher. The treasure retrieved from the temple was redistributed to allow a little more freedom of movement for those scouting or expected to fight, and the group set off upstream in search of a suitable crossing point.

Several miles later a suitable location is found with just enough daylight remaining to ferry everyone across in the two boats which suddenly appear out of thin air (Tindoome is still invisible - she plucked them from her robe of useful items). The river here is a good 70 or 80 yards across and would normally be fairly shallow (maybe 8-10 feet deep when not swollen by rain) - more than sufficient distance to prohibit any thrown weapons by bugbears and deep enough to deter any attempts at unassisted crossing.

OOC: Camp or travel into the night? With the delay at the washed out bridge and the detour, the cave is still about 3 hours away.
I'm guessing the boats will be hidden in the bushes for possible later use?
Ronalt de Gault
player, 852 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Fri 24 Jul 2015
at 22:17
  • msg #142

Re: A walk in the park

Ronalt asks Arek and Iviana, "Can we continue for another few hours or do you need to rest now?"
"Can the wounded make the walk?"

This message was last edited by the player at 22:18, Fri 24 July 2015.
Arek Blackiron
player, 848 posts
Seriously grumpy old
Dwaven Cleric
Sat 25 Jul 2015
at 06:54
  • msg #143

Re: A walk in the park

"Yeah, bu' we're all tir'd already. 'nother few 'ours an'..."
Reaching the cave was possible, although fatigue would be a major factor when it came to setting watches and all the other tasks that needed doing.
"Cave's no' real big either."
It had been the shelter of one solitary Druid, squeezing in just the seven who'd rested there before had been a bit of a feat. Thirty five would be impossible, forcing the majority to camp outside.
"But, there's supplies an' a b' of treasure ta pick up. Ri' now we' got 'nough food 'mongst us ta feed e'ery one ta'nigh', an' me'be breakfast. That's it."
Otis had promised to leave supplies at the cave, but he was expecting half a dozen or so mouths, not a small army. What would be found there might be enough for a few days, or barely a snack. There was also Iviana's old scale armour which would fit one of the elves.
"Cave's three 'ours tha' way." He pointed to the north west before indicating the south west.
"Hommlet's 'bou' six 'ours tha' way pas' tha' moa' 'ouse."
"Wha' yer wanna do?"

player, 257 posts
Level 0 Horseman
Chosen One
Sat 25 Jul 2015
at 07:13
  • msg #144

Re: A walk in the park

Luthien considered...

"I think we ask those in the worst shape if they'd like to keep going or stay here. The rest of us can go or stay as they need us to."
This message was last edited by the player at 07:13, Sat 25 July 2015.
Ronalt de Gault
player, 854 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Sat 25 Jul 2015
at 09:22
  • msg #145

Re: A walk in the park

"I believe heading for Hommlet come dawn. We set a camp here or the first defensible spot on the way to Hommlet." Ronalt added his thoughts on the matter.
"Arek is right, the cave would not hold us all and it is out of our path to salvation of our poor wounded charges."
NPC, 38 posts
Sun 26 Jul 2015
at 04:42
  • msg #146

Re: A walk in the park

"Amathaon? Gwythe?"
"Your thoughts?"

Amathaon Chalkbreaker
player, 188 posts
Sun 26 Jul 2015
at 19:24
  • msg #147

Re: A walk in the park

Amathaon replied, "I agree with Ronalt's plan. I need a place to rest and heal."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:00, Sun 26 July 2015.
player, 619 posts
Sun 26 Jul 2015
at 20:22
  • msg #148

Re: A walk in the park

Gwythe nods his assent to the plan.
Brother Yew
player, 707 posts
Half-elf monk
Mon 27 Jul 2015
at 15:46
  • msg #149

Re: A walk in the park

Brother Yew is pleased to have successfully crossed the river and now quite happy to make camp for the night.

"I agree it is time to let these people rest, Master Ronalt. Too many of them are unable to see at night, so travelling in the dark would be unwise. Besides, they are all tired and many are injured. We should set guards to keep watch in case anything attacks during the night but the river should dissuade the bugbears from following us."

Arek Blackiron
player, 849 posts
Seriously grumpy old
Dwaven Cleric
Tue 28 Jul 2015
at 10:32
  • msg #150

Re: A walk in the park

"If someone sho' the best place, I kin ward it wi' a blessin' from The Father Of Battl'. Mos' likely approach i' bes', i' be a one shot t'ing too."
"Mos' o' what Tindoome an' Iviana 'ave go' a' tha momen' are all shor' term spells."

GM the Third
GM, 1100 posts
Tue 28 Jul 2015
at 10:53
  • msg #151

Re: A walk in the park

Those with outdoor skills supervised the setting up of camp and although the sky was clear construction of temporary shelters for the night. Wood is gathered, fires lit and food distributed - it would be a very lean breakfast.

The night passes uneventfully and casters are able to recover spells without problem. Both Arek and Iviana share out the available healing prayers, and administer to the wounds of those not as desperately in need. Both stretcher cases are back on their feet and able to walk without assistance - a good thing in the minds of those who'd had to carry them the day before.

A quick sweep of the immediate area at first light by Ronalt and Sir Juffer results in a surprising find. A large boar, recently killed has been left by somebody unknown during the night. It would seem pork is on the breakfast menu!
Who left it and why is a mystery, but Iviana's encounter with Yesil the previous day might have something to do with it...

Once all are fed and the camp packed up, the large group sets off for Hommlet, arriving just before dusk, hungry, foot sore and tired, but looking forward to hot food, baths and a real bed. First of course the prisoners need to be dealt with, and rescuees reunited with friends and family.
Brother Yew
player, 708 posts
Half-elf monk
Tue 28 Jul 2015
at 13:13
  • msg #152

Re: A walk in the park

Brother Yew would immediately head off to find someone from the council in Hommlet but no doubt the arrival of such a large group would draw instant attention and a welcoming committee in a village like Hommlet.
Ronalt de Gault
player, 856 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Wed 29 Jul 2015
at 05:00
  • msg #153

Re: A walk in the park

As they approach the outskirts of Hommlet, "Brother Yew, pass over your heavy items and go ahead. Summon the local council and organise a place to put the prisoners."
Ronalt takes on Yew's burden.
Brother Yew
player, 710 posts
Half-elf monk
Wed 29 Jul 2015
at 12:13
  • msg #154

Re: A walk in the park

Wow, look at that lightly-laden monk go! Who would have guessed the half-elf could move so quickly?

Knock, knock - Greetings councillors, we're back!
Brother Yew
player, 713 posts
Half-elf monk
Sat 1 Aug 2015
at 13:25
  • msg #155

Re: A walk in the park

"Ronalt's band is returning," Brother Yew explained briefly to whichever Council member/s he had managed to locate. "They will be here very soon with about two dozen people we have rescued from the old evil temple south of Nulb and a handful of prisoners who were guards there. We will need to lock those prisoners up somewhere until their punishment is decided and the rescued people are all tired and need somewhere to rest. Then the rest of us should meet with the Council to report what we have discovered."
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