Re: A walk in the park

Those with outdoor skills supervised the setting up of camp and although the sky was clear construction of temporary shelters for the night. Wood is gathered, fires lit and food distributed - it would be a very lean breakfast.
The night passes uneventfully and casters are able to recover spells without problem. Both Arek and Iviana share out the available healing prayers, and administer to the wounds of those not as desperately in need. Both stretcher cases are back on their feet and able to walk without assistance - a good thing in the minds of those who'd had to carry them the day before.
A quick sweep of the immediate area at first light by Ronalt and Sir Juffer results in a surprising find. A large boar, recently killed has been left by somebody unknown during the night. It would seem pork is on the breakfast menu!
Who left it and why is a mystery, but Iviana's encounter with Yesil the previous day might have something to do with it...
Once all are fed and the camp packed up, the large group sets off for Hommlet, arriving just before dusk, hungry, foot sore and tired, but looking forward to hot food, baths and a real bed. First of course the prisoners need to be dealt with, and rescuees reunited with friends and family.