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19:02, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)

A walk in the park.

Posted by GM the ThirdFor group 0
GM the Third
GM, 959 posts
Sat 25 Apr 2015
at 04:41
  • msg #1

A walk in the park

Arrangements were made to meet back up at Rikers Cave, and all non-essential equipment was handed over by those going back in to enable them to carry more back out again.
Those heading off consisted of Bill and Bob the merchants, Caelebon, Celonor, the Countess, Gwythe, Haldan, Iviana, the Prince, Rolf, Sir Juffer and Tindoome, along with Ben the torturers victim, Elda and Essa (the two women released from the torture chamber cell). Also along were three mobile prisoners (a crossbowman and two swordsmen) carrying two more of their number on stretchers (with help obviously from the rest of the group).

OOC: Marching order please, and any special arrangements for the approximately 6 hour walk to the cave.
Note the elves have no armour or spells, but are light armed. Ben probably should be in a stretcher too, but can walk at a moderate pace. Elda & Essa are your typical village girls - used to a bit of hard work, but don't know one end of a spear from the other. Bill & Ben now know how to use the crossbows they're carrying, but as seen earlier, can't be relied upon to stand their ground.
Player, 743 posts
Sat 25 Apr 2015
at 09:46
  • msg #2

Re: A walk in the park

Iviana felt it would be inappropriate to tell the Prince, who was a member of the Royal classes 'those who rule' and probably far better trained in strategy and tactics than she was what to do. She did however make suggestions.

"It seems to me that we have two main threats. A pursuit party from the Temple, and bandits that have been attracted to the area by the Temple. I am not worried about wild animals as there are too many of us. We should try and make as little noise moving as possible, and perhaps have yourselves" she gestured to  Gwythe and Haldan "scouting ahead to spot Bandit trails and those potential ambushes.

"I don't feel scouts behind us can contribute much. A pursuit party would be fast moving by it's nature, so it is likely to get to us before our scouts could deliver news to us"

"To deal with any pursuit party... I have armour and spells so should perhaps be at the back, as ranged combat is likely against such a party. Bill and Ben can be there as well to help deal with fast moving raiders. Sir Juffer if you perhaps lead the way, then we have armour at the front and the back"
such as it is, she added quietly to herself. This group was wide open "I think more of a marching order than that would be hard, as people move around while walking. If we define the front and the back, and have scouts, that would help us a lot"

Just checking: who are the PCs here?
GM the Third
GM, 961 posts
Sat 25 Apr 2015
at 10:54
  • msg #3

Re: A walk in the park

OOC: I'm assuming you meant Bill and Bob rather than the injured (and unarmed) Ben?
Sir Juffer is unarmoured. Only Gwythe (leather), Iviana (plate & shield), the Prince (chain & shield), and Rolf (chain & shield) are armoured.
Haldan has a short bow in addition to short sword and daggers.
Rolf, short sword, 8' spear, daggers.
Gwythe, club, dagger, short sword.
Iviana is pure melee with short & long swords, and flail.
The Prince, swords (broad & short), flail, 9' spear
The rest have either a sword, spear, or dagger and there's a couple of shields amongst the lot of them.

Only active PCs with this group are Iviana and Gwythe.
Player, 744 posts
Sat 25 Apr 2015
at 11:02
  • msg #4

Re: A walk in the park

OOC Thanks for the extra information. Helps.

@Bill and Ben
I'm responding to "Bill & Ben now know how to use the crossbows". If it's actually Bill and Bob, go with Bill and Bob.  I get they are likely to run, but as long they shoot once, we are better off. I suspect as well 'Bill and Ben the flowerpot men' had something to do with the juxtaposition of the two names.

@Marching order (more details)
I don't honestly think any marching order can hold up other than 'front and back'. I've tried coordinating people on walks and never managed it. Not over hours. It might work in the military, but we haven't trained together. If the Prince or Gwythe want to define it more.. go do!

I have a sling as well by the way. But if I get down to needing that, we're pretty messed up :)

GM the Third
GM, 962 posts
Sat 25 Apr 2015
at 11:09
  • msg #5

Re: A walk in the park

@Bill and Ben
I'm responding to "Bill & Ben now know how to use the crossbows". If it's actually Bill and Bob, go with Bill and Bob.  I get they are likely to run, but as long they shoot once, we are better off. I suspect as well 'Bill and Ben the flowerpot men' had something to do with the juxtaposition of the two names.

Yep, that's right, flowerpot men. :p
Looks like I screwed up at some point then - its definitely the two merchants with the crossbows although Ben (victim) is a man-at-arms....
I don't honestly think any marching order can hold up other than 'front and back'.

Yes, front and back is about all I really need, plus who might be helping with the stretchers and assigned to watching the prisoners (not that they're likely to run off or cause any trouble after the PCs so resoundingly thumped them earlier in battle). A vague "people not at the front or back take turns" is good enough.
I have a sling as well by the way.

Only a proficiency it would seem - not listed in your equipment.
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