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17:11, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Back in Hommlet.

Posted by GM the ThirdFor group archive 2
GM the Third
GM, 1110 posts
Sat 1 Aug 2015
at 06:10
  • msg #1

Back in Hommlet

The day after returning from the temple everyone is kept quite busy - repairing equipment, restocking basic supplies, debriefing with the council (Jaroo the druid of the Grove, Terjon chief cleric of the church of St Cuthbert, Elmo's father & Captain of the militia, Ostler the Innkeeper, Mytch the Miller, Burne the magic-user, and Rufus, Burne's associate) both as a group and then later individuals.

Towards the end of the day Iviana surprises everyone with her announcement that she will be accompanying the Countess, Sir Juffer, Caelebon, and Tindoome back to Celene with Celonor's remains. She explains that she feels somewhat guilty for the girls death and honour dictates she must face the family.

It is also decided by the council that the six prisoners will be sent to Verbobonc for further interrogation and probably an extended stay in the dungeons. With the ongoing construction of the castle, as well as continuing local banditry (which has reduced but not eliminated since the moat house was investigated and cleared) none of the village militia or Burne's Badgers (ex-bandits who've sworn to follow Burne) are available, so the party is requested by the council to escort them. Brother Smyth (the smith) will install chains and shackles in a wagon, and several horses made available to pull it.

The following day, most of the party heads over the bridge to visit Nira Melubb, jeweller and money changer, to begin the process of converting goods into cash prior to the elves leaving later in the day. A guard in chain mail stands by the door, wearing a sword and cradling a light crossbow in his arms, with a quarrel ready. Two large dogs sniff in your direction as you enter. An hour later and some of the bulkier valuables have been traded for a collection of coins, gems, jewellery and gold ingots.

The party then proceeds to the trading post run by Gremag and Rannos Davl, but on arrival are surprised to see both men being escorted under guard to the tower by eight of Burne's Badgers!
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:05, Sun 09 Aug 2015.
NPC, 16 posts
Sun 9 Aug 2015
at 10:55
  • msg #2

Re: Back in Hommlet

"This is all a misunderstanding!" Gremag protests, ineffectually trying to tug his arm free from his escort.
"Whoever it was, they're lying!"
Rannos Davl
NPC, 13 posts
Gremag's side kick
Sun 9 Aug 2015
at 10:57
  • msg #3

Re: Back in Hommlet

"We've been set up!"
Sun 9 Aug 2015
at 11:00
  • msg #4

Re: Back in Hommlet

"So, ah, I'll just keep watch on the shop while you're gone then?" called a leather clad man from the doorway of the trading post, a longsword hanging by his side.
Ronalt de Gault
player, 860 posts
Human Ranger
Silent forest stalker
Sun 9 Aug 2015
at 12:24
  • msg #5

Re: Back in Hommlet

"Well that stops us from any purchases." Ronalt muttered. "We will have to seek supplies elsewhere."

[Private to GM: OOC: Ronalt would like to consult Burne the magic-user about his sword and its abilities. Ronalt explains his concerns about how it has some desire to be in his hand around creatures whom regenerate. How it managed to switch places with another enchanted sword at least twice before he lost the second blade.]
Sun 9 Aug 2015
at 12:51
  • msg #6

Re: Back in Hommlet

"Oh no, I can help you!" said the man, apparently fearful of what would happen if he lost a sale while his boss was gone.
"I hope they left the key to the cash box..."
GM the Third
GM, 1138 posts
Mon 10 Aug 2015
at 10:56
  • msg #7

Re: Back in Hommlet

A travel worn man with bulging pack accosts the Badgers briefly on the far side of the bridge before being sent on his way by the lieutenant.
With what could be described as a hungry look in his eye, his attention now seems to sit upon the party....
[Private to Maximilian Berbatov: You can post here if you wish to make contact, or they take the bait and approach you.]
Brother Yew
player, 720 posts
Half-elf monk
Mon 10 Aug 2015
at 15:29
  • msg #8

Re: Back in Hommlet

"I will go and ask what has lead to their arrests," Yew volunteers.

He heads off to ask the local authorities about the charges. He does not assume the two are innocent but just wants to find out what has happened and any implications for the party.
Maximilian Berbatov
Player, 5 posts
Reformed MU
Care to place a wager?
Mon 10 Aug 2015
at 17:52
  • msg #9

Re: Back in Hommlet

After being brushed off by the guards, Max meanders over the trading post and the group gathered there.

He is slight of build, with a wispy mustache and a crooked smile. His clothes are a bit dusty, but the longsword and dagger on his belt seem well cared for. A backpack that seems to be about to burst at its seams completes the ensemble.

 "Any of you know what that was about? Guards didn't seem to be too keen on sharing any information, threatened to add me to the roll of prisoners just for asking a simple question. Hope not everyone in this town is so damn surly."
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