
Verbobonc is a city of just under 15,000 people and the capital of the Viscounty of the the same name. While its inhabitants are predominantly human, numerous gnomes reside within its walls as well as an increasing number of elves. Some few dwarves live in Verbobonc, while halflings are somewhat rare. The folk of Verbobonc are a hard-working group of gods-fearing souls.
Verbobonc is also one of the more powerful and influential cities in the Central Flanaess, due to the immense commercial wealth flowing through its gates. Not only does the bulk of the Flanaess' East-West trade pass through via the Velverdyva River, but Verbobonc is also the primary market for precious metals from the Kron Hills as well as rare goods from the isolated elven realm of Celene. Most of its citizens lead healthy, prosperous lives, and their standard of living is remarkably high, surpassed only by Verbobonc's mercantile competitors, Dyvers and Greyhawk City.
While competition between the three city-states is fierce, they often work together in order to ensure the stability and safety of the trade routes upon which all three depend. Some of the more ambitious merchant houses have actually proposed linking the three states in a more close union or partnership, however, most people in all three cities scoff at the idea. Although tied financially and culturally to Furyondy and Veluna, the people of Verbobonc are quite proud of their independence and freedom. Further, they are generally isolated from the greater threats imperilling other states in the Flanaess and prefer to remain neutral.
Verbobonc rests on a plain overlooking the Velverdyva River to the north. This waterway is heavily traveled by traders plying the trade route between the far-off Baklunish lands and Dyvers and the other merchant capitals of the Nyr Dyv. Within theViscounty, watchtowers have been established along the riverbanks to discourage piracy.
The grasslands and meadows adjacent to the Velverdyva are fed by clear river water and seasonal rains. They are rich and fruitful, supporting many farms which enjoy the protection of Verbobonc. The foothills to the south are well suited to grazing, and many locals raise sheep and some cattle. The lands to the west are lightly wooded, growing dense in the small Iron Wood, which lies on the border of Veluna and Verbobonc.
In the southern region of the Viscounty are the Kron Hills, which form a natural border between Verbobonc and the lands of Queen Yolande, Fey Majesty of Celene. The hills are rich in copper ore and mineral wealth, and the wealthiest of Verbobonc's aristocracy sponsor mines in these highlands.
Humanoid activity is very light, although some small bands of verbeeg and hill giants dwell here. The gnomes manage to keep the small groups of goblins in check. In addition, the Kron Hills, and more specifically the lightly wooded Greenway Valley, are home to the majority of the region's gnomish population.
A small portion of the Gnarley Forest is also claimed by the Viscounty. The northern fringe of the forest, where it reaches the banks of the Velverdyva River, is well travelled and patrolled. The druids and rangers of the Gnarley maintain contact with Viscount Langard, and his Lordship also maintains a troop of foresters who monitor the woodlands.
There is some banditry and humanoid activity in the denser, southern fringe, but this is mostly beyond the borders of the Viscounty. Still, incidents are not unknown on the highways that follow the Velverdyva. Many caravans follow these roads en route to Dyvers and Greyhawk City, and the value of such cargo is always an interest.
There are two primary roads which pass through Verbobonc. The most important, the Low Road, runs from Dyvers in the east to Veluna City in the west. It generally follows the southern bank of the Velverdyva, and is heavily patrolled to discourage banditry and humanoid activity. The Viscount charges a toll for travel on this highway to pay for its maintenance and safety. The second highway is the High Road. The High Road runs south from Verbobonc, roughly bisecting the Viscounty.
At the small village of Hommlett, the High Road branches in three directions. The southern branch continues through the Kron Hills until it eventually reaches the elven kingdom of Celene. The western branch leads to the heartlands of the Kron Hills and the gnomish settlements in the Greenway Valley. Finally, the eastern route winds through the hills, where it too eventually reaches Dyvers and the lands of the Wild Coast. Due to banditry, however, it has fallen into disuse, and only the most well-protected caravans and travellers use this route.
Over the years, Verbobonc has come to display the best efforts of man, elf, and gnome. The architecture of the town has distinct gnomish origins, based on the designs of master architect Snirthiglin. Most of the gnomes live in Gnomeburg, a small section of the city built in the fashion of the gnome warrens found in the Kron Hills. The gnomes left most of the original trees, building their warrens under the shelter of their canopies. The entire district looks like a large park. Other areas abound in plant life as well, notably the elven blocks where their marvellous ipt-houses, unique to the city's declining sylvan population, can yet be found. While most of these dwellings are modular, so as to be easily built or taken down, some are incredible, actually simulating real trees.
These homes had gradually been disappearing within the city, but with the recent growth in Verbobonc's elven population, they have experienced a marked revival. The language of the town also borrows many words from regional gnome dialects.
As previously mentioned, the name of the city derives from the gnome language. The local coinage is another example: Zeeti and Tapi are gnomish words. The humans of the Viscounty are quick to assimilate the local trends and ways. At the same time, the majority of gnomes seem distrusting of the human rulers, and many have established new settlements in the Kron Hills. There are those, however, that choose to stay in Verbobonc. The townsfolk are kindly in their manners.
Unlike many of the mercantile cities of the central Flanaess, the citizens of Verbobonc look out for one another. This is not to say Verbobonc society is classless; in fact, the citizens are very aware of class distinctions. From the highest nobles to the lowly Rhennee, rank is all-important. Although this arrogance of class is greatest within the ranks of the nobility, commoners are not exempt. The various classes all vie with one another for station, and improper salutations are considered a grave insult.
As the climate is fair in both summer and winter, the common folk here dress in wool and leathers. The aristocracy enjoy flouting the latest styles from the City of Greyhawk, Celene, and Veluna. The gnomes of the town tend to follow more common trends,though they enjoy decorating their clothing with jewellery. The sylvan elves, whose appearance stands out among the rest of the population, follow the trends of Celene.
There is a dark shadow that looms over the Viscounty. Over the years, the people of Verbobonc have been on the forefront of a perpetual war against evil. The remains of the Temple of Elemental Evil, now believed abandoned after the Viscount's forces and other strong and good hearted people rallied to destroy that fane place at the Battle of Emridy Meadows, is a constant reminder to the folk hereabouts that they must continually be on guard. It is not that they are paranoid, but they are cautious, a trait inherent in most of their leaders. Although given over to industry and true social and economical advancement, they still remain a fearful lot.
Because of the large gnomish and elven populations, the people of Verbobonc have always enjoyed high standards of scholarship and the arts. While there is no university within the town walls, the Academy of Farsight is a public institution founded by gnome investors in 422 CY. As the city grew, the Academy branched out and now resembles a university in size. The Academy teaches business-related skills such as accounting, bookkeeping, reading, and writing. Because its curriculum is so limited, however, many of the Viscounty's aristocracy prefer to send their children to the academies and boarding schools in the larger cities, namely Dyvers and Devarnish. Many of the town's temples also offer training and education, and while they have a religious twist, the majority of the township enjoys education from these facilities.
The Silver Consortium is a major centre of magical study and the site of Verbobonc's extensive library of the occult and arcane.The city's mages guild takes its name from this place as well. Its members are apothecaries, alchemists, diviners, and other spellcasters. They play an active role in Verbobonc and have begun to build a name for themselves in the region. The Consortium is led by Juelihm, a conjurer of great skill. Under his leadership, the Consortium has maintained a high profile in the Nyr Dyv region. Rumour has it that Juelihm has been approached by members of the Circle of Eight. The Silver Consortium has significant ties to the Society of Enlightened Mages, based in Veluna City, and is considered by many to be a branch of that organization.
The fine arts are represented primarily by outdoor theatres, the Harvester's Theatre being the largest and best known. In the elven districts, temporary pavilions are often raised where poetry and music are performed day and night.
Many of Verbobonc's lesser nobility take part in this artistic enterprise, leading to the inevitable conflict between different factions.
The folk of Verbobonc are an independent lot, worshipping a variety of gods. Of the city's many churches, those of St.Cuthbert, Rao, and Trithereon are the most prominent, and religion is very much a part of life in the Viscounty. Festivals are common, and the priests are everywhere to been seen. Other faiths of the common Flanaess pantheons are evident within the town, and shrines have been dedicated to the elvish and gnomish faiths as well.
Many of the city's poorer population, and most of the farmers and the like living outside the city walls, follow the Old Faith (druidic).