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Mythras Combat Example No.1.

Posted by SimulationistFor group 0
GM, 3366 posts
Mon 26 Aug 2024
at 19:23
  • msg #1

Mythras.Combat Example Beginner

A combat example of five Adventurers at Beginner Level, i.e. straight from Character Generation versus Wolves.

Amaidan, a male ranger from Ywerddon
STR10, CON13, SIZ13, DEX13, INT14, POW9, CHA8
16-18Left Arm2/5
13-15Right Arm2/5
4-6Left Leg2/6
1-3Right Leg2/6
Athleticsǂ 48, Brawnǂ 33, Concealǂ 37, Customs (Erainn) 68, Deceit 27, Driveǂ 27, Endurance 51, Evadeǂ 36, First Aidǂ 32, Influence 21, Insight 28, Locale (Vesternesse) 58, Perception 48, Stealthǂ 47, Unarmedǂ 28, Willpower 38
Craftǂ (Animal Husbandry) 37, Craftǂ (Bowyer) 42, Lore (Animals) 53, Mechanismsǂ 42, Navigation 38, Survival 37, Track 42
Language (Erainn) 62, Language (Comentang) 42
Combat Styleǂ (Ranger - Broadsword, Shortspear, Longbow - Skirmisher) 53
Broadsword, Shortspear, Longbow

Cynryc, a male warrior from Clanngadarn
STR14, CON13, SIZ14, DEX14, INT11, POW6, CHA8
16-18Left Arm3/5
13-15Right Arm3/5
4-6Left Leg3/6
1-3Right Leg3/6
Athleticsǂ 63, Brawnǂ 63, Customs (Twynedd) 62,Endurance 61, Evadeǂ 53, First Aidǂ 45, Locale (Vesternesse) 32, Perception 42, Stealthǂ 30, Unarmedǂ 43, Willpower 27
Craftǂ (Blacksmith) 35, Craftǂ (Weaponsmith) 30, Lockpickingǂ 38, Lore (Strategy and Tactics) 32, Navigation 22, Survival 34, Track 29
Language (Twyneddin) 59, Language (Comentang) 39
Combat Styleǂ (Twyneddin - Battleaxe, Hatchet, Shortspear) 68
Combat Styleǂ (Warrior - Longsword, Greataxe, Viking - Batter Aside) 58
Longsword, Great Axe, Viking, Shortspear

Eona, a male warrior mage from Erainn
STR11, CON11, SIZ13, DEX11, INT15, POW15, CHA9
16-18Left Arm2/4
13-15Right Arm2/4
4-6Left Leg2/5
1-3Right Leg2/5
Athleticsǂ 47, Brawnǂ 34, Concealǂ 31, Customs (Erainn) 70, Deceit 39, Driveǂ 31, Endurance 52, Evadeǂ 52, Influence 33, Insight 45, Locale (Vesternesse) 45, Perception 30, Sing 34, Unarmedǂ 32, Willpower 45
Commerce 39, Literacy (Vesternesse) 35, Musicianshipǂ (Strummed Strings) 40, Streetwise 44
Invocation (Daoindana) 60, Shaping 60
Language (Erainn) 64, Language (Comentang) 44
Combat Styleǂ (Mercenary - Broadsword, Heater, Dagger, Light Crossbow) 52
Damage Resistance, Damage Enhancement, Enhance STR
Broadsword, Heater, Dagger, Light Crossbow

Myriel, a female healer from Erainn
STR7, CON11, SIZ12, DEX13, INT16, POW17, CHA9
16-18Left Arm2/4
13-15Right Arm2/4
4-6Left Leg2/5
1-3Right Leg2/5
Athleticsǂ 35, Brawnǂ 19, Concealǂ 35, Customs (Erainn) 72, Deceit 45, Driveǂ 35,
Endurance 37, Evadeǂ 41, First Aidǂ 59, Influence 43, Insight 68, Locale (Vesternesse) 47, Perception 43, Unarmedǂ 25, Willpower 59
Commerce 35, Craftǂ (Herbalist) 44, Healing 63, Lore (Herbs) 37, Streetwise 31
Invocation (Ingen Nathrach) 62, Shaping 53
Language (Erainn) 65, Language (Comentang) 45
Combat Styleǂ (Mercenary - Broadsword, Main Gauche, Dagger - Cautious Fighter) 35
Hinder, Perceive (Night Sight), Regenerate, Transfer Wound
Broadsword, Main Gauche, Dagger

Wulfryd, a male warrior priest from Alba
STR8, CON14, SIZ17, DEX13, INT12, POW13, CHA8
16-18Left Arm3/6
13-15Right Arm3/6
4-6Left Leg2/7
1-3Right Leg2/7
Athleticsǂ 41, Brawnǂ 55, Customs (Alba) 64, Endurance 63, Evadeǂ 36, First Aidǂ 35, Influence 31, Insight 40, Perception 25, Unarmedǂ 31, Willpower 41
Bureaucracy 34, Commerce 35, Courtesy 25, Literacy (Vesternesse) 34, Lore (Strategy and Tactics) 44
Devotion (Irindar) 51, Exhort (Irindar) 50
Language (Alba) 60, Language (Comentang) 40
Combat Styleǂ (Albai - Broadsword, Dagger, Shortspear) 61
Combat Styleǂ (Irindar Warpriest - Longspear, Shortspear, Heater - Cautious Fighter) 51
Aegis, Steadfast, True Spear
Longspear, Broadsword, Heater, Shortspear, Dagger

Dark Wolf
Characteristics Attributes
STR10 Action Points2
CON11 Damage Modifier+0
SIZ11 Exp Modifier0
DEX11 Healing Rate2
INT13 Initiative+12
POW7 Luck Points2
CHA7 Movement8m
Brawnǂ 41, Endurance 62, Evadeǂ 52, Willpower 44, Athleticsǂ 61, Perception 60, Track 64
14-16Left Front Leg1/5
11-13Right Front Leg1/5
8-10Front Quarters1/7
5-7Hind Quarters1/6
3-4Left Hind Leg1/5
1-2Right Hind Leg1/5
Combat Styles
Combat Styleǂ (Pack Savage) 61

This message was last edited by the GM at 08:22, Sat 12 Oct 2024.
GM, 3367 posts
Mon 26 Aug 2024
at 20:24
  • msg #2

Mythras.Combat Example Beginner

The companions find themselves in the Principality of Ywerddon, north of the Artross Mountains which form a natural barrier between Erainn to the south and the Principality. To the north is Clanngadarn, to the east is Alba.
Ywerddon, a former part of Erainn, has been occupied by Clanngadarn for more than a century and after years of resistance Ywerddon is no longer officially occupied. Nevertheless, the ruling class is composed of Twyneddin and Ywerddon has not returned to the rulership of Erainn.

The companions have left the snow and ice of the Artross Mountains behind them and a valley opens up with a small river to their left and a forest to their right.
Hoping for a good place to rest next to the river the companions have just settled down their backpacks when they hear the unnerving howls of wolves.
At the edge of the forest, about fifty metres away, the dark shapes of wolves are emerging from the shadowy forest. It is immediatedly clear that these are not normal wolves. For one they are larger than the typical wolves roaming the region. More unsettling though is the fact that they look as if they have fought humans before and thus show no fear.
  1. Any Fatigue rolls are one grade harder.
  2. Running requires Athletics (Easy) roll
    Sprinting is at one grade harder
    Critical: see Core
    Failure: reduce Movment to 75% (round up)
    Fumble: see Core
  3. Light Wind

This message was last edited by the GM at 09:47, Sat 05 Oct 2024.
GM, 3368 posts
Mon 26 Aug 2024
at 20:32
  • msg #3

Mythras.Combat Example Beginner

rolled 13 using 1d10+12.  Dark Wolf (one-eared) Initiative + 12.
rolled 22 using 1d10+12.  Dark Wolf (one-eyed) Initiative + 12
rolled 13 using 1d10+12.  Dark Wolf (scarred muzzle) Initiative + 12
rolled 22 using 1d10+12.  Dark Wolf (burned flank) Initiative + 12
rolled 20 using 1d10+12.  Dark Wolf (bloody muzzle) Initiative + 12.

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:52, Mon 26 Aug 2024.
Mon 26 Aug 2024
at 20:47
  • msg #4

Mythras.Combat Example Beginner

Wulfryd rolled 17 using 1d10+10.  Initiative + 10. –

Myriel rolled 15 using 1d10+13.  Initiative + 13. –

Eona rolled 14 using 1d10+10.  Initiative + 10. –

Cynryc rolled 14 using 1d10+9.  Initiative + 9. –

Amaidan rolled 16 using 1d10+12.  Initiative + 12

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:48, Mon 26 Aug 2024.
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