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The Netherworld Plane Campaign (Start Game Thread)

Posted by The ChroniclerFor group 0
Alton Chasmyr
player, 449 posts
Male Drow
Wed 22 Apr 2020
at 14:07
  • msg #534

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

Alton approaches the bar, he is happy to see the barkeep remains the same, though who can truly say it is only the one being and not an entire race of the nondescript sort.

The beer appears as he is already pulling a silver piece out of his purse
“Any sign of my compatriots?”
Balgus Brashhorn
player, 7 posts
Wed 22 Apr 2020
at 23:00
  • msg #535

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

The dwarf miner looks at the drow curiously,"Oi, anybody left this dark elf here. Dinna expect this place ta have one lying around." he says laughing to himself and clinks his beer with the drow's,"Ye an adventurer o' sorts lad, cause i'm gonna guess this inn be a base for adventurers." he says, dropping another silver piece for a refill.
Alton Chasmyr
player, 450 posts
Male Drow
Wed 22 Apr 2020
at 23:32
  • msg #536

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

“I have seen another dark elf here, last time I was staying...names Alton by the way.”
Alton notes the lack of the term drow and no overt hostility from a dwarf is unusual

“I do sometimes find myself adventuring but I am more a seeker of knowledge.”

Alton eyes the dwarf up and down
“What of yourself?”
Balgus Brashhorn
player, 8 posts
Wed 22 Apr 2020
at 23:50
  • msg #537

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

The dwarf rubs his beard in thought,"Hmm, I guess ye cou' say I'm tha taverns local patron. I have nae interest in adventuring, but if one o' ye lads need a good brawl, I'm up for it." he says taking another sip of his beer,"Names Balgus, an' dinna ye forget it."
The Chronicler
GM, 6950 posts
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Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 12:33
  • msg #538

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

In reply to Garret (msg # 533):

This message was lightly edited by the GM at 12:33, Thu 23 Apr 2020.
The Chronicler
GM, 6951 posts
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Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 12:41
  • msg #539

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

@Felmin, Garret, Arbella, Alton, and John


This message was last edited by the GM at 12:42, Thu 23 Apr 2020.
The Chronicler
GM, 6952 posts
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Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 12:46
  • msg #540

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

In reply to Garret (msg # 533):

You smirk as the girl skirts the perimeter of the square, eases out to the edge of the crowd, and slips into, none other than, Pickpockets General Goods.
The Chronicler
GM, 6953 posts
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Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 12:51
  • msg #541

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

In reply to Alton Chasmyr (msg # 534):

"Yep, they're out and about, though I believe Arbella may be in her room. She's in #4. She posted something on the bulletin board, and retired. Garret, john, and Felmin are out in the wings, though I won't say where. Privacy act and all that. Victor has returned to his mentor." the voice in your head replies."
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:54, Thu 23 Apr 2020.
The Chronicler
GM, 6954 posts
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Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 13:13
  • msg #542

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

In reply to Hammerforge Delverdeep (msg # 526):


You see a an exquisite piece of armor. This piece was crafted by a quality set of tools equivalent or better than your own. The metal links are mithral, and shimmer as if there was a magical aura on it.

A young man with a long nose is about to introduce himself, but doesn't when he sees your interested in watching the work. This is something that happens all the time, and after you climb atop your cart box to observe, you're surprised when he returns a few minutes later with a tankard of well crafted ale. You expect him to talk, but instead he just stands there watching the other man work. That man is a spitting image of the young man standing beside you.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:14, Thu 23 Apr 2020.
The Chronicler
GM, 6955 posts
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Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 13:14
  • msg #543

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

Apologies if I miss posting back to someone. I always tell everyone that if I don't answer by the next day and you see me answering other player's posts, but not yours, gently remind me in a PM that I missed you.
The Chronicler
GM, 6956 posts
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Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 13:19
  • msg #544

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

@John D'oh

I posted a reply, and didn't know if you saw it in MSG 528. If you end your conversation, and follow the dwarf, you'll get to Negroli's in the West Wing. The dwarf enters. The building is a non-descriptive two story brick affair. A simple sign outside says Armorsmiths.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:20, Thu 23 Apr 2020.
Alton Chasmyr
player, 451 posts
Male Drow
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 13:31
  • msg #545

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

In reply to Balgus Brashhorn (msg # 537):

“Sure thing Balgus, When you say brawl do you mean fisticuffs only or do you include dull practice weapons?”

Alton thanks the bartender
Via thinking it... he also wonders if the man is the same branch of humans that became the gith, githzerai, githayanki, and the mind flayers; all having extraordinary mental powers and travel to other planes which shaped their evolution
Balgus Brashhorn
player, 9 posts
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 13:38
  • msg #546

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

"By steel meeting steel, I'm pretty sure nae one can die in this place. Wouldn't hurt ta test it on anybody interested in a fight, gotta have a few more alcohol in me veins first." he says, grabbing his pickaxe and swinging it like a weapon, beer still in hand.
John D'oh
player, 260 posts
AC 22,F+7 R+5 W +0
HP 41/41
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 15:43
  • msg #547

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

John nods to Jelly and flows the dwarf to Negroli's. Once inside he tells the proprietor "I'm back. Hopefully the anvil I ordered arrived and is awaiting me. I have a project or two to begin."
Arbella Elann
player, 431 posts
AC 12
HP 18
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 22:29
  • msg #548

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

Arbella is, perhaps, treating those who come to her with medical issues.
Hammerforge Delverdeep
player, 17 posts
Dirty and hairy. short
many dwarven runes shown.
Thu 23 Apr 2020
at 23:23
  • msg #549

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

Ham grins broadly but sets the ale aside, within reach. I cannae afford that yet. It's very fine chain. Moradin's blood makes it all the finer indeed. Is the Mithral found around here? he asks and offers a dirty hand to the young man. He sees a familiar face and speaks to Jon D'oh; Well met forge brother. you have projects too? and offers the same dirty hand to Jon. It looks as if the dwarf has been digging with his bare hands. I've got no forge but I do have good tools and can bring the blessings of Moradin to any project.
player, 328 posts
Shhh...I'm hiding..
Hp:23/23AC:19 F:4 R:7 W:3
Fri 24 Apr 2020
at 00:47
  • msg #550

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

In reply to The Chronicler (msg # 540):

Garret moves directly into the shop after the girl. "That was a good steal sweetie"
he says to her -
Now hand over me tools an here's 20 silver for you an your mate- but be aware I almost knifed him when he lifted me - ya shouldn't be filching from us...I work here too.
The Chronicler
GM, 6959 posts
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Sat 25 Apr 2020
at 11:43
  • msg #551

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

It has been mentioned that we need to separate the threads so that you won't have to read through 30 posts. I agreed. So, I will make a Wayfarer's Inn thread, and 4 wings. The wings will be the north, south, east, and west wings of the town. The town is like a wheel with the Wayfarer's Inn being the hub. Roads leave from the inn like spokes. So, there are 4 roads leaving the town. They are called the  Northeast road, the Northwest road, the Southeast road, and the southwest road. There are also roads that go right down the middle of each wing. They are not named.

                   \       |       /
                    \      |      /
                     \  N. Wing  /
                      \    |    /
                       \   |   /
                        \  |  /
            --W. Wing--- |---| --- E. Wing--
                        / --- \
                       /   |   \
                      /    |    \
                     /     |     \
                    /   S. Wing   \
                   /       |       \
                  /        |        \
There are 8 road. the diagonal roads are named for their direction. The roads into the wings aren't officially named, but they are sometimes referred to as the N. Wing road, w. Wing road, and etc.

This message was last edited by the GM at 11:43, Sat 25 Apr 2020.
The Chronicler
GM, 6960 posts
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Sat 25 Apr 2020
at 12:02
  • msg #552

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

Some changes:

On weekends (Real Life Weekends), there is a Farmers Market held in the yard all around the inn. It is much more than a farmers market however, and boasts peddlers and purveyors willing to buy and sell unique items found anywhere.

There is a Chapel Hall in the East Wing that offers many small prayer and meditation rooms. There is also a large non-denominational chapel for player character priests to hold services.

Between two crossroads is a non-dimensional grove of trees commonly used by rangers and druids who do not like to reside within the inn. It is also used by hunters and trappers to supply the inn with meats and fish. Some claim that the grove borders the ocean allowing fisherman to provide the inn with both freshwater and saltwater catches.

There are other areas not yet found and explored that lie between the lonely roads that lead off from the old inn, and tales of newly discovered areas come to the ears of patrons all the time.

The following is ab breakdown of some of the businesses and their locations since some of you may now be located in a different wing than I told you before this change.

The North Wing :

Butcher, Baker, No Candlestick Maker
Pickpockets General Goods
The Magic Shoppe
The Transport Shop - Transportation Purveyor

East Wing :

Chapel Hall
Library of Knowledge in the east wings of the Inn
Merchants Guild Leader - Byron

South Wing :

Will the Surgeon

West Wing :

Blacksmith Joe's
William “Jelly” Caulder - Farrier (Horseshoe Maker)
Weapon's and Armor Shop of Petrajolo Negroli and his son Antonio Armorsmith

The Chronicler
GM, 6965 posts
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Sat 25 Apr 2020
at 12:07
  • msg #553

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

Find the Wing you're in if you're not at the Wayfarer's Inn, and begin posting in it. If you're unsure of the Wing you're suppose to be in, PM me.

I will update John D'oh, and Hammerforge Delverdeep in the West Wing thread.

I will update Garret in the North Wing.

I will update Alton and Arbella in the new Wayfarer's Inn - Netherworld Campaign Thread.


This message was last edited by the GM at 12:48, Sat 25 Apr 2020.
The Chronicler
GM, 6979 posts
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Sun 26 Apr 2020
at 10:45
  • msg #554

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

I created a notice at the top that is a quick reference for the Wayfarer's Inn & the Netherworld Plane Campaign. This will help you see the message board, staff names at the inn, and the menu quickly.

@ Arbella & John D'Oh : I updated the message board to include your new messages.

Since this is now the OOC thread, we no longer need to put the text in orange in this thread. Still do it in any other thread for this game when you need to post in  OOC. Thanks!
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:45, Sun 26 Apr 2020.
Wed 24 Jun 2020
at 10:35
  • msg #555

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

In the heads of everyone who is awake in the Netherworld plane you hear.

"Hear ye, hear ye! In one hour there will be a combat match in the yard of the Wayfarer's Inn. Come one. Come all. See Blaze, my assistant, at the Wayfarer's Inn to place your bets.

This is the last day of the Farmer's Market. Stop by to see the exquisite goods or to enjoy some of the more personal services offered by vendors from all over the universe.

Adventurers and supplies are needed! If you are in need of excitement and your coin pouch be running low, there are several jobs to be had out and about town, or in other places in the universe. Peruse the offerings at the Message Board at the Wayfarer's Inn or post your own notice."

(The match will be held in "The Wayfarer's Inn - Netherworld Campaign Thread." Please switch to posting in that thread if you plan to attend.)
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:35, Wed 24 June 2020.
Arbella Elann
player, 432 posts
Sun 26 Apr 2020
at 19:22
  • [deleted]
  • msg #556

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

This message was deleted by the player at 19:25, Sun 26 Apr 2020.
John D'oh
player, 471 posts
AC 22,F+7 R+5 W +0
HP 49/49
Sun 9 May 2021
at 03:36
  • msg #557

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

Since I'm getting some gold for new equipment, are there weapon and armor augment crystals for sale?
The Chronicler
GM, 7777 posts
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Sun 9 May 2021
at 16:01
  • msg #558

Re: The Netherworld Plane - Game Thread

In reply to John D'oh (msg # 557):

Absolutely. If you got the money, anything's available that is a RAW equipment from any supplement. Prices start and are remain at RAW prices unless you try to barter downward.
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