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15:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The Game: Chapter 15.

Posted by The WatcherFor group 0
The Watcher
GM, 4463 posts
Knows, Sees, & Tells All
Above: 2 Truths, 1 Lie
Tue 16 May 2023
at 17:59
  • msg #1

The Game: Chapter 15

Recap & Disposition

Our heroes are hurtling through a series of ramshackle tunnels hidden beneath the Jossian capital of Hevetplata. The identity and plans of whoever created them aren't entirely clear, but all intelligence gathered so far points to sabotage and destruction as their short-term goals.

Topside, the people of Hevetplata are in chaos, reeling from a peaceful transfer of power combined with a recent act of terrorism in the northwestern quarter of the city. You have found plenty of evidence suggesting the presence of several more of these bombs, though it's not clear how or when they are meant to be detonated.

Roger and Aviva have combined their technology to create a map of the tunnel complex, complete with the likely location of the remaining bombs planted beneath the city.

Their efforts to map the tunnel involved bright light and loud noises, which alerted whoever else was in the tunnels to their presence. Billy, Roger, Frank, Aviva, and Briggs are rushing toward these newly revealed individuals at a GD (10) pace, riding aboard an energy skiff created by Roger for this purpose.

Your efforts are complicated somewhat by an irritatingly persistent jamming/scrambling effect that has recently asserted itself throughout the city. No traditional electronic communications are working reliably at this time.

You have been given three hours to explore and map out the tunnels, which are too small to accommodate Joss, after which you are to return to the Architects with a full report of your findings. More than two hours remain on the clock as of this writing.

Other hanging threads:

- The results of the Choosing were 4 winners: two Joss with three votes apiece and two Joss with one vote apiece. One of the "thrice-Chosen" Joss is currently missing, and has been since shortly before the Choosing ended. The "thrice-Chosen" currently in command is a traditionalist; the missing one is much more open to embracing modern solutions, and the two were largely seen as rivals with competing factions at play in the city.

- There is an ongoing investigation going on regarding the murdered and dismembered Joss various members of the party witnessed yesterday and today.

- Lincoln, Fu-Chi, and (ostensibly) Featherlight were all injured earlier today, and are receiving care in the Guest House from the watchful Ibis. As an auger, her power grants the gift of healing, but you have only recently learned that she has no formal medical training.

- Lest you forget, all three groups of humans are hoping to secure certain diplomatic and political wins from the newly Chosen Architects. No meetings to this effect have had a chance to take place yet.

- Peyton and the shuttle are still safely hidden about an hour's hike from Hevetplata. Abraxas is stored there, though Xander is among the humans under guard at the Guest House. The shuttle is the only ground-to-air capable vehicle on the entire planet (so far as you know).

- Kayla is not due to return to Ceto (along with StarBlazer Station and the rest of the party's fleet) for several months.

Updated Map:

You are currently located at the fork that would lead to Point G if you turned right. The other blinking dots that aren't you are clustered beneath Point G.

This message was last edited by the GM at 17:40, Mon 12 June 2023.
player, 584 posts
There's no limit
to what you can imagine
Mon 12 Jun 2023
at 16:59
  • msg #2

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to The Watcher (msg # 1):

"Please keep hands and arms inside the energy skiff and stay behind the line while the skiff is in motion." The skiff extends itself by a foot behind Roger to put some daylight between him and the Avivas. They are offered two handrails as consolation.
player, 154 posts
Temporally Misaligned
Won gnineppah lla
Mon 12 Jun 2023
at 18:53
  • msg #3

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to Yardbird (msg # 2):

The Avivas take the hint and give Roger some space, though they seem to approach the safety of the handrails as more of a suggestion, alternating between sides and shifting about as the vehicle is in motion.
The Watcher
GM, 4489 posts
Knows, Sees, & Tells All
Above: 2 Truths, 1 Lie
Fri 16 Jun 2023
at 15:29
  • msg #4

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to Aviva (msg # 3):

The skiff careens through the tunnels at a goodly pace, its built-in lighting system banishing the darkness along the way.

You come around a bend in the passage and enter a straightaway that leads up to the end of the tunnel, where the passage widens out into a hollow bulb and appears to go no further.

Further observation is complicated by a pair of energy beams that lance out in your direction the moment you come into range!

[Energy Beams (vs Skiff): 9, 38]

The first blast misses high and wide, crackling over Roger's shoulder to spatter against the tunnel's rocky walls in a cloud of pebbles and debris.

The second shot, however, catches the skiff directly in the prow.

[Damage (Skiff): 50]

Aquamarine energy explodes upward from the impact point, which transforms the skiff into a cloud of rapidly dispersing vapor and sends you all flying!

OOC: Agility roll needed from all (former) passengers. Please post your results alongside your interpretation of what they might mean for the ease and grace with which you land on the cold, hard ground. Green or better avoids fall damage at this speed. White results will cost you 10 damage.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:32, Fri 16 June 2023.
The Watcher
GM, 4490 posts
Knows, Sees, & Tells All
Above: 2 Truths, 1 Lie
Fri 16 Jun 2023
at 15:40
  • msg #5

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to The Watcher (msg # 4):

"Get down, take co-" Briggs cries out, the rest of his warning lost amid the cacophony of the moment as the skiff disintegrates beneath him

[Agility: 9]

The Invictus lieutenant lands badly, tumbles head-over-foot, and crashes against the side of the tunnel in a heap.

[Damage (Briggs): 10]

When he fails to rise to his feet, you suddenly remember that nobody offered him any augmented healing when he was rescued from the hive...

[Lt. Briggs is DEFEATED]
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:42, Fri 16 June 2023.
Penelope Franklin
player, 114 posts
Plant Lover
Wet WorXer
Fri 16 Jun 2023
at 17:38
  • msg #6

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to The Watcher (msg # 5):

Ah shit. Those look familiar

Frank is already in motion as the lasers fully expose and make short work of the skiff and even shorter work of Briggs.

[Agility: 13 (46)]

Frank shouts in the general direction of Roger and Aviva, "I've got laser sponge. Stay down!"

You die by my hand, and no one else's.

[Bubble: 68]

Frank begins to shimmer, her physical form shimmering in a way that makes it incredibly difficult to focus on her. With a practiced slide she pulls herself aside Briggs, and places her distorted and shielded form over him.

Frank tosses a briefly forlorn glance toward Roger, before placing her back toward the laser embankment, and mounting Briggs. This is not who or what I had in mind.

She reaches into her hip-pouch and pulls out a pulsating green ampule, and fuzzy blue flower. The blue flower is rubbed firmly against the ampule, leaving behind both color and fuzz alike.

Frank closes her hands, brings her hands to her pursed lips, and exhales gently.

[Alchemy: 59 (91)]

Frank's hands visibly glow, though you hardly have time to notice as she takes and slams them down on Briggs mouth, palms opening and flattening the concoction into his mouth as she rather plainly slugs him.

You had it coming. Now let's hope you're as much of a fighter as you are a bleeder.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:55, Sat 17 June 2023.
Billy Laser Fist
player, 3360 posts
Stacks of green paper
in his red right hand
Fri 16 Jun 2023
at 18:47
  • msg #7

The Game: Chapter 15

Billy, lacking the reaction of Briggs to latch onto Roger's skiff, has a clear view from behind it as the skiff dissolves into a blue puff, "Just as I was regretting not grabbing on," he mutters to himself.  As he continues to jog to catch up he flicks at the side of his helmet, turning on his own lights and cycling to his combat HUD to try and get a better location for the source of the offending lasers.  He runs toward Frank and Briggs's location. "How much sponge?  This as big as you get, or can we do some kind of rolling barrier thing?" he questions as he tries to focus on the turrets.
player, 585 posts
There's no limit
to what you can imagine
Fri 16 Jun 2023
at 19:08
  • msg #8

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to Penelope Franklin (msg # 6):

Karma to Green
[Agility: 25 + 21 = 46, Success]

Roger's tuck and roll needs a little practice: he biffs it, but to no bad end.

"And that concludes our guided tour of these godsdamn caverns," he scowls as he brushes himself off. "You weren't kidding about the turrets!" he shouts, seeking cover.

He sets his lantern down in front of him and snaps his finger.

[Generate Ichor: 65, Success]

The light in his lamp burns brighter than ever.

"Bill, Frank - I might be able to boost it!" he calls over to them.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:54, Fri 16 June 2023.
Penelope Franklin
player, 115 posts
Plant Lover
Wet WorXer
Sat 17 Jun 2023
at 13:02
  • msg #9

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to Billy Laser Fist (msg # 7):

Frank wipes her hands on Briggs chest before standing up to respond to Billy. She angles a thumb over her shoulder toward Briggs.

He's the sponge, and an objectively good one it seems. I've done what I can to tend him.

Frank extends a protective arm towards Billy.

With that said, I'm not a bad sponge either, I'm only this big and you'll have to get and stay close.

Frank winks at Billy before reaching down and slinging a still incapacitated Briggs over her shoulder. She begins marching purposefully toward Roger.

Giddy up Tiger
player, 586 posts
There's no limit
to what you can imagine
Sat 17 Jun 2023
at 15:19
  • msg #10

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to Penelope Franklin (msg # 9):

"Stick with Bill. I'll get you from here," Roger says.

He swivels the lamp toward Frank and Billy, opening the chamber. The round, four-inch-tall flame sprouts legs again and leaps from its vessel, executing a much tighter bailout than Roger's moments ago. It darts across the floor of the cavern in a laser-dodging zigzag and when it reaches Frank's bubble, heaves itself into the field with reckless abandon.

[Imbue: 64, Success]

The field absorbs the flame, bolstering the bubble's integrity.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:59, Sat 17 June 2023.
The Watcher
GM, 4491 posts
Knows, Sees, & Tells All
Above: 2 Truths, 1 Lie
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 16:55
  • msg #11

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to Yardbird (msg # 10):

Whatever Frank shoved down Briggs's throat seems to have done the trick. By the time she has drawn near to Roger's side, the lieutenant has regained consciousness.

[Healing (Briggs): 40]

"Wha...what happened?" he says groggily from his place hefted above Frank's shoulder like a roll of angular carpet.

At roughly the same moment, Roger's walking lantern takes a leaping embrace over Frank's bubble, causing it to distort and shimmer with an aquamarine light. The end result looks somewhat sturdier than before.

Billy's HUD lights up internally as it attempts to hone in on source of the attack...
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:59, Mon 19 June 2023.
Billy Laser Fist
player, 3361 posts
Stacks of green paper
in his red right hand
Mon 19 Jun 2023
at 20:47
  • msg #12

The Game: Chapter 15

"They're farther than I expected.  I don't think I can fire back from here.  We're gonna have to get closer unless someone's hiding a bigger gun up their butt, so I hope this thing holds." Billy comments, looking around the bubble as Roger works his magic on it.
player, 587 posts
There's no limit
to what you can imagine
Tue 20 Jun 2023
at 02:41
  • msg #13

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to Billy Laser Fist (msg # 12):

"I think I got enough juice for a decoy if you dudes can all switch to suit lights. It'll get dusted in a single blast but should give the turrets' position away and buy you some ground."
player, 157 posts
Temporally Misaligned
Won gnineppah lla
Tue 20 Jun 2023
at 11:53
  • msg #14

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to Yardbird (msg # 13):

Aviva closes her eyes and casually backflips off of the skiff a full second before it is hit by the energy beam.

She lands solidly and does something of a tactical back-roll to absorb the shock (Yellow Success).

Whoop! Aviva calls, landing gracefully to one side of Aviva THAT was close!

Good thing I already dodged those.

So, Aviva notes casually, dusting herself off, this is more of the same turrets we found earlier.

Helloo turrets! Aviva mock waves.  We're here!

They didn't MISS us.

Sure they did!

Oh, I get it.
  Aviva chuckles.

A BIG gun is risky, Aviva shakes her head at Billy.  Walls are too unstable.  But maybe we can get outside its firing arc?

Or behind it.

Right, or distraction is good.  The last one was pretty smashable once we got to it

Billy Laser Fist
player, 3362 posts
Stacks of green paper
in his red right hand
Tue 20 Jun 2023
at 13:10
  • msg #15

The Game: Chapter 15

We’re in a straight hallway, how do you propose we get out if its firing arc?  Or behind it for that matter?  I could shoot it before we cover that much ground.”  Billy shakes his head at the temporally questionable member of the team, “Hope you’re having fun, Rebecca.  The one time cheat codes sneaking ahead would be useful to the whole team…” he grumbles to himself.
player, 158 posts
Temporally Misaligned
Won gnineppah lla
Tue 20 Jun 2023
at 14:35
  • msg #16

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to Billy Laser Fist (msg # 15):

Get... BEHIND it? Aviva raises one eyebrow at Billy.  No, that only makes sense if you come in from the other entrance, not OUT the other entrance.

Aviva shakes her head and sighs.

Aviva switches off her lights and slowly unholsers her sidearm.

I think Roger sent it something to shoot at and in the dark we could see where it was firing from. 
player, 588 posts
There's no limit
to what you can imagine
Tue 20 Jun 2023
at 15:21
  • msg #17

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to Aviva (msg # 16):

"I did- I mean I was... going to. I am going to. Here, I'm doing it now."

Roger shakes his head in an attempt to snap out of a recursive thought process.

[Manipulate Ichor: 13, Failure]

But he can't muster the focus to modify his lamp appropriately, which just shatters. The shards hit the ground and evaporate. The cavern goes dark all but for the active suit lights.

"Better check your crystal ball again, 'Veeves."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:24, Tue 20 June 2023.
player, 159 posts
Temporally Misaligned
Won gnineppah lla
Tue 20 Jun 2023
at 16:28
  • msg #18

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to Yardbird (msg # 17):

... it's Viv to you, Aviva replies sullenly.

Well if we didn't do THAT, Aviva taps her chin as if deep in recall.  Maybe we have someone throw a distraction at it?  We got some strong people on the team can huck a flashlight into it's path!
Billy Laser Fist
player, 3363 posts
Stacks of green paper
in his red right hand
Tue 20 Jun 2023
at 17:20
  • msg #19

The Game: Chapter 15

Are we doing this before or after the next volley?” Billy interjects, “Whether you can see them or not I think the turrets know where we are.” Billy taps Frank on her shoulder, or bubble as physics permit, “Drop your favorite meat shield off here, I put in too much work this morning for him to die in a different tunnel.  If we can push forward and you can take the next volley I might be able to hit the turrets.
Penelope Franklin
player, 116 posts
Plant Lover
Wet WorXer
Wed 21 Jun 2023
at 23:04
  • msg #20

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to Billy Laser Fist (msg # 19):

Frank smirks as Briggs comes to, the visual and reality of him slung over her shoulder like a child tantruming too rich not to savor.

Welcome back Briggs. That top off should help, but you are by no means well.

Frank clearly concurs with Billy's assessment, and gently places Briggs down and turns to address Billy.

I could use a slab of wall or floor for padding and bull rush the embankment? With all this extra energy in my shield I might be able to increase my distortion further. They already had trouble seeing me earlier with Aviva. Unless that's a manned gun it stands to reason it would work again.

What do you think?

Frank Smash?

Billy Laser Fist
player, 3364 posts
Stacks of green paper
in his red right hand
Thu 22 Jun 2023
at 00:38
  • msg #21

The Game: Chapter 15

"I don't see anyone manning them, but if you think you can make it all the way out be my guest, I'll follow you," Billy replies with a nod toward the distant darkness housing the offending turrets, "Can't get you any better cover in here though."
player, 160 posts
Temporally Misaligned
Won gnineppah lla
Fri 23 Jun 2023
at 15:13
  • msg #22

The Game: Chapter 15

In reply to Billy Laser Fist (msg # 21):

Aviva holds her sidearm loosely but ready.  She raises her other hand, palm open.  It... sounds solid enough?  Sorry, I don't remember.

Aviva lays one hand on Roger's shoulder slowly, as if approaching an easily startled animal.

If something goes wrong, I'll get you out of the line of fire, she says calmly
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