OK, if you've read my other posts you'll know that I'm allowing homebrew material case-by-case. This is partly because 1 I want something interesting to start with, and 2.....I'm joining the party because I myself can't find a gm who will do this.
30 pt buy (if you don't know the point buy there's this nice calculator you can use at
http://tools.digitalightbulb.com/pbcalc.html just scroll down to the 2nd one.
If it isn't core then ask and I'll make the judgment.
Starting at level 3
Free feats will be like pathfinder where they will be gained every other level instead of every 3rd level after 1st. This means you end up with 2 extra feat slots over base 3.5 chars.
Starting gold
I'm gonna say go with WBL for level 3.
Yes I'm allowing homebrew material here as well. I just ask that nothing horrifically broken be repeatedly requested. Again, ask me and I'll give a yey or nay.
Enjoy the fun, if you need an explanation don't hesitate to ask.
Traits and Flaws
Ok, these popped up in my last game and annoyed me greatly when people misinterpreted (intentionally or not) them for the Quirks I intended. You may take the standard 2 starting traits, but no flaws. Please note these somewhere on your character sheet.
If I've forgotten something then please tell me, I'm definitely gonna need a co-GM to help me keep my head on straight.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:37, Sat 06 Aug 2016.