House Rules

I don't know about any of you but I've stumbled across some interesting house rules and such in my time on Rpol.
1. When rolling the Aid Another action, convert your roll to an ability score modifier and instead add that much to the person you are assisting.
This is a rule a gm in another of my games uses that is interesting. If you roll to assist someone who gets a 17 while you roll a 20 (no swapsies) instead of giving him a 19 due to a +2, you instead add a +5. This means you have a lot more power on your assist actions.
2. I use the 50% rule for hp.
You roll your HP, but if the roll is under the half bar, like a 1 or 2 on a D6, move it up to the half marker (rounded down)
3. Pathfinder Based Precision Damage.
For those of you familiar with this rule it should be fun. Basically, Immune to Crits does not mean immune to precision based damage such as Sneak Attack.
Right now that is my only house rule, if you have suggestions, feel free to do so in the OOC or message me.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:41, Mon 11 Aug 2014.