Rules and RTJs
Welcome friends and players.
I will be allowing Homebrew material on a case by case basis so if you want something interesting find a way to show it to me.
Even if I outright say no to something I'll likely tell you why I did so and we may even be able to work out a way to dampen it and allow it in.
Books and races
Ok, I have pdfs for almost all the books so as long as it is appropriately 3.5 and doesn't make my spine curl I'm liable to allow it. (Please no MinMaxing insanity, this is my 2nd game after all)
Races, you wanna play something not core, ask. You wanna play a homebrew race, ask. My only outright rules are presently no LA over +2
The Rating of this game will be adult as I will freely admit to being a pervert so I'd rather play it safe. As such I will be requiring a statement of age from each player to join the game.
Forgot to remove the age statement req, this is a game that was around before the policy change, and I thank the person who pointed out its lack of need.
Ok, we all have those periods of a few days or so where we can't check in, and conversely, we all have those games that go for a few days without anything being posted.
All I ask is that if you have any plans that will remove you from the game for more than a day or two then please say so either in the OOC or a msg to me.
RTJs, yay
Ok, I know not everyone has talent with filling out a background for a character in time for a deadline so let's see what I can work up. Don't worry this will be a (Role/Roll)play so you don't need to be skilled with word play.
I'd like
1. the Age statement first please.
2. character name
3. short description of what you want them to do
4. maybe a bit of background, this doesn't have to be a biography
5. Some kind of character gimmick, maybe you're hydrophobic or perhaps you have outright hatred for anyone who begins a monologue. (these are not Traits and Flaws, see character building thread)
6. Perhaps a goal your character wants to accomplish
7. (we're sorry, this is a WIP, please ignore it)
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:06, Sun 07 Aug 2016.