Xavier laughed. "I don't know about being the next one, but you are probably right. I would never choose someone tame and demure."
Wulfsen Thornblade
Player, 1028 posts
Sun 3 Jun 2018 at 06:00
msg #166
The Keep - Barracks
"You'll probably fall for some wild woman that eats raw meat that she hunts with her own teeth." Wulfsen said.
Xavier DeVale
Player, 72 posts
Sun 3 Jun 2018 at 18:25
msg #167
The Keep - Barracks
Xavier's laughter grew. "You're probably right. Let's face it, quiet and demure...seems...kind of dull."
Wulfsen Thornblade
Player, 1029 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2018 at 00:33
msg #168
The Keep - Barracks
"So, do I look presentable?" Wulfsen asked.
Xavier DeVale
Player, 73 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2018 at 00:56
msg #169
The Keep - Barracks
"Aye, Sileas will be well pleased."
Wulfsen Thornblade
Player, 1030 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2018 at 01:06
msg #170
The Keep - Barracks
"Now all I need is my bride." Wulfsen grinned.
Xavier DeVale
Player, 74 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2018 at 01:15
msg #171
The Keep - Barracks
"You know the women are going to take hours making her all pretty and all that."
Wulfsen Thornblade
Player, 1031 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2018 at 01:17
msg #172
The Keep - Barracks
"She's already beautiful, it shouldn't take long." Wulfsen said.
Xavier DeVale
Player, 75 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2018 at 01:22
msg #173
The Keep - Barracks
Xavier smiled and nodded. "Aye, but women...they do love all that frippery on wedding days."
Wulfsen Thornblade
Player, 1032 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2018 at 01:27
msg #174
The Keep - Barracks
"Sileas isn't like that." Wulfsen said. "She's probably waiting for me."
Xavier DeVale
Player, 76 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2018 at 01:37
msg #175
The Keep - Barracks
"She might not be like that, but...the other women helping her dress...well...they may have other plans."
Wulfsen Thornblade
Player, 1033 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2018 at 01:40
msg #176
The Keep - Barracks
"Sileas wouldn't stand for that." Wulfsen said, striding out the door.
Xavier DeVale
Player, 77 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2018 at 02:00
msg #177
The Keep - Barracks
"Mm hmm. I bet they don't give her any choice at all."
Lek Gerthrim
Player, 595 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020 at 20:29
msg #178
The Keep - Barracks
Lek threw on some light leather armor and buckled his rapier onto his belt. He put on a helmet and headed for the garden.
Shawn Spenser
Player, 71 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020 at 20:30
msg #179
The Keep - Barracks
Shawn finally managed to catch up with Lek. "Lek! Wulfsen needs you in the war room."
Lek Gerthrim
Player, 596 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020 at 20:33
msg #180
The Keep - Barracks
"I have a duel." Lek said. "It shouldn't take long."
Shawn Spenser
Player, 72 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020 at 20:45
msg #181
The Keep - Barracks
"The fate of the country is more important than your duel," Shawn stated. "Wulfsen made you a squire to protect the country first and foremost."
Lek Gerthrim
Player, 597 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020 at 20:48
msg #182
The Keep - Barracks
"He molested Millie and said disgraceful things about Pinja." Lek said. "Will you be my second?" This message was last edited by the player at 20:49, Tue 18 Feb 2020.
Shawn Spenser
Player, 73 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020 at 20:57
msg #183
The Keep - Barracks
Shawn sighed. "I would if I didn't have a prior commitment. We can ask Wulfsen to discipline him instead of ignoring a command to the war room. It won't go well for you."
Lek Gerthrim
Player, 598 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020 at 21:04
msg #184
The Keep - Barracks
"I became a squire to learn how to defend others like my sister and Pinja." Lek said. "I can't back down or Edgar will do it again."
Shawn Spenser
Player, 74 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020 at 21:08
msg #185
The Keep - Barracks
"And you're willing to risk a reprimand yourself for ignoring a directive?"
Lek Gerthrim
Player, 599 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020 at 21:10
msg #186
The Keep - Barracks
In reply to Shawn Spenser (msg # 185):
Lek straightened his shoulders. "I have to."
Shawn Spenser
Player, 75 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020 at 21:12
msg #187
The Keep - Barracks
Shawn sighed. "Well, I have to admire a man with principals. I regret I can't be your second, but I'll offer advice. "Don't get yourself killed out there."
Lek Gerthrim
Player, 600 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020 at 21:14
msg #188
The Keep - Barracks
"I don't plan to. Thank you, Uncle Shawn." Lek said and strode out.
Shawn Spenser
Player, 76 posts
Tue 18 Feb 2020 at 21:19
msg #189
The Keep - Barracks
Shawn headed back to the keep. Nelek was going to kill him.