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18:32, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)

The Keep - Main Gate.

Posted by GM LWFor group 0
GM, 42 posts
Sat 28 May 2016
at 02:30
  • msg #1

The Keep - Main Gate

The main gate. In the western wall of the Keep.
Liadan Buckley
Player, 507 posts
Sat 28 May 2016
at 18:15
  • msg #2

The Keep - Main Gate

Aron Buckley:
Aron chuckled and reached for Kady's hand.

"Let us in- Damn your lazy asses!" Liadan shouted when the gates were not opened fast enough for her liking.
Gate Keeper
Sat 28 May 2016
at 18:30
  • msg #3

The Keep - Main Gate

"Who goes there?" A voice called down from the tower. The man had never seen any of them before.
Liadan Buckley
Player, 508 posts
Sat 28 May 2016
at 18:39
  • msg #4

The Keep - Main Gate

"Us, you nosy momzer!" Liadan kicked the gate.
Gate Keeper
Sat 28 May 2016
at 19:57
  • msg #5

The Keep - Main Gate

"I'm not nosy, I"m doing my job to keep trouble and riff raff out. Names?"
Liadan Buckley
Player, 509 posts
Sat 28 May 2016
at 20:26
  • msg #6

The Keep - Main Gate

Liadan bristled. She used to be riff raff.

"I'm Liadan Buckley, this is my husband Aron, and with us is Nelek Gerthrim with his little girl. Now open that gate shtik drek!"
Gate Keeper
Sat 28 May 2016
at 20:33
  • msg #7

The Keep - Main Gate

The watchman sent down a signal and the gates were opened wide.
Liadan Buckley
Player, 510 posts
Sat 28 May 2016
at 20:36
  • msg #8

The Keep - Main Gate

"Kholerye." Liadan muttered about the guard as she went into the keep.
Aron Buckley
PLAYER, 225 posts
Sat 28 May 2016
at 20:41
  • msg #9

The Keep - Main Gate

"Well, we know we should be well protected if anyone tries a raid again."
Liadan Buckley
Player, 511 posts
Sat 28 May 2016
at 20:43
  • msg #10

The Keep - Main Gate

"I doubt it. I bet all Jack will have to do is give them any name and they'll throw the gates wide for him and his men." Liadan sniffed.
Aron Buckley
PLAYER, 226 posts
Sat 28 May 2016
at 20:44
  • msg #11

The Keep - Main Gate

"Jack's not that smart," Aron stated.
Liadan Buckley
Player, 512 posts
Sat 28 May 2016
at 20:46
  • msg #12

The Keep - Main Gate

"Just because he's an evil pile of drek doesn't mean he's stupider than the guards." Liadan said. "He could even give them his own name and get in."
Aron Buckley
PLAYER, 227 posts
Sat 28 May 2016
at 20:55
  • msg #13

The Keep - Main Gate

Aron shook his head. "Let's get Nelek and Kady to Difyr."
Player, 139 posts
Sat 28 May 2016
at 21:23
  • msg #14

The Keep - Main Gate

"Kadey needs Difyr." Nelek said. "I need to see Aislyn and Millie and Lek."
Liadan Buckley
Player, 513 posts
Sat 28 May 2016
at 21:32
  • msg #15

The Keep - Main Gate

"Unless Difyr moved she had been working in a room not far from the kitchen." Liadan said. "You may as well wait in the Healing Room for us to find Ais and the twins."
Aron Buckley
PLAYER, 228 posts
Sat 28 May 2016
at 23:07
  • msg #16

The Keep - Main Gate

"It wouldn't hurt for Difyr to look you over, either," Aron chided. "You're malnourished for starters."
Player, 140 posts
Sat 28 May 2016
at 23:14
  • msg #17

The Keep - Main Gate

"She can still see me after I see Aislyn." Nelek looked around. "Where is she? And Millie and Lek?"
Aron Buckley
PLAYER, 229 posts
Sun 29 May 2016
at 00:03
  • msg #18

The Keep - Main Gate

"If it's near meal time, Aislyn is probably in the kitchen cooking. The twins, well they could be anywhere."
Liadan Buckley
Player, 514 posts
Sun 29 May 2016
at 00:12
  • msg #19

The Keep - Main Gate

"So sit your butt in the healing room and we'll find them." Liadan ordered, practically shoving Nelek towards the main building."It'll get your family together faster."
Player, 141 posts
Sun 29 May 2016
at 00:23
  • msg #20

The Keep - Main Gate

Nelek sighed and allowed Liadan to push him around. He felt bad for Aron.
Aron Buckley
PLAYER, 230 posts
Sun 29 May 2016
at 00:28
  • msg #21

The Keep - Main Gate

Aron opened the door to the main building.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:38, Sun 29 May 2016.
Aron Buckley
PLAYER, 295 posts
Wed 6 Jul 2016
at 01:51
  • msg #22

The Keep - Main Gate

Aron had all the children but Yehudit settled on the wagon. He had searched for her, but was unable to locate her. He would have to send for her once he had everyone settled. His mother had family on the continent, and he would go to her.

He started the horses and they began rolling through the gate.
Liadan Buckley
Player, 613 posts
Wed 6 Jul 2016
at 01:54
  • msg #23

The Keep - Main Gate

"Aron Buckley!" Liadan jumped in front of the horses.
Aron Buckley
PLAYER, 296 posts
Fri 8 Jul 2016
at 00:36
  • msg #24

The Keep - Main Gate

"Get out of the way, Lia, I can't stop the horses that quickly."
Liadan Buckley
Player, 614 posts
Fri 8 Jul 2016
at 00:58
  • msg #25

The Keep - Main Gate

Liadan stubbornly stayed in front of the horses.
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