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18:12, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms.

Posted by GM LWFor group 0
GM, 48 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 01:02
  • msg #1

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

In the Main Building, located beneath the kitchen, just off the wine cellar.

The room is more of a suite, in that it consists of three rooms. Two to be used as bedrooms and one with two walls lined with shelves. There are no windows but plenty of candles spaced around the rooms.
PLAYER, 1256 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 01:14
  • msg #2

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

Sileas stepped into the first room, her eyes rounded at the sight of all the crates and trunks. "The manor must have been intact." There were a few that were familiar, they must have come from the forge. She knew the schoolhouse was no more. The first crate she looked in was the one with the baby clothing. Sileas dropped the lid with a bang. "I told Lek to burn this."

She moved forward and looked into the two rooms they would use for bedrooms. "Well we have beds and wardrobes. Xavier has us set up, he just left the unpacking to us."
Questa Cort
Player, 311 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 01:22
  • msg #3

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

Questa looked around, then at the door. "Yor right gonna try ter keep Yehudit out of 'ere?"
PLAYER, 1257 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 01:33
  • msg #4

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"I doubt it will work, but I would like to. I doubt Aunt Lia is inclined to let us spend time together now after Yehudit ran off and went to sea for two weeks."
Questa Cort
Player, 312 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 02:17
  • msg #5

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"Yehudit weren't 'urt, and yor millstone is big enough ter make up 'er own mind, right, even if she's a cripple. Yer need ter nick that crazy tart's nose and tell 'er ter leave yer alone if Yehudit wants ter be 'round yer so badly." Questa said.
PLAYER, 1258 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 02:34
  • msg #6

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"Aside from nicking her nose, I did tell her that it was Yehudit's choice. I mean, Yehudit is an adult now. Maybe she will back off now that I have decided I am done with adventuring. I can't just go off all scattered now that I have Oscar. And I want to go through these things to try to learn a way to defeat those mermen."
Questa Cort
Player, 313 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 02:37
  • msg #7

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"But we 'ave a gang now. Even better adventures." Questa said, prying open a crate.
PLAYER, 1259 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 02:40
  • msg #8

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

Sileas walked over to the table  in the center of the room, absently rubbing her stomach. "Would you believe that I am feeling sea sick aga...hello, what's this?" she said spying a small box on the table. "This...this has my name on it. It's not Xavier's writing either."
Questa Cort
Player, 314 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 02:44
  • msg #9

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"Don't puke dahn 'ere. There ain't any windows, we'll never cop the bloody smell out." Questa could not read, much less determine whose handwriting it was.
PLAYER, 1260 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 02:47
  • msg #10

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

Sileas opened the box and found a beautiful pendant along with a folded piece of parchment. A letter. To her! Perplexed and curious, she hooked a chair over with her foot and sat down. As she read, the color drained from her face and her jaw dropped. Then she looked up and stood. "Watch Oscar for me, please. I want to read this in private.
Questa Cort
Player, 315 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 02:49
  • msg #11

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"Wot, then, mate? It's not like I'll read over yor shoulder." Questa pointed out.
PLAYER, 1261 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 02:52
  • msg #12

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"I know, it's not that. I just...I need to just really read this without distractions. I'm only going in the bedroom. Which one did you want?" she asked.
Questa Cort
Player, 316 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 03:08
  • msg #13

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"I don't care." Questa said.
PLAYER, 1262 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 03:15
  • msg #14

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"Then I'll take the one on the right." It was a slightly larger room, but Sileas would need the room for Oscar. She picked up the box and the package of Oscar's clothing and disappeared into the bedroom. After a while, the sounds of crying could be heard.
Yehudit Buckley
Player, 546 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 03:18
  • msg #15

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

The sound of someone banging a walking stick on the door could be heard.
Questa Cort
Player, 317 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 03:20
  • msg #16

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

In reply to Sileas (msg # 14):

"Oi! Wotcher cryin' for?" Questa called to Sileas, then heard the banging. "Oh hell fire."
PLAYER, 1263 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 03:25
  • msg #17

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"Because according to this, Keegan Lowell was my father. He knew of me but she who gave birth to me wouldn't let him see me and then she left town with me. It must have been before I was in Portside, probably still a baby because I don't remember being elsewhere. When he had finally caught up to her, it was too late, she had sold me to Jeremy." Sileas shook. "My real father wanted me. And Mama would have been my Mama still if he'd found me."

She fingered the pendant. Sileas had removed it from the box. "He says this is a family heirloom and I should never remove it."
Questa Cort
Player, 318 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 03:31
  • msg #18

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"Yor muvver were a 'oore." Questa said.
Yehudit Buckley
Player, 547 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 03:41
  • msg #19

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"Sileas!" Bang bang bang! I know you're in there! Let me in!"
PLAYER, 1264 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 13:57
  • msg #20

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

In reply to Questa Cort (msg # 18):

"She who gave birth to me was no mother. She didn't know the meaning of the word. I didn't have a mother until Mama and Papa adopted me." Sileas stiffened. "I wonder if Jeremy knew? What if that's why he killed Jeremy and Eden?"
Questa Cort
Player, 319 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 14:41
  • msg #21

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"How would I know, isit?I'm bloody well not some mean kid beatin' bastard." Questa listened to Yehudit banging. "She's not gonna put the mockers on."
PLAYER, 1265 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 15:12
  • msg #22

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"No, she's not," Sileas said. "I hope she doesn't upset Oscar." She unfastened the chain the pendant dangled from. She looked at Questa for a moment before putting the pendant on. A blinding light filled the room.
Questa Cort
Player, 320 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 15:25
  • msg #23

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

Questa shielded her eyes with her arm, but still she saw spots and her vision was darkened. "Wot the chuffin' hell were that?!"
PLAYER, 1266 posts
Mon 30 May 2016
at 15:37
  • msg #24

The Keep - Sileas's Secret Rooms

"Why do you think I know? The letter just said to wear it and never take it off. It didn't say anything at all about a blinding light!" Sileas cried out. The light returned to the pendant and seemed to make Sileas glow from the inside. "What the..."
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