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18:31, 7th February 2025 (GMT+0)

The Keep - Healing Room (3)

Posted by ThreadmasterFor group 0
Wed 9 Nov 2016
at 23:08
  • msg #1

The Keep - Healing Room (3)

Room in the Main Building where Difyr and Aalyssa treat their female patients. Male patients are usually treated in the <a href="">room next door</a>.

Continued from link to a message in this game
Difyr Bateman
Player, 592 posts
Wed 9 Nov 2016
at 23:20
  • msg #2

The Keep - Healing Room (3)

Pinja Esposito:
Pinja woke up, he had not eaten yet but she was already feeling sick to her stomach. She calculated in her mind how many more months of this she would have to go through when her eyes fell on the sapphire Lek had given her. Pinja winced. She wished Lek had not given her that and hoped he could get it back without being too badly hurt.

Time's up! Difyr poured a cup of tea to calm Pinja's stomach and brought it over to her. She helped her to sit up. She thought Pinja was looking a little better, less like someone waiting to die.
Difyr Bateman
Player, 594 posts
Sat 12 Nov 2016
at 03:11
  • msg #3

The Keep - Healing Room (3)

Aislyn was skeptical but stepped back inside. She walked over to the shared wall and pounded on it.

Difyr nearly dropped what she was doing. She hurried to the room next door.
Pinja Esposito
Player, 256 posts
Mon 20 Mar 2017
at 01:33
  • msg #4

The Keep - Healing Room (3)

Pinja sipped on her tea. She knew she would have to eat soon, and dreaded it.
Difyr Bateman
Player, 606 posts
Mon 20 Mar 2017
at 02:09
  • msg #5

The Keep - Healing Room (3)

"Someone should be up with food soon." Difyr said, then began to check on her patients.
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