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18:15, 16th February 2025 (GMT+0)

The Keep - The Kitchen 2.

Posted by ThreadmasterFor group 0
player, 41 posts
Mon 22 May 2017
at 08:45
  • msg #124

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

"Sit down now, and enjoy your food," said Dyfrig.
Xavier DeVale
Player, 13 posts
Mon 22 May 2017
at 15:34
  • msg #125

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

"Thank you," Xavier smiled before leaving with his plate to find a spot to sit.
Wulfsen Thornblade
PLAYER, 763 posts
Wed 14 Jun 2017
at 03:26
  • msg #126

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

"You let them take Aalyssa?" Wulfsen asked.
Xavier DeVale
Player, 17 posts
Wed 14 Jun 2017
at 03:30
  • msg #127

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

The men all jumped to their feet. The lead man, Tristan, lowered his head. "We did try to intervene, but they had some of the Portside guard with the who said we had no jurisdiction to stop them. The Portside Captain said all of their papers were in order and he would have no cause to delay them, my lord."
Wulfsen Thornblade
PLAYER, 764 posts
Wed 14 Jun 2017
at 03:36
  • msg #128

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

"Papers?" Wulfsen exclaimed. "Aalyssa did nothing wrong! Where did they take her?"
Xavier DeVale
Player, 18 posts
Wed 14 Jun 2017
at 03:57
  • msg #129

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

"Yes, sir," Tristan said. "They had a writ from the King of Hazewood and wanted posters, that she was wanted for treason. They were returning her to Hazewood for her punishment from the King there."
Wulfsen Thornblade
PLAYER, 765 posts
Wed 14 Jun 2017
at 03:59
  • msg #130

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

"Like hell they are!" Wulfsen shouted. "Xavier- Gather a dozen volunteers to retrieve Aalyssa."
Xavier DeVale
Player, 19 posts
Wed 14 Jun 2017
at 04:02
  • msg #131

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

"I will gather them. We'll need paperwork of some sort declaring she has sanctuary," Xavier said. "I'll be back shortly."

He headed out to the training area.
Wulfsen Thornblade
PLAYER, 766 posts
Wed 14 Jun 2017
at 04:08
  • msg #132

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

Wulfsen nodded. He was furious that those men so easily let them take Aalyssa.
Xavier DeVale
Player, 20 posts
Wed 14 Jun 2017
at 04:10
  • msg #133

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

Tristan was chagrined, but without any sort of paperwork or insignia of the throne, he hadn't felt they had the legs to stand on to stop it. Besides, those elves were much larger than he and the men were, and armed to the teeth.
player, 42 posts
Wed 14 Jun 2017
at 08:20
  • msg #134

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

Dyfrig quickly parcelled up some cured meat and bread for the party to take with them.
Player, 117 posts
The Flame
Tue 4 Jul 2017
at 20:49
  • msg #135

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

Sileas Spenser:
"I know," she said, heading for the kitchen.

The awkward young woman followed Sileas into the kitchen.
Sileas Spenser
player, 153 posts
Tue 4 Jul 2017
at 21:01
  • msg #136

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

Sileas found Oscar. "Come along, Oscar. I have a few things to take care of so I'm going to ask my aunt and uncle to watch over you for awhile."
Oscar the Knife
NPC, 134 posts
Pickpocket Oscar
Pancake Oscar
Tue 4 Jul 2017
at 21:13
  • msg #137

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

"I can wotch meself." Oscar said.
Sileas Spenser
player, 154 posts
Tue 4 Jul 2017
at 22:01
  • msg #138

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

"I realize you think you can, but you're not familiar with this area or the people. Plus there are possibly some bad people around and I would feel better knowing you are under the care of someone I trust."
Oscar the Knife
NPC, 135 posts
Pickpocket Oscar
Pancake Oscar
Wed 5 Jul 2017
at 01:15
  • msg #139

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

Oscar pointed at Bai. "He didn't 'ave boobs wen 'e were up 'ere before."
Sileas Spenser
player, 155 posts
Wed 5 Jul 2017
at 02:07
  • msg #140

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

Sileas blushed as red as her hair. "That is not something you need to be worrying about, young man. Come along and meet Aunt Aislyn and Uncle Nelek."
Oscar the Knife
NPC, 136 posts
Pickpocket Oscar
Pancake Oscar
Wed 5 Jul 2017
at 02:30
  • msg #141

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

"They're real and evryfink! 'ow'd that 'appen, isit? Is that gonna 'appen ter me, then, eh? I like bein' a boy! Blimey!" Oscar continued.
Player, 118 posts
The Flame
Wed 5 Jul 2017
at 02:32
  • msg #142

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

Bai felt even more awkward. He blushed too.
Sileas Spenser
player, 156 posts
Wed 5 Jul 2017
at 02:39
  • msg #143

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

Oscar the Knife:
"They're real and evryfink! 'ow'd that 'appen, isit? Is that gonna 'appen ter me, then, eh? I like bein' a boy! Blimey!" Oscar continued.

"You have nothing to worry about, Oscar, that won't happen to you. Now, stop embarrassing family and come along."
Oscar the Knife
NPC, 137 posts
Pickpocket Oscar
Pancake Oscar
Wed 5 Jul 2017
at 02:46
  • msg #144

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

"Yer better be right." Oscar said sulkily, moving to leave the kitchen.
Sileas Spenser
player, 157 posts
Wed 5 Jul 2017
at 03:04
  • msg #145

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

Sileas pressed her lips together to stifle her laugh. Short of someone casting a spell on him to turn him into a girl, Oscar was indeed in absolutely no danger of turning female. She headed for the healing room where her aunt and uncle were residing.
Player, 263 posts
Wed 18 Jul 2018
at 05:47
  • msg #146

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

In the bustle of preparations for the wedding feast, an entire stack of dishes had been tipped and shattered on the floor.

Ila was keeping her head down. There had been now open harassment, no one had dared to touch her. But she could hear the murmurs, see the looks. She quietly got a broom and swept up the broken plate fragments.
player, 64 posts
Wed 18 Jul 2018
at 09:49
  • msg #147

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

"Thank you, Ila," said Dyfrig coming past with a large ham.

"When you are done sweeping, would you be so kind as to score the ham and insert cloves, please?"

He set the ham down on a nearby table and was off again.
Player, 264 posts
Wed 18 Jul 2018
at 19:42
  • msg #148

Re: The Keep - The Kitchen 2

"Are you su-" Ila started to ask, but Dyfrig was already busy working on something else. She suspected that Dyfrig was deliberately trying to spite the murmurers.
She washed her hands, then set to work scoring the ham.
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