Yehudit stared at Millie in amazement. She had never seen Millie so angry, or heard her talk that way.
"I can't- I'll ruin it." Yehudit stammered.
Millicent Gerthrim
NPC, 221 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 03:36
msg #301
The Keep - Sileas's Room
"You are already ruining it by not being there. Everyone is waiting for you. Bai is waiting to finish the warding, Sileas is on her way here along with your parents. Your not being there is what will ruin it for Sileas. Now get up and let's go!" Millie's eyes flashed fire.
Yehudit Buckley
Player, 986 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 03:37
msg #302
The Keep - Sileas's Room
Yehudit cringed. "You don't understand."
Millicent Gerthrim
NPC, 222 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 03:45
msg #303
The Keep - Sileas's Room
"And I don't care what it is you are moping about! Do you realize people are up in the hall debating whether the wedding will even happen because Sileas came looking for you? They should be exchanging vows by now. Now get up and moving or I'll drag you there myself, by your ear. This is the most important day in Sileas's life. I won't have her happiness destroyed by your feeling sorry for yourself or the wedding being postponed."
Yehudit Buckley
Player, 987 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 03:47
msg #304
The Keep - Sileas's Room
Yehudit stood up unsteadily, leaning heavily on her walking stick.
"I'm a child of Molech." She whispered.
Millicent Gerthrim
NPC, 223 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 03:49
msg #305
The Keep - Sileas's Room
"You've known how to behave all of these years. You can behave for one day out of love for your best friend."
Yehudit Buckley
Player, 988 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 03:57
msg #306
The Keep - Sileas's Room
"If anything goes wrong I'll get blamed for it." Yehudit said.
Millicent Gerthrim
NPC, 224 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 03:58
msg #307
The Keep - Sileas's Room
"Not everything is about you, Yehudit. Today certainly isn't. Today is all about Sileas and Wulfsen. Get over it."
Yehudit Buckley
Player, 989 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 04:01
msg #308
The Keep - Sileas's Room
Yehudit bristled. "I never said it was about me."
Millicent Gerthrim
NPC, 225 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 04:04
msg #309
The Keep - Sileas's Room
"That's all you've said is me, me, me. Same thing," Millie scoffed. She eyed Yehudit for a moment. "Right. Well, I've always managed to do what I said I would do." Millie grabbed Yehudit by the ear and started for the door.
Yehudit Buckley
Player, 990 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 04:08
msg #310
The Keep - Sileas's Room
Yehudit yelped and tried to keep up. Her walking stick dragged on the floor.
Millicent Gerthrim
NPC, 226 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 04:18
msg #311
The Keep - Sileas's Room
Millie slowed her pace but kept steady as she headed out the door, dragging Yehudit behind her.
Yehudit Buckley
Player, 991 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 04:31
msg #312
The Keep - Sileas's Room
"You're tearing my ear off!" Yehudit complained, trying to hit Millie's shins with her stick.
Millicent Gerthrim
NPC, 226 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 04:48
msg #313
The Keep - Sileas's Room
"Are you going to come along willingly? With no dawdling?" This message was last updated by the player at 04:48, Wed 22 Aug 2018.
Yehudit Buckley
Player, 992 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 04:57
msg #314
The Keep - Sileas's Room
"Fine, I'm coming." Yehudit said. "But when I ruin the wedding it's your fault."
Millicent Gerthrim
NPC, 227 posts
Wed 22 Aug 2018 at 14:14
msg #315
The Keep - Sileas's Room
Millie released her cousin's ear and tried to keep a slow pace as they left the room to return to the hall.
Yehudit Buckley
Player, 993 posts
Thu 23 Aug 2018 at 00:08
msg #316
The Keep - Sileas's Room
"I don't think I can hear out of this ear anymore." Yehudit complained.
Millicent Gerthrim
NPC, 228 posts
Thu 23 Aug 2018 at 01:43
msg #317
The Keep - Sileas's Room
"Fuss, fuss, fuss. You just want to wallow and continue to make it all about you."
Yehudit Buckley
Player, 994 posts
Thu 23 Aug 2018 at 06:08
msg #318
The Keep - Sileas's Room
For a moment Yehudit felt the compulsion to pounce on Millie and pound her head against the floor. But she bit back her rage.
"If you knew how dangerous I am you would want me locked up." Yehudit said in a strained voice.
Millicent Gerthrim
NPC, 229 posts
Fri 24 Aug 2018 at 03:31
msg #319
The Keep - Sileas's Room
Millie stopped and turned to Yehudit. "That is between your parents and the lord of the keep now. I hold no sway over anything. I only want to see Sileas happy today."
Yehudit Buckley
Player, 995 posts
Fri 14 Sep 2018 at 02:39
msg #320
The Keep - Sileas's Room
Yehudit heard footsteps and looked up. She stared at Sileas, surprised at how heavy Sileas was looking.
Sileas Spenser
Player, 641 posts
Sat 15 Sep 2018 at 02:53
msg #321
The Keep - Sileas's Room
Sileas closed the gap. "Oh good, you got her out of the room. We have to hurry. Bai wants to finish the protections. He's getting tired, and you know what that means. He's getting cranky," Sileas fussed.
Yehudit Buckley
Player, 996 posts
Sat 15 Sep 2018 at 02:57
msg #322
The Keep - Sileas's Room
Yehudit slumped her shoulders.
"Let's get this over with." She said gloomily.
Sileas Spenser
Player, 642 posts
Sat 15 Sep 2018 at 03:10
msg #323
The Keep - Sileas's Room
Sileas sighed but didn't respond. She simply moved ahead of Millie and Yehudit and headed back to the hall at her normal pace.
Sileas Thornblade
Player, 690 posts
Sun 8 Mar 2020 at 02:59
msg #324
The Keep - Sileas's Room
Sileas slipped into the rooms she shared with Yehudit, and went to her bedroom. She opened the crate of weapons and picked out the best ones for close combat and strapped them on. Then Sileas grabbed her quiver and bow and closed the crate and locked it. She made her way back to the war room, noticing she was going to have to find a fletcher. And soon.