St Brendan

Dominiq kept busy during her time aboard the Albatross; a number of things that needed to be done while the ship remained at their improvised landing spot. After her shipboard duties were done, she spent most of her time doing two things; first was to don her workout gear - a pair of tangerine leggings, white sneakers, and a dark grey hoodie that mostly covered her combo orange-and-yellow crop top underneath - and spent some time walking around the ship to get some exercise. She didn't know the area past the landing site, so she kept her steps close and power-walked while she listened to her perscomp playlist. The rest of the time, usually after she'd finished exercising and grabbing a quick shower, she exercised the mental side and spent her time reading and studying some of the materials X.O. Wymp recommended. A little knowledge was never a bad thing, after all. she'd thought while she read. And it never hurt to have an edge on your competition, either ...
She noted the arrival of Ms MacKenzie, noting the confidence in her voice as she spoke about her 20 years experience in the Ambassadorial Service, along with her business experience. Part of her was mildly surprised with the thought that a woman with that much experience would bother signing onto a merchant freighter like the Albatross. The other part of her was discouraged, knowing that all of the study she'd been doing to learn 'the ropes' felt like a waste of time. Inwardly, she sighed and let out a slow breath. </smallcaps> No, she's here to help out, and we probably need all the help we can get. Good as Horace is, another body with the experience will help make us some more money, both now and later. Guess I'll have to find something ... else, then.</smallcaps>
Her headaches still came and went and try as she might keep it all out of sight, the Ship's Doctor had noticed and had offered her some painkillers at one point. She'd smiled as she looked up slightly and caught Brandle's blue eyes with her own. "Appreciate the offer, Doctor." she'd replied as she'd brought up a hand and flattened her pale palm. "But I've had these headaches off and on since I was a teenager. It's nothing serious, but when they come, I know what to reach for. Modern medicine's good for a lot of things, but not *everything*. But thanks for looking out for me. I'd just thought I'd kept a lid on it a little better than I did."
The news that the Albatross was expecting passengers proved to be a mixed blessing for Dominiq. When she'd learned their passengers hailed from Merlin, Shabazz looked into the planet's entries on culture and Moraes, just so she wouldn't accidentally overstep her bounds when it came to interacting with them. Articles on Merlinian ecology and it's shimmering bioluminescent aquatic life were fascinating, and she found the people and their 'New Age' thinking ... interesting. She'd watched as they interacted with Reggie and the Doctor, answered their questions calmly and efficiently when asked, and followed instructions almost to the letter. It made her think of an Old Terra fauna called a 'lemming'; something that would follow the directions of a leader, even if that leader leads them over a cliff.
Without realising it, Dominiq found herself knowing more than she suspected about taking care of other people. She'd watched as others had carried out whatever wish she'd desired at the time, and now realised that she'd picked up the basics of how to deal with higher-class patrons. While Merlinians were not exactly nobility, she understood well enough how they carried themselves, and how best to deal with their needs. Sweet Lord ... I'm going to wind up being the Albatross's Purser!
At least the Merlinians, with their easy-going nature, made the young Purser's work a little easier. With all of the people that had been brought aboard, it was cramped and felt like they were packed in like sardines; Dominiq had little doubt that some members of her (former) entertainment community - including herself, once upon a time - might not have been pleased about how things were. She worked as best she could to make sure that everyone was settled and as comfortable as she could make them.
With the stress of keeping the passengers comfortable on the journey, Dominiq did find some solace with her music. From humming some gospel "spiritual" she'd learned as a child, to the occaisional lapsing into her own hip-hop fusions from one of her albums, she found some of the Merlinians enjoyed her singing enough to ask her about performing for a small group of them. She'd briefly thought about turning them down, but something inside of her bucked at the idea. It had been a long time since she'd sung publically like this, and she remembered the crowds seemed a lot larger - but she'd missed performing. She'd accepted the invitation for that night, and spend the rest of the afternoon preparing for the evening.
The evening itself was a more intimate gathering than ones she was used to. Dressed as she was in a floor-length blue-green dress that she'd worn on tour a handful of times, and it momentarily reminded her of a concert she'd done on Lyonesse, in front of a small gathering of their aristocrats. The passengers who'd chosen to attend weren't anything like the Noble Landowners, something that worked in their favour. She sang for an hour, keeping her songs light, pleasant and well within what was expected. She took a short break to refresh her beverage, knowing that some of the others might have to answer the call of nature or freshen their own drinks before she spent the second-hour answering requests from her audience. Some songs she knew and performed well, others she didn't and needed help from some of the crowd to bring to life. The evening ended quickly enough and Shabazz thanked them all for coming and hoped that they enjoyed her songs ...
This message was last edited by the player at 02:50, Tue 31 Mar 2020.