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12:08, 8th February 2025 (GMT+0)

[OOC] The Common Room.

Posted by WizzrobeFor group 0
GM, 86 posts
Dungeon Master
Fri 1 Jan 2016
at 21:32
  • msg #56

[OOC] The Common Room

Okay, the map is updated.
GM, 88 posts
Dungeon Master
Sat 2 Jan 2016
at 06:13
  • msg #57

[OOC] The Common Room

After carefully investigating the tunnel, your character is not certain whether the rock ledge will withstand the weight of everyone in the party, although it seems unlikely.

It looks like the most stable portion of the debris pile would be along its edges, where it touches the tunnel walls. It's possible, although far from certain, that the group could cling to the walls and make it to the top without disturbing the pile.

However, this could possibly be a non-trivial maneuver with some risk of failure. Your character is not sure.
GM, 118 posts
Dungeon Master
Wed 17 Feb 2016
at 06:31
  • msg #58

[OOC] The Common Room

Finding myself a bit disturbed by the grammatical ambiguity in the official "long rest" rules (PHB p.186), I did some research. This is the most useful discussion I found on this topic:

You can click on that link and read through it, if you wish, but you don't have to. The short version is that I am now comfortable interpreting the rule as meaning that you can occasionally be interrupted by short combat encounters while resting, and still go on to receive the full benefits of a long rest after eight hours. However, if you are continually interrupted during those eight hours, then you won't.

What this means right now is that Zhaquadan can participate in the current fight, and then go back to sleep and still get all his HP and spells back after eight hours. Assuming, of course, that no further goblins show up to investigate why these ones went missing...
GM, 146 posts
Dungeon Master
Wed 16 Mar 2016
at 17:13
  • msg #59

[OOC] The Common Room

With the successful completion of Klarg's hideout, each participating character receives 275 XP. This, along with the 75 XP already received for the initial ambush encounter, will be enough to advance everyone (except for Stumpy and Sildar) to level 2.

I will handle leveling up all the NPCs. Please let me know how you'd like to level up Zhaquadan. You can see some basic guidelines in the "Leveling Up" post of the rules thread, and also on p.15 of the PHB. If you're interested in multiclassing, then you can read about that on pp.163-165 of the PHB.

If you choose to level up as a cleric, then you don't need to worry about much at level 2. You don't get an ability score improvement (or feat) until level 4, and you don't get a proficiency bonus increase until level 5. So all you really need to do is decide how you want to increase your HP, pick another 1st-level spell to have prepared, and then read up on the rules for Channel Divinity (PHB pp.58-59, with life domain's channel power on p.60).
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:23, Wed 16 Mar 2016.
Zhaquadan Mudsmither
Dwarf Cleric, 67 posts
Life Domain
Only Constant Is Change
Sat 19 Mar 2016
at 03:30
  • msg #60

[OOC] The Common Room

No multiclass, I will take the set amount of HP (5?), Sanctuary as my next spell,  and I will try to remember my channel.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:32, Sat 19 Mar 2016.
GM, 155 posts
Dungeon Master
Fri 12 Aug 2016
at 07:25
  • msg #61

[OOC] The Common Room

Once you've settled lodging at the inn for your character, please let me know what you'd like to do while you're there, if anything.

Aside from the party and the innkeeper, there are three grizzled-looking men sitting at the bar drinking. You could feasibly strike up a conversation with any of those characters.
Zhaquadan Mudsmither
Dwarf Cleric, 81 posts
Life Domain
Only Constant Is Change
Thu 1 Sep 2016
at 21:22
  • msg #62

[OOC] The Common Room

I don't want anything at the coster at this time.
Zhaquadan Mudsmither
Dwarf Cleric, 84 posts
Life Domain
Only Constant Is Change
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 22:48
  • msg #63

[OOC] The Common Room

 Not sure where to post this.  I don't trust Halia so I am  going to suggest going back to the inn but as soon as we are away from the exchange I want to suggest an alternate plan.
GM, 173 posts
Dungeon Master
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 23:35
  • msg #64

[OOC] The Common Room

Yes, this is the proper place to post out of character stuff like this.

Also, just so you know, you can always try to get a read on an NPC's true intentions or whether or not they are lying by making an Insight check. Your character currently has a +5 to that skill. You can either post the result of the check in this thread, or attach it to an in-character post using orange "OOC:" text at the bottom.

For example:

OOC: Attempting to decipher Halia's true motives.
16:31, Today: Wizzrobe, for the NPC Example NPC, rolled 19 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 14.  Insight.

Zhaquadan Mudsmither
Dwarf Cleric, 110 posts
Life Domain
Only Constant Is Change
Thu 6 Jul 2017
at 16:17
  • msg #65

[OOC] The Common Room

What does Zhaquadan know about this eye thing?  What should I roll again?
GM, 199 posts
Dungeon Master
Thu 6 Jul 2017
at 18:34
  • msg #66

[OOC] The Common Room

You can roll an Arcana check to see what your character knows about this entity. It looks like Zhaquadan currently has a +1 modifier to the Arcana skill.

If you roll badly, then if you wish, you can post simply that Zhaquadan pauses a moment in uncertainty. Then I will back up your roll with another Arcana check from Steamknuckle, who is a bit more likely to know about this thing with an Arcana modifier of +5.
GM, 265 posts
Dungeon Master
Thu 19 Apr 2018
at 09:20
  • msg #67

[OOC] The Common Room

Bumping this just to be sure the game stays alive. I will post again soon.
GM, 266 posts
Dungeon Master
Sat 2 Jun 2018
at 19:53
  • msg #68

[OOC] The Common Room

GM, 291 posts
Dungeon Master
Fri 15 Feb 2019
at 21:32
  • msg #69

[OOC] The Common Room

GM, 292 posts
Dungeon Master
Wed 3 Apr 2019
at 14:49
  • msg #70

[OOC] The Common Room

Zhaquadan Mudsmither
Dwarf Cleric, 174 posts
Life Domain
Only Constant Is Change
Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 14:33
  • msg #71

[OOC] The Common Room

I do not remember much of anything, do I?
GM, 324 posts
Dungeon Master
Wed 12 Aug 2020
at 15:47
  • msg #72

[OOC] The Common Room

I know we only look at this thing once every few months, so it's reasonable to have to jog your own memory for something that would be much closer at hand for your character. To be fair, we've been crawling through the Redbrand hideout for over three years now and in all that time we've only covered a span of maybe a few hours of game time.

What I do for my own sake is every few months I go back and re-read everything, at least from the current chapter. This helps me to stay on top of things to inform my next post. I assume you've got plenty of free time to do the same yourself, though I understand why you might not feel like doing that. The story has had a lot of time to pile up and is now pretty cumbersome to read through.

I also sent you a long time ago what I hoped would be a helpful private message titled "Quest Clues", with some condensed references to important posts throughout the story. I haven't updated this in a while, but it still might be helpful for you to get the Cliff's notes version of important details when you need them.

For now, though, I will help you out by pointing you to this relevant post: link to a message in this game

Feel free to post your character's response whenever it's convenient for you.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:50, Wed 12 Aug 2020.
GM, 342 posts
Dungeon Master
Wed 6 Jan 2021
at 20:08
  • msg #73

[OOC] The Common Room

GM, 343 posts
Dungeon Master
Thu 4 Mar 2021
at 22:50
  • msg #74

[OOC] The Common Room

GM, 344 posts
Dungeon Master
Sun 6 Jun 2021
at 15:43
  • msg #75

[OOC] The Common Room

Bump again.
GM, 351 posts
Dungeon Master
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 05:07
  • msg #76

[OOC] The Common Room

Bumping to keep the game alive.
GM, 363 posts
Dungeon Master
Sat 22 Jul 2023
at 04:31
  • msg #77

[OOC] The Common Room

GM, 364 posts
Dungeon Master
Wed 15 Nov 2023
at 16:13
  • msg #78

[OOC] The Common Room

GM, 365 posts
Dungeon Master
Sat 1 Jun 2024
at 13:20
  • msg #79

[OOC] The Common Room

GM, 366 posts
Dungeon Master
Sun 12 Jan 2025
at 21:09
  • msg #80

[OOC] The Common Room

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