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18:38, 18th February 2025 (GMT+0)

[OOC] The Common Room.

Posted by WizzrobeFor group 0
GM, 4 posts
Dungeon Master
Sun 27 Sep 2015
at 10:54
  • msg #1

[OOC] The Common Room

Talk amongst yourselves.
Zhaquadan Mudsmither
Dwarf Cleric, 1 post
Life Domain
Likes water
Sun 27 Sep 2015
at 18:13
  • msg #2

[OOC] The Common Room

*Hebz calls purple*
This message was last edited by the player at 14:11, Wed 30 Sept 2015.
GM, 7 posts
Dungeon Master
Sun 27 Sep 2015
at 18:27
  • msg #3

[OOC] The Common Room

Very amusing.
GM, 8 posts
Dungeon Master
Fri 2 Oct 2015
at 21:47
  • msg #4

[OOC] The Common Room

Hey Pookies, I just noticed that your point buy math is a little off. Your character has two base 15's (9 points each), a base 14 (7 points), and a base 12 (4 points). With the last two stats as free 8's, that brings your total point expenditure to (9 + 9 + 7 + 4) = 29.

To rectify this, you'll either need to drop your Wisdom from 14 to 13, or your Dexterity from 12 to 10.
GM, 9 posts
Dungeon Master
Sat 3 Oct 2015
at 06:07
  • msg #5

[OOC] The Common Room

Okay, I've finished the majority of both of your character sheets, so please take a look at them by clicking on "Character Details" in the upper left corner of this page. Let me know if you see any problems.

Assuming your sheets are good, then we're almost ready to get started. The main thing I still need from both of you is to finish the steps of the "Character Creation" post, namely:
  • Describe your character using the rules under "Personal Characteristics", PHB pp.123-124: two traits, one ideal, one bond, and one flaw.
  • Complete all the steps under "In-Game Character Setup".
  • Come up with character background details as explained under "Adventure Hook".

I'd also like at least a simple text summary of your character's personal backstory. A couple of short paragraphs is fine, but of course, the more the better.

Once you've come up with these things, please PM or email them to me (, and I'll add them to your character sheet. Don't post anything here, unless you don't mind sharing these details with each other.

Most importantly, I don't want any of this to be a sticking point that kills the entire game because you just really don't want to do it. If you are having trouble, please tell me. I will help you.
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