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19:02, 18th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Campaign Setting and Background.

Posted by WizzrobeFor group 0
GM, 16 posts
Dungeon Master
Sun 25 Oct 2015
at 00:38
  • msg #1

Campaign Setting and Background

The date is Mirtul 1st, 1481 DR. The story begins in the city of Neverwinter, long regarded as one of the few stable beacons of civilization along the otherwise unruly and dangerous northern Sword Coast. However, more recently the city has struggled to live up to this reputation. It has been thirty years since the eruption of the long-dormant nearby volcano Mount Hotenow decimated Neverwinter, killing thousands and leaving the city uninhabitable for over a decade. During that time, a huge chasm to the vast, terrible Underdark split the southeastern quadrant of the city in half, and what was left was abandoned and overrun by bandits and monsters.

Then, in 1462 DR, Neverwinter was resettled under the leadership of Dagult Neverember, Open Lord of Waterdeep. Although hailed as a hero by many of the refugees of Neverwinter, who without his help might never have been able to return to their homes, Lord Neverember soon became the target of suspicions that his benevolent leadership was little more than a ploy to seize control of the city for himself.

Today, the city of Neverwinter has been rebuilt, and has reclaimed some small measure of its former glory and reputation. However, tensions still remain, particularly among those who still distrust Lord Neverember and his self-styled "New Neverwinter". Most of the city has been reclaimed and enjoys relative stability, but some sections are still quite wild and dangerous, particularly those surrounding the open chasm in the southeast. These sections are regularly patrolled by Lord Neverember's peacekeeping force of Mintarn mercenaries, who maintain an uneasy peace through harsh and iron-fisted justice. However, the lands surrounding Neverwinter remain lawless and dangerous, with many smaller settlements destroyed or abandoned, and the rest left to fend largely for themselves against the dangers of the wilderness.

It is here that your characters have made their way, each for his own reasons.

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:16, Tue 01 Aug 2017.
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