[IC] The Journey to Phandalin

Mirtul 1st, 1481 DR
Late on the morning of Mirtul 1st, a wagon sits idle just inside the fortified southern gates of Neverwinter, awaiting the arrival of its hired escorts. The wagon is packed with an assortment of mining supplies and food, apparently ready for the start of its journey. A pair of oxen stand patiently harnessed to the wagon. In the driver's bench sits a slumped, haggard old teamster with a wooden peg leg, stinking of whiskey and dozing off occasionally.
One by one, the group of escorts begins to arrive.
The first to appear is a young, grim-looking halfling woman riding up on her mount, a massive, wrinkly gray mastiff. She wears leather armor over worn traveler's clothes, with a pair of shortswords at her hips and a fine polished shortbow slung over her shoulder. She approaches and greets the grizzled wagon driver tersely, and then falls in beside the oxen on her dog. The driver responds in like manner, barely a grunt really, before returning to his drunken meditations.
The next to arrive are an unlikely pair: a contemplative gold dwarf with long blue hair and beard, accompanied by a wizened old white-bearded gnome with a tiny black owl perched on his shoulder. The dwarf appears quite capable of defending himself, garbed in chain mail and carrying a warhammer and round shield adorned with a painted blue image of a cresting wave. The gnome, however, seems much more frail and less stalwartly equipped. As they approach, the halfling woman rides up on her mastiff to address them.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:53, Thu 25 Feb 2016.