[IC] Welcome to Phandalin
Willow steps forward, waving her hands. "One thing at a time. We understand your concerns, sir, but right now we have a more pressing job to do. We're going to sneak in, capture or eliminate this Glasstaff, then sneak out before the whole Redbrand gang manages to surround us.
"And we're only doing that because it might help get rid of these Redbrands, so we can have a better chance of recruiting the villagers to help us with our true mission - which, let's not forget, is to rescue Gundren Rockseeker from that castle."
She looks around at the rest of the party. "Let's not get sidetracked. He's still there enduring gods know what kind of torture. Every second counts! We get him in our hands, return him safely here, and then we can talk about whose old well we can go clean up to line Rudo's pathetic pockets."