[IC] Welcome to Phandalin
Mirtul 4th, 1481 DR
As dawn spreads, the rutted track emerges from a wooded hillside and the party catches their first full view of Phandalin. The town consists of forty or fifty simple log buildings, some built on old fieldstone foundations. More old ruins - crumbling stone walls covered in ivy and briars - surround the newer houses and shops, showing how this must have been a much larger town in centuries past. Most of the newer buildings are set on the sides of the cart track, which widens into a muddy main street of sorts as it climbs toward a ruined manor house on a hillside at the east side of town.
As the party approaches they see children already up and about, playing on the town green, and other early-rising townsfolk tending to chores or running errands at shops. Many people look up as the wagon passes by, but all return to their business quickly.