The most notable thing about the area of Lexington & 67th is that there's nothing notable going on. No dragon in boxer-briefs or Galactus preparing to eat the planet, starting with New York City, yet again. Nothing much to see at the moment. Closer to the intersection, there is an increase in traffic but nothing of striking proportions, about as bad as it gets on not the best day. There is no particular commotion, no hysteria, no crowd getting to or away from the spot.!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Standing on the corner of the intersection are what anyone could consider a threat: the Wrecking Crew. Three majestically-built men stand on the north-eastern corner of the intersection, just under a building nearly constructed.
The Wrecker, their leader, stands tall and guffaws, with only his laughter audible, not what he's laughing at. In front of him is
Thunderball, wrecking ball in hand, positioned as if speaking with the Wrecker but looking around the area suspiciously and alert, his brow furrowed. A few feet from them stands
Piledriver, grinning and flexing his muscles for any female that happens to walk by, whistling at the few that make eye contact with him.
There is no chaos, just the men standing on the corner. A few policemen are directing traffic, in anticipation of trouble more than actually dealing with any present calamity. Other than those, there is no other police presence or authority, and no panic from the crowd. The scene at the moment is calm, relatively. But when one passing car rear-ends another one and the owners of the vehicles take to yelling at each other, both sweating and suffering under the nearly-unbearable summer sun, a feeling of creeping anxiety seems to wash another layer of warmth over those in the area and the sense of a fuse burning dangerously close to its explosive is unavoidable.
Suddenly, one of the police officers directing traffic flails furiously around himself, as if swatting at something around him. Yellowjacket, the former Avenger, grows to full-sized between the officer and the fender-bender accident, both a short distance from each other. The officer's flailing and the hero appearing is enough to get Thunderball's attention. Just a moment later, the sound of a motorcycle kicks off and She-Hulk saunters up to the villains on the corner. "Hey, boys. Wanna play with someone in your weight class?" she says as she engages.
<<First Action: She-Hulk
Remember that every post with a dice pool must have the current tally of Plot Points and a choice for next action if it's your turn. Each hero starts this scene with 1 PP. Also remember that I automatically buy all Opportunities rolled, at a rate of 1 PP per dice pool (to be translated into Doom Pool dice).>>
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:54, Fri 28 Oct 2016.