The Amazing Avengers #4B: "...That Ruin Was Still There"
Atoms reform and pull together, molecules building from the most minuscule level, pulling each living being from a drifting, dream-like state to the presence of their physical bodies once again.
As those near the golden man had their corporeal bodies disintegrated, so do they reintegrate, but now in a completely different environment. Where the S.H.I.E.L.D. office was dark and chaotic, this place is bright and still. The sun shines hot above, as if it were only miles overhead. Clouds that might have once been above are burned away, leaving sun rays to beat down unadorned. Even looking away is blinding. When the world comes back into focus, the immediate vicinity is revealed: the reappearance has happened at the bottom of a wide bowl as wide as a gymnasium, the top of it opening into the sky, with no skyline to be seen over the rim. This crater holds its own debris, similar to that from the S.H.I.E.L.D. bunker but rusted and decayed, with dust from age rather than settling destruction, but low enough that nothing else can be seen around the bowl. The world is washed in a warm, orange hue, and the air is dirty and itchy. But the environment is quiet.
The heroes are assembled in the same formation as in the bunker as they did not move. New faces appear in the places where they would have been obscured by lack of light in the bunker, whether by their own volition or simply hidden in the darkness.
Uncontrollably, Storm lets out a sharp, guttural moan when she is the last to appear. She slumps into a crouch holding her sides and her head drops downward.
The Punisher stands without the War Machine armor he wore, with ravaged clothes and holding the War Machine machine cannon at his hip, his finger on the trigger. He looks around with narrowed, suspicious eyes.
She-Hulk, the last to materialize, drops into a defensive crouch then slowly looks around, past her fellow heroes and to the distance. “Uh, guys?” she asks cautiously, growing rapidly to frantic. “Uh… guys?”
The golden, unclothed man is still in the center of the assemblage, his glow still dominant even under the harsh rays of the sun above. He stands without moving, a blank look still on his face as he gazes ahead into nothing.
Scene Distinctions:
Somewhere Else… Or Is It?
Any Time Is Now
Site Reduced To Rubble
Doom Pool: 2d6
* Player Plot-Point tallies are reset. Each hero starts with 1 PP.
* Doom Pool is also reset.
* Remember to include your current PP tally in each post when an action was taken.
* Current Affiliation for all is Team.
* Every hero on a roster list may not be present (to accommodate for heroes/players with an unsure status or who have left out without notification).
* Always refer to the Status Update thread for updates, to the most recent post (though be aware of the date and time).
Doom Pool (2d6) mental attack (sudden shell-shock) on all heroes:
Storm physical Stress d12
Watcher rolled 6,6,6 using d6,d6,d12 ((6,6,6)).
Total: 12, Effect: d12
Heroes may use Psyche Specialty as part of their pool; defense powers and Menace Specialty would not work for this roll
Reaction Needed: Bishop, Storm, Wolfsbane, Iron Fist, Moon Knight, Shang-Chi, Machine Man, Taskmaster, Namorita, Invisible Woman
Next Action: any
This message was last updated by the GM at 03:05, Fri 24 Jan 2020.