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Milestones and Unlockables.

Posted by WatcherFor group public
GM, 5 posts
Wed 28 Oct 2015
at 21:30
  • msg #1

Milestones and Unlockables


1 XP when you do something specifically to enhance the reputation of the Avengers (whether you are an official, active member or not)
3 XP when you follow mission orders from Captain America
10 XP when you form or are part of a new, full team of Avengers, when one is needed


5  XP Minor hero assist
10 XP Minor hero solo scene/Major hero assist
15 XP Major hero solo scene/Minor hero activation
20 XP Major hero activation

Essentially, this means for 5 xp you get an assist in a scene, for 5 more you get a solo scene, and for 5 more beyond that the hero is able to be played in the current event.  A 5 xp surcharge is added for particularly powerful heroes.

Examples of "Minor" heroes: Falcon, Black Cat, Black Widow (mostly d8s, maybe a d10 or two)
Examples of "Major: heroes: Namor, Black Panther, Wonder Man (mostly d10s, maybe a d12 or two)

Some of the above could be played with your main hero as well, and also could be played as buddy scenarios.  In the former case, the xp cost would be as per the minor hero scene, and in the latter case, the xp cost would be as per the major hero scene, but could be split between two players.

(I got the above from the previous game.  If you’re really interested in using your XP for any of the above, we can talk about it.)

10 XP Ask the Watcher any question, which will be answered with “Yes” or “No” (additional to that answer is up to the Watcher).  The acquisition of this knowledge will be played out in game.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 05:49, Thu 03 Nov 2016.
GM, 252 posts
Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 06:20
  • msg #2

Spending XP (from main book)

You can spend 5 XP to do the following:
* Replace an existing Distinction with a new one.
* Add or replace a Limit in a Power Set.
* Switch two Affiliation traits.
* Unlock a minor Event resource.

You can spend 10 XP to do the following:
* Add a new SFX to a Power Set.
* Step up a d6 or d8 power trait by one step.
* Add a new d6 power trait to a Power Set.
* Remove a Limit from a Power Set that has two or more Limits.
* Unlock a major Event resource.

You can spend 15 XP to do the following:
* Step up a d10 power trait by one step.
* Replace an existing Power Set with a new one.
* Add a new Expert Specialty or upgrade an existing Expert
to Master.

As a player, you always have the option to spend 1 XP to add a Plot Point to your current pool of PP. This also increases the minimum PP you start each session with by +1 to a maximum of 5 PP (with 4 XP spent). It’s not the most efficient use of your XP, but maybe you really want to get ahead of the game! This increased minimum starting amount resets to 1 at the beginning of a new Act, though -- make use of ‘em while you’ve got ‘em.
GM, 253 posts
Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 06:34
  • msg #3

Avengers Unlockables

[5 XP] Avengers Database. You gain access to the Avengers database during a transition scene. This allows you to access a specific piece of useful information before the next action scene. By buying this unlockable during a Transition Scene, you can create a resource as though you had one of the following Specialties: Business, Cosmic, Crime, or Science. For 5 XP, treat the resource as though you had an Expert Specialty. For 10 XP, treat it as a Master Specialty.

[5 XP] Avengers Tactical Files. You gain access to the Avengers S.H.I.E.L.D. database during a transition scene. These codes give you a free d12 effect die you can apply once during the Act, either to create an asset or remove a complication without having to roll for it.

[5 XP] Transportation (Basic Quinjet). Your team has the use of a scaled down version of an Avengers Quinjet with basic weapon systems (Flight d6, Blast d6).

[10 XP] Transportation (Full Quinjet). Your team has the use of a full version of the Avengers Quinjet, decked out with advanced weapon systems, advanced sensors, and a Starktech defenses (Flight d8, Blast d8, Durability d8).

[5 XP] Respected Avenger. When you interact with the authorities, you can use the distinction Respected Avenger d8.

[10 XP] Trusted Avenger. When you interact with the authorities, you can use the distinction Trusted Avenger 2d8.

[5 XP] Avengers Mentor. You are given advice on a specific situation by an experienced Avenger during a transition scene. This strategic advice gives you a free d12 effect die you can apply once during the Act, either to use as the effect die of a single reaction roll in place of your existing effect die, or to create an asset.

[5 XP/10 XP] Avengers Allies. You can call in a member of another Avengers team. You can request a specific Avenger, but the Watcher has final say over who is available and willing to accept. For 5 XP, the Avenger shares a Specialty with you for the duration of a Transition Scene or the Avenger provides you a resource die from one of his Specialties for one Action Scene. For 10 XP, you can get both of the 5 XP options or the Avenger backs you up as a supporting Watcher character for the duration of an Action Scene.
GM, 254 posts
Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 06:34
  • msg #4

General Headquarters Unlockables

[10 XP] Artificial Intelligence: In your headquarters, when using Tech stunts or resources in a roll, you may spend 1 PP to add a D6 and step up your effect die.

[10 XP] Technology Workshop: In your headquarters, you may spend 1 PP to add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 step when creating Tech related assets. You may also spend 1 PP to step up a Tech resource while in your headquarters.

[10 XP] Mystic Library: In your headquarters, you may spend 1 PP to add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 step when creating Mystic related assets. You may also spend 1 PP to step up a Mystic resource while in your headquarters.

[15 XP] Sanctum: In your headquarters, when you create a Mystic related resource or stunt, you may step up the lowest doom die to step up the resource or stunt.

[10 XP] Infirmary: In your headquarters, you may spend 1 PP to add a d6 and step up your effect die for recovery rolls on Physical and Mental stress.

[10 XP] Science Lab: In your headquarters, you may spend 1 PP to add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 step when creating Science related assets. You may also spend 1 PP to step up a Science resource while in your headquarters.

[10 XP] Vehicle Pool: In your headquarters, you may spend 1 PP to add a d6 and step up your effect die by +1 step when creating Vehicle related assets. You may also spend 1 PP to step up a Vehicle resource while in your headquarters.

[15 XP] Security System. When hostile forces enter or attack your headquarters, any player may spend 1 PP apply a d6 Security Countermeasures complication to all attackers until the security system is disabled.

[15 XP] Automated Defenses. You may spend 1 PP to step up the Security Countermeasures complication inflicted on a specific opponent by the Security System feature. You cannot step up that complication above d10 with this particular Unlockable (though you can do so by other means). Requires Security System.

[15 XP] Ongoing Improvements. By making the maintenance and continued improvement of a headquarters feature a consistent priority, you can improve the effectiveness of that feature. Choose one of the following Unlockables that you have already unlocked: Artificial Intelligence, Technology Lab, Mystic Library, Infirmary, Security System, Science Lab, Vehicle Pool. When the selected Unlockable allows you to add a d6 to a roll, you may instead step that die up to d8. Requires one of the above listed Unlockables.

[15 XP] World-Class Facility. Choose one of the following Unlockables, which you must have also upgraded with the Ongoing Improvements Unlockable: Artificial Intelligence, Technology Lab, Mystic Library, Infirmary, Security System, Science Lab, Vehicle Pool. When you use the feature of each of those Unlockables that adds a die to a roll and steps up an effect die automatically, you need not spend the 1 PP listed as a cost. Features that step up resources are unaffected (and still cost 1 PP). Requires Ongoing Improvements and one of the above listed Unlockables.
GM, 255 posts
Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 06:35
  • msg #5

S.H.I.E.L.D. Unlockables

[5 XP] S.H.I.E.L.D. Investigation Files. You gain access to the S.H.I.E.L.D. database during a transition scene. This allows you to access a specific piece of sensitive information before the next action scene, allowing you to step up an appropriate resource or add a d10 to your first die roll in that scene.

[5 XP] S.H.I.E.L.D. Affiliation. You are considered an ally to S.H.I.E.L.D., and though you must give them your secret identity (which they will keep confidential) and basic personal info, they will assist you in a variety of ways: When you first gain this affiliation, you get access to a d6 resource until the end of the Act from one of the following Specialties: Covert, Medical, Psych, Tech, or Vehicle. You don’t have to have the Specialty to create this resource die. You can now spend XP to obtain such benefits on a regular basis (see below).

[5 XP] S.H.I.E.L.D. Resources. You get access to a d6 resource until the end of the Act from one of the following Specialties: Covert, Medical, Psych, Tech, or Vehicle. You don’t have to have the Specialty to create this resource die. You must unlock S.H.I.E.L.D. affiliation first. If you have unlocked S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, you step-up this resource to a d8 (see below).

[10 XP] S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent. You are a full member of S.H.I.E.L.D., an agent of the world's leading espionage organization. Though you are expected to obey orders from S.H.I.E.L.D. when necessary, they will assist you in a variety of ways: When you first gain this affiliation, you get access to a d8 resource until the end of the Act from one of the following Specialties: Covert, Medical, Psych, Tech, or Vehicle. You don’t have to have the Specialty to create this resource die. Whenever you spend 5 XP to unlock S.H.I.E.L.D. Resources (see above), the benefit is a d8 instead of a d6. You must unlock S.H.I.E.L.D. affiliation first.

[5 XP] Flying Car. You gain the personal use of a S.H.I.E.L.D. flying car, which can be driven in traffic like a normal car without attracting any notice, but which also transforms into an armed aerial vehicle at the push of button (Speed d8, Flight d6, Blast d6). You must unlock S.H.I.E.L.D. affiliation first.

[5 XP/10 XP] Thunderbolts. For 5 XP, you can request that S.H.I.E.L.D. send in one of the Thunderbolts—super villains recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. for black ops missions against Anti-Registration forces. The villain helps you out for one Action Scene, and is then recalled to the Helicarrier. For 10 XP, the Thunderbolt remains a supporting Watcher character for the rest of the Act. For 5 XP, the hero can unlock a recently defeated villain as a playable character; that villain was imprisoned following his or her defeat and accepted a deal with the Thunderbolts program. You must unlock S.H.I.E.L.D. affiliation first. You must unlock S.H.I.E.L.D. affiliation first.

[5 XP/10 XP] Life Model Decoy. For 5 XP, you can declare that the hero you’re playing has been a Life Model Decoy—a highly sophisticated, lifelike android—for some period of time, maybe since the beginning of the Act. The “real” hero can then show up in any Scene you like. For 10 XP, you can declare that any character who has died during the Event was actually an LMD and the real hero is alive and well and available for play. You must unlock S.H.I.E.L.D. affiliation first.
GM, 257 posts
Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 06:36
  • msg #7

Local Hero Unlockables

[5 XP/10 XP/15 XP] Positive Press. For 5 XP An article about you or your team appears in one or more major local news publications, and news reports about your activities are shown on television. For 10 XP a major local media outlet wants to interview you or your group (your choice). For 15 XP a national or international media outlet wants to feature you or your group (your choice) in an extended news report.

[5 XP/10 XP] Embedded. Most major news sources are taking sides of of being anti-mutant or pro-mutant rights. For 5 XP, a journalist puts a hold on a story or photo for up to a few days. For 10 XP, the reporter kills a vital story or photos, keeps knowledge private, and possibly destroys all records.

[5 XP/10 XP] Law Enforcement Ally. For 5 XP you gain an ally in the police force who is a beat cop. For 10 XP You gain an ally in the police force who is a detective or SWAT team officer.

[5 XP/10 XP] Deputized. For 5 XP You become a reserve member of a local law enforcement agency. For 10 XP You become an active member of a local law enforcement agency.

[5 XP] Friends in High Places. You have an ally with influence in government or law enforcement. For 5 XP, you can delay the filing of charges against you or your team for a crime you are believed to have committed (whether you did or not) for a few days while you work to clear your name or set things right. For 10 XP, the ally destroys evidence of the alleged crime, leaving you free from repercussions for the foreseeable future.

[5 XP/10 XP] Hero of the People. For 5 XP, when you interact with ordinary residents of your city, you can use the distinction Hero of the People d8. For 10 XP, when you interact with ordinary residents of your city, you can use the distinction Hero of the People 2d8.

[5 XP] Heroic Contact. You gain access to the database of a more established hero or team of heroes during a transition scene. This allows you to access a specific piece of sensitive information before the next action scene.

[5 XP] Heroic Mentor. You are given advice on a specific situation by an experienced hero during a transition scene. This strategic advice gives you a free d12 effect die you can apply once during the Act, either to use as the effect die of a single reaction roll in place of your existing effect die, or to create an asset.

[5 XP/10 XP] Heroic Allies. You can call in a member of another team of heroes operating in or near your home city. You can request a specific hero, but the Watcher has final say over who is available and willing to accept. For 5 XP, the hero shares a Specialty with you for the duration of a Transition Scene or the hero provides you a resource die from one of his Specialties for one Action Scene. For 10 XP, you can get both of the 5 XP options or the hero backs you up as a supporting Watcher character for the duration of an Action Scene.
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