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11:21, 19th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Where are we???

Posted by DMJWFor group 0
GM, 63 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 12:12
  • msg #1

Where are we???

You are traveling through the mist and the journey is even more unpleasant because it was sudden and not of your choosing. The minute you start to emerge from the mist the sound of Madame Radanavich fills your head...."Let us see how you like being prisoner" The words of her curse wash over you like poison....except that is not the only poison entering your body. Apparently the vistani have friends in low place. The minute you exit the mists, you are ambushed by a group of drow. They shoot you with poisoned arrows before you can even react. The poison enters your body and you start to fall unconscious. That is the last thing you remember before waking up....

"Captured by the drow. You wouldn't wish this fate on anyone, yet here you are...locked in a dark cave, the cold, heavy metal tight around your throat and wrists. You are not alone. Other prisoners are trapped in here with you, in an underground outpost far from the light of the sun."
player, 62 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 12:59
  • msg #2

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

1. I scan the auras of the other prisoners. What do I see?

2. Can we all see eacch other?

3. What did the drow take from us wheen we were captured?

4. Are we down hp or did being unconscious count as a long rest?
GM, 64 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 14:46
  • msg #3

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 2):

1. You actually see nothing and are pretty sure your "aura scanning" is not working. You do see all of your other companions:Panian, Loranys, Krysnys, Remos, Charani and Nymeria. In addition, there are 10 other prisoners being kept in the slave pen with you.

2. You can all see each other!

3. The only thing you have on your person is your undergarments, iron slave collars, and manacles connected to iron belts by a short length of chain.

4. Being unconscious counted as a long rest so you are not down any hit points!
player, 63 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 16:46
  • msg #4

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 3):

1 Are the other prisoners human?
2 Do they look like they are starving?
3 Do they look like they have been beaten?
4 Are they all adults?
player, 32 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 18:20
  • msg #5

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 3):

I mentally reach out to Melina & Jander (and Hallid, though I don't have any expectation of him replying).

Are we all close enough to touch one another or spread out? Are the other prisoners within reach (close enough to attack us)?
GM, 65 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 20:10
  • msg #6

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 4):

1. The other prisoners are not human....male derro, quaggoth, female dwarf, male gnome, male orc, male drow, male kuo-toa, myconid sprout, 2 deep gnomes (one male and one female)

2. They look hungry, but not on the verge of starvation

3. They do look like some of them have been beaten

4. They are all adults
GM, 66 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 20:13
  • msg #7

Where are we???

In reply to Krysnys (msg # 5):

You guys are spread out, but your legs are not bound so you can freely move around in the slave pen. The only restraints are the collar and the manacles attached to your iron belt.

Melina "I am so happy you are OK. Where are you? What is going on? We could seriously use your help with the Argens situation around here. It is just a matter of time before the orcs attack."

Jander and Hallid are not responding.
player, 45 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 20:42
  • msg #8

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 7):

Loranys looks around and goes to Theo. She takes note of the other prisoners. Do they look like they would be friend or foe? What is their reaction to us?
player, 33 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 20:43
  • msg #9

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 7):

I fill Melina in on everything.

Can I connect via ESP to Theo and Loranys?
GM, 67 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 20:51
  • msg #10

Where are we???

In reply to Krysnys (msg # 9):

GM, 68 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 20:54
  • msg #11

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 8):

They tend to keep to themselves. The 2 deep gnomes hang out together. It is pretty apparent they know each other. The rest of the prisoners seem to be on their own.

You are not sure of the friend or foe. There might be some species you don't even recognize.
player, 46 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 21:00
  • msg #12

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 11):

{DEFS DO NOT RECOGNIZE}  Loranys tries to talk to any who appear alone, first in common.
player, 64 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 21:30
  • msg #13

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 12):

To Loranys: Let's start with the dwarf.

Approaches the female dwarf: Hello. Do you speak common? Where are we? How long have you been held here?
player, 47 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 21:42
  • msg #14

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 13):

Loranys watches her closely. She is keenly aware of the creatures in her periphery however. She is curious about the Quaggoth.
GM, 69 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:29
  • msg #15

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 12):

male derro, quaggoth, male kuo-toa, myconid sprout

Not sure you would have encountered these creatures before so they might be foreign to you?
GM, 70 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:32
  • msg #16

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 13):

She looks at you strangely....and speaks to you in dwarven? Anyone speak dwarf??
GM, 71 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:38
  • msg #17

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 14):

The quaggoth prisoner is definitely the most menacing and the other prisoners keep their distance. It has colorless fur over a medium sized body but is still by far the largest prisoner.
player, 50 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:45
  • msg #18

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 16):

I volunteer that I speak Dwarven and attempt to communicate what Theo said to her.

(I believe Dwarven is only spoken by Nymeria and I, it was a language we chose because no one else knew it, haha)
This message was last edited by the player at 01:45, Sun 22 Jan 2017.
player, 65 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:46
  • msg #19

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 16):

Aloud to all of the other prisoners: Do any of you speak common?
player, 48 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:49
  • msg #20

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 19):

Loranys reaches a tentative hand toward the Quaggoth
player, 51 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:52
  • msg #21

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 18):

After receiving a response, I begin to search around for anything I could use to try to manipulate the locks. Bits of metal, for example.

I try to not draw attention to myself.

I'll roll for stealth, to try to be inconspicuous
player, 66 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:54
  • msg #22

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 21):

What did she say?
player, 52 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:57
  • msg #23

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 22):

Panian whispers to Theo: "No response yet."

 When the DM gets it I'll let you know.

Panian rolled a 19 for stealth.

GM, 72 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 12:52
  • msg #24

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 18):

The dwarf says she is a scout from Gauntlgrym which is a dwarf establishment to the west of where you are. Talking to her you can tell she hates the drow and all of the other "corrupt dark dwellers". She really wants to get back to Gauntlgrym...she has been in the slave pen/captive for 6 days now.

Her name is Eldeth Feldrun
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:54, Sun 22 Jan 2017.
GM, 73 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 12:54
  • msg #25

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 19):

You get confused looks which make you think that the answer is "no"
GM, 74 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 12:55
  • msg #26

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 20):

In an urbane type of Elvish the creature says to you..."What do you want?"
GM, 75 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 12:57
  • msg #27

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 21):

You find nothing of use in the slave pen around you. Although it appears that some of the prisoners recognized that you were looking for stuff and you can see some of them shift positions as if they are trying to hide some things that they might have.
player, 67 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 13:21
  • msg #28

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 24):

Panian, could you ask Eldeth to tell us more about the "dark dwellers" and anything else she knows about the other captives... does she know anything about the fish-headed fellow or the walking mushroom?

Also, one of our elves should speak to the captive drow. Why would they imprison one of their own with this motley crew?
player, 49 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 14:12
  • msg #29

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 26):

Loranys smiles a little and shrugs. "Why are you in here? You look pretty intimidating."
GM, 76 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 16:47
  • msg #30

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 29):

He looks at you and replies "This isn't how I really look. I am not a quaggoth. I am actually a gold elf prince. I was cursed and transformed into this shape. I am Prince Derendil of Nelrindennvane in the High Forest. Perhaps you have heard of me? My crown was taken by an evil wizard named Terrestor. He trapped me in this form and exiled me from my people. During my exile I got set upon by a group of drows and brought here. I've been here almost a week and I want to go home."
player, 50 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 00:42
  • msg #31

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 30):

Loranys replies, "Well. That makes two of us. Where are we, exactly?" .She walks toward him.
player, 53 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 00:43
  • msg #32

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 28):

Panian asks the Dwarf Theodoric's questions.
player, 34 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 00:49
  • msg #33

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 32):

Krysnys asks the gnomes all of Theo's questions in gnomish.

To Loranys, mentally, DUDE, take it easy. Keep your distance.
player, 68 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 00:56
  • msg #34

Where are we???

In reply to Krysnys (msg # 33):

Theodoric approaches the mushroom guy. "Can you speak?"
GM, 77 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:04
  • msg #35

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 31):

We are in the Underdark which is a realm of endless labyrinthine tunnels and caverns where the sun never shines. I need to be back with my people. In the sun....
player, 51 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:08
  • msg #36

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 35):

Loranys asks him what above-ground town are we near?
GM, 78 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:10
  • msg #37

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 32):

The dwarf replies: "The derro over there and other underground things such as the duergar. We dwarves reclaimed our ancient dwarf kingdom, in spite of having to fight these corrupt dark dwellers. We have pushed back the darkness and allowed the light of our kingdom to shine through."

The mushroom like thing calls itself Stool. He can communicate but you have to have spores to get the telepathic link to him. I am not taking in spores.

The kuo-toa dude is weird. He is an aquatic hermit and keeps to himself. I have never seen him fight or do anything aggressive. He claims to have spent a lifetime in contemplation and solitary meditation to overcome his people's legacy of madness. He is a pacifist and won't do anything bad to anyone. Totally worthless is that one!
GM, 79 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:12
  • msg #38

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 36):

I am not sure. It depends on where we are down here. The Underdark runs under that entire realm on the surface. We could be under any of the towns up there!
GM, 80 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:14
  • msg #39

Where are we???

In reply to Krysnys (msg # 33):

The gnomes are not real interested in talking. You hear the male one mumbling darkly under his breath and the female one repeating or translating what the male one says. You definitely can tell that they are brother and sister. They seem fearful of you and your group and ask you to leave them alone. They will look out for themselves.
GM, 81 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:15
  • msg #40

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 34):

The little guy seems very excited when you approach him. He shakes a little bit and spores come off of his body. He motions to them...or at least you think that is what he is doing....
player, 52 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:25
  • msg #41

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 38):

Loranys tells him they have NO IDEA where they are or how to get back to their farm.  She studies his face for a minute and gets closer. She asks about the curse,
How it came about, how it can be undone.
player, 35 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:27
  • msg #42

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 41):

Krysnys is fiercely telling you, mentally, to KEEP. YOUR. DISTANCE.
player, 69 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:27
  • msg #43

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 40):

Theodoric puts some spores on his hand and looks closely at them. To the group: "I think he wants me to inhale these." Theodoric prepares in inhale.
GM, 82 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:28
  • msg #44

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 41):

The evil wizard Terrestor cursed me. I am not sure how it can be undone. He is pretty powerful. I will find a way though. I need to get back to my people. My kingdom needs me.
GM, 83 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:32
  • msg #45

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 43):

Stool is bouncing up and down when you look like you are going to inhale the spores. He is very excited!
player, 70 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:33
  • msg #46

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 45):

Theo inhales.
player, 53 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:39
  • msg #47

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 46):

Loranys suddenly realizes what just happened to Theo. She says "excuse me" and goes over to Theo. She touches his arm and says, "What did you just do? How do you feel?" She looks angrily at Stool.
player, 2 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:40
  • msg #48

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 46):

GM, 84 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:40
  • msg #49

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 47):

Stool hides behind Krysnys...if she lets him!
GM, 85 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:41
  • msg #50

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 46):

You can hear Stool and Krysnys talking....he is telling her about his capture. He looks at you and mentally you hear him ask if you are going to hurt him? You also are amazed that you can understand all of the other prisoners in the slave pen. Apparently the spores allow you to communicate with others. Although you have no idea if there are any side effects....
player, 36 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:44
  • msg #51

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 49):

Aww, sure. C'mere little guy.
player, 71 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:46
  • msg #52

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 50):

To Stool: I will not hurt you. I will help you, if I can. We are friends.

To Loranys: Take it easy. He didn't hurt me. I can understand everyone.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:46, Mon 23 Jan 2017.
GM, 86 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:47
  • msg #53

Where are we???

In reply to Krysnys (msg # 51):

Stool reminds you of a puppy that has been abused and is looking for someone to be kind to him.
GM, 87 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:48
  • msg #54

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 52):

Stool comes out from behind Krysnys.

He looks adoringly at both Theo and Krysnys
player, 72 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:49
  • msg #55

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 52):

I approach the kuo-toa. "How were you captured? Where are you from?"
GM, 88 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:58
  • msg #56

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 55):

I am Shuushar the Awakened. I have been a captive for 10 days now. I am not sure why I was taken other than the drow seem to like to capture and sell slaves for entertainment in their subterranean cities.

You are immediately struck by how peaceful and calm this guy is even though he has been a prisoner for 10 days.
player, 3 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:59
  • msg #57

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 55):

"Wait, there is too much happening. Can we go in order: Who has been here the longest? What can you tell us about our captors?"
GM, 89 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:01
  • msg #58

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 55):

I am from Sloobludop which is a town near the Darklake. I have navigated the Darklake for many years. I am hoping to share my enlightenment and my peace with my fellow kuo-toa. I am on a mission of getting my people to find their inner balance. Peace. Kindness.
GM, 90 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:02
  • msg #59

Where are we???

In reply to Nymeria (msg # 57):

All the prisoners except the dwarf and the golden prince look at you in puzzlement unless you have other languages you speak other than dwarven and elven?
player, 73 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:03
  • msg #60

Where are we???

In reply to Nymeria (msg # 57):

To Nymeria: So far, the other captives do not seem to know much. We've spoken to the mushroom, the quaggoth, the dwarf, the gnomes, and the kuo-toa. We did not yet approach the drow, the orc, our the duerro. You should speak to the drow.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:04, Mon 23 Jan 2017.
player, 4 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:05
  • msg #61

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 59):

Nymeria tries:
Woodland Creature
Silver Dragon
player, 17 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:07
  • msg #62

Where are we???

Charani is curious about the derro's appearance and approaches.  "You look like my grandfather," she says.
player, 74 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:11
  • msg #63

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 58):

To the Kuo-toa: Peace is pure. I understand and respect your pacifism. My path is different, but you and long for the same world. We will escape from this cell and you will be able to go on with your mission. Do you know the way out of here?
This message was last edited by the player at 02:11, Mon 23 Jan 2017.
player, 5 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:13
  • msg #64

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 60):

Nymeria tries talking to Lelothot "Are there any creatures here that would know you?"

She approaches the drow. "Friend," she tries in elvish. "How long have you been help prisoner here?"
GM, 91 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:15
  • msg #65

Where are we???

In reply to Nymeria (msg # 61):

The twin gnomes ignore your query...they move closer to each other and start to chatter softly.

The drow glares at you....he can clearly understand you but does not respond.

The orc looks at you and says his name is Ront and he has been here for 6 days.

The other gnome looks at you and says his name is Jimjar and he has been here for 6 days.

The dwarf that Panian has been talking to is Eldeth...she has been here for 6 days.

The prince has been here for 7 days.

I think those are the main prisoners you can talk to with your languages!!!
GM, 92 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:16
  • msg #66

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 62):

He gestures that he doesn't understand what you are saying....
GM, 93 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:17
  • msg #67

Where are we???

In reply to Nymeria (msg # 64):

Filthy noble elf. Get away from me. You and your kind are not fit to be elves.
GM, 94 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:18
  • msg #68

Where are we???

In reply to Nymeria (msg # 64):

Lelothot does not answer you....
player, 75 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:19
  • msg #69

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 66):

To Charani: Inhale Stool's spores and you will be able to communicate with anyone.
player, 18 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:20
  • msg #70

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 66):

Charani smiles, trying to emphasize her good intentions, then slowly reaches out to touch his beard.
player, 19 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:21
  • msg #71

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 69):

Blow me some of those spores Theo!
player, 76 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:24
  • msg #72

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 71):

No problem, kid. Here you go.
player, 20 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:25
  • msg #73

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 72):

Thanks Theo!

She turns again to the derro after inhaling the spores.  "You look like my grandfather.  How did you get here?"
player, 6 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:27
  • msg #74

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 65):


Nymeria backs away from the drow. "I'll leave you alone. But I hope you reconsider. Don't be so fast to judge on appearances."

She moves towards Ront and Jimjar, and begins speaking to them, repeating the same questions in both languages. "Were you captured together? Where did you come from? Do you know which part of the underworld we are in (below what towns)?"
player, 54 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 00:18
  • msg #75

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 65):

Panian asks Eldeth if he can sit next to her for a bit. Regardless of if he sits or stands, Panian asks the same question. "If I may, Eldeth, I would like to learn as much as I can about this place. Tell me more about the Dwarves and what has been happening, if you can. I also am interested in your intentions and who you find to be trustworthy down here. I would like to escape from this prison, as we all probably would like to, but I would like to know more."
player, 54 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 01:05
  • msg #76

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 75):

Loranys wonders if the Kuo-Toa has ever met Daveak.

She heads back to the Quaggoth and sits a respectable distance from him. She asks him about the routine of life down here; how often they will be fed, which guards to be wary of, if he is aware of the way toward the surface or if we would have to figure it out if we were to escape.  Would he be interested in joining forces?
This message was last edited by the player at 01:10, Tue 24 Jan 2017.
GM, 95 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 01:38
  • msg #77

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 73):

I got captured by the drow 5 days ago. How did you get here?
GM, 96 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 01:42
  • msg #78

Where are we???

In reply to Nymeria (msg # 74):

Ront (the orc) approaches you menacingly. Get away from me elf. I don't want anything to do with you...on the other hand...maybe you could empty my chamber pot. I just took a big dump in it and it is smelly....

Jimjar (the gnome) winks at you and says..."Don't worry about the orc there...he's just come over here with Jimjar.....I know how to take care of a woman"
GM, 97 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 01:48
  • msg #79

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 75):

Eldeth knows quite a bit about the workings of the slave area. She shares the following information with you...tell you if you are trying to escape, she wants in on the action...

There are 19 drow at the outpost, including Ilvara, Shoor, Jorlan and Asha

There are a dozen quaggoths

There are lots of giant spiders

3 drow guards watch the slave pen from the hanging guard tower at all times

the cell has some type of anti-magic effect on one can cast anything

Jorlan...the drow warrior suffered disfiguring injuries recently and he seems to not be in favor with Ilvara anymore...she used to sleep with him and now she is with Shoor

Shoor carries a wand that shoots gobs of sticky material that traps us

The drow are waiting for a contingent from Menzoberranzan to take the prisoners back to the drow the drow city you will be sold as slaves or used for entertainment....
GM, 98 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 01:51
  • msg #80

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 76):

Prince Derendil scoots over to sit a little closer to you. He definitely would want to escape with you....

He says that there are no comforts in the slave only have clay chamber pots to do your business get fed once a day...a thin mushroom broth served in small clay bowls passed through gaps in the bars of the first he didn't eat it, but hunger got the best of him and now he gobbles it down when it comes...
player, 55 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 02:19
  • msg #81

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 80):

Loranys smiles and asks wuietly about the other prisoners. She is of course speaking in elvish. Who do you trust? Any escape plans you've formulated? Having been here longer than me, you'd know best...
GM, 99 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 02:40
  • msg #82

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 81):

The prince looks at you sadly. "None of the other prisoners feel comfortable enough to be around me. They are all afraid because of how I look. They don't believe I am a prince. I am so glad that you do. "
player, 56 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 17:56
  • msg #83

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 82):

Loranys leans forward and reaches out her hand. "It must be crazy to be an elf inside there. But you'll break the curse. In the meantime you can help us escape. I heard the dwarf say there are Quaggoth out there; maybe you can act like our guard or something. Can I touch your fur?"
player, 21 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 23:15
  • msg #84

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 77):

"We were also captured by the Drow.  Do you know what they've done with our possessions? What are they planning to do with us?"

Charani wishes she had her bouzouki to ease the other prisoners and pass the time until they can make a plan.
GM, 100 posts
Wed 25 Jan 2017
at 23:18
  • msg #85

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 83):


The prince shakes his head and says "I'm sorry...of course you can touch my fur. I would be honored to help you escape this place and get my curse broken"
GM, 101 posts
Wed 25 Jan 2017
at 23:21
  • msg #86

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 84):

I would assume all of your stuff is in one of the higher ups quarters. Ilvara keeps all the good stuff close and gloats about it. Either she or Shoor will have it. I would just concern yourself about making it out of here. Forget your stuff....your life is more important.
player, 57 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Fri 27 Jan 2017
at 00:19
  • msg #87

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 85):

Loranys narrows her eyes. "Why the strong reaction?"
GM, 102 posts
Fri 27 Jan 2017
at 02:06
  • msg #88

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 87):

I am so sorry. I don't know why I said that to you. Please accept my humble apology.
player, 22 posts
Fri 27 Jan 2017
at 04:04
  • msg #89

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 86):

"Who are Ilvara and Shoor? Do you have any ideas for getting out of here? Have you tried anything?"

Charani looks up nervously and inches closer to the derro so they can speak quietly.
player, 7 posts
Fri 27 Jan 2017
at 23:08
  • msg #90

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 78):

Nymeria seriously considers dumping the orc's chamber pot over his head to empty it, but decides it's best not to. She approaches Jimjar warily. "Oh! What do you mean, take care of me? I may be good with languages, but I've been told I'm useless otherwise... Are you the person in charge here? Do you take care of everyone?" She realizes life might be easier if she just plays dumb for a while.
GM, 103 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 05:14
  • msg #91

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 89):

I have been patient and waiting for the right opportunity. Ilvara is the drow priestess. She is in charge. Shoor is her right hand drow and lover. It is like Days of Our Lives down here!
GM, 104 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 05:17
  • msg #92

Where are we???

In reply to Nymeria (msg # 90):

"Jimjar knows how to take care of elf lady and make her feel good!!! "

"I bet you this shard of stone here that the elf dude over there is conspiring with that dwarf. Bet he attacks the drow before the night is up? Wanna bet????"
player, 55 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 21:53
  • msg #93

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 92):

Without warning, Panian moves as fast as he can to the Drow, trying to catch him off guard. He yells something in Dwarven. Upon reaching the Drow, he attempts to grab the Drow in a headlock so the Drow will be forced to look at Nymeria...

In common he yells, "You must repent for your dishonor directed at a member of House Glimmergaunt!"

Strength Roll for Grapple: 14
This message was last edited by the player at 21:54, Sat 28 Jan 2017.
GM, 105 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 23:06
  • msg #94

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 93):

Sarith rolls a 14 against your grapple so is holding his own. Without warning he pulls a shard of rock out of his undies and tries to stab you. He rolls a 20 (not natural) for a hit against you for 6 points of damage. Eldeth immediately jumps the drow from behind!!

Jimjar looks at Nymeria and says "I bet you that the drow gets 2 more shot in on the other elf before the guards come!"
GM, 106 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 23:09
  • msg #95

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 94):

Stool waddles behind Krysnys and starts shaking. "Why is elf guy attacking the drow? We need to help each other to get out not fight. Your friends are mean..." He mentally pictures Loranys and Panian.
player, 8 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 23:31
  • msg #96

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 92):

Nymeria is about to decline the bet when Panian attacks the Drow.

She turns to Jimjar re: the second bet and says, "you're on."

Then, she runs to the orc's chamber pot, and chucks it at the drow's head. (AND ROLLS A NATURAL 20 TO DO SO!!!!!!!!!!!!)
GM, 107 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 23:38
  • msg #97

Where are we???

In reply to Nymeria (msg # 96):

HAHAHAHA (that was DM reaction)

The chamber pot hits the drow square in the head. Shit flies everywhere. The drow takes 6 points of damage. Eldeth, Panian and the drow need to do a dexterity check to see if they are blinded by the flying shit for a turn!!!
GM, 108 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 23:40
  • msg #98

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 97):

Sarith rolls a 10 and starts to swear and wipe shit from his eyes. Eldeth manages to avoid the splatter and attacks the drow!
GM, 109 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 23:41
  • msg #99

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 98):

Eldith swings and misses striking Panian in the process with a glancing blow that does no damage!
player, 77 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 03:57
  • msg #100

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 99):

Does anyone know why Panian and the dwarf are attacking the drow?
player, 56 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 05:11
  • msg #101

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 99):

Panian Rolled a 14 (18 if Acrobatics Check) to dodge the feces.

Panian rolled a 20 (not natural) in his attempt to secure the Drow in a grapple

"Nymeria! His Insult against you shall not stand- the Blood Oath gives me reason here!!!"
This message was last edited by the player at 11:38, Sun 29 Jan 2017.
GM, 110 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 12:10
  • msg #102

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 101):

In the process of securing the drow, he sticks the stone shard in you another time (rolled 21). Take another 6 points of damage.
player, 57 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 12:44
  • msg #103

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 102):

Yelled in Dwarven:

"Eldeth, get that stone from him!"

(Do I have him Grappled? Did he lose the strength challenge?)
player, 58 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 13:26
  • msg #104

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 103):

Loranys gets pissed. "Fucking Panian. Now there shit everywhere. "  She looks at the Quaggoth. "Shall we try to escape?"
player, 23 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 15:52
  • msg #105

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 102):

DM: Does anybody notice this fight besides the people in here? What about the guards? Charani rolls a 23 perception.

Charani looks at the derro.  "Do you have any ideas? Everyone seems pretty distracted right now."
player, 78 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 17:47
  • msg #106

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 105):

Theodoric to Krysnys and Loranys: Help me put an end to this foolishness.
player, 59 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 21:19
  • msg #107

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 106):

Loranys looks at Theo but does not respond. She glances back at the Quaggoth.

DM: what is the Quaggoth doing in response to this situation?
GM, 111 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 23:11
  • msg #108

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 105):

Buppido tells you the guards are going to be here soon because of the noise. He is correct. Three guards show up outside the slave pen and yell at everyone to stop fighting. They pull crossbows and stand back from the slave pen ready to shoot.
GM, 112 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 23:13
  • msg #109

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 103):

You guys are basically in a stale mate with the grapple because of how your arms are chained. Eldith tries to get the shard from him.
GM, 113 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 23:14
  • msg #110

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 103):

Eldith does not get the shard from him. She rolled an 11.
GM, 114 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 23:15
  • msg #111

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 107):

The prince looks pissed that the shit is flying everywhere. He does not join in the fight. The gnomes are all cheering and egging Panian and Eldeth on. Jimjar is throwing out odds on who is going to win the fight.
GM, 115 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 23:16
  • msg #112

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 104):

"What did you have in mind? How are we escaping?"
player, 60 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Mon 30 Jan 2017
at 00:38
  • msg #113

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 112):

Loranys appears to be distractedly heading toward Theo.  She isn't ignoring the prince, just seems like she is getting caught up in what is happening. "Hang on..."

To Theo: what the heck. This is ridiculous.
player, 58 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Mon 30 Jan 2017
at 03:31
  • msg #114

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 108):

Panian shoves the Drow as hard as he can towards the guards and starts yelling

"Help us! He has a weapon, a sharp stone! He was trying to kill me and the dwarf! Look at the blood on me! Take this madman away from us! He said he wanted to start a fight to kill us and then one of you. Said you are betrayers to your own kind!"

Panian rolled Deception to convince the guards of the situation. Rolled 27

Panian throws up his hands and looks to the guards in a pleading manner. He was hoping that shoving the Drow towards the guards they would see the weapon in the Drow's hand and fire at him.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:32, Mon 30 Jan 2017.
player, 24 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2017
at 16:09
  • msg #115

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 108):

DMJW: how did the guards get down? Are there ladders or something? Or are they just standing around the mouth of the hole we're in? If the guards are down in the pit with us I want to attempt something sneaky.

Charani looks at Buppido. "What do you think? Should we make an attempt? Do you want to escape?" Charani anxiously watches Panian's interaction with the guards.

GM, 116 posts
Tue 31 Jan 2017
at 23:57
  • msg #116

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 115):

The guards are outside the slave pen. You saw them use rope bridges to get from their guard tower to the slave pen. Buppido says of course he wants to escape. What do you have in mind?
GM, 117 posts
Wed 1 Feb 2017
at 00:00
  • msg #117

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 114):

The guards laugh at you as you yell at them and gesture. They each pull out their crossbows and shoot you and Sarith with bolts. Roll a constitution check! They re-load and shoot Eldith for good measure. "Stupid slaves. Do as you're told!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:06, Wed 01 Feb 2017.
GM, 118 posts
Wed 1 Feb 2017
at 00:04
  • msg #118

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 117):

Eldith takes damage and seems to shake off the effects of the bolt. Sarith on the other hand takes damage and doesn't look so good.
GM, 119 posts
Wed 1 Feb 2017
at 00:05
  • msg #119

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 118):

The guards yell at the rest of you to get some rest. "Tomorrow is a big day for slave labor. Lots of chores to be done. Since you were all so eager to fight, you can go without supper tonight!"
player, 25 posts
Wed 1 Feb 2017
at 04:05
  • msg #120

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 119):

"Buppido, do you think we could use the shard of rock to cut the ropes? what is outside this pit? rocks? a moat? This slave labor doesn't sound too good to me."
GM, 120 posts
Wed 1 Feb 2017
at 23:28
  • msg #121

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 120):

Buppido says the shard might cut the rope but it would take a long time. Plus, you are still locked inside the slave pen. "How are we getting out of here to get to the rope ladders?"
player, 59 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Thu 2 Feb 2017
at 03:32
  • msg #122

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 117):

CON Save 11

Panian grimaces at the bolt entering his body.

"You dark elf bastards" He yells. Grabbing the bolt and trying to pull it out of him...

STR Check 7
This message was last edited by the player at 03:38, Thu 02 Feb 2017.
player, 26 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2017
at 03:35
  • msg #123

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 121):

In reply to DMJW (msg # 121):

"It seems like we're pretty fucked Buppido."

Charani heads over to Panian and performs Healing Word (verbal only!!) to attempt to ease some of the crossbow bolt damage. (Panian give yourself 5 hp back)
player, 27 posts
Thu 2 Feb 2017
at 03:38
  • [deleted]
  • msg #124

Where are we???

This message was deleted by the player at 04:11, Thu 02 Feb 2017.
GM, 121 posts
Fri 3 Feb 2017
at 23:08
  • msg #125

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 123):

You notice that even though you did everything correctly, healing word didn't work...and it still cost you the spell slot. You are pretty sure no magic will work in the slave pen!!!
GM, 122 posts
Fri 3 Feb 2017
at 23:09
  • msg #126

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 122):

You couldn't get the bolt out!!!
GM, 123 posts
Fri 3 Feb 2017
at 23:11
  • msg #127

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 122):

You feel poison seeping through your veins. You lose 5 hp a turn for 10 turns!
GM, 124 posts
Fri 3 Feb 2017
at 23:13
  • msg #128

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 123):

Buppido replies that he thinks with the combined strength of all of you that during the labor sessions you might be able to break free. He said he will give you the run down of the area and what they have you do if you want to know. He can pretty much tell you the whole layout of the place and where you might be working!
player, 28 posts
Sat 4 Feb 2017
at 03:09
  • msg #129

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 128):

"Thank you for the info Buppido--teamwork makes the dream work! What do you know?"
player, 79 posts
Sat 4 Feb 2017
at 12:38
  • msg #130

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 129):

Theodoric to Panian and Nymeria: That was crazy. Are you two under some kind of spell?
I haven't seen anything that embarrassing since growing up in Nor. Near the temple there was this guy who would put on a show every afternoon. Remos wouldn't let me watch, but I would sneak over to see it once in a while. His name was Jerrius Springerius. I haven't seen anything like that since... until now.
player, 29 posts
Sat 4 Feb 2017
at 23:17
  • msg #131

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 130):

My grandma Rosa would often practice "giving someone the chair" when I was younger.
GM, 125 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2017
at 12:37
  • msg #132

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 129):

Buppido replies that he can tell you anything you really want to know but you need to specifically ask him questions. He is a "man" of few words and only answers direct questions addressed at him. He gives you a rough map of where you are at based on his time working here. I texted you guys the map!!!
GM, 126 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2017
at 18:52
  • msg #133

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 132):

You see eldith go over to Panian and rip the bolt out of him. You then see her head toward the drow with a poison bolt in both hands. It is pretty obvious she means to attack him again. The guards by this point have left, so they will not try and stop her. Sarith is injured because of the poison from the first bolt!
player, 60 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sun 5 Feb 2017
at 19:30
  • msg #134

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 133):

Panian winces in pain, but in catching glimpse of Eldeth moving aggressively towards the drow, begins to smile. Good perception would alert you to the fact that Panian barely clings to consiousness at this point, and possibly even life.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:33, Sun 05 Feb 2017.
player, 30 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2017
at 23:16
  • msg #135

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 132):

"Ok Buppido. What kind of hard labor are they gonna have us do?  Where is the hard labor gonna be? How many guards watch us?"
player, 9 posts
Tue 7 Feb 2017
at 02:22
  • msg #136

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 134):

Nymeria runs over to Panian, oblivious to Eldeth's intentions. She looks around desperately for something to wipe Panian clean, and apologizes for getting shit all over him.

She wonders what poison was on the arrows. Is it too late to suck the bad blood out? "Panian, you fool. If you attack everyone who insults us, we'll never get anywhere!"
player, 61 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Tue 7 Feb 2017
at 21:00
  • msg #137

Where are we???

In reply to Nymeria (msg # 136):

"Sorry, Nymeria, it's one of our cultural elements that stuck close to me after leaving Indelshire."

Panian takes Nymeria's hand and squeezes it, smiling weakly at his best friend. His gesture is half saying thank you, half apologizing to her.

Nymeria, I think Panian is largely clean, because I didn't see any post that said Panian got hit.
player, 80 posts
Tue 7 Feb 2017
at 23:20
  • msg #138

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 133):

Theodoric moves to attempt to stop Eldith from killing the drow. He will attempt to go behind her to grab wrist and twist her arm to make her to drop the arrow.
GM, 127 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2017
at 00:19
  • msg #139

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 135):

They have us doing all sorts of labor. They will split us up into groups of 2-3. Some of us will operate the lift. Some of us will empty chamber pots and clean. Some of us will stack rocks. Some of us will gather water. They make us do all sorts of things!!! Most of the time there are 2-3 drow guards and then sometimes big spiders and other creatures.
GM, 128 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2017
at 00:20
  • msg #140

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 137):

Panian would have some shit splatter on him but not a lot since the pot didn't hit him full on but shattered near him.
GM, 129 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2017
at 00:21
  • msg #141

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 138):

Remembering that your hands are shacked and a chain runs from the shackles to your waist. Roll for attack/foiling her attack!
player, 61 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Wed 8 Feb 2017
at 00:26
  • msg #142

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 141):

Loranys looks at Panian and Nymeria with concern. She sees Theo heading toward Eldrith and goes to help him.
player, 81 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2017
at 00:57
  • msg #143

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 141):

rolled 13
GM, 130 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2017
at 02:35
  • msg #144

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 142):

Loranys needs to roll an attack/foiling roll too!
player, 62 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Wed 8 Feb 2017
at 23:58
  • msg #145

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 144):

A fucking 3
GM, 131 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 00:20
  • msg #146

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 145):

In loranys' haste to help Theo, she ends up tripping them both!!!
player, 62 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 02:24
  • msg #147

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 146):

Panian looks at Loranys trip... He lies back, looks up to Nymeria, and smiles. He secretly hopes Eldeth will kill the Drow. 
player, 63 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 03:04
  • msg #148

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 147):

Goddamnit, Loranys mutters. She gets up and helps Theo up and glances at the Quaggoth.
player, 31 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 03:29
  • msg #149

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 148):

watching all this, charani says "I don't know if we're gonna make it Buppido."
player, 82 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 12:15
  • msg #150

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 148):

As he scrambles back to his feet, Theo shouts a warning to the drow prisoner.
player, 10 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 15:14
  • msg #151

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 147):

DMJ, what effects are we seeing for Panian? How worried should Nymeria be? If he seems okay, she will try to help Theodoric. Even though the drow is a douche, losing a prisoner will just make it harder to escape.
GM, 132 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 16:17
  • msg #152

Where are we???

In reply to Nymeria (msg # 151):

You are pretty sure Panian will be ok. The drow want prisoners to do their dirty work and rarely kill outright unless they need to (or are in a sporting mood). He looks ill, but not in a deadly way.
GM, 133 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 16:18
  • msg #153

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 149):

Buppido agrees with you. "I thought your group coming might mean my freedom, now I'm not so sure."
GM, 134 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 16:21
  • msg #154

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 150):

The drow is now unconscious so you get no acknowledgment of your warning. You see Eldith prepare to jab the bolts into him only to get tripped up with her shackles and fall down on top of Sarith. You see one bolt shatter in the stone floor, but the other one is still in her hand.
GM, 135 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 16:22
  • msg #155

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 154):

By tripped up with her shackles I mean that the shackles and chains on her wrists and to her waist made her top heavy and she fell. You have no shackles on your legs. You are free to walk/run.
GM, 136 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 16:23
  • msg #156

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 147):

You feel sick, but not deathly so. You just have an idea it will take you a few days to feel fully recovered.
player, 11 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 16:41
  • msg #157

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 155):

Nymeria shouts at Eldith in dwarven. "Eldith! Why would you kill the drow? I know Panian attacked him, but our group generally tries not to kill people unless it's a last resort. We need everyone we can to help us escape!"
player, 83 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 16:51
  • msg #158

Where are we???

In reply to Nymeria (msg # 157):

Theodoric continues his movement in an attempt to protect the unconscious drow prisoner from Eldith's attack. He says, "Put down the arrow!"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:52, Thu 09 Feb 2017.
player, 64 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 17:13
  • msg #159

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 158):

Loranys is tries to grab Eldrith's wrist and rolls a natural 20!!
GM, 137 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 18:57
  • msg #160

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 159):

Loranys gets up and in a totally unexpected move manages to fall into Eldeth and knock the bolt from her hand. Eldeth yells at everyone in dwarven "OK...OK...I won't do anything. I thought you wanted me to kill the drow based on what that elf (points to Panian) told me. If you feel the worthless scum drow needs to live then let him live. I will kill other evil underground dwellers."
player, 37 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 19:05
  • msg #161

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 160):

Krysnys comes out of her trance and helps Theo/Loranys.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:07, Thu 09 Feb 2017.
player, 63 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 19:06
  • msg #162

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 160):

Panian lies back and closes his eyes and sighs dejectedly. He says something in Dwarven to Eldeth. Only Nymeria can make it out.
player, 84 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 19:17
  • msg #163

Re: Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 160):

Panian lies back and closes his eyes and sighs dejectedly. He says something in Dwarven to Eldeth. Only Nymeria can make it out.

Is that because it is whispered? If he said it out loud, anyone who sniffed the spores would know what he said.
player, 85 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 19:19
  • msg #164

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 160):

Theodoric approaches the drow and attempts "Lay on Hands". If successful, he can neutralize the poison.
player, 64 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 23:25
  • msg #165

Re: Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 163):

(That's right, I forgot about the drugs you guys took and their effects. My character would have summoned her over and whispered it.)
GM, 138 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2017
at 00:21
  • msg #166

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 164):

You try to heal Sarith but realize any type of magic in the prison does not work!
GM, 139 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2017
at 00:27
  • msg #167

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 166):

You notice the other prisoners all settling down to get some rest. In your head Stool shows you that in a few hours you will be put to work. "Be"
GM, 140 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2017
at 02:02
  • msg #168

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 167):

You all see Eldith heading over to lay down near Panian. Roll perception checks!
player, 65 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Fri 10 Feb 2017
at 05:03
  • msg #169

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 168):

All of a sudden, a sharp gasp escapes Panian's mouth as his eyes go wide and he sits up quickly. He immediately searches around for Nymeria, desperately hoping she is still by his side in the room here. When he sees her, he hugs her tightly, and begins to calm down a bit. In a moment, he slowly lies back down and tries to rest...
This message was last edited by the player at 05:05, Fri 10 Feb 2017.
player, 32 posts
Sun 12 Feb 2017
at 00:37
  • msg #170

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 168):

Are they gonna fugg?
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