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12:23, 19th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Where are we???

Posted by DMJWFor group 0
GM, 63 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 12:12
  • msg #1

Where are we???

You are traveling through the mist and the journey is even more unpleasant because it was sudden and not of your choosing. The minute you start to emerge from the mist the sound of Madame Radanavich fills your head...."Let us see how you like being prisoner" The words of her curse wash over you like poison....except that is not the only poison entering your body. Apparently the vistani have friends in low place. The minute you exit the mists, you are ambushed by a group of drow. They shoot you with poisoned arrows before you can even react. The poison enters your body and you start to fall unconscious. That is the last thing you remember before waking up....

"Captured by the drow. You wouldn't wish this fate on anyone, yet here you are...locked in a dark cave, the cold, heavy metal tight around your throat and wrists. You are not alone. Other prisoners are trapped in here with you, in an underground outpost far from the light of the sun."
player, 62 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 12:59
  • msg #2

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

1. I scan the auras of the other prisoners. What do I see?

2. Can we all see eacch other?

3. What did the drow take from us wheen we were captured?

4. Are we down hp or did being unconscious count as a long rest?
GM, 64 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 14:46
  • msg #3

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 2):

1. You actually see nothing and are pretty sure your "aura scanning" is not working. You do see all of your other companions:Panian, Loranys, Krysnys, Remos, Charani and Nymeria. In addition, there are 10 other prisoners being kept in the slave pen with you.

2. You can all see each other!

3. The only thing you have on your person is your undergarments, iron slave collars, and manacles connected to iron belts by a short length of chain.

4. Being unconscious counted as a long rest so you are not down any hit points!
player, 63 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 16:46
  • msg #4

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 3):

1 Are the other prisoners human?
2 Do they look like they are starving?
3 Do they look like they have been beaten?
4 Are they all adults?
player, 32 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 18:20
  • msg #5

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 3):

I mentally reach out to Melina & Jander (and Hallid, though I don't have any expectation of him replying).

Are we all close enough to touch one another or spread out? Are the other prisoners within reach (close enough to attack us)?
GM, 65 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 20:10
  • msg #6

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 4):

1. The other prisoners are not human....male derro, quaggoth, female dwarf, male gnome, male orc, male drow, male kuo-toa, myconid sprout, 2 deep gnomes (one male and one female)

2. They look hungry, but not on the verge of starvation

3. They do look like some of them have been beaten

4. They are all adults
GM, 66 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 20:13
  • msg #7

Where are we???

In reply to Krysnys (msg # 5):

You guys are spread out, but your legs are not bound so you can freely move around in the slave pen. The only restraints are the collar and the manacles attached to your iron belt.

Melina "I am so happy you are OK. Where are you? What is going on? We could seriously use your help with the Argens situation around here. It is just a matter of time before the orcs attack."

Jander and Hallid are not responding.
player, 45 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 20:42
  • msg #8

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 7):

Loranys looks around and goes to Theo. She takes note of the other prisoners. Do they look like they would be friend or foe? What is their reaction to us?
player, 33 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 20:43
  • msg #9

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 7):

I fill Melina in on everything.

Can I connect via ESP to Theo and Loranys?
GM, 67 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 20:51
  • msg #10

Where are we???

In reply to Krysnys (msg # 9):

GM, 68 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 20:54
  • msg #11

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 8):

They tend to keep to themselves. The 2 deep gnomes hang out together. It is pretty apparent they know each other. The rest of the prisoners seem to be on their own.

You are not sure of the friend or foe. There might be some species you don't even recognize.
player, 46 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 21:00
  • msg #12

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 11):

{DEFS DO NOT RECOGNIZE}  Loranys tries to talk to any who appear alone, first in common.
player, 64 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 21:30
  • msg #13

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 12):

To Loranys: Let's start with the dwarf.

Approaches the female dwarf: Hello. Do you speak common? Where are we? How long have you been held here?
player, 47 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 21:42
  • msg #14

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 13):

Loranys watches her closely. She is keenly aware of the creatures in her periphery however. She is curious about the Quaggoth.
GM, 69 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:29
  • msg #15

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 12):

male derro, quaggoth, male kuo-toa, myconid sprout

Not sure you would have encountered these creatures before so they might be foreign to you?
GM, 70 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:32
  • msg #16

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 13):

She looks at you strangely....and speaks to you in dwarven? Anyone speak dwarf??
GM, 71 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:38
  • msg #17

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 14):

The quaggoth prisoner is definitely the most menacing and the other prisoners keep their distance. It has colorless fur over a medium sized body but is still by far the largest prisoner.
player, 50 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:45
  • msg #18

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 16):

I volunteer that I speak Dwarven and attempt to communicate what Theo said to her.

(I believe Dwarven is only spoken by Nymeria and I, it was a language we chose because no one else knew it, haha)
This message was last edited by the player at 01:45, Sun 22 Jan 2017.
player, 65 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:46
  • msg #19

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 16):

Aloud to all of the other prisoners: Do any of you speak common?
player, 48 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 01:49
  • msg #20

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 19):

Loranys reaches a tentative hand toward the Quaggoth
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