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12:03, 19th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Where are we???

Posted by DMJWFor group 0
player, 8 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 23:31
  • msg #96

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 92):

Nymeria is about to decline the bet when Panian attacks the Drow.

She turns to Jimjar re: the second bet and says, "you're on."

Then, she runs to the orc's chamber pot, and chucks it at the drow's head. (AND ROLLS A NATURAL 20 TO DO SO!!!!!!!!!!!!)
GM, 107 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 23:38
  • msg #97

Where are we???

In reply to Nymeria (msg # 96):

HAHAHAHA (that was DM reaction)

The chamber pot hits the drow square in the head. Shit flies everywhere. The drow takes 6 points of damage. Eldeth, Panian and the drow need to do a dexterity check to see if they are blinded by the flying shit for a turn!!!
GM, 108 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 23:40
  • msg #98

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 97):

Sarith rolls a 10 and starts to swear and wipe shit from his eyes. Eldeth manages to avoid the splatter and attacks the drow!
GM, 109 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 23:41
  • msg #99

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 98):

Eldith swings and misses striking Panian in the process with a glancing blow that does no damage!
player, 77 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 03:57
  • msg #100

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 99):

Does anyone know why Panian and the dwarf are attacking the drow?
player, 56 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 05:11
  • msg #101

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 99):

Panian Rolled a 14 (18 if Acrobatics Check) to dodge the feces.

Panian rolled a 20 (not natural) in his attempt to secure the Drow in a grapple

"Nymeria! His Insult against you shall not stand- the Blood Oath gives me reason here!!!"
This message was last edited by the player at 11:38, Sun 29 Jan 2017.
GM, 110 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 12:10
  • msg #102

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 101):

In the process of securing the drow, he sticks the stone shard in you another time (rolled 21). Take another 6 points of damage.
player, 57 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 12:44
  • msg #103

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 102):

Yelled in Dwarven:

"Eldeth, get that stone from him!"

(Do I have him Grappled? Did he lose the strength challenge?)
player, 58 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 13:26
  • msg #104

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 103):

Loranys gets pissed. "Fucking Panian. Now there shit everywhere. "  She looks at the Quaggoth. "Shall we try to escape?"
player, 23 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 15:52
  • msg #105

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 102):

DM: Does anybody notice this fight besides the people in here? What about the guards? Charani rolls a 23 perception.

Charani looks at the derro.  "Do you have any ideas? Everyone seems pretty distracted right now."
player, 78 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 17:47
  • msg #106

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 105):

Theodoric to Krysnys and Loranys: Help me put an end to this foolishness.
player, 59 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 21:19
  • msg #107

Where are we???

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 106):

Loranys looks at Theo but does not respond. She glances back at the Quaggoth.

DM: what is the Quaggoth doing in response to this situation?
GM, 111 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 23:11
  • msg #108

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 105):

Buppido tells you the guards are going to be here soon because of the noise. He is correct. Three guards show up outside the slave pen and yell at everyone to stop fighting. They pull crossbows and stand back from the slave pen ready to shoot.
GM, 112 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 23:13
  • msg #109

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 103):

You guys are basically in a stale mate with the grapple because of how your arms are chained. Eldith tries to get the shard from him.
GM, 113 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 23:14
  • msg #110

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 103):

Eldith does not get the shard from him. She rolled an 11.
GM, 114 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 23:15
  • msg #111

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 107):

The prince looks pissed that the shit is flying everywhere. He does not join in the fight. The gnomes are all cheering and egging Panian and Eldeth on. Jimjar is throwing out odds on who is going to win the fight.
GM, 115 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2017
at 23:16
  • msg #112

Where are we???

In reply to Loranys (msg # 104):

"What did you have in mind? How are we escaping?"
player, 60 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Mon 30 Jan 2017
at 00:38
  • msg #113

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 112):

Loranys appears to be distractedly heading toward Theo.  She isn't ignoring the prince, just seems like she is getting caught up in what is happening. "Hang on..."

To Theo: what the heck. This is ridiculous.
player, 58 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Mon 30 Jan 2017
at 03:31
  • msg #114

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 108):

Panian shoves the Drow as hard as he can towards the guards and starts yelling

"Help us! He has a weapon, a sharp stone! He was trying to kill me and the dwarf! Look at the blood on me! Take this madman away from us! He said he wanted to start a fight to kill us and then one of you. Said you are betrayers to your own kind!"

Panian rolled Deception to convince the guards of the situation. Rolled 27

Panian throws up his hands and looks to the guards in a pleading manner. He was hoping that shoving the Drow towards the guards they would see the weapon in the Drow's hand and fire at him.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:32, Mon 30 Jan 2017.
player, 24 posts
Mon 30 Jan 2017
at 16:09
  • msg #115

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 108):

DMJW: how did the guards get down? Are there ladders or something? Or are they just standing around the mouth of the hole we're in? If the guards are down in the pit with us I want to attempt something sneaky.

Charani looks at Buppido. "What do you think? Should we make an attempt? Do you want to escape?" Charani anxiously watches Panian's interaction with the guards.

GM, 116 posts
Tue 31 Jan 2017
at 23:57
  • msg #116

Where are we???

In reply to Charani (msg # 115):

The guards are outside the slave pen. You saw them use rope bridges to get from their guard tower to the slave pen. Buppido says of course he wants to escape. What do you have in mind?
GM, 117 posts
Wed 1 Feb 2017
at 00:00
  • msg #117

Where are we???

In reply to Panian (msg # 114):

The guards laugh at you as you yell at them and gesture. They each pull out their crossbows and shoot you and Sarith with bolts. Roll a constitution check! They re-load and shoot Eldith for good measure. "Stupid slaves. Do as you're told!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:06, Wed 01 Feb 2017.
GM, 118 posts
Wed 1 Feb 2017
at 00:04
  • msg #118

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 117):

Eldith takes damage and seems to shake off the effects of the bolt. Sarith on the other hand takes damage and doesn't look so good.
GM, 119 posts
Wed 1 Feb 2017
at 00:05
  • msg #119

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 118):

The guards yell at the rest of you to get some rest. "Tomorrow is a big day for slave labor. Lots of chores to be done. Since you were all so eager to fight, you can go without supper tonight!"
player, 25 posts
Wed 1 Feb 2017
at 04:05
  • msg #120

Where are we???

In reply to DMJW (msg # 119):

"Buppido, do you think we could use the shard of rock to cut the ropes? what is outside this pit? rocks? a moat? This slave labor doesn't sound too good to me."
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