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12:45, 8th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Wandering the Underdark.

Posted by DMJWFor group 0
GM, 144 posts
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 13:14
  • msg #1

Wandering the Underdark

You successfully managed to get out of the water filled trap/rooms in no small thanks to Shuushar and his fishy like talents. You ended up resting after a small skirmish with some weird rock creatures. During the night's rest, Panian tried to suck on Eldeth but Nymeria stopped him. Panian then jumped on Charani the next morning as the party was starting out. Turns out Panian is half vamp like his daddy much for being a high born purebred elf! The party was discussing all of this and I would assume is continuing their march through the underdark.

Theo: "We need to lay down some ground rules. You don't bite your friends!"
Loranys: "I grab Panian's sword."
Panian: "Of course you do."

Is marching order the same? Not sure if Cha-Cha still wants to be by Panian?
GM, 145 posts
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 13:38
  • msg #2

Wandering the Underdark

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

If Charani is still looking around as you are marching, she sees the posted picture in "game map". You are in a cavern dotted with stalagmites and stalactites and this sigil is carved into one of the stalagmites she sees.
GM, 146 posts
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 13:42
  • msg #3

Wandering the Underdark

In reply to DMJW (msg # 2):

Looks like you will need to use the drop down menu in game maps to select main game map. You should see sigil then!
player, 35 posts
Mon 3 Apr 2017
at 16:46
  • msg #4

Wandering the Underdark

In reply to DMJW (msg # 3):

Charani moves closer to the sigill to examine it further.
player, 68 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Mon 3 Apr 2017
at 21:25
  • msg #5

Wandering the Underdark

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

While walking, Panian is a bit too preoccupied to pay attention to the Sigil. He sees Charani go to it, and figures they will probably discern, or not discern, its meaning without him. He turns to Nymeria.

"Cous..." Panian catches himself, clearing his throat... "Nymeria, I want you to know that regardless of if we are true blood or not, that does not change our history as best friends and closest allies. I know you have sacrificed much for me, given up a lot of things for me." At these words, Panian looks down as he walks, he catches glimpse of his once-cousin's hand, now missing a finger... "I hope to repay that someday. I know there is a temptation to think of me differently, to see me as a different person now. But ask yourself: did you protect me because we were blood? or did you protect me because we have always been friends? What I did to get you back, the incident with Sodo and the knife. I would still do that for you now, even if you are a Glimmergaunt and I am not. You are my friend. The truest and only deep, long-standing friend I've ever really had. The only person I've ever communed with..." HIs voice trails off. He thinks that he should give her a chance to speak here.
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