Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 42):
Mokellos says "I understand your mentality, and now, as always, and forevermore, pledge my loyalty to this group. I offer the blood of my hands and the bones of the earth to the Lady of Sight Without Eyes, so that we should escape from this accursed place together.
While we still have much to learn about each other, our trials thus far and the dedication we have shown each other, all of us, are a testament to our growing strength and unity.
When she grants the power to me*, I shall eschew the spells that Charm and Dominate others, in favor of the blessings of Lelothot that guide us in such a way that we are further unified. When that may be, I do not know, but until then I shall not cast such an enchantment. Rules or not, voting allowed or disallowed, I make this rule a bond between the two of us, to strengthen our group, and to honor Hallid's wishes as well."
Mokellos extends his hand, hoping Theodoric will shake it.
*Character way of saying next time I level up!!