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13:30, 8th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Ephaula's Blood Bath.

Posted by DMJWFor group 0
GM, 6 posts
Sun 3 Apr 2016
at 18:50
  • msg #1

Ephaula's Blood Bath

So....what were some reactions to E bathing in blood? It was evident that some PC's immediately left the scene, so it would be interesting to post what was going on in people's minds!! This would obviously be player knowledge unless you specify that you would tell the group.
player, 4 posts
Sun 3 Apr 2016
at 19:31
  • msg #2

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

Mokellos is overjoyed at the fact that his apprentice is blessed and beloved by Lelothot, although he is secretly torn, as the rules stated that she was to do that in private. However, if Lelothot asked for it, it supercedes everything. He'll never question Lelothot's requests.
player, 1 post
Sun 3 Apr 2016
at 19:55
  • msg #3

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

Theodoric is disgusted by it for multiple reasons. He only shares his opinions with Loranys and Remos.
1. E's public bloodbath along with Daveak's using charm powers to kill a combatant after the danger had passed signal the end of the rules that the group had adopted. Not only did the group reject the rules, they seem to be rejecting decency and honor altogether. Both actions were blatantly disrespectful.
2. E not only carried out her blood bath in front of the group, but she called on them to watch rather than avert their eyes. She craves power more than she loves her friends. Ravenloft is corrupting her.
player, 2 posts
Sun 3 Apr 2016
at 20:24
  • msg #4

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

What Ephaula did is disturbing and frightening because Theodoric fears that she will become evil just as Hawk did. BUT what Daveak did was far worse. He essentially murdered an unarmed prisoner who no longer posed a threat. Theodoric has LONG begged the group to not do this. He saw Daveak do this and he watched the group and saw no one react at all. Theodoric is frankly scared of his own group, of what they are capable of doing, and of how they are able to justify unjust actions.
He says nothing to anyone by Loranys and Remos about this.
He talks very little to anyone else at all.
player, 2 posts
Eldrich Knight
Grey Elf
Sun 3 Apr 2016
at 20:30
  • msg #5

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

Loranys maintains her neutrality.  She is less judgmental about M and E than T, and than she used to be, because she thinks M means well.  She thinks E is high right now on the power she is earning through Lelothot, but she trusts that the Nymeria she used to know is in there somewhere and that E will come around.  As far as Theo, L would follow him anywhere, so if he leaves the group she goes too.  But, she would beg him to stay and work to accomplish what we set out to do so we can get home.
player, 3 posts
Sun 3 Apr 2016
at 21:07
  • msg #6

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Loranys (msg # 5):

Theodoric tells Loranys that he doesn't want to leave the group. But he is aware that he now lives on the fringe of the group and that the others are not interested in his Devotion to goodness and justice. Theodoric would rather die than commit an evil act. He would rather die than have a friend commit an act of evil to save him. He is frustrated that any time he expresses his views or calls someone out, he is called "Tyrant."
He does not plan to leave the group, but he must focus now on his own spiritual growth and he cannot continue to spin his tires trying to guide those who have refused to accept his guidance.
He must retreat to the fringe where he can focus on studying to take the Oath of Devotion and learn more about becoming a Paladin. Each individual in the group must deal with Ravenloft in their own way. He confides in Loranys that he is not sure that everyone in the group will succeed in keeping the evil corrupting powers of Ravenloft at bay. But there is nothing he and she can do about it but stay the course and stay true to the goodness in their own hearts and hope to be the light that others might follow if they find themselves lost in the encroaching darkness.
player, 5 posts
Mon 4 Apr 2016
at 00:15
  • msg #7

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 4):

Mokellos would have reacted negatively to this had he seen it. When did D murder a person?
NPC, 3 posts
Mon 4 Apr 2016
at 00:32
  • msg #8

Ephaula's Blood Bath

Hallid is appalled by Daveak's use of the charm spell...especially after he has shared his story with the group as to how he was enslaved by charm and forced to kill his own mother. If not for Krysnys Hallid would leave the group. As it is he is hoping when the baby is born Krysnys will go back to Vallaki or they will somehow find a way back to farmhouse.
player, 4 posts
Mon 4 Apr 2016
at 00:46
  • msg #9

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Mokellos (msg # 7):

It was the man that he had charmed and sent to protect Charani and to carry the weapons back to our group. He was unarmed and charmed at the end of battle. The fighting was over and we were all out of danger. He compelled the man to through himself into he pit to be torn apart by the dogs. He did this and no one said a thing about it.

If anyone from the group were to ask Theodoric about it, he would recount what he saw and say "I cannot make any sense of it and I cannot abide it. But I don't know what to do. I stand against all injustices even those committed by this group and I do not know how to stand by men and women who will senselessly throw an unarmed prisoner into a pit to be ripped apart by war dogs without pausing to consider whether the act is justified but then spend an hour agonizing over the fact that they would have to kill the war dogs. And I am repeatedly told by these same people that it is MY world view that is skewed."
player, 2 posts
Mon 4 Apr 2016
at 00:56
  • msg #10

Ephaula's Blood Bath

Since Charani left before the bloodbath happened, just imagine Thomas the Dank Engine softly in the background.
player, 3 posts
Mon 4 Apr 2016
at 00:57
  • [deleted]
  • msg #11

Ephaula's Blood Bath

This message was deleted by the player at 00:57, Mon 04 Apr 2016.
player, 6 posts
Mon 4 Apr 2016
at 10:31
  • msg #12

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 9):

I'm not sure how I missed it, maybe when I was searching the back rooms. Mokellos would also be upset  about the senseless killing of the man in the pit when it was unnecessary (and Mokellos would tell Theodoric this), although not as much as he fumes about the woman being killed, but wouldn't let Theodoric know that When he reflects upon the entire event, he feels a sense of justice for the woman by the man being thrown into the pit, rather throwing himself in. A Hammurabi Code way to die for a villanous murderer, slaver and who knows what else. The  entire establishment of people/dog killers enrages Mokellos.
player, 5 posts
Mon 4 Apr 2016
at 21:52
  • msg #13

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Mokellos (msg # 12):

It seems that Theodoric and Mokellos are discussing the matter. Theodoric does not say this to the group, but he would say it to Mokellos in private if Mokellos approaches and asks about it.

Theodoric is starting to feel that he's fighting for a lost cause within the group. He has been railing against killing prisoners for years. He is guilt ridden over the incident. This incident (not Ephaula's bloodbath) is the reason he was despondent after the fight and left to search for Charani without alerting anyone. (There was a moment after he left that Krysnys contacted him to ask his opinion about the dogs and he replied "Don't even tell me what's going on there." This is why he was curt with her.)

"We could have turned the man over to the authorities. Or if we were justified in killing him, it should have been quick and merciful. Forcing a man to feed himself to dogs is a repugnant act. Perhaps that man committed (or at least took pleasure in watching) repugnant acts of evil, but WE are supposed to be better than that."

Theodoric shakes his head and looks away.
player, 7 posts
Tue 5 Apr 2016
at 00:13
  • msg #14

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 13):

You all see Mokellos and Theodoric engaged in a conversation, privately, away from others. [Private Message to Theo and DMJW]
player, 8 posts
Wed 6 Apr 2016
at 00:48
  • msg #15

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Mokellos (msg # 14):

Mokellos and Theodoric converse for a few moments. Anyone paying attention notices the typical gesturing and nodding of a conversation taking place out of earshot. Soon Mokellos returns to the others while Theodoric steps further away, at least for the moment.

Mokellos says in a calm, even tone to the others, away from Daveak (as he is somewhere else): "Ravenloft is truly a horrible place, and while I may not be as concerned about what constitutes Evil or Good as our comrade there, I do fear this place and the probable corrupting influence it poses. Daveak may be losing sight of what we should be doing as a group, and while his deity is not my Great Old One, and I do not pretend to know much about its ways, I would imagine Obai Hai would not agree with ordering a charmed prisoner into a pit of ravenous beings."

Mokellos pauses, and clears his throat.

"I live my life by rules, namely the rules of Lelothot. Whatever she tells me is what I must obey. I was told to guide Ephaula into her embrace and I did so. Ephaula honors Lelothot through her dedication. And thus far the rules created by us mortals have not angered The Lady of Sight Without Eyes, so far as she has told me, and therefore I will continue to honor the rules we have created to the best of my ability. And I seek to loyally fight alongside you and solve the mystery of this plane of existence to the best of my ability as well. May the blessings of Lelothot be upon us all."
player, 3 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Wed 6 Apr 2016
at 22:24
  • msg #16

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 9):

Loranys to group: (I believe she overheard Theo saying "no one said anything about it"--correct me if I'm wrong and that was private to Mokellos)  Did anyone see what Theo is talking about? I was too caught up in exploring and then overwhelmed by what was happening with Ephaula to notice if he pushed him in or not.

Theo, I'm sorry you feel no one stepped in if they should have, in fact, done so.  I believe we were not fully aware that it was happening.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:31, Thu 07 Apr 2016.
player, 7 posts
Wed 6 Apr 2016
at 23:09
  • msg #17

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Loranys (msg # 16):

Maybe we need to stick to following non-combat initiative so that we don't miss stuff like this.  I'm pretty sure all PCS were in the room (except Charani) when it happened so your characters should have seen it and hopefully they would have reacted.  I guess that we (players) should just move on from it since Dave isn't on here to play and we didn't deal with it at the table. :-/ Theodoric is still sore about it though.
GM, 7 posts
Wed 6 Apr 2016
at 23:24
  • msg #18

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 17):

I have to do a better job of the non-combat initiate order because I really like it! I think that it is so important to have people say what they are doing and one of the issues for me at the table was the fact that once the combat was over everyone started saying all these things that they were doing. Honestly...I know it slows the game down some, but I think we should use that initiative in all situations non-combat. What do you guys think? That way there is not something going on that any of us "miss"!
player, 2 posts
Thu 7 Apr 2016
at 00:05
  • msg #19

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to DMJW (msg # 18):

I agree. It is too hard to follow... Slower, probably, but more thorough and we won't miss things in the chaos!
player, 3 posts
Thu 7 Apr 2016
at 00:06
  • msg #20

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 17):

In all honesty, KB registered it and K was thoroughly appalled but majorly sidetracked by the bloodbath and her brain is still reeling.
player, 4 posts
Thu 7 Apr 2016
at 00:14
  • msg #21

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

K is thoroughly upset by it. She has tried and even tried again AFTER the bloodbath to be understanding of both M and E. She mentioned taking body parts from those ravens, for example, not that she wants to see it, but thinking more like if she knows what is happening, she can brace herself and/or remove herself from seeing it. She loves Ephaula, even though she sees that she is less and less Nymeria than she claims to still be, but this definitely crossed a line for her when she was talking to E about the blood and E straight up called her attention to the act.
player, 4 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Thu 7 Apr 2016
at 00:16
  • msg #22

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 17):

Erin refused to address it so poorly roleplayed that. Sorry. It wasn't a question of initiative. But if that makes it easier, sounds good to me!
player, 8 posts
Thu 7 Apr 2016
at 01:26
  • msg #23

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Loranys (msg # 22):

I do think using non-combat initiative will improve all of our role-playing.
I don't think we want to address another players role-playing head on, but we do it within the game. We players all occasionally  make mistakes in how we play our characters... which is really interesting because it results in our characters making mistakes, sometimes big ones. And those mistakes give rise to really great opportunities for role-playing if we are willing to take them.
I should have had Theodoric object immediately rather then have him run out on the group. You guys know I'm usually willing to have theo call anyone out on anything he disagrees with. I went with something different  (theo leaving the group) but it didn't really help because the other PCS didn't know why he left and why he didn't want to talk to anyone.
I think non-combat initiative would have helped with that. I don't mind that it will slow down game play if it gives us all an opportunity for better role playing.
player, 9 posts
Thu 7 Apr 2016
at 01:52
  • msg #24

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 23):

Agreed, if it slows it down that's OK. Especially if it leads to deeper role playing.

Furthermore, this forum can be used for deeper introspective into why characters felt/acted/did what they did, and can be used to deeper understand motives and reactions. That's one of the advantages of our group. As a DM myself, having this kind of dedication to interpersonal development and role-playing is amazing. I have 12 players, but only about half would do something like this well. To have all of us but one of us be willing to do this, it is really fun and helpful, and develops our characters deeper. We should embrace it and continue to let it grow and develop, it is truly a unique experience.

Unfortunately, both Chris (recently) and I (When I was Panian), learned firsthand that D will not react well to in game confrontation. It simply won't happen. We are such good role-players that we can kind of skirt that, actually. But it would be nice if he were to respond is a Druid and play up these instances.

It is interesting to study the dynamic of this group, and we really do so in this kind of setting.

I admittedly check this forum 3 or 4 times a day. haha! Thanks DMJW!
player, 5 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Thu 7 Apr 2016
at 23:33
  • msg #25

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 23):

Agreed on the mistakes of our playing resulting in a mistake of our character.  It makes it real. I LOVE THIS.
player, 9 posts
Thu 7 Apr 2016
at 23:46
  • msg #26

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

So you all would notice that in any down time, Theodoric is either talking with Eremophilius or he's practicing the skills that Eremophilius is teaching him. He mostly keeps to himself and it's apparent to you all that he is focused on his studies. Even when the group is traveling, he is thinking, reciting, and practicing.
player, 6 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Fri 8 Apr 2016
at 19:17
  • msg #27

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 26):

Or talking to Loranys, right?!
player, 10 posts
Fri 8 Apr 2016
at 23:01
  • msg #28

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Loranys (msg # 27):

At one point, Mokellos puts his hand on Loranys' shoulder, and asks her softly: "Loranys, I would like to know about this farm you have spoken of. I would like to see it if we ever escape Ravenloft. Even if I am never destined to live there or ever invited to stay with you all after we escape this plane, I would like to think about it and what it means. I would like to know more about your lives outside of this place..."

when she turns to look at him, Mokellos' eyes flash over with the blue iris'as they sometimes do. He smiles warmly to her.
player, 10 posts
Sat 9 Apr 2016
at 00:27
  • msg #29

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Loranys (msg # 27):

...and Loranys. Theodoric doesn't actively avoid the other group members except Daveak. He's just often preoccupied with his lessons, prayer, and practice.
player, 7 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sat 9 Apr 2016
at 13:11
  • msg #30

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Mokellos (msg # 28):

Loranys brightens and says "Anytime! It's a wonderful place that I miss terribly." She steals a glance at Mokellos, unnerved by his white eyes and how she can't really tell if he's looking at her. When she talks to him, she is generally not looking at him. She watches him closely though when he talks to her.
player, 8 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sat 9 Apr 2016
at 13:33
  • msg #31

Ephaula's Blood Bath

Loranys is acutely aware that the whole group is paired up except her and Daveak. Because Daveak is often off on his own, and because she doesn't trust him, Loranys feels pretty lonely. She plays the 3rd wheel with Theo and his mentor, or sits alone, or makes convo with anyone who approaches her. She in particular feels like Charani looks down on her because of the time when L thought she was a Vistani.
player, 11 posts
High Elf - Warlock
Lawful Neutral
Sat 9 Apr 2016
at 14:27
  • msg #32

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Loranys (msg # 30):

Mokellos engages Loranys in conversations regarding the farmstead and some of their other adventures. He makes sure not to bring up Panian or Hawk or Bart. He doesn't know any of those people but he knows that they were beloved in the group, and simply a reminder of the hardships faced by this group. He is kind and pleasant, and Loranys would probably find him more personable then she ever thought he could be. He is Charismatic.

Mokellos also finds Charani's music rather pleasant, and during downtime, asks her to play her instrument if willing. "I spent much of my life studying and in seclusion," he says, "and I find your music to be quite pleasant to my ears."
NPC, 1 post
Sat 9 Apr 2016
at 15:13
  • msg #33

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Loranys (msg # 31):

Vito would be interested in talking to Loranys as well as Charani. He is curious about her and loves the fact that she likes jewelry and bling!!!
player, 9 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sat 9 Apr 2016
at 15:59
  • msg #34

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Vito (msg # 33):

Loranys starts to feel like maybe the group really can come together for their common goal. She opens up more and more to Mokellos and talks to Vito and Charani (but defers to Chacha so as to not seem in anyway threatenin re: Vito but also bc she is still embarrassed about the mistaken identity thing).
player, 11 posts
Sat 9 Apr 2016
at 18:33
  • msg #35

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Loranys (msg # 34):

Theodoric would approach Hallid: "I am sorry that some of our group members do not understand the seriousness of charming people or making them into thralls. It is difficult to defend. But I can only guess that they are still learning how and when to use their powers and they will make mistakes.
It angers me that our protestations are regularly ignored, but I am understanding that we must not give up on them.
Please don't leave us and please don't force Krysnys to make a choice.
I have recently felt compelled to leave too. But leaving is giving up. And to give up is to cede ground to evil, to risk allowing the our abandoned friends to be devoured by evil. I need you to stay as my ally against the evil that would encroach upon this very group.
player, 12 posts
Sat 9 Apr 2016
at 19:27
  • msg #36

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Loranys (msg # 34):

To Ephaula, Loranys and Krysnys (he omits Charani only because she is currently a lunatic, and Mokellos because they already spoke, and Daveak because what's the point):

I know that you each personally felt annoyed by the rules, except maybe Loranys. But I think you each know that the intent of the rules I proposed was to help keep the group together at a time when we were hurting each other with our words and actions.
You are all good and you know that evil seeks to hurt those who seek to do good and defeat evil.
The use of certain powers by members of this group causes others within the group to hurt. Hallid has said again and again that he is personally deeply hurt by the actions of some group members, as am I. Does that not make those actions, although perhaps done with good intentions, acts of evil? Although, they are not intended as acts of evil, they serve evil's purpose... to divide us. Please, even if the concept of rules does not appeal to you, please reflect on the purpose of each rule and realize that if we all put our service to good ahead of selfishness, we wouldn't need any of the rules. If we all just tried to stop hurting each other, we wouldn't need the rules.
To defeat evil, we must stop hurting each other. That should be the only rule we ever need.
Please help me help all the others understand and remember this.

Ephaula, your blood bath hurt Krysnys. You should have warned her to look away.
NPC, 4 posts
Sun 10 Apr 2016
at 03:21
  • msg #37

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 35):

I would never make Krysnys chose between life with me and her friends. It is just hard for me because even though I have sacrificed and have tried to help this group the best I can I feel that some members regard me as an outsider whose feelings don't matter. Like you said, I have repeated told people how charming is in my opinion an act of evil. I get that some of you regard it as an innocent act because you feel like you are doing things for the overall good of the group. I look at it from the perspective of the person that is being charmed. To know in your head and heart that you are not in control of your actions can break a person. I got lucky because I was freed and then met Krysnys who convinced me that there is still good inside of me. I know that many of you when you charm are doing innocent things to the people...having them provide information or getting them to scout around. Even though what you are having them do is not dangerous, please think of the internal and mental anguish you are causing them. They know that you are controlling them and they can't react of their own free will. In my time in captivity when we were mind controlled many of my people killed themselves rather than getting charmed again. They could not handle the fact that at any time their minds would be taken over. I should have killed myself, but I was proud and cocky and thought I could best my captor in the end. If I would have self terminated, my mother would still be alive. I would not have to see in my head, every night when I try to sleep the image of me shattering her mind and killing her.

Hallid separates himself from the group at this point. He mentally tells Krysnys he needs to be alone for just a few moments to compose himself.
player, 13 posts
Sun 10 Apr 2016
at 10:47
  • msg #38

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Hallid (msg # 37):

After Hallid makes this speech and steps away, Theodoric says to anyone who might have been listening:

There are several reasons we should no longer be doing this but if none of the other reasons can compell us to discontinue the use of these kinds of spells, the fact that it hurts Hallid so much should be reason enough.
player, 14 posts
Sun 10 Apr 2016
at 10:52
  • msg #39

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 38):

Someone recently said that she felt that the rules are handcuffs that limit our options. She is correct. Honor, goodness, and love will always be our handcuffs. But, ironically, those handcuffs empower us. Without those them, we cannot prevail of over the evil of this place.
player, 15 posts
Sun 10 Apr 2016
at 11:04
  • msg #40

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 38):

As you know, I am becoming a paladin. Even paladins have access magic that compromises the free will of enemy combantants. In deference to Hallid, I will not use that power. Just because we have the power to do something does not give us the right to use it.
That is what makes us different from the evil we wish to defeat... knowing what powers to use and when to use them... and knowing that we did not use our powers to serve ourselves but in service to good.
There is a great War raging in this place between good and evil. Every one of our actions serves either one side or the other.
player, 12 posts
High Elf - Warlock
Lawful Neutral
Sun 10 Apr 2016
at 15:10
  • msg #41

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 40):

Mokellos replies, "This understanding you speak of is evolving and is developing within me, as I adhere less to the struggle of good versus evil and more on the letter of the rule. I ask for your patience as I work through it, but I pledge to avoid using such spells in the future, save for extreme circumstances, unless a new provision is provided within the rules. I may ask Lelothot to bless me with spells of more deception or offensive power, and ask her to remove my ability to charm. I will not promise this action will be made yet or soon, but it is something I am considering, as this has created much tension within the group as yet.

As I live by oaths and rules and tenets, I greatly enjoy the rules. Should we instill a provision within the rules that charming shall never be done, and is removed from even the ability to be overridden by group vote?"
player, 16 posts
Mon 11 Apr 2016
at 23:01
  • msg #42

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Mokellos (msg # 41):

I understand that you do not wish to get caught up in the struggle between good and evil, Mokellos... but by becoming our ally, you have chosen a side. By joining us, you join our cause.
Though the struggle is endless, the scales are usually balanced. When the delicate balance is maintained, neutrality may be an option. There is an imbalance here, and the pervasive evil of this place forces a choice.
I, like you, find comfort in codes and laws and I believe we should have them, but I have learned these will not bind us together.
You may not feel much compelled by an innate loyalty to Good... so let your loyalty to us guide you.
Love, loyalty, selflessness, and compassion will light the path we follow together.
player, 17 posts
Mon 11 Apr 2016
at 23:06
  • msg #43

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 42):

(All you players might detect Eremophilius's influence in some of Theodoric's comments. -a little more tolerance and forgiveness... but don't worry he's still opinionated and self-righteous.)
player, 13 posts
High Elf - Warlock
Lawful Neutral
Wed 13 Apr 2016
at 01:15
  • msg #44

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 42):

Mokellos says "I understand your mentality, and now, as always, and forevermore, pledge my loyalty to this group. I offer the blood of my hands and the bones of the earth to the Lady of Sight Without Eyes, so that we should escape from this accursed place together.

While we still have much to learn about each other, our trials thus far and the dedication we have shown each other, all of us, are a testament to our growing strength and unity.

When she grants the power to me*, I shall eschew the spells that Charm and Dominate others, in favor of the blessings of Lelothot that guide us in such a way that we are further unified. When that may be, I do not know, but until then I shall not cast such an enchantment. Rules or not, voting allowed or disallowed, I make this rule a bond between the two of us, to strengthen our group, and to honor Hallid's wishes as well."

Mokellos extends his hand, hoping Theodoric will shake it.

*Character way of saying next time I level up!!
player, 18 posts
Wed 13 Apr 2016
at 20:55
  • msg #45

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Mokellos (msg # 44):

Theodoric first looks at Mokellos's hand to make sure he doesn't have any open wounds from recent blood letting. Whether he does or doesn't, Theodoric accepts the handshake.
player, 5 posts
Thu 14 Apr 2016
at 00:05
  • msg #46

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 38):

Krysnys quickly and mentally thanks Theo for saying what he said about hurting Hallid being reason enough to not do it.

She responds to the group, "Yes, I did scoff at the rules but that was more just me being a little bit rebellious at being told what to do and it seeming to come from you, Theo. I know your intentions were good but it was feeling a bit like even if our intentions were also good, they weren't good enough. As though my blue aura isn't quite vibrant enough. And, while this would probably be better said in a private conversation, being made to feel 'less than' by you brings up some stuff for me. Your influence alone is what changed me from CN to CG in the first place, so to have you be the one indirectly implying that it isn't enough was a tough pill go swallow. I am now, after the bloodbath, after what Daveak did, and after experiencing Hallid's pain with him, able to see the rules in a completely different light and with much more clarity."
player, 14 posts
High Elf - Warlock
Lawful Neutral
Thu 14 Apr 2016
at 03:20
  • msg #47

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 45):

Mokellos smiles to Theodoric as they shake hands, "While our spiritual ideologies may be different, I feel as though we are taking great strides toward greater understanding and unity. Thank you for extending your hand and accepting this bridge being rebuilt. I look forward to fighting by your side more than ever, Theodoric. If only we could get our Cleric friend to abide by our understandings, at least to an extent."

Mokellos bows his head slightly in a display of understanding when the hands of the two men part.
player, 19 posts
Fri 15 Apr 2016
at 00:45
  • msg #48

Ephaula's Blood Bath

In reply to Krysnys (msg # 46):

Theodoric to Krysnys: I'm sorry that you felt that way. We all have a responsibility to each other.

To everyone: When we all honor that responsibility, every rule becomes redundant. It hurts me to see our unarmed prisoners murdered. It hurts Krysnys to witness rituals that involve blood and mutilation. It hurts Hallid to see people charmed. It hurts Ephaula to be called Nymeria. It hurts Charani to be bound during her lunatio. Every rule protected one of us from the rest of us. These rules existed before I ever spoke them but they went unheeded. These are simply  the rules of friendship. We won't last long without them.
player, 2 posts
Tue 3 May 2016
at 14:09
  • msg #49

Ephaula's Blood Bath

Since Mel is terrible at checking this... Ephaula pretty much has spent this time listening to Dashboard Confessional and crying in the corner about how she screwed up. She's too embarrassed to apologize. And she thinks that it wouldn't matter anyway... The group doesn't believe her intentions are good or that she's in control of her actions, so why bother? She's tired to trying to convince them she can still be trusted, and that both she and Lelothot want the group to remain together.
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