Return of Panian
Panian looks back at Theodoric when he glances at him, but then quickly looks to Nymeria. The Loyalty and friendship lines seem to still be drawn as usual. Without Arabelle here is he left with but one close friend. Although Krysnys has always been quite kind to him... He has been through the updates on Krysnys, on Charani, on Daveak. He runs his hand through his hair. He walks over to where the throne is and sees Charani with her cards.
"I don't mean to interrupt, but Nymeria told me that you were able to get what you needed to Jander for Alexi. I wanted to tell you that I am happy for you. I am sure that Jander is taking care of Alexi to the best of his ability."
This message was last edited by the player at 04:52, Sun 22 May 2016.