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Return of Panian.

Posted by DMJWFor group 0
GM, 24 posts
Sat 7 May 2016
at 21:54
  • msg #1

Return of Panian

Hope you guys enjoyed today's adventure. Excited to hear/read reactions about today's game. I am truly happy Panian has returned!
player, 1 post
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sat 7 May 2016
at 22:11
  • msg #2

Return of Panian

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

I have returned. Thank you all for believing in Nymeria. I know it must have been extremely difficult.
player, 15 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sat 7 May 2016
at 23:06
  • msg #3

Return of Panian

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

Loranys feels such a mix of emotions; sorting them out is going to be a process for her.  She will need to set this aside so she can focus on the adventure at hand, and the dangers that loom.  However, her immediate reaction is that: 1. She is SO glad she expressed openly her support of Nymeria this afternoon.  She said it, and she meant it.  However, she wavered because of her sudden, recently developed loyalty to Mokellos. 2.  This causes some angst for her: is she so easily swayed by evil?

3. As far as Panian himself and his return: obviously, she still feels a strong attachment.  So strong that she had vowed never to love (or act on it anyway) again.  But: Panian and she had a tortured relationship, and so she feels slightly burdened by his return.  Suddenly, her heart is no longer hers.  And, she doesn't know which Panian this is: the Panian who loved her or the one who loved Arabelle, not to mention his vampiric state and all the drama around him the last year of his life.  Maybe this Panian won't even remember her or will remember but not realize how complicated their situation is, or will know all of that but just won't have any emotional attachment to her at all.

She knows she will need to assume nothing; just be a friend to him and especially to Nymeria as the group mends fences and finds their way again. But she will likely be quiet and guarded as she sees how things play out.
player, 8 posts
Sat 7 May 2016
at 23:29
  • msg #4

Return of Panian

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

Right now all that Charani can say is that she feels like things happened too fast. She can't jump from distrusting Ephaula/Nymeria to trusting her again so quickly. She would react the same if things had turned out the other way. She feels her connection with the group waning rapidly as the people she thinks she knows turn out to be complete strangers.  She also doesn't know how to handle the return of Panian. Granted, she did not know him as well as other members of the group, but she feels like they have somehow robbed Fate by returning someone to life that everyone had moved on and accepted as dead.  To be back here again so soon has upset her sense of reality greatly.
player, 8 posts
Sun 8 May 2016
at 00:18
  • msg #5

Return of Panian

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

Krysnys is so confused! Lots and lots of feelings all at once! She is happy that she was wrong about Nymeria/Ephaula leading them into a trap set by Soth (or so they think, for now) and she is thrilled to see Panian alive. But it is a lot to digest. She was finally coexisting peacefully with Mokellos and (other than the bloodbath) accepting Ephaula's rituals.

She really missed Panian a lot and was one of his greatest defenders until pretty much the very end when his curse rendered him basically indefensible. She continued to fight on his behalf after his death.

*on a fully personal note, she knows that her grief over his death, partnered with her initial STRONG disdain for Mokellos, drove her to Hallid physically which (their first time together) resulted in this baby in her belly.

She had longed for his opinion and conversation many, many times since his death and was crushed repeatedly by the memories, particularly of his last days with the group. She feels very strongly that they were all responsible for his death with their complacency after things not remaining real after exiting the other mirrors, and the complacency reminded her of previously trusting that nothing bad could really happen to Theo during his Gruumpsch experience. Now that he has returned, she wonders if he will have experienced anything like the change that occurred in Theo or if he will be back to his old self (vampiric or not).
player, 28 posts
Sun 8 May 2016
at 03:00
  • msg #6

Return of Panian

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

Theodoric is elated but keeps his chill.

Wrt Panian's return: "I have felt all along that panian's death was one of the worst failures of this group.  Our botched attempts to help him left him and Hawk and Bart dead. But now he gets a new lease on life. And with his return, the whole group gets a new lease. I welcome him back and I forgive everything. I no longer blame him for what happened to Hawk and Bart. And I forgive us all, including myself, for our failures that led to those three deaths. I say we all cleanse ourselves of guilt and grief and anger. Let us start anew."

Wrt Nymeria: "I am in awe. She did what we all failed to do. She saved Panian. And she did it alone... I wish it didn't have to be like that, but I understand. Mostly, I'm elated that she is indeed still Nymeria and the gifts of Lelothot did not corrupt her. I thought that Nymeria had given up on herself when she changed into Ephaula and the ritual self-mutilation began. I thought Nymeria was gone... that she essentially died and was replaced by Ephaula. I'm so glad that I was wrong about that.  I still worry about her, but the strength of will that it took Nymeria to do this thing,  to go into such darkness alone and return, it's a testament to the Purity of her soul and it encourages me. I am so happy to see my friend in this new light. I feel like two long lost friends have returned."
player, 29 posts
Sun 8 May 2016
at 03:08
  • msg #7

Return of Panian

In reply to Panian (msg # 2):

Welcome back Panian. A lot has happened since we last saw you. Charming people is off the table, fyi. And pleas try to behave yourself.
player, 3 posts
Sun 8 May 2016
at 03:19
  • msg #8

Return of Panian

In reply to DMJW (msg # 1):

Nymeria is elated to have Panian back. However, she still doesn't know what her future is. Part of her is turned off from magic and all of its consequences. That part of her wants to abandon the warlock ways (and even her old wizard ways). The other part of her realizes that Lelothot has helped her become strong, and losing her warlock powers may hurt the group. She is pretty sure Lelothot would allow her to have her old appearance and name back, but she's not sure what the group would think if she remains a warlock. She is going to need some time to figure it all out (and possibly some advice). She is so thankful that the group trusted her enough to see Panian's return. Keeping such a big secret wasn't easy, and she didn't enjoy it (even though she did enjoy learning new magic). She was often grossed out by her actions as well, but couldn't tell anyone, as Mollekos had to believe she was all in.
player, 2 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sun 8 May 2016
at 05:39
  • msg #9

Return of Panian

In reply to Ephaula (msg # 8):

Upon his return, after awakening from his death while in the mirror, Panian greets everyone with a great deal of happiness and elation. But none more so than for Nymeria, whom he refuses to call Ephaula unless she were to request it from him. He embraces her for a long time, looking forward to commune with her and catch up on everything...

But then he stops his thoughts. He holds Nymeria's hand for a minute, and gets lost in the horrors she may have gone through to do this. He quickly realizes that she has lost a finger... He reflects upon her white hair and featureless eyes... The strange tattoo she now has. He begins to feel a sense of guilt. What has he requested of his friend? How much hell did she go through to do this for him? He knows that her sacrifice was what brought him back from the death and truly showed that his spirit was worth saving... But he worries at what cost. He knows that Mokellos, while at the time of his friendship with the group was not harmful, would have eventually grown into a near unstoppable force, so that reassures him. He begins to collect his things slowly from the group members who were holding them... 

This message was last edited by the player at 05:40, Sun 08 May 2016.
player, 30 posts
Sun 8 May 2016
at 10:49
  • msg #10

Return of Panian

In reply to Ephaula (msg # 8):

"Nymeria, whatever path you choose, I will never doubt you again. I always worry about the potentially corruptive power of magic that is gifted from a mysterious entity with unknown motive. Mokellos fell prey to it. But you are wiser than him and you are good-hearted. You are better equipped to deal with lelothot than he was. Should you choose to remain on that path, I trust you to proceed with caution.
I understand that you feel that you might be bound to that path because the group may need your powers. In this realm, it's your Purity of spirit that empowers us all. You need not follow or abandon any particular path on our account. Follow your heart and do what feels right. Don't compromise on that and you cannot err."
This message was last edited by the player at 10:53, Sun 08 May 2016.
player, 31 posts
Sun 8 May 2016
at 11:02
  • msg #11

Return of Panian

In reply to Panian (msg # 9):

"Panian, why did you so quickly sacrifice yourself in the mirror? Was it guilt? Was it suicide? Or was it carelessness?
I've wondered about it for so long. You may not believe this, but i never wanted to see that happen to you."
player, 16 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sun 8 May 2016
at 12:10
  • msg #12

Return of Panian

In reply to Ephaula (msg # 8):

While watching everyone hug Panian and Nymeria, and listening to the exchanges among them, Loranys feels a deepening respect for Nymeria, and for what she was willing to do for her cousin. Not only was she willing--and able--to keep such a secret from us and Mokellos, she acted like a different person, becam a different person in all our eyes, changed her appearance and bring back someone who was a part of the group but was also extremely divisive for us. Panian created a lot of angst for us and she did it anyway. Although Loranys defended him at the end, (thus killing Hawk), shedoes't know if she would have done (or, even willing, been able to do) the same.

Loranys wants to talk to N but gives her space to reunite with Panian and talk to everyone about the whole sitch. She worries too that Nymeria might think she is just using her to get closer to Panian.
player, 32 posts
Sun 8 May 2016
at 13:18
  • msg #13

Return of Panian

In reply to Loranys (msg # 12):

Theodoric to Loranys PRIVATELY as Nymeria and Panian are having their moment:

Loranys, this all gives me so much hope. Second chances are so rare but we have all been granted a second chance. I am eager to see what he does with his. Perhaps as he realizes the sacrifice Nymeria made for him... perhaps as he reflects upon the costs Bart and Hawk paid because we all refused to give up on Panian even as he became more and more evil... perhaps he will be a wiser, less selfish version of himself. I know that this stirs a lot of stuff up for you. But know that Panian's survival gives meaning to Hawk's death.
player, 17 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sun 8 May 2016
at 13:36
  • msg #14

Return of Panian

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 13):

Loranys hugs Theo and is alittle teary. She murmurs something to him.
player, 33 posts
Sun 8 May 2016
at 13:56
  • msg #15

Return of Panian

In reply to Loranys (msg # 14):

Theodoric smiles at Loranys and says "Sister, we've been through a lot and we'll be through a lot more, but through it all, I'll be at your side."
player, 3 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sun 8 May 2016
at 14:24
  • msg #16

Return of Panian

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 11):

"Theodoric, what happened in the mirror was strange and unique. It will be difficult to explain without best guesses and approximations. Much of it has to do with the beliefs of this strange land. Arabelle has taught me that in Ravenloft, there are two mysterious... Entities, if you will. Charani could probably explain more easily than I could. Being the only one native to this plane of existence, and being Vistani, well, she knows a great deal more than those of us not of this demiplane could know. I believe in many ways she is our best hope of navigating these lands successfully. There is truth to those cards she has. She has greater power to guide us than we could possibly imagine. I don't understand how it is all interwoven, but we are strangers in a strange land.

Those two things are the Mists and the Dark Powers. In Ravenloft, everyone... the commoners and Darklords... the Elves who have lived a thousand years and the humans who have lived but 70... everyone... everyone knows of the Dark Powers. In name at least. People do not know if they are malevolent or good, or if they even truly exist and are simply the manifestation of fate in this land. No one knows if the Dark Powers are in league with the Darklords, or are their jailers... Is Ravenloft a prison for the cursed? If so, why are we here? No one knows the whims and reasoning of the Dark Powers. And the Mists are just as mysterious. An arm of the Dark Powers? The Dark Powers themselves? I'm sorry for all the rhetorical questions, but It does not seem fully explainable. But it does give us a glimpse into the mysterious nature of this land.

The best way  I could explain what happened since I was killed was that the Dark Powers tested us. I am not a very religious person. Possibly of the whole group, I was the least spiritually inclined. But... I believe the Dark Powers Tested whether or not the group could survive and were playing, in their strange way, a game to determine what we meant to the land. The Great Old One Lelothot was involved somehow, possibly against her will... More on that soon...

 I know that I died because those closest to me had turned their backs upon me. And Upon Nymeria. She understood as no one else did what it was like to live off the lifeblood of another creature. To become a creature of darkness. To be manipulated by powerful Darklords and twisted at their will. And this is not a guilt trip. While I was cursed with Vampirism, I admit I did terrible things. Things I should have never done... would have never done if I was of right mind and spirit...

Utilizing my death in the mirror, I believe the Dark Powers played a strange game. They put you all into a situation to test the bonds of love and friendship. To see if our group was truly the heroes who could help vanquish Darklords or a petty band of adventurers, each with their own agenda.

You all passed, as many times as you came close to the abandonment of the quest, or the splintering of the group. As you drove forth to save Alexi and help Jander, you could have split a dozen times. But your faith that it was the right thing to do held you together. Together you believed in Nymeria.

And she showed great resilience and sacrifice and patience. She never wrested the aims of the group from Charani, never turned against Daveak and Krysnys for their Lycanthropy, never abandoned Theodoric regardless of his overbearing nature. And at every turn, even in his death, she defended Panian and thus saved his spirit from being lost forever. She nearly destroyed herself in the process. The Pact has taken much from her. Not just her beloved spellbook, but her hair, eyes, her finger. The mental anguish of it all. She proved that friendship was stronger than pain and meant sacrifice. She never wavered, much in the same way that I never wavered in giving the Knife to Sodo. Our friendship, bound by the Blood Oath of our people and our culture as Elves, is unbreakable, and she proved it.

Regardless... My spirit learned much about the essence and importance of friendship and trust while I was dead. Time works differently. Awareness is changed. I don't know, it's hard to explain... But regardless, it is for all that I previously mentioned that I believe that I was killed and no one else died in the mirrors.

I don't know if Lelothot is a Dark Power, or if she is associated with them, or what. Maybe she saw this as a way to get a powerful spellcaster (Nymeria) on her side or indebted to her. I believe that Lelothot is an extremely powerful being we cannot hope to fully understand. However, i believe she is not one of the Dark Powers, and that the Dark Powers were also playing a game with her, by bringing back her archnemesis Mokellos and making her repeat history in a possibly fatal way, this is simply her way of thanking Nymeria and utilizing her power and friendship to prevent her destruction.

I will not judge Nymeria's future path, for I am indebted to her with my life. I believe her to be the most wise and selfless person I know. For all the troubles I have caused her, she continues to defend me and sacrifice for me. It breaks my heart to know how much anguish she must have went through. And I will share upon these overwhelming feelings next time we commune. I fear it to an extent, because I will be wracked with overwhelming pain and anguish. However, Communion is sacred and I must share in the experiences.
player, 34 posts
Sun 8 May 2016
at 17:07
  • msg #17

Return of Panian

In reply to Panian (msg # 16):

You are wrong about one thing. Had this group turned their backs on you, you would have died from drinking Hawk's poisoned blood. Had we banished you after you mutilated the innkeeper, Hawk and Bart might still be alive. Our sacrifice might pail in comparison to what your cousin went through, but we all suffered a price to try and keep you alive.
I welcome you back and I am elated to see you well and cured. I wish to start anew with you, clean slate and all. Please do not dismiss all that we all have suffered because of the curse that was upon you.
player, 4 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sun 8 May 2016
at 18:16
  • msg #18

Return of Panian

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 17):

"Only passing on what I know from the spirit world. I believe in you all and that you all very much care, especially now more than ever. Its a point we need not argue over. I am back and I feel more ready than ever to use my bow in battle right by your side, Theo."
player, 35 posts
Sun 8 May 2016
at 18:25
  • msg #19

Return of Panian

In reply to Panian (msg # 18):

That sounds good to me! Just so long as you know that Loranys and Krysnys never, ever gave up on you!
player, 18 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sun 8 May 2016
at 19:47
  • msg #20

Return of Panian

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 19):

Loranys links arms with Theo and smiles thinly at the group.
player, 9 posts
Sun 8 May 2016
at 22:54
  • msg #21

Return of Panian

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 19):

Krysnys smiles sheepishly at Panian, quickly glances at L to see her response, and leans against Panian for a small hug. Her eyes are glistening as she nods to Theo.
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