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13:22, 8th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Return of Panian.

Posted by DMJWFor group 0
player, 9 posts
Sun 8 May 2016
at 23:08
  • msg #22

Return of Panian

In reply to Charani (msg # 4):

Charani watches all this with some trepidation. She sneaks away behind the throne to be alone from the others. She gets out her newly acquired tarokka deck and begins shuffling through the cards, sensing the power they contain and attempting to connect that power to her own. She knows the games that Ravenloft can play with its inhabitants and that nothing should be taken at surface value. A small part of her also dwells on all the unkind things Panian said and did in regard to herself. She cannot share in everyone's joy just yet.
player, 5 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Tue 10 May 2016
at 21:48
  • msg #23

Return of Panian

Panian hugs the others who embrace him, and looks around for a moment. He takes in the Throne room, which seems to, in some strange way, have been last visted by him so long ago. But he knows a much shorter time than it seems to him has passed. He turns to Nymeria, and speaks softly...

"Do you wish to rest here and commune, Cousin? Or do you not feel ready for such an undertaking?"

He takes his possessions from her, all but the cloak of invisibility and the broach, both of which, he finds out, had turned to dust as his spirit suffered from delays in decision making.

Panian seems to want to say something, but he seems fearful. Nervous. It has been so long since you have seen him outwardly vulnerable. Towards the end of his life he wasn't just invulnerable, but near irrational in his confidence and abrasiveness. Here he seems a bit different. Softer. Afraid.

"I can't wait to commune. I need to know now... Regardless of the answer, I need to know what happened to Arabelle..."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:49, Tue 10 May 2016.
player, 6 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Wed 11 May 2016
at 21:07
  • msg #24

Return of Panian

Panian looks around at all the others, and seeing no reaction from them in regard to his query, he turns away. He rifles through his belongings, items in the physical world have a strangeness to him he somewhat forgot about. Gold, arrows, his Starshot bow, his non-magical cloak, his armor, setting aside and rifling and what not... taking inventory of all his possessions he just obtained again from Nymeria....
player, 36 posts
Wed 11 May 2016
at 22:36
  • msg #25

Return of Panian

In reply to Panian (msg # 24):

Theodoric senses an awkward vibe and, not knowing why Nymeria didn't answer, offers "Arabelle is well. She parted ways with us but our paths still cross from time to time."
NPC, 6 posts
Thu 12 May 2016
at 00:15
  • msg #26

Return of Panian

In reply to Panian (msg # 24):

Remos introduces himself as it seems kinda awkward that he doesn't know Panian. He doesn't really get the weird vibes he is feeling from people. He just knows that it seems like a friend of the group has come back to life. He asks Panian what he experienced in his "limbo" state!
GM, 25 posts
Fri 13 May 2016
at 00:36
  • msg #27

Return of Panian

In reply to Remos (msg # 26):

When Remos is talking, a coldness suddenly infiltrates the room. You see a ghostly figure shimmer in the throne room. Loranys feels a chill in her heart, Panian feels a sense of dread, Theodoric feels like someone is trying to send him a message. Before you can react, the chill is gone!
player, 19 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Fri 13 May 2016
at 00:45
  • msg #28

Return of Panian

In reply to DMJW (msg # 27):

Loranys quickly looks at Theo. Her face is ashen. Her eyes search his.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:45, Fri 13 May 2016.
player, 37 posts
Fri 13 May 2016
at 10:32
  • msg #29

Return of Panian

In reply to DMJW (msg # 27):

Theodoric kneels, clenching his light stone in his right hand. He closes his eyes and he mouths a silent prayer. He then attemps to cast Detect Good and Evil.
player, 7 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sat 14 May 2016
at 12:20
  • msg #30

Return of Panian

In reply to Remos (msg # 26):

Panian freezes for a moment during the strange occurrence, looking around at the others rather slowly. He speaks, "That was extremely strange..." After a few moments where nothing else seems to happen he answers Remos.

"As High Elves growing up in Indelshire, we followed much of the belief systems of other Elves. I think that Nymeria believed in the tales more so than I did, but I am not sure. We seldomly spoke much about the spiritual side of being an Elf, and we never talked much about death. Elves don't focus on death so much as other races do. Our conversations are a bt more joyous when making small talk. However while I tend to wave off some of the elements of our culture, there are several that are important to me. Communion, and the Blood Oath are the most important elements to me. And I think I believe in Arvanaith, which is where us Elves end up. A beautiful, mystical land that helps the Elves not fear death. Regardless, I did not go there. The legend states that when an Elf meets a violent end and their body cannot return to their homeland, they are essentially stuck in Limbo. I'm not exactly sure how it all worked, as I said, the Dark Powers or Lelothot, or them being one in the same preserved me from being vanquished forever. A voice granted me one last meeting with Nymeria, and I believe that Nymeria knew that if I died here, in this place, I was never to be at full rest. And there is so much more to it as well, of course. But she gave up so much for me, and I feel our bond as family and friends is stronger than it ever has been."
NPC, 7 posts
Sat 14 May 2016
at 14:02
  • msg #31

Return of Panian

In reply to Panian (msg # 30):

Thank you. I enjoy learning about others belief in life and death. Your ways are strange to me but the concept I understand. I am glad for the sake of your friends that you were able to be pulled back from Limbo.
NPC, 8 posts
Sat 14 May 2016
at 14:43
  • msg #32

Return of Panian

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 29):

Did you sense it my child? Did you sense the evil that just swept through here? I can tell you a lot more about the spirit, but you should have sensed great evil. Remos looks around at the rest of the group. Ghosts have main categories that I can sense but I can't actually sense the identity of the ghost. Let me explain what I felt and see if it makes sense to you:

1. Magnitude of Power: 4th magnitude which is among the most powerful of ghosts. I sense that this spirit was created because of a death involving much emotional stress and negative feelings and energy.

2. Physical consistence: incorporeal

3. Physical appearance: spectral, the emotional state of the ghost actually dictates a color that you will see. It was very interesting, because the main emotional state I sensed was anger based on the red hue, although there were brief flashes of blue which indicates love, makes no sense to me

4. Origin: I sense that this person suffered a great wrong and was unable to avenge it in the mortal world. The desire for revenge has burned so strong within that it has caused the mind and spirit to turn evil

5. Anchors: I sensed a great attachment to Theodoric and Loranys when the ghost first entered the room, almost a blue in color like it was in love. Then I sensed a change in emotion when the ghost went past Panian. The hue was definitely red then.

6. Triggers: I get the sense that this person only recently turned spectral, something must have caused unrest in the last few hours. It is very new to this form and couldn't control itself, which is why it was gone so quickly. I got the sense that the spirit was ready to move on and that some recent event changed it so that the spirit could not move on.

Remos looks around at all of you: Does this make sense?
player, 20 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sat 14 May 2016
at 16:15
  • msg #33

Return of Panian

In reply to Remos (msg # 32):

Loranys gasps. "yes. This makes perfect sense. This is Hawk." She looks around and says, "I will tell you the story, Remos, but know this is my fault. I don't know how to make it right. I was only trying to be true and honest, through it all. Love is very complicated."

She tells a very brief outline of what happened, quietly.  Anyone paying attention could hear, however.

"I was in love with Panian, but that love was doomed. We were ill-matched.  Hawk was loyal and true, and loved me before he met me.  He stood by me and Theo in our darkest hours.  I recognized in him a beauty and purity that I admired, aspired to, and loved.  However, I couldn't shake Panian from my heart.  In an effort to bond fully with Hawk and sever my ties to Panian, I heart-bonded with Hawk.  He could see into my heart after that, and knew I was still in love with Panian.  But, he loved me anyway, and was just as true and loyal as ever.  However, there was a moment right before they both died when Hawk had to attack Panian.  I understood, but couldn't let him kill him, so I protected Panian with my Blade Wall.  Hawk died and soon after Panian died.  I'm certain this is him.  I know he must have felt avenged by Panian's death, and his resurrection must have stirred him from his own repose."

She looks around again: "I would do what it takes to avenge him, if I knew it wouldn't be making a bargain with evil.  Would it?  You mentioned evil, but also love.  Remos, what can I do?  Do you know how to speak with him?"

Though she appears confident and strong, her eyes are shining with tears.  She has lived with the pain of a heart split in two for so long, that this final resolving of her struggle is a relief to her.  Finally, she hopes to make it right.  She wants this to be Hawk so she can do that.  She believes it is.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:41, Sat 14 May 2016.
player, 38 posts
Sat 14 May 2016
at 16:35
  • msg #34

Return of Panian

In reply to Remos (msg # 32):

It has to be our friend, Hawk. Hawk was a servant of good. He helped us through many difficult trials and some of us came to love him very much. When I was possessed by Gruumsch, Hawk was instrumental in helping me pull through. I would not be the man I have become were it not for Hawk, Bart, and Grimly.

Panian had been afflicted with vampirism. During that time, he did many awful, murderous things. Among them, he caused the death of our dear friend, Bart. Bart was a good hearted and loyal friend to all of us. Hawk loved Bart as a brother and he was driven mad with rage after Bart's death.

I tried to help Hawk, but he was beyond my reach. He made himself evil and taunted Panian until Panian attacked and feed upon Hawk's evil-poisoned blood. I tried and failed to intervene... I could do nothing but watch as my dear friend died... Panian nearly died too as a result of consuming the evil blood.

The others were able to save Panian.

I miss my friends dearly and I still grieve for them daily...

I would very much like to help Hawk's spirit find peace if possible.
player, 39 posts
Sat 14 May 2016
at 17:13
  • msg #35

Return of Panian

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 34):

Theodoric turns toward Panian. "Nymeria has taught me to understand that you were not in control when you killed Bart and Hawk. Though I have offered you my forgiveness, absolution is not mine to give. You may have not been in control at the time of the murders but you made many mistakes and told many lies that ultimately lead to those deaths. I, personally, want and expect nothing from you, but my heart hopes that through reflection upon the events of the past, you gain wisdom. The events of your final days nearly tore us all apart and our wounds still weep. I don't even know if my forgiveness is welcomed, nor do I know if you seek forgiveness, absolution, and wisdom. If you do, I will help you find it."
player, 8 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sat 14 May 2016
at 17:17
  • msg #36

Return of Panian

Panian remains quiet, and sits with his back to the wall, looking out at the group, seemingly taking all of this in... His lips part as if to speak to Theodoric in response, but no sound comes out. He inhales audibly, then puts his head back against the wall. As if he is waiting for something.
player, 10 posts
Sat 14 May 2016
at 22:37
  • msg #37

Return of Panian

In reply to Panian (msg # 36):

Krysnys' eyes search Panian's face during Loranys and Theo's recap of the man Hawk was.

If Panian makes eye contact, K would smile gently at him.
NPC, 9 posts
Sun 15 May 2016
at 00:13
  • msg #38

Return of Panian

In reply to Loranys (msg # 33):

Remos looks at Loranys after she tells her story. He seems to go into a strange trancelike state and then he shakes it off. He asks Loranys if he could speak to her privately.
NPC, 10 posts
Sun 15 May 2016
at 00:14
  • msg #39

Return of Panian

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 34):

I too would like to help your friend. He sounds like he was once a great man. I really need to talk to Loranys in private about this.
player, 40 posts
Sun 15 May 2016
at 02:06
  • msg #40

Return of Panian

In reply to Remos (msg # 39):

I understand. (Theodoric steps away so as to respect their privacy. On the other side of the room, he kneels as if in prayer with his back to the others. Tears well. Theodoric remembers Bart and Hawk... the lengths to which they went to save him... the times they fought side by side, the times they laughed together, ate together, walked together. Hawk and Bart helped build the tower at the homestead. They each had a cottage that is now empty. Theodoric shudders as the tears let loose from his eyes.
player, 9 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sun 15 May 2016
at 11:48
  • msg #41

Return of Panian

In reply to Krysnys (msg # 37):

Panian meets Krysnys' eyes and smiles back. Then tuns to Theodoric.

"I appreciate you forgiving me, and I am glad that you do. I don't know that I seek absolution. I am simply glad to be back here. Grateful for my friends and my cousin watching after me. Surprised at the initial excitement about my turn, then my lukewarm reception thereafter.

You know, Hawk and I did not get along in life, and I wish he could come back, but if this truly is his ghost, it shows much about his character. Now we are confronted by a vengeful and angry spirit, and not one that is the representation of the 'wonderful' man you all see. But rather more who he truly was at his core- filled with hatred and arrogance. Hopefully your friend Remos can put him to final rest."
This message was last edited by the player at 11:49, Sun 15 May 2016.
player, 21 posts
Eldritch Knight
Grey Elf
Sun 15 May 2016
at 12:17
  • msg #42

Return of Panian

In reply to Remos (msg # 38):

Loranys nods to Remos and they speak privately.
player, 41 posts
Sun 15 May 2016
at 12:53
  • msg #43

Return of Panian

In reply to Panian (msg # 41):

Theodoric stands up and turns to face Panian. He stares silently at Panian. After an awkward moment, Theodoric says:

"You would disparage the character of my dead friend even as I weep for him? Do you see my pain and seek to double it? Do you intend to divide us even as we begin to reunify? You may not have been in control when you murdered two men who were like brothers to me, but you seem to be in control now and yet you use your words to prey upon my pain."

Theodoric ignores his trickling tears as he speaks. His cadence is measured and controlled. His volume is soft but audible to all in the room.

"You disappoint me, Panian. I feel sorry for you."

Theodoric breaths deeply and kneels once again, as if in prayer.
player, 10 posts
High Elf - Rogue
Chaotic Neutral
Sun 15 May 2016
at 13:42
  • msg #44

Return of Panian

In reply to Theodoric (msg # 43):

"I suppose my commentary upon who Hawk is was ill-timed, and I should have waited to express my thoughts on him for a more opportune time."

Panian turns to Remos, "I do hope you are able to take care of his spirit in a proper manner. Until that time, if what you say is true, his spirit may impede us. He has a profound hatred for me for some reason. And I admit that I return that hatred because of how he felt for me in life. I would say more, but I feel it is best for me to leave this area for now. To allow those who loved Hawk some time to reflect and what not."

DM: If Possible, Panian would like to exit the throne room. If that is OK, let me know what room I am in and what is there.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:43, Sun 15 May 2016.
GM, 26 posts
Sun 15 May 2016
at 14:24
  • msg #45

Return of Panian

In reply to Panian (msg # 44):

You notice Panian leaving the room.
NPC, 11 posts
Sun 15 May 2016
at 14:39
  • msg #46

Return of Panian

In reply to Panian (msg # 41):

You misunderstood what I said about your friend Hawk my young man. I said that he had a blue hue when he saw Loranys and Theodoric. A purely evil spirit can not have a blue hue. The hue didn't turn red/evil until after it saw those two and came over to you. It makes me wonder about the things that you did to this person that would have it going from a loving, ready to move on spirit, to one that is ready to stay for revenge. Think upon that, my arrogant friend. Something deep within YOU is causing this young man's unrest!!!!

Remos then turns and quietly asks Loranys to move off to the side of the room with him.
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