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20:03, 13th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Setting Overview.

Posted by GMFor group public
GM, 3 posts
Tue 26 Apr 2016
at 04:36
  • msg #1

Setting Overview

Short Change Heroes is an action-drama story set in the Borderlands universe. We’ll be using lots of guns and grenades, Catch-a-Ride and New-U stations, mutants and bands of psychos across hostile environs, mega-corporations like Hyperion/Jakobs/Maliwan, and other Borderlands tropes alongside frontier survivalism and reality-television melodrama.

1. What’s the overall feel of the game? Is it gritty, funny, dark, romantic? What kinds of movies, series, novels, and so on would fit this mood? What would you pick as the game’s theme song?

Theme Songs
"Short Change Heroes" (The Heavy):
"Come With Me Now" (Kongos):
“Born Yesterday” (Robert Dougan)

Dark comedy.
Gritty, dirty, cell-shaded, and excessive aesthetics.
Most inhabitants of the borderland planets are damaged in some way.
As a result, everyone is a little over-the-top passionate in how they love, hate, and deal with themselves and others.

Desired Content
2. What kind of content would you like to see in your story? Lots of intense fights, introspection, romance, intrigue, exploration, or anime slapstick comedy? Are the combats wall-running, somersaulting action spectacles with no real blood or gruesome shotguns-and-tentacles gore fests?

  • Excessively intense and gory fights and abundant opportunities to engage in badassery against ever-increasingly impossible odds are all part of daily life in the Borderlands
  • Badasses jump from staggering heights, flip 30’ in the air from standing still, and cross frozen wastes and boiling deserts in tank tops without much complaint.
  • Life is cheap and murder not only pays well but is nearly omnipresent, due to the benefits of New-U stations and life insurance backups.
  • People obsess over uniqueness and manipulation via a robust favor/debt-economy since money and digistruct tech can provide nearly anything one could want.
  • Relationship drama is rife as endearingly flawed protagonists stumble on their own and each other’s baggage.

Unwanted Content
3. What kind of content do you not want in your story? This comes in two flavors, labeled in the game Sorcerer (by Ron Edwards) as lines and veils, which I find very helpful. What kind of stuff can happen but only off screen (veiled), and what kind of stuff isn’t brought up by anyone at all?
For example, you might agree that characters in your story sometimes have sex, but do you fade to black before the clothes come off or actually play out parts or all of the event? Would it ruin the game for you if children got abused or killed during the story? What is over the line and not okay at all, and what is fine but shouldn’t be played in detail?

Lines (to be informed by player input)
Kids (if there even are any) will probably get bumps, bruises, and fisticuffs from tough life in the borderlands, but will not be tortured, abused, or killed as a cheap way to make someone evil. Death will almost certainly come to PCs, but they’ll come back with a bill.

Veils (to be informed by player input)
It's sort of assumed that there will be excessive and gratuitous violence, as well as occasional torture in this setting. These things will probably happen on screen, but it doesn’t need to be wierdly obsessed over.
Sex is also standard enough in the setting, and complicated, close relationships between characters is encouraged for the drama value, but things can move off-screen once they get steamy and we all know where it's going.

Hermes is the origin world of Sir Hammerlock, and has a thinner helium-rich atmosphere. That allows even greater vertical mobility than on Pandora, as well as heightened melodramatic angst, passions, and madness from prolonged inhalation of helium gas. Hermes features limited access to Dahl's ECHOnet and Hyperion's New-U technologies. Catch-A-Ride is just catching-A-On.


We are competitors on Lodged and Loaded. We need each other not only to adequately defend our Lodge and thus survive on the hostile planet Hermes, but also to rile up each others' passions, relationship drama, and showmanship to raise our team's ratings with a sadistic, easily-bored audience.

Lodged and Loaded is team survival/elimination competition about showing the galaxies you're the most badass hunter, which obviously is primarily done by slaying ever nastier beasts and scavenging better loot than your rivals in order to set up (and defend) the sweetest, classiest Hunter's Lodge. The show's flavors combine Survivor, The Amazing Race, Bear Grylls, The Real World, Fixer-uppers/Flipped, and Pinterest boards for interior decorating.

Your Lodge, therefore, is the primary tangible display of your apparent badassery, and also where much of the best relationship melodrama takes place (a la The Real World). Jakobs doesn't mind that they can make a fortune merchandising scrappy/survivalist decor ideas copied from whatever innovative things their contestants hack together to make their little patch of Hermes more Northwoods-cozy.

Some Thoughts on Death
Since (most) contestants are brought back from death with New-U fees, the survival aspect of the show is more about how much you can go from rags to riches while keeping others from doing likewise: starting with nothing but the shirt on your back and a crummy supply drop spot, how can you pimp out a Hunter's Lodge that swoons the fans with your obvious badassery. Mainly that means both killing monsters and taking trophies, but also seeking out ruins, settlements, and factions to loot and barter with (before or better than rival teams do) in order to secure and upgrade ever sweeter amenities for your Lodge and maybe even make arrangements (or bots) that can watch your back while you sleep.

Consequently, getting killed—while it always hurts like hell and costs way too much cash—far more importantly gives your rivals free reign to pilfer your gains, loot and trash your Lodge, and worst of all, tarnish your reputation and ruin your rankings (especially in the "Highest Killing Streak" and "Avg. Living Spree" categories). Furthermore, the more you die, the less valuable of an asset you are to the show bosses, and the more likely they might cancel your sponsored New-U subscription. They may or may not warn you of such cancellation (probably not), so Marcus recommends stay alive whenever possible. Additionally, some nasty contestants are perfectly willing to maim or capture you rather than kill you since it'll keep you out of commission for longer.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:29, Thu 13 June 2019.
GM, 101 posts
Thu 13 Jun 2019
at 22:26
  • msg #2

Setting Overview

Faces and Places
  • Vince Garrett (McChisel) "I don't carry cash on me. I'll just pay for that with an autograph." — Intergalactic ECHO star. Fan favorite, boosts ratings. Combat-competent, narcissistic, lazy, entitled.
  • T3-M3 PLY4 (TP) "There's no team without m3." - Nihilistic, emo, Eeyore-like support bot; resident cook, janitor, mediocre taxidermist, and digi-librarian; handles official show correspondence. He's obliged to dig for your juiciest drama and secrets. (You met him in the ECHO above)
  • Any other ideas? 4 may be plenty.

  • THE BLUDGERNAUTS: A team of bloodthirsty, psychotic jerks — Long-time treasure hunting buddies. This is the TORGUE team. Consists of TF2 classes Demoman (Tavish Finnegan DeGroot), Pyro, and Soldier, with the Soldier trying to herd the cats. Also has a pair of fraternal twins who aren't affiliated with the company, but joined the team because EXPLOSIONS!
  • MAGNUM EPIC NEGABOTS or M.E.N!: (Blaize's Crush) Midnight Magnum badass 20-something on another team — loud, high-energy who steamrolls enemies, up and coming celebrity. There are four of them that use bots of some kind and act like rock stars, but the others are of course not as big of stars.
  • FUTURE CLASSIC: The Jakobs team. Includes the TF2 Heavy (Mikhail "Misha"), Sniper (Mundy), Engineer (Dell Conagher), and Scout (Jude). A well oiled machine, these boys have the training and experience to turn their job into an art form. No one touches their base without at least the same level of precision (or the sheer insanity of the Bludgernauts). Their biggest flaw is that only the Scout would really qualify as a showman, and so they don't get the audience's favor like the other teams do.
  • [???] One of the competition isn't cooperative. With anyone. He/she has no team, isn't exactly forthcoming during interviews, and doesn't even so much give a team name. Identifies as The Operative. Full body covering, including a helmet with a faceplace and a single glowing camera lens on the front. Super creepy. No one can find his Lodge, and his raids on the other Lodges don't seem to have any purpose. Doesn't steal food or weapons, and essentially doesn't appear to be participating in the show. Being so mysterious, and in general so cool in this 13 year old boy kinda way, means he gets good enough ratings that no one's kicked him out yet. Assuming they could.

Lodge Seeds
  • Wildernessy area (plenty of lethal megafauna around)
  • Near Dump/Salvage Yards (plenty of discarded crap and abandoned corporate sites around)
  • Open warehouse space with ramshackle private cubicles, catwalks, and mobile divider walls; probably garage/shipping doors
  • (The actual drop location is probably hidden out in the wild a bit away from the main compound, in order to lure competitors toward the more fortified building and away from the more innocuous drop-site.

Early Q&A

Who is one other competitor or team on the show you can't stand? What about them makes you crazy?
"You want me to pick just one? All those guys are a little nuts, S'why I hooked up with this crew. Picking a least favorite of those loonies is gonna be hard."

"Cherub, I've got to get this ECHOcast out to my fans! Could you brew up some coffee? And have you gotten the antenna set up? Reception's terrible here. Where's that stew you were gonna make? I'm starved half to death!"

"Vince. It's Vince. I'm gonna kill him. Maybe a lot. We've got respawns, right?"

Who is one other competitor or team on the show that you actually really are drawn to? What is alluring or admirable or mysterious about them and what have you done to get some more interface with them?

Who is someone or a team led by someone in Jakobs or another Corp that you feel personally strongly about? Think of one good and one not so good.

"Jakobs sent in a team of their own boys as some kinda...commercial? That Lodge with no elemental weapons, all Jakobs gear. And they're good. Don't even seem to need to talk to each other on mission, they just know what needs to get done and do it. I watched 'em fight the psychos one time and it was nasty. We're gonna have to take 'em out sometime, but carefully.

Then there's this TORGUE team. Another sausage-fest, all loonies decked out in explosives. Of course. Hard to tell if they're corporate or fanboys. Ugh. They're the worst. No subtlety, no teamwork, nothing. I can't figure out how they ended up with the Jakobs team on the run yesterday. That doesn't even make sense. Whatever, they'll be no problem once we're ready."

What is one place on Hermes or in your Lodge that you're particularly fond of or most alive in? What's one place you hate or fear and why?
Uuuuum.... I would have to say that my favorite place on Hermes is toootally the forest. It's so calm and peacefuuul and has this certain order to it. AND THEN YOU GET TO MESS IT UP! Its like painting your own landscape or something! 'cept it's me and B1g D4dd13. Heeheeheehee... ya know?

"I've definitely grown to like the Lodge rooftop. It's got a great view, and the wind hits it just right in the mornings. Beautiful. Plus I mean it's tactically sound to see that far, with a quick jump back down to safety if we get company.

I'm not such a big fan of the New-U stations. I mean I know they aren't really 'places', but I'm sure there's gotta be a central relay center for them, and the whole network is creepy as hell. I mean you think you're safe, right? Die and just get digistructed back to life? But with a flick of a switch, they can decide 'nah, you don't come back this time' and that's it. So creepy. A guy with a gun to your head doesn't have that much power over life and death. Gives me the chills. And not the good way."

If you could chill with someone for a day, who might it be and what would you do?
Seraph is a reeeaaal badass and I'd love to get to be her friend. Buuut I don't think she likes people very much. I think I can get through her icy barrier though!.... I think. Aaaaah B1g D4dd13 is a total love machine though. And he can totally help! We could totally go hunting! aand bake cakes! aand shoot stuff! and be total heroes and stuff!

From whom did you learn some of what makes you so badass now?
Oh! Well....uh...hehe....Badass? Well....Thank you! I do try! Pats B1g D4dd13 on the back  We tryyyyy~ Well I'd like to say it was thanks to my dad and brother. Hehe, my dad owned a mechanic shop and it was like my bedroom and playroom as a kid! I kinda lived and breathed machines and code. My brother was always super supportive of me and my machines, gadgets, and gizmos. He never had quite my skill, but he was always so proud of me and encouraging me to go further!....back then

Who (outside your team) do you envy, for what? Who do you feel you need, and for what?
Uuuuuuuuuuh.......Wait whut??... Am I being punked. Is this live??!?

Team PC
Gonna need an Australian wild animal tamer. Gonna need a guy who can simply walk into Mordor ( https://s-media-cache-ak0.pini...bcc3c1dfc663af27.jpg ), and they're gonna have to be straight up evil psychopaths because they're good at their job and obviously on another team. Quality rules them right out from being on ours. :P

We will definitely need one of these two assholes on our team: or

I feel the slightest bit of shame for bringing up Captain N's Simon Belmont, but only because he makes me feel dirty in the bad way. The very bad way. For those who don't know him, think Gilderoy Lockhart as a vampire hunter. And a whip he can control with his mind.

We'll also need someone actually capable of /doing/ stuff but not a combatant in the least and also not a complete ponce. I don't have an expy in mind, but essentially a cooperative target.

Gotta pick a location for a Lodge, though. I want it to be wildernessy, but I also want it to be like the town's junkyard so Blaize has trash to oogle and turn into defense turrets and booby traps. And walls and a private room where we can send our ECHO logs answering the show's questions about the other teammates and such. That happens on reality shows, right? I've never actually seen one, unless you count America's Got Talent. <_<

Vince Garrett, intergalactic ECHO star. Jakobs bought his appearance on the show to boost ratings, and everyone loves him. Almost as much as he loves himself. Actually a capable combatant, but also a lazy and entitled piece of crap. Common quote: "I don't carry cash on me. I'll just pay for that with an autograph." ...He's not Jack. I swear.

We need a competitor team with the no morals, all around psychotic jerks, and a thirst for blood!-Who have been treasure hunting buddies forever so know how to function well together, but have no personal/group growth! :D

I was thinking of having a Kamina personality type character for Blaize to faun over. I was thinking Blaize is a 16-year-old and a fangirl of some badass 20-something-year-old on another team. He would be a loud, high energy type of guy who can steam roll enemies. Maybe an up and coming celebrity? Thaaat could be a childhood fan of the Gilroy Lockheartish character.

I was thinking our Lodge was like a large warehouse type deal where we made ramshackle, cubicle like rooms. We can still yell across the room and hear each other perfectly.

I thought up another team last night. Like, a whole Lodge. Maybe two, actually.

The Team Fortress 2 guys. They'd make great Borderlands characters, and each basically already have easy ways to turn them into enemies. Just gotta give 'em names. Or just port 'em right over. :P Maybe give them some appropriate outfits, ECHO devices, and Shield units, though. Yeah, I'm likin' it. Personalities already nicely totally stoled from the Meet The * videos.

Another team might be modeled after the Tremor Brothers from Smokin' Aces. They basically walked out of Borderlands to fit into a normal movie anyway. XD

I also had an idea for a Lodge of just one person. Definitely the Assassin class. Probably not a robot. Cyborg, maybe. Ninja, definitely. Like some kind of... Cyborg Ninja? https://s-media-cache-ak0.pini...c34599de0a38cf62.jpg

For our own Lodge location, I was thinking of having it be in a junkyard where Blaize and the useful NPC teammate could have plenty of scrap to work with building walls, turret defenses, and the like. I could easily see it as a makeshift warehouse with cubicles for not-really-privacy, it'd be great. :D

Mid Q & A
What has this sweet warehouse spot cost you?
Sanity! :D
There would probably have to be scavenging shifts, look-out shifts, and cooking.

What key resource are you severely lacking at the moment that's causing serious tension within the team?
toilet paper.

What useless resource or advantage do you have wayyy too much of, to the point that it's an almost annoying running gag? Why do you have so damned much?
Kerpi Kola! The deliciously sweet treat that's face meltin' good!

Surprisingly, TP is responsible for scoring the coolest trophy in your Lodge (so far). What does it look like and how did he manage to take it down?
"Dunno, I mean. Its huge and takes up aaaaaall the space in the middle of the Lodge! It smells reaaaally death. But other than thats its just kinda like a pile of  fur."

What has the other PC done to merit at least a grudging trust? What have they done that complicates your relationship?
Blaize stares intensely at the confessional camera."Weeeell. TP will kinda hang around the entrance to my room and just complaaain and mope about everything. EVERYTHING! EVEN his successes! It's-it's like he is bragging, but in the most depressing way possible! AND Vincent! He is like! UGH! He thinks he is so coool and all that, but I haven't seen him do anything yet! I mean! TP has been cooler than that guy! GAAAAAH!" Runs circles around B1g D4dd13 flailing and screaming.

What was Vince's latest solo outing meant to achieve, and why do you think it's taken him way too long to return?
"It was simple. He was supposed to scout out the MEN's base and report back. I figured he'd screw it up and get their attention, and while they were chasing him, we'd pick 'em off and try to wrangle one of their robots. Blaize is really good with robots. No sign of 'em yet, though. Maybe he fell asleep. Or maybe he's showboating and gonna get himself killed. Hasn't respawned here yet, so maybe he's just ditched the plan on gone into town for more of this goddamn soda."

What has the other PC done to merit at least a grudging trust? What have they done that complicates your relationship?
"Blaize is, uh...she's a little weird. Okay, I know. I can do some pretty weird stuff myself, but I mean she's spent way too much time with computers and robots. Still, that did come in pretty handy when we were clearing this place for the Lodge. We'd been followed by the Bludgernauts. They wanted the junkyard drop zone themselves, and figured they'd just kill us and take it once we'd cleared out the wildlife for 'em. Vince was frickin' comparing muscles with the big one, TP was doing the smart thing and taking cover, and I lost track of Blaize and her huge damn robot. Three of the guys had a bead on me, and I managed to handle the first two. Last one launched a grenade right at my face, and I saw it coming like it was in slow motion or something. Outta nowhere, this giant robot fist slaps the damn thing back at him, and we've got the drop zone secured. Junkyard's ours. That was incredible.

Now I just gotta get her to keep her head when that pretty boy Midnight Magnum shows up. I swear, one of these days he's gonna blast her head off and she'll just giggle and pass it to him."

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:47, Thu 13 June 2019.
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