C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths
Seraph stared straight at the beast with hard eyes framed by matted wet hair, seemingly ignoring the grass curling around her boots, the vines winding their way around her gun arm and legs, and the bud opening up above and behind her to reveal a brightly colored maw and thorny teeth. Soggy, tiring, and apparently having given up entirely, the only hint to the audience at home that she was even still fighting was the constant blue glow of her tattoos, slowly shifting purple to match the soft light coming from Krav Mama herself. The beast rushed. The plant began to close its jaws around its next meal. Seraph was sure she'd figured out how this world worked.
Everything was carnivorous. Everything was hungry. Nothing cared what it ate.
Phase light flashed as everything converged.
[Gotta beat a 9. Jeeze. Here goes nothin'.
Playing to my own "Angel Soft, Devil Hard" and Death From Above.
Playing to Whole New World, "Mudstreaked and Stormwracked", In Over Your Head, and Rookie's Debut
2 DT
8 dice.
00:48, Today: Seraph rolled 40 using 8d10 with rolls of 6,4,6,10,1,5,5,3. Defense.
Top two are 10 and 6. I'm saved! I'll spend that [1] to deal damage to Mama.
I'm absolutely hoping to have surfed both the Grasping Flora and Seraph's Trap conditions.]
As the two swapped places again, Seraph was already taking off running out of the jungle, toward the glow of holograms and digistructs. She took the time to cast a glance over her shoulder.
"Thanks, Audrey!" As fast as her legs could take her wasn't particularly fast in the thick and slippery mud, but the thrill of not being dead this very moment pushed her faster than she might have otherwise managed.
"Holly! I need that bridge NOW, sweetheart! Get moving, let's go!" It didn't look like the Siren was going to be able to slow down too well as she approached that chasm. She really hoped the bridge was solid when she got there, or she'd have a long step under her. If she DID make it, though, this was gonna be awesome.
[Challenging Call the Bridge! Pretty sure I can't really get around Please Wait, so I'm gonna roll at 1DT and be really sad about it. Turns out you can only gain DT from [1] gained during Checks, not Challenges.
1 DT, playing to Angel Soft/Devil Hard, Death From Above (mine, in this case), "Mudstreaked and Stormwracked", In Over Your Head, and Rookie's Debut.
01:03, Sat 05 May: Seraph rolled 27 using 6d10 with rolls of 3,3,8,8,1,4. Challenge.
Results: 1, 3, 3, 4, 8, 8
Let's hope Holly rolls low, huh?
EDIT: Edited in my roll, which for some reason wasn't in my post. Weird.]
This message was last edited by the player at 18:49, Mon 07 May 2018.