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12:45, 22nd January 2025 (GMT+0)

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths.

Posted by GMFor group 0
GM, 47 posts
Tue 1 May 2018
at 23:40
  • msg #1

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

You're still new to this gig, but you caught wind of a supply cache with a frelling Hyperion sentry turret that was lost and somehow forgotten last game cycle. Digging led you to believe it put down in an overgrown Tediore manufacturing facility deep in Krav Gulch. Easy peasy route to a much-needed leg up on the competition! Boo-ya.

At least if it weren't for the disgusting krav packs that choke the Gulch, somehow always simultaneously starved and gluttonous. The fans, however are always eager to watch you splatter the vegetation of Hermes with gore, whether your own or kravling's pulsing flabsacs. You never know where, but you know their cameras are out there, watching your moves, your steps, your screw-ups. If you don't do this right the first time, every rival will soon hear you came here and they'll want to know why.

From what you see, the only way in other than an airdrop is that access bridge. Well, more like a horizontal platform gondola on mag-cables. The lights of the old tech landings on either side and the platform itself on the farther side are barely visible under the eroding grasp of vines and rust. If you can't call the platform to this end of the canyon, you could try shimmying across the hot mag-cables, and you can imagine how good that will feel.

Though you're a muddy mess, the approach was going surprisingly well, though you can see the gathering mudclouds and feel the tingle in your skin of an incoming energy storm on the horizon through the massive trees. A hundred paces from the landing, however, you see the distinct silhouette in a distant branch and hear the rhythmic clicking of a krav purr. That frelling purr, muster of the slothful kravlings from their stupor to feed. Sure enough, a few telltale fatty sacs pulse with sickly light up from the foliage between you and the bridge. Any moment now, that mama's howls will set them rampaging for your meat.

Give us two reaction shots to get started.

—Whole New World
—Mudstreaked and Stormwracked
—In Over Your Head
—Rookie's Debut

Krav Mama 1[2] 3[1] - DT3
—Inescapable as your shadow, Canopy Maw
—Primal Instinct (Spines), Earsplitter: Pack gains DT+ at start of each turn Earsplitting Whine Condition is in play; Swallow: OP4 Spend [2] to inflict "Stuck in krav craw"

Kravling Pack 4[1] - DT1
—Move as One, Inglourious Flabclaws

Call the Bridge 1[2]
—Firm in Nature's Grasp, Sparking Rusted Consoles, Hot wires

—Howling Wind Canyon
—Grasping Flora

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:24, Wed 02 May 2018.
player, 33 posts
as the Siren
Wed 2 May 2018
at 01:38
  • msg #2

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

The sound took all of Seraph's attention; she'd learned to recognize that as an imminent attack. Fortunately the first time she'd heard it, it wasn't her the things mobbed. Pretty gruesome sight, though.

"Great. This is gonna get messy. Messier." She moved toward the console on her side of the canyon, or tried to, but looked down to find her foot wrapped in a few strands of what was probably grass.

"Come on, let go." A quick tug pulled her foot free, and she stepped quickly away before more of the flora got grabby. At least if she stayed low and moved fast, she might be able to lose their attention.

[Seraph's moving toward the console and trying to avoid the kravs' attention. Invoking Mudstreaked and Stormwracked for stealth, as she's already covered in mud.

18:37, Today: Seraph rolled 5 using 1d10.  Check.

I'll make a Seraph is Sneaking condition.

EDIT: Bolded the bits relevant to the die roll.]

On reaching the mover's control console, Seraph sidled up and started glancing over the controls. There likely wasn't much complication to it, so she pulled a few of the vines away to get access to the call button and hit it. Gently. No sense aggravating the hungry beasts any more, right?

[Another check! This time aiming to play to Firm in Nature's Grasp, hoping to gain some Drama.

11:46, Today: Seraph rolled 10 using 1d10 with rolls of 10.  Check.]

This message was last edited by the player at 18:46, Wed 02 May 2018.
GM, 57 posts
Wed 2 May 2018
at 21:44
  • msg #3

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

The groteque pulsing globules on the kravlings' backs bumble blindly around the foliage on all sides as you move to the landing smooth as a mudslide. None of the flabby young are tall enough to see over the undergrowth, and all are too lazy yet to bother standing upright on rickety hind legs.

Kravlings: Tripping "Seraph is sneaking" for DT-
Check playing to In Over Your Head: 1 = failure! Poor lil guys.
16:28, Today: GM, for the NPC Kravling Pack, rolled 1 using 1d10 ((1)).

The rhythmic clicking purr from the silhouette's perch in full dramatic view against the flashing stormclouds ups it's tempo and pitch until it's a keening whine like an incoming artillery shell only it doesn't abate and makes your skull vibrate instead.

Krav mama: Check with Inescapable as your shadow to create condition "Earsplitting Whine" = 10
16:09, Today: GM, for the NPC Krav Mama, rolled 10 using 1d10 ((10)).

Meanwhile, after applying some muscle to overcome the clutching rust, the console's call button depresses with the satisfying soft tones of a Tediore jingle. After a quiet beat, the console showers you with sparks and a distorted programmed hologram of a woman dressed in a sterile white pencil dress with a matching perfect, but glitch-dislocated smile erupts beside the console and addresses the empty landing center where you are not, her volume greatly amplified to be heard over the painful whine:

"Welcome ya'll to Tediore's Omni-versatile Facility Golf-44-2P! We at Tediore are pleased as peppemint pie to digistruct your entirely expendable future one fleeting pleasure at a time! Aww gosh, Ah'm afraid Ah don't detect valid credentials. With whom... exactly might I have the fleeting pleasure of exchanging pleasantries?" The programmed image struggles to rotate slowly side to side, not seeing anyone present.

Call the Bridge: Check (w/ Hot wires, surfing "Seraph is Sneaking") = 5. DT+
16:19, Today: GM, for the NPC Bridge, rolled 5 using 1d10 ((5)).

Status thread updated.

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:48, Wed 02 May 2018.
player, 39 posts
as the Siren
Wed 2 May 2018
at 22:47
  • msg #4

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

The sound that stupid thing made was awful, and Seraph put her hands to her ears to try and block it out. That wasn't much help, until the power within her started to react, drawing her out of the universe with a soft purple glow. Without a target to link with, though, the Siren simply phased a bit, just enough to warp the incoming sound and hear herself think. She could only barely hear the hologram. The important bit was talk of "unauthorized", which Seraph did catch. With a grimace, she slipped around to the back of the console and reached in to start hot wiring the hot wires.

[I HAVE REFLEX! The Reflex power lets me roll to avoid reductions in Drama if I can beat an 8.

19:26, Today: Seraph rolled 9 using 1d10 with rolls of 9.  Phaselink Hop (Reflex).

Which I did. I still have my DT!

That done, making a check using Hot Wires.

15:47, Today: Seraph rolled 6 using 1d10 with rolls of 6.  Check.

Using my success to create an Authorized User condition.

EDIT: Moved my Reflex roll here, and edited in the narrative for it.]

This message was last edited by the player at 03:52, Thu 03 May 2018.
GM, 58 posts
Thu 3 May 2018
at 01:26
  • msg #5

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

You finish your swift work and the hologram resets facing “front” as previously, broadcasting loudly now to blanket the general area amplifying further as the sky starts to rumble under the grating whine. “Aww Well look here! If it isn't Proxy_Admin_(Temp)14! Ah declare, it has been an AGE, Ah say, an age! We at Tediore have undeniably missed the fleeting pleasure of your highly valued presence! Whatever can Ah do for you Proxy_Admin_(Temp)14?”

Check to eliminate condition “Seraph is Sneaking” = 10!
19:53, Today: GM, for the NPC Bridge, rolled 10 using 1d10 ((10)).

The shadow in the tree undulates like a cat with a hairball as it flexes it's massive jaw while maintaining the keening whine from deep in its sinewy throat. Without warning it leaps from it's perch with remarkable agility to a neighboring bough, slinking nearer and nearer through the canopy.

Check (Canopy Maw) = 10 again! DT+. Beware it now has DT4 for it's Overpower!
20:15, Today: GM, for the NPC Krav mama, rolled 10 using 1d10 ((10)).

Under the rousing and vibrating influence of the mama whine from the trees, a few of the kravlings emit disgustingly wet belch-like barks in the direction of the charming drawl of the entry landing's holo-guide, and you behind the console. After a moment's pause, reacting as one, the various pulsing flabsacks you can see converge out of the foliage in pairs, each sliding atop its partner to raise double high to spot and close in on you, their now visible future meal. Far too many fat flaps fling muddy eager drool across the landing as the pairs of creatures launch and flop the top one's toothy, slimy mass over top of you where you crouch like a nasty, viscous pancake blanket.

Gained DT+ at turn start from the krav mama's Earsplitter Power.
Rolling Challenge (DT1, + Move as One, Inglorious Flabsacs, Mud-streaked and Storm-wracked, In Over Your Head = 5 dice) = 2,4,5,7,7
20:10, Today: GM, for the NPC Kravling Pack, rolled 25 using 5d10 ((2,7,7,4,5)).

Narrate and roll defense!

player, 40 posts
as the Siren
Thu 3 May 2018
at 02:40
  • msg #6

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

[I HAVE REFLEX! The Reflex power lets me roll to avoid reductions in Drama if I can beat an 8.

19:26, Today: Seraph rolled 9 using 1d10 with rolls of 9.  Phaselink Hop (Reflex).

Which I did. I still have my DT!]

"Sssshh! Keep it down, will ya? There's those freaky things coming this... oh good, thanks for that. Please hold." With the creatures coming her way, Seraph sighed and digistructed her Tediore pistol and slowly backed her way toward the edge of the canyon, waiting until they were close enough. The only sight of her beneath the darkness and mud was the blue glow of her arm, glowing brighter as the rain came and started to clean the mud off of her. Once the first of them was starting to peek around the console, she quickly reached out and let loose with the energy she'd drawn, grasping onto one of the kravlings and swapping places with it in a flash of light!

Seraph had been ready to balance on top of the kravling she hadn't phaselinked with, but hadn't been quite so prepared for how gross the things were. She only hoped they group of them didn't regain their senses before she could leap back to the ground and open some distance. At the very least she tried to shoot the one she'd landed on in hopes the bullets didn't just sink into the gooey body, ugh. Maybe they others would try to help their brother get away from the cliff he'd just appeared next to. Maybe mom would freak out enough to stop that awful noise...

[Alright, I have 1 Drama, so let's see what I can do here.

Playing to Mudstreaked and Stormwracked, In Over Your Head, Rookie's Debut, and Death From Above. Hoping this counts as playing to Whole New World and Angel Soft, Devil Hard. Gonna roll me some 8 dice, and if any don't count we'll just take 'em off the end. Sound good?

19:28, Today: Seraph rolled 63 using 8d10 with rolls of 10,5,7,8,8,10,9,6.  Defense.

I...wot. Yes, Polyhedrox, thank you. o.o

Results: 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10

Assuming I can keep those last two dice, that's [5]. Over a freaking 7. I am not even sure what I'm gonna do.

Problem: the book isn't clear on what Health actually means. If I deal [1] to a kravling, is it dead? Do I need [2] to take one out? I'm gonna assume the second.

Dealing [2] to the kravling I phaselinked (right off a cliff, I imagine!) and to the one I warped onto and shot a bunch.

Using [1] to eliminate mom's Earsplitting Whine, or at least it's mechanical usefulness for the moment.]

player, 42 posts
as the Siren
Thu 3 May 2018
at 04:09
  • msg #7

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

[Turns out filling an obstacle's health boxes completely takes it out, so the Kravling Pack is toast.]

When the creatures pounced, they caught only their phaselinked brother. With a panicked cry of pain, that one and the two who'd bitten into him by accident went sliding through the mud and flailing off the side of the cliff. The one Seraph had landed on swung its maw around to try and latch onto the Siren, but only managed to eat enough bullets to put a stop to its attack (after a moment of thrashing around). The horrible sound died down during the squeaks and squeals of the survivors, who went scurrumphing back to something resembling safety.

Seraph, for her part, enjoyed the moment where she got to pose in the crouch she'd landed in after leaping off the goo monster. She allowed herself a little smirk before getting up and turning her attention to the hologram again.

"Hey! Cute hologram! Call the lift, would ya, sugar?" Her attempt at the accent was...not good. But she figured it was best to be polite to the robot standing between her and tomorrow. Then she checked her ammo count, looked in the direction of the large monster's silhouette, and started backing away toward the jungle she'd just come out of.

"Come on, sweetheart. Let's you and me chat a minute, huh?" This was gonna suck. But it was gonna be so awesome.

[Are you looking for a CHALLENGE?! Yes sir I am.

Your Scene Tracker should probably also include the campaign themes overall, for ease of finding them. Playing to The Most Dangerous Game, Ain't No Rest For the Wicked, Smile And Die For the Camera!, "Trigger Happy, Screw Loose" (you're gonna squee if I can pull this off, but I really did set it up just now), In Over Your Head, Rookie's Debut, and "Angel Soft, Devil Hard". Plus my 1 DT, that makes 8 dice.

Also I feel like we may have gone overboard with Themes, but I'm gonna rock it like I'm goin' to the moon anyway!

21:06, Today: Seraph rolled 44 using 8d10 with rolls of 2,10,3,6,1,7,6,9.  Challenge.

Results: 1, 2, 3, 6, 6, 7, 9, 10

No, Polyhedrox, I will never challenge your divine authority. I don't need more 1s to teach me lessons in humility. I meant "rock" as in hard labor, sir, yes. More 10s plz.

By the way, I'm really hoping to challenge both the robot and the monster if I can, but I don't have any powers letting me do so. If I can't, I'll be challenging the scary monster. I'm not backing into the jungle for nothing here. :P]

GM, 63 posts
Thu 3 May 2018
at 17:40
  • msg #8

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

"Sure thing Sugar. Anything for Tediore's favorite visitor, Proxy_Admin_(Temp)14!" The holo-woman winks and waves her hands like a stage magicion. The recently hot-wired console bursts a shower of sparks like fireworks over the landing and your head, stinging and smoldering against your muddy skin, hair, and the wet encroaching forest. An arc of voltage courses down each of the rusted mag-cable tracks toward the platform on the canyon's far side, one arc reaching it and jolting the rusted platform's lights on, while the other deviates through a tangle of grasping vines up into the canopy and then arcing to meet a cracking lightning bolt erupting down from the sky overhead.

Bridge: Challenge(Defense): DT1 + Hot Wires, Sparking Consoles, Firm in Nature's Fist, Mudstreaked & Stormwracked, In Over Your Head = 6 dice
12:33, Today: GM, for the NPC Bridge, rolled 46 using 6d10 ((4,6,10,9,7,10)).

Bridge Results: 4,6,7,9,10,10
Seraph's results: 1,2,3,6,6,7,9,10
Outcome: True Clash!
[The Krav Mama defense is coming next.]

GM, 65 posts
Thu 3 May 2018
at 18:22
  • msg #9

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

While sparks and voltage fly around you, you see the flitting shadow cross the ground, rapidly toward you, even though you can barely see the dark adult krav shape moving through the canopy that is increasingly tossed by rainstorm winds and thrown into brief contrast by the curling ball lightning within the mudclouds rolling over the canyon. As you leave the landing and one leg slips deep in a sucking, muddy sinkhole, you spot the tiny telltale light of a Jakobs camera drone hovering through the obscuring clouds to catch that perfectly picturesque moment when the bereft, enraged predator dives straight down from the grasping canopy above you, it's fang-bedazzled-maw impossibly wide like an umbrella, momentarily blocking the muddy rain in a terrifying growing ring of shadow around you. Hopefully the mud and static hasn't wrecked your hair too badly, because you know this shot will be plastered on promotional posters across the six galaxies. This stupid planet is no place for humans.

Mama trips Grasping Flora and gets DT-
Challenge(Defense): DT3 + Most Dangerous Game, Canopy Maw, Inescapable as your Shadow, Mudstreaked/Stormwracked, In Over Your Head, Smile/Die for the Camera, No Place for No Hero = 10 dice
13:15, Today: GM, for the NPC Krav Mama, rolled 48 using 10d10 ((8,6,2,2,1,1,10,6,3,9)).

Krav Mama Result: 1,1,2,2,3,6,6,8,9,10
Seraph's result: 1,2,3,6,6,7,9,10
Outcome: True Clash! Both gain DT+

NPCs turn next.

GM, 68 posts
Thu 3 May 2018
at 18:49
  • msg #10

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

The newly awakened platform, at least half-powered, grinds a few feet along the cables before jamming against twists of vines stringing like thick spider webbing from its side of the canyon and sputtering to a stop

Check (Firm in Nature's Grasp) hoping for DT+: Fail
13:34, Today: GM, for the NPC Bridge, rolled 1 using 1d10 ((1)).

The lethal shadow enlarges around you even as the mud and buried roots suck at your ankle then your thigh. All eyes at home can see it's too fast, unavoidable. The sky-darkening jaws snap together around your entire torso, sinking rows and rows of razor-fangs into shirt and skin. Looks like your debut gambit daring for an early advantage is about to end as quickly as the lightning rocking the bridge you're not on.

Krav Mama: Challenge (DT4 + Canopy Maw, Inescapable as your Shadow, Mudstreaked & Stormwracked, In Over Your Head, Rookie Debut = 9 Dice
13:47, Today: GM, for the NPC Krav Mama, rolled 37 using 9d10 ((4,3,3,6,1,4,6,2,8)).

Krav Mama Result: 1,2,3,3,4,4,6,6,8

player, 46 posts
as the Siren
Fri 4 May 2018
at 00:05
  • msg #11

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

It was coming. Seraph stared up at the thing, wide-eyed and clean-faced, now that the rain had wiped away the muck. The terror was obvious to anyone on the other side of that camera. Without the use of her leg, Seraph spend half a moment trying to scramble away, until she realized there wasn't time for that. It was too close, the distance too short. All she could do was focus her will and time it right...

[3DT, playing to "Mudstreaked and Stormwracked", In Over Your Head, Rookie's Debut, and Death From Above. 7D.

16:49, Today: Seraph rolled 37 using 7d10 with rolls of 6,7,10,4,4,2,4.  Defense.

Results: 2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 7, 10

1 Success! :D I'd like to use that to create a Phaselink Locked On Mama condition.

Taking my turn now.]

...and trade places with the falling beast, just as its teeth sliced open her shirt! It landed facefirst on the stone and goop, and Seraph landed on the krav itself, bleeding and exhilarated! Before the thing could get its bearings, and before she found out if it could just ignore that gross goop its children had apparently excreted (so freaking gross), the Siren rolled to one side and hit the ground running for the jungle. She needed it to follow her, she couldn't afford to lose her lock on it. Not if she was going to get out of this one. She headed for the thickest part of the jungle nearby. The part with the most foliage.

[Using Phaselink Warp (Aim) to automatically deal [2] to the Krav Mama. It'll actually be done as 2[1], with 1 creating a Gooped Krav condition and the other Forcing it. Time to set up for causing trouble.]
GM, 73 posts
Fri 4 May 2018
at 04:53
  • msg #12

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

The big beast flops indecorously after its head collides and bounces off the ground. It strings goop from it’s teeth and jaws as it woozily raises onto wobbly, goo-coated legs, then shaking it's rage-tremoring head to fling the splattered excretions of it's recently murdered litter around the bridge landing.

Tripping Krav goo. Rolling check with Inescapable as your Shadow (the goo is inescapable) to remove the Krav Goo condition. It's not smart enough to know the phaselink lock is more dangerous. Since it's made of this goo, and used to eviscerating other bodies, I'll say navigating mobility through viscous body goo is easy, challenge 3.
Result = 3 Oof. Just barely made that.
23:30, Today: GM, for the NPC Krav Mama, rolled 3 using 1d10 ((3)).

The pencil skirt holo-girl, immaculately clean in contrast to the muddy scene devolving into disgusting entropy all around her, turns and looks at the jammed platform oblivious to the gnashing teeth, gunshots, and phasejumping around her, “Well gosh, that's inconvenient and embarrassing. Apologies Proxy_Admin_(Temp)14! We at Tediore believe consumers should never suffer inconvenience, when starting new will do! How about we just combust that platform and digistruct a new one for ya. A whole new platform in just ten minutes or less, or your money back, guaranteed!” She smiles and raises her thumb like she's ready to depress an imaginary remote detonator. The vine-wrapped platform begins to beep ominously. Speak now or forever hold your peace. In ten minutes, you can bet this gulch will either be raked by lightning, or crawling with a competing kravling pack drawn by the earlier whine signaling an imminent meal. Let's be honest, most likely both.

Tripping Authorized User for DT-. Rolling a check with Whole New World to produce the condition “Please wait while we process your bridge request”
23:47, Today: GM, for the NPC Bridge, rolled 8 using 1d10 ((8)).
That's a success with an 8. Uh-oh.

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:14, Fri 04 May 2018.
player, 48 posts
as the Siren
Fri 4 May 2018
at 05:38
  • msg #13

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

[Trying to avoid DT- from the plants using Phaselink Hop!

22:32, Today: Seraph rolled 1 using 1d10 with rolls of 1.  Phaselink Hop (Reflex)., I'm down to 2DT.]

Though her ECHO unit is sending Holly's (Seraph's calling her Holly, y'know, Holly-gram?) message, there's only so much Seraph can deal with at once. First thing's first: don't get eaten.

Seraph gets a good look at the jungle she was rushing into, and slows as it got too thick to run. The grass here quickly begins grabbing onto her feet, but she's starting to get used to that. Turning in a slow circle with sharp yanks of her legs rather than mere steps, looking around, an audience watching might think she was trying to find the Krav Mama, or perhaps any of its straggling children. She wasn't. She was looking for flora, not fauna, and keeping track of as many of the biggest plants she can find. She'll need something large. And viney. And hungry.

Once she spots what she's after, she turns back to the monster and takes slow steps under an innocuous bulb the size of something much larger than a bulb had any excuse to be, her tattoos glowing in a quick flash. Rather than switching places with the Krav, she just twists space around them both. She makes absolutely sure Mama knew where to find her.

"Come'n get me, beautiful."

[Taking my turn to Phaselink Warp, spending my [2] to create a Seraph's Set The Trap condition and inflict [1] damage. Hopefully I'm skirting the grasping foliage for the moment.]
This message was last edited by the player at 17:48, Fri 04 May 2018.
GM, 77 posts
Fri 4 May 2018
at 19:05
  • msg #14

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

"Holly" closes her eyes tight with a gleeful grin and depresses her thumb on the faux-detonator. The vine-clutched platform on the far side explodes in a shower of sparks, rusty shrapnel, and organic plant-matter. A new platform on this side begins digistructing.

Surfing "Please wait while we process your bridge request"
[Think this trips Authorized User, since she's following your orders?]
Rolling Check with Sparking, Rusty Consoles for DT+ = Fail!
14:00, Today: GM, for the NPC Bridge, rolled 1 using 1d10 ((1)).

Free from the innards of her children, and alerted by your phasewarp ping, the adult krav opens and snaps its maw a few times with loud moist slaps before leaping straight up into the canopy to avoid the worst of the clutching groundcover. She slides and weaves like a malicious shadow through the storm-tossed trees between bolts of lightning that shatter boughs into sawdust. Unlucky for her, your phaselock keeps her easily visible to you, so this time, you're far from surprised at her vertical charge, this time intent on shredding far more than your shirt.

Tripping Seraph's Set the Trap, and Phaselinked Mama for DT-2 down from DT3 to DT1!
Challenging with DT1 + In Over Your Head, Canopy Maw, Inescapable as Your Shadow, and Mudstreaked & Stormwracked = 5 dice
14:02, Today: GM, for the NPC Krav Mama, rolled 26 using 5d10 ((6,9,6,2,3)).

Krav Result: 2,3,6,6,9

player, 51 posts
as the Siren
Sat 5 May 2018
at 08:03
  • msg #15

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

Seraph stared straight at the beast with hard eyes framed by matted wet hair, seemingly ignoring the grass curling around her boots, the vines winding their way around her gun arm and legs, and the bud opening up above and behind her to reveal a brightly colored maw and thorny teeth. Soggy, tiring, and apparently having given up entirely, the only hint to the audience at home that she was even still fighting was the constant blue glow of her tattoos, slowly shifting purple to match the soft light coming from Krav Mama herself. The beast rushed. The plant began to close its jaws around its next meal. Seraph was sure she'd figured out how this world worked.

Everything was carnivorous. Everything was hungry. Nothing cared what it ate.

Phase light flashed as everything converged.

[Gotta beat a 9. Jeeze. Here goes nothin'.

Playing to my own "Angel Soft, Devil Hard" and Death From Above.
Playing to Whole New World, "Mudstreaked and Stormwracked", In Over Your Head, and Rookie's Debut
2 DT

8 dice.

00:48, Today: Seraph rolled 40 using 8d10 with rolls of 6,4,6,10,1,5,5,3.  Defense.

Top two are 10 and 6. I'm saved! I'll spend that [1] to deal damage to Mama.

I'm absolutely hoping to have surfed both the Grasping Flora and Seraph's Trap conditions.]

As the two swapped places again, Seraph was already taking off running out of the jungle, toward the glow of holograms and digistructs. She took the time to cast a glance over her shoulder.

"Thanks, Audrey!" As fast as her legs could take her wasn't particularly fast in the thick and slippery mud, but the thrill of not being dead this very moment pushed her faster than she might have otherwise managed.

"Holly! I need that bridge NOW, sweetheart! Get moving, let's go!" It didn't look like the Siren was going to be able to slow down too well as she approached that chasm. She really hoped the bridge was solid when she got there, or she'd have a long step under her. If she DID make it, though, this was gonna be awesome.

[Challenging Call the Bridge! Pretty sure I can't really get around Please Wait, so I'm gonna roll at 1DT and be really sad about it. Turns out you can only gain DT from [1] gained during Checks, not Challenges.

1 DT, playing to Angel Soft/Devil Hard, Death From Above (mine, in this case), "Mudstreaked and Stormwracked", In Over Your Head, and Rookie's Debut.

01:03, Sat 05 May: Seraph rolled 27 using 6d10 with rolls of 3,3,8,8,1,4.  Challenge.

Results: 1, 3, 3, 4, 8, 8

Let's hope Holly rolls low, huh?

EDIT: Edited in my roll, which for some reason wasn't in my post. Weird.]

This message was last edited by the player at 18:49, Mon 07 May 2018.
GM, 88 posts
Mon 10 Jun 2019
at 20:32
  • msg #16

C1S1: Flabsacs and Mudbaths

The only thing solid and sure in front of your plunging leap are the sparking hot wires that look ready and eager to display your steamy skeleton to all the fans back at home bothering to watch the rookie's debut. A bot speeds into a perfect position for capturing your impending agony in full 360 stereoscopic holovid.

Holly smiles at you wanly as she 'does the best she can' by simply standing there as the digistruction takes place behind her, painfully slowly building a whole new platform; the shiny, utterly disposable Tediore plastic and cheap alloys contrasting badly with the primal, utterly organic, and impenetrably tameless chasm that right now feels like it's cutting this whole alien world in half.

Your feet lift free from the sucking mud in your final launch just as you feel energy rush over your head as a tongue of lightning makes your hair float and stand on end. The bolt lashes into one of Holly's conductive consoles, sparks arcing out from the incoming fork like some lightning baby fingers reaching out to touch God.

The digi-structing mass where you impact the platform encircles your foot, solid enough to tickle, but not grant resistance. Dang. You slow and twist, but slide through into the wide, wild sky below.

DT1 + Hot Wires, Rookie's Debut, Whole New World, Mustreaked and Stormwracked, In Over Your Head = 6 dice

14:03, Today: GM rolled 34 using 6d10 ((9,2,8,3,3,9)).

9, 9, 8, 3, 3, 2 = [2] successes as damage to you? (Is that how that works?)

*** End scene ***

You get 3 XP for the 3 themes in this scene! (At least I think there were 3: Mudstreaked & Stormwracked, In over your head, Rookie Debut)
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:16, Mon 10 June 2019.
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