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06:57, 25th January 2025 (GMT+0)

WoD vampire characters.

Posted by Dice RollerFor group 0
Dice Roller
GM, 148 posts
Mon 7 Nov 2022
at 23:37
  • msg #1

WoD vampire characters

- obfuscate
- auspex

Former profession - Journalist? Photographer? Nightcrawler?
-  follows other kindred or kine and documents there actions and takes photos etc, PI gathering dirt or information for Carthanians.

- known coloquially by local media companies as Mr X, he often sells first on scene images of incidents, scandals or occasioanly murders. Has been proviidng pictures and documents etc for around 40 years. No one actually knows their name or appearance as the deliveries alwasy appear in the post and marked with red XX on the bottom right corner of the package. paymets are made via cash drops to locations provided with the package. when payments were not made Mr X seemingly supplied other companies until payments are made. there have been numerous attempts to trace or locate the pick ups of the money but they have never been successful in identfying Mr X. it is genrally beleived to be a small group of people.

Character concept:

Alexander Haddix - Friendly amateur photographer that is often overlooked

Name:Alexander Haddix
Age Appears:31
True Age:103, Born January 7th 1919, Bristol, England
Covenant: The Carthanian Movement
Character Visual:Alex Denisof

Personality: Friendly and welcoming amongst members of the local TST and a strog supporter of the Carthian movement. Alex tends to have a very strong live and let live approach to his unlife and strongly feels that equality and divsersity are goals to strive for and that even small acts can change the world. He does not feel as though he is superior to mortals, just simply different, after all, would a superior being burn in sunlight or flinch when passing close to a fire? Alex hardly thinks so. Alex is more moderate than radical when it comes to politics and leaves most of the big moves and clever plays to other kindred, much preferring to chip in where he can. Alex tries not to be swayed towards any particular views regarding  the other clans or covenants and tries to judge the individual not the group where possible.


Born shortly after the end of world war 1 Alex's childhood was mostly spent in the small grocer store that his mother and sisters maintained. Alex's father was a photographer that had worked for several newspapers. Alex shared his fathers love of photography and joined him on weekends when he was old enough. Alex did fairly well in school but not well enough to merit further education so followed his father as a journalist and photographer, slowly working his way up the company.

At twenty years of age he had married but their marital bliss lasted less than 9 months when Britain announced it was going to war with Germany. Alex volunteered and was given a position in HQ writing propaganda and tag lines as well as reviewing stories and rewriting them for submission to local newspapers.

After 3 years and multiple requests he was allowed into the field as a journalist and photographer. Alex spent the next few years on and around the front line but was pulled back before any major offences and was often sent in after the initial area was secured to take interviews and pictures. Alex only saw the smallest amount of combat first hand and did little more than provide covering fire on one occasion. The greatest danger was from shelling. Alex was fortunate enough to survive the war with little visible injury and returned to his broken city. Having worked with American journalists in the field an opportunity arose in 1949 when he was invited to join the Inquirer in Philly by a war buddy he had kept writing to and who had risen to the position of assistant editor.

Alex moved to America with his family and settled into his new life in Philly. In the early 50's he began assisting the equal rights movement that began brewing and wrote stories, articles and pamphlets in his free time to assist the equal rights marches, drawing on his experience as a propagandist during the war. his pamphlets and articles became popular and he would attend meetings for marches or to report on them. There was tension at first but after several months of hard work he began to be accepted as a common face in the crowd and at meetings. His writing also helped to reach larger audiences and demographic groups who otherwise may have been less aware of the unrest that was brewing. The movement began to reach a boiling point at the end of 1955 and geared up in 1956. It was at this height of the movement that his life as he knew it ended.

In the summer of 1956 Alex had befriended a regular at the meetings named Roy. Alex often sat at the back of the meetings as an observer jotting notes and eventually was struck up in conversation by Roy. Roy styled himself as a revolutionary soldier and often had long discussions with Alex about his thoughts on the movement and politics past and present. Roy looked a few years younger than Alex ata glance but something in his eyes and way he spoke with gravitas and certainty made him seem older. occasionally Roy would reference the war and how he had similarly fought for his rights to be free and equal. Roy's interest was piqued when he learned of Alex's own involvement in the second world war but Roy always smiled when it was referenced as though hearing some joke known only to him. Alex shared his work with Roy and found his insight particular sharp and Roy seemed to be impressed with Alex's passion, creativity and insight into the minutia of his works and the movement.

One night as he walked home Alex was attacked suddenly by a group of young men that robbed him and left him bleeding and wheezing in a dark alley. Roy appeared seemingly from the darkness itself sporting a sad grin and predatory eyes. He offered Alex a choice; slow painful death or a chance to do some real good, to fight for his beliefs on a grander and unseen stage, a chance to effect real change and see it flower and blossom. Alex was unable to speak in his state but it appeared the question was merely rhetorical. A flash of fangs and feeling of ecstasy overruled him then all was black. When he awoke it was night again and he could feel a wrongness in him and sensed something in his friend that had not been present before. Something predatory, old and dangerous.

Roy explained what he had done to Alex and spent several weeks explaining the truth of the world, his clan, his covenant and his history. It seemed Roy had quite literally been a soldier in the revolution and had indeed fought for his people in the civil war and a hundred battles besides. Roy then explained his intentions for Alex. Roy had explained that Alex's blood had been found with his wallet and notebook near scrawled graffiti of a violent supremacist group. It had been determined that the amount of blood loss left little hope for his survival and he was lauded as a victim of the movement. Roy advised his family had been moved from the city for their protection by his "friends" and Alex deeply feared an unspoken threat.

Alex adjusted slowly to his new condition but obeyed and began stalking the night time streets gathering information, stories and following up rumours of scandal and reporting these to Roy. Roy spoke little of his particular role but he often returned reeking of blood and fervour of battle in his eyes, whatever activities Roy undertook he seemed to revel in them. Roy taught him how to pick locks and pickpocket as well as to use his abilities to blend into a crowd or distort objects from people's view. Feeding was difficult for Alex at first but he adapted soon enough. Alex's newfound abilities and hunger were unnerving but over the decades he grew used to his role and was fully independent and committed to the carthian movement within two decades. Roy had not lied when he told Alex he could make a lasting difference. Roy allowed him to carry on writing under various pseudonyms and submit stories and photographs to media sources and was introduced to Luciana shortly before Roy left the city to ‘go where the fighting was thickest’.

Alex began working directly under Luciana and has amassed a strong reputation within the movement as a dependable and reliable member. The transition into the TST was an interesting development for Alex who found the concept rather amusing and yet somehow sad to see values and beliefs he once held close to be mocked or derided. Alex has accepted that change must be embraced so tries to keep up with the fast moving world lest he become a relic and lose sight of his goals and dreams.

Merits: 8 dots remaining
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:12, Tue 15 Nov 2022.
Dice Roller
GM, 150 posts
Tue 15 Nov 2022
at 17:40
  • msg #2

WoD vampire characters

Vampire: The Requiem
2nd Edition

NameAlexander HaddixMaskIdealistClanMekhet
PlayerPLAYER USERNAMEDirge Bloodline 
ChronicleThe Blood Is Love       ConceptFriendly amateur photographer that is often overlookedCovenantCarthian

PowerIntelligence OOO__Strength  O____Presence     O____
FinesseWits         OOOO_Dexterity OOOO_Manipulation O____
ResistanceResolve      OO___Stamina   OO___Composure    OOOO_

SkillsOther TraitsHealth 
MentalDisciplines[O][O][O][O][O][O][O][_][_][_][_][_][_][_][_]Size 5
 Obfuscate  OOO__[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]Speed 5
Academics     O____Auspex     O____WillpowerDefense 5
Computer      O____                  _____[O][O][O][O][O][O][_][_][_][_]Armor 0
Crafts        _____                  _____[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]Initiative 8
Investigation OOO__                  _____Blood PotencyBeats[_][_][_][_]
Medicine      _____                  _____O_________Experiences:
Occult        _____                  _____Vitae 
Politics      OO___                  _____[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] 
Science       _____                  _____[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ] 
PhysicalMerits10                                        O 
 Sleight of hand   OO____9                                         O 
Athletics     O____Herd              OOO___8                                         O 
Brawl         _____Status (Carthian)  OO___7                                         X 
Drive         O____Safe place         O____6  Anthony Haddix (Grandchild)        O 
Firearms      O____Invest. prodigy    OOO__5                                         O 
Larceny       OOOO_Haven              O____4                                         O 
Stealth       OOOO_                   ____3                                         O 
Survival      _____                  _____2                                         O 
Weaponry      _____                  _____1                                         O 
SocialAspirationsOther Traits 
 1. Conditions
Animal Ken    _____2. [_]
Empathy       _____3. [_]
Expression   OO____  [_]
Intimidation  _____BanesSkill Specializations:[_]
Persuasion    _____The Tenebrous Curse1. Larceny (pickpocketing)[_]
Socialize     _____ 2. Politics (Media)[_]
Streetwise    O____ 3. Expression (Propaganda)[_]
Subterfuge    _____  [_]
Apparent Age:
Date of Birth:

Weapon/AttackDice PoolClipDmgRangeIniSizeSpecial

NameCostDiceBookPage # 


Bound toStage


Extended Merits
Sleight of hand OO:
Your character can pick locks and pockets without even thinking about it. She can take one Larceny-based instant action reflexively in a
given turn. As well, her Larceny actions go unnoticed unless someone is trying specifically
to catch her.
Herd OOO:
Each week, you can draw on a number of Vitae equal to twice the Merit’s dot rating. This requires no roll, only a quick interlude. Taking more than that amount requires normal hunting rolls. Addicts need their fix. Sometimes, they demand attention. If neglected, they’ll withdraw. Your character must have at least minor interactions with his Herd before they’ll give blood freely.
Status (Carthian) OO:
A character with one dot has minor responsibilities to their organization of choice.
Haven O:
Add your Haven dots to any Humanity rolls to notice danger while sleeping, and any Stamina + Resolve rolls to remain awake.
Safe Place O:
A one-dot Safe Place might be equipped with basic security systems or a booby trap.
at the windows and door.
Investigative prodigy OOO:
Your character investigates instinctively, and can intuit details and connections in a scene without much time.
He’s a veritable Sherlock Holmes. Instead of simply uncoverving Clues or not uncovering Clues when investigating your character discovers multiple Clues in a single action. Your character can uncover Clues equal to his successes or his
Merit dots as an instant action, whichever is lower. Only the first Clue benefits from additional elements; other Clues established with this Merit receive only a single
element each.

EXP spent: 5
3 for OOO Obfuscate
1 for O Safe place
1 for O Haven
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:07, Wed 16 Nov 2022.
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