I will be houseruling Languages as follows:
1) Starting Languages
"Elder Races" (Dwarf, Gnome) : Undercommon
"Younger Races" (Human, Halfling) : Common
"Brute Races" (Orc, Lizardfolk) : Orcish
- All Characters may choose one additional Language as appropriate to their Race or Background (e.g. Dwarves and Gnomes may choose Dwarven, as might a Human Merchant).
- Additional Languages granted by Backgrounds may be selected from any of the four "Modern" languages, or you may choose to have a rudimentary understanding of a "Lost" language appropriate to your Background. Alternatively, you may choose a specific dialect or secret language appropriate to your Background (e.g. someone with the Criminal Background might be allowed Thieves Cant).
- You may freely replace any additional languages granted by Race, Background, Class or other feature with a tool proficiency OR any similar proficiency/speciality upon discussion (e.g. if you wanted to be particularly proficient with knot-tying or the street-lore of Welbridge).
"Lost" Languages
Elven, Sylvan, Giant, Infernal
"Secret" Languages
Thieves Cant, Druidic, Urd
Note that any "Lost" language known is far from fluent and merely allows you to make checks to understand it, should they be encountered.
This rule replaces and supercedes the usual rules for starting languages.
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:42, Tue 31 Aug 2021.