Open Legend advantage system
So Open Legend is mainly d20 based, with added dice from your attribute. Say, if you get a 1d8 from your attribute, then you roll 1d20+1d8. Easy enough.
But then there's advantage. (And disadvantage, but it works in a similar way.) When you have advantage, you add another of your attribute die, and you drop the lowest.
So with 1 advantage, it would become 1d20+(2d8, drop lowest 1). The d20 stays untouched. (Except for specific circumstances that don't matter here.)
My question is, on RPoL is there a way to do that in one roll? Because I can't find it. Or do I have to do two separate rolls, one for the base d20 and one for the attribute stuff, and add them manually?
(With more than 1 advantage/disadvantage you just add more die, it's irrelevant to my problem.)