Chapter One: The Road to Power
"It tastes like home."
She responded to the Vampiress, and there was a longing to her voice that had not been there before. She gestured towards the bowl of congealed crimson.
Was all she added, the strange sounding word very natural on her tongue.
When the Aasimar lost his appetite, she paid him no heed. The Angelspawn probably ate cheese, a truly revolting thought. Ah, no, there was the vile stuff. Right next to the gunslinger, how demeaning. She suppressed a shudder, and continued listening in on her new found companions as they began to verbally spar. It wasn't an exercise she was interested in joining in, and she could learn just as much listening in on the outside as she could a participant. So she sat, and watched the predator test the Aasimar's mettle. QUickly, the conversation spilled secrets. Not particularly valuable ones, considering how freely they were given, but secrets none the less. A disciple of Asmodeus then, that certainly made him more interesting. Few of his blood deviated from their baser natures, but Asmodeus was the great tempter after all. It certainly explained why the Vampire's charms were so ineffectual. Who could be tempted by another after they'd tasted the Archdevil's touch?
A stupid question, she knew. Indulging in temptation just led to desire for new temptation, that was the whole point.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:42, Fri 15 Sept 2017.