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, welcome to Infelix Austria

13:21, 6th February 2025 (GMT+0)

November 1744.

Posted by InvestigationFor group 0
Sun 12 Feb 2017
at 17:36
  • msg #1

November 1744

It was cold in the city of Prague, hovering around freezing, but Zikmund could not feel the bite of the late fall chill.  His mind was on other things - something was afoot, but what?

A mood of expectant waiting had descended on the city since the news arrived in October that the Austrian armies had affected a juncture in the Upper Palatinate.  Then, news had come that the Saxons, new allies, had joined the Crown Prince and Count Traun, and would be advancing to confront the Prussians in Bohemia.

Perhaps there has already been a battle, he thought - but that was not the news in the taverns of the city.  In fact, there was no news, and this is what bother Zikmund the most.

He turned the corner and slowed as he looked toward the old watchtower - the structure had stood guard on this lonely (and, now vestigial) stretch of the medieval city wall since the 11th Century, part of a now abandoned section of the Vyšehrad.  Ignored by the Habsburgs, this ruin had never been part of the restored bastion and was allowed to simply remain, a testimony to Premyslid engineering.

Zikmund waited in the shadows for half an hour to ensure he had not been followed - he doubted there were any prying eyes about at this hour, but, one could never be certain.  Caution was the order of the day.  After seeing or hearing nothing that might indicate prying eyes, he followed a section of the wall, pushed through an overhang of dead vines, and entered the derelict lower floor.

Something's afoot, Zikmund and Arnošt visit František Moravec to Investigate.

František notices the PCs indicating they want to speak, he signals for them to meet him.

Zikmund and Arnošt want to remain unseen.

Group Action:
Zikmund rolls 2d6 and takes lowest.
Arnošt rolls 1d6, and takes +1 stress on any 1-3 rolled by Zikmund.

Group Action - Prowl.
Position: Risky
Effect: Standard
A| 5* (+1 stress)
Z| 3
Consequence: Reduced Effect - Z/A remain unseen but František will not dish as much information as he might've (F is nervous seeing them approach, Z is not so quiet).  Introduce Progress Clock, if the PCs want to determine answer definitively (2-clock?).
František intimates that the Prussians have retreated over the Elbe but is unsure of what that means, i.e. whether this is a defensive measure or whether they are retreating. (Dialogue)
PCs talk amongst themselves to interpret František
Group Action - Study.
Position: Controlled
Effect: Limited
A| 2
Z| 6
Consequence: PCs discern that František's demeanor was that the Prussians were retreating. (Dialogue)
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:45, Sun 12 Feb 2017.
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