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19:27, 13th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Score 1: Negotiate/Bargain/Persuade Emil.

Posted by Set-upFor group 0
Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 02:39
  • msg #1

Score 1: Negotiate/Bargain/Persuade Emil

Type of Plan: Social
Detail: Emil Kolben

Score: To negotiate with Emil to allow you to use his outbound wagons as cover for getting out of the city with weapons.

Item Loadouts: Light
Fortune Roll: 1, Desperate Position

You approach Emil's business office, a fine red-brick warehouse in one of the a best sections of the city.  There is the usual bustle of wagons and men, workers and transport animals, it appears to be a regular, active day.  You walk in and meet the eye of your usual contact, he looks up and motions for you to wait, then scribbles out a quick note and hands it to a young boy standing by.  He then gets up and walks into the back offices out of sight.

You see him walk out with one of Emil's managers, nod in your direction and then he disappears into the back.  While it's not terribly unusual for you to interact with a manager, this one has a determined look on his face, as if today is a bad day to be calling.

He walks up and addressing Manfred, says, "Gentlemen, Mr. Kolben is, well, indisposed today and will be unable to meet.  Terribly sorry but I suggest you call again another day."
Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 02:47
  • msg #2

Score 1: Negotiate/Bargain/Persuade Emil

Zikmund smiles at the manager and says, "We understand, my good man - but, I feel certain Emil will want to talk to us.  We're not asking much, just 5 minutes is fine.  What do you say?"

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
I would like to use Sway as a set-up on the manager while Manfred and Arnošt get a read on the situation.

Position: Desperate
Effect: Limited
Bonus Dice: 1 (Push Yourself) +1 stress

Result: 4

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:55, Mon 13 Feb 2017.
Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 02:57
  • msg #3

Score 1: Negotiate/Bargain/Persuade Emil

The manager simply looks at Zikmund with a blank look then back at Manfred.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Reduced Effect, no advancement on the progress clock.

Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 02:59
  • msg #4

Score 1: Negotiate/Bargain/Persuade Emil

Arnošt quickly scans the crowd to notice any immediate threats.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Assist Manfred. +1 Stress, add 1d.

Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 03:04
  • msg #5

Score 1: Negotiate/Bargain/Persuade Emil

Manfred studies the manager to try and parse his body language.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Action: Study
Position: Desperate
Effect: Limited
Bonus Dice: +1 Assistance

Result: 3

Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 03:12
  • msg #6

Score 1: Negotiate/Bargain/Persuade Emil

The manager's face takes on a slight look of disapproval and says, "Gentlemen, I bid you good day."  He then turns on his heel quickly and walks away stopping short of the entrance to the back offices and engages a clerk as he passes.  While he talks, he makes a point to turn and keep his eyes on you.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Lost Opportunity, Progress Clock closed.

Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 15:16
  • msg #7

Score 1: Negotiate/Bargain/Persuade Emil

Turning to Zikmund, Manfred says, "Well . . . that's interesting.  No question, there's something afoot.  And, seems Emil is possibly knee-deep in it."

Looking at Arnošt, "Clearly, we'd better leave or there looks to be trouble," nodding toward the manager.
Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 15:25
  • msg #8

Score 1: Negotiate/Bargain/Persuade Emil

Stepping back out into the streets, Arnošt says, "He threw us out so quick, I couldn't get a good look to see if anyone was watching.  The guy didn't seem on edge, as if there were eyes on him or the operation but that's rare, and unfortunate."

Turning to scan down the street, "What were you able to make of that?"
Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 15:33
  • msg #9

Score 1: Negotiate/Bargain/Persuade Emil

Manfred speaks up, "Nothing, really.  Other than we were unwelcome.  I will have to hand it to Emil - he chose the right guy to tell us nothing, if that's what he intended."  He laughs, "The bastard.  He's a canny one."

"So, apparently we're not supposed to be around - could be he doesn't want us seen or could be he doesn't want us to see.  Perhaps both.  But that tells us enough - the question remains, though, is it in any way tied to the Prussians?"
Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 15:45
  • msg #10

Score 1: Negotiate/Bargain/Persuade Emil

Cocking his head and pulling a wistful face, Zikmund says, "Could it be anything else?  While we're clearly not the type to frequent Emil's social gatherings, we're useful enough to him that we've never had quite that much trouble in gaining an audience."

Shaking his head, he mutters, "It's either Emil is indisposed or he's up to something with the Prussians.  Everyone knows he's had to work with the Prussians or they would've simply put him out of business.  We know all the merchants in Prague have been supplying Frederick's army, under duress or not.  The one question is whether our friends are staying or preparing to leave."

He smiles grimly, "Either way, it's a good time to cause the some trouble."
Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 16:13
  • msg #11

Score 1: Negotiate/Bargain/Persuade Emil

Nodding his agreement, Manfred says, "The trouble is to determine which - if we move too soon, and the Prussians along with the garrison are not quitting the city, we could cause some serious trouble for ourselves.  Especially as our army comes up - you know they will clamp down if it comes to a siege and we can't get out of Prague right now, at least not with what we need."

"We'll split-up and see what we can find out - none of us can remain here as we'd likely draw attention given this morning, but Vilém and Bedřich can keep an eye on Emil's.  I'll make a couple of rounds along the Palace and armory. Arnošt, you have contacts on the outworks and bridges, and, Zikmund, you have friends all over.  Let's fan out and meet tonight at the Golden Tiger."
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