Score 1: Negotiate/Bargain/Persuade Emil

Type of Plan: Social
Detail: Emil Kolben
Score: To negotiate with Emil to allow you to use his outbound wagons as cover for getting out of the city with weapons.
Item Loadouts: Light
Fortune Roll: 1, Desperate Position
You approach Emil's business office, a fine red-brick warehouse in one of the a best sections of the city. There is the usual bustle of wagons and men, workers and transport animals, it appears to be a regular, active day. You walk in and meet the eye of your usual contact, he looks up and motions for you to wait, then scribbles out a quick note and hands it to a young boy standing by. He then gets up and walks into the back offices out of sight.
You see him walk out with one of Emil's managers, nod in your direction and then he disappears into the back. While it's not terribly unusual for you to interact with a manager, this one has a determined look on his face, as if today is a bad day to be calling.
He walks up and addressing Manfred, says, "Gentlemen, Mr. Kolben is, well, indisposed today and will be unable to meet. Terribly sorry but I suggest you call again another day."