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11:15, 19th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Fergan Game.

Posted by GMFor group archive 3
GM, 208 posts
Thu 15 Feb 2018
at 00:39
  • msg #1

Fergan Game

Ok, so here is how it went down. Fergan is a talented actor in the employ of the dramatic stage troupe Cuenta Veraz, Truthful Account. The leader of the troupe goes by the same name, so most people call him just Cuenta, Veraz, or simly, Raz, though a couple actors will sometimes call him Vera, with a wink.

He is an eccentric man, or rather he is though to be. He owns a small theater on the border of a upper class and lower class district. The sort of street with shops and restaurants that common folk will treat themselves to for special occasions, but the wealthy frequent as a matter of course. Raz lives at the theater in a private bedroom/kitchen/dressing room. The striking oddity of it is that it is decorated to look more like a tiny temple than anything else. When asked about it, he says, "Some of the most beautiful and enrapturing places on the plane are the rooms around altars."

In the middle of the room is a large ornate pedalstool. On it lies a large, open tome. The words appear to be gibberish, "A prop," Raz says. Though, at times there are scripts on it instead, where Raz stands and reads them aloud before allowing them to be rehearsed by the actors or performed for audiences.

One day Fergan was waiting for Raz in the office/alter room, and was looking over the book, marveling over the great care with which the non-sense words were written. The letters were stylized to the point of looking like new, unknown characters. Most groups of letters were random jumbles, but some words poked out here and there. "Hidden. Sleeping. Power. Beforetime. Corrupt. Cleanse. Seek." Fergan entered a kind of trance. It was broken when Raz entered the room and they realized together that Fergan had just been reading Raz's book of secrets.

From that time on Raz taught Fergan the secrets of [xxxzzdrixz yrwrax or whatever]. He lets Fergan in on his ploy of gathering secrets from the upper crust and airing them in dramatic fashion. "Good for business. Good for our Patron. Good for a laugh."

He asks you to find out what you can about a young lordling that recently entered the city. Raz gives you name, Renthel Blutorr, he is staying at the Siren's Trap, which is a rather rough establishment near the docks.
player, 12 posts
Thu 15 Feb 2018
at 00:48
  • msg #2

Fergan Game

In reply to GM (msg # 1):

OOC: I am going to assume that Fergan has a couple of stock characters he has worked up over the years, but I'm going to limit it to a lord (background), a beggar, and a commoner--all human.

Fergan, both concerned and relieved to have found another follower of [name], dons his commoner disguise (Ferlo, we'll say), and makes his way to the Siren's Trap.
GM, 213 posts
Thu 15 Feb 2018
at 20:19
  • msg #3

The Siren's Trap

Fergan arrives in disguise to the Inn, which is more like a tavern with a few shabby rooms- rented by the hour. There is a lot of drinking, gambling, drunken revelry, and singing. The floor is stone with dirty straw strewn about it. You see a man matching the lordling's description drinking, gambling, and bouncing a whore on his knee. He is playing dice.

(OOC: this is not an invitation to play out a gambling scene, but you are welcome to do so. I think a lot of dms and players are really into those scenes, but I can take it or leave it)

OOC: I am rather proud of the tavern name, even though I specifically rejected some other ideas because I was trying to make the name of the inn not-dirty. My brain stumbled upon it and it ended up defining the type of place it was.
player, 20 posts
Thu 15 Feb 2018
at 20:30
  • msg #4

The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 3):

OOC: I am just going to assume the "I" convention...

I watch discreetly and pay particular attention to the whore to determine a) if she is actually a whore, b) if she appears to be genuinely into him, and c) if he appears to be genuinely into her.

I also watch how free he is with his coin, how open he is with strangers, and how well he is doing at the table. I keep count with drops of beer on the table of his wins and losses.
player, 21 posts
Thu 15 Feb 2018
at 21:08
  • msg #5

The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 4):

Oh--I also want to make sure I hear enough of his voice to be able to mimic him.
player, 22 posts
Tue 20 Feb 2018
at 15:59
  • msg #6

The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 5):

Let's play here.
GM, 221 posts
Wed 21 Feb 2018
at 20:24
  • msg #7

The Siren's Trap

He is playing with copper and silver and doesn't seem to care too much about whether he wins or loses. If he runs out of coin, he just scoops another handful of copper out of a large pouch. His luck appears about even, though.

The whore is a professional in the sense that she acts, looks, and acts the right way, but is a little off her game when he isn't really paying attention, or distracts him when he would rather not be. He doesn't seem to be as much into her as he is looking like he is into her.

He doesn't really talk much to others, but more so yells things you would expect at the right times. You get the feeling that he is oscillating between an act and genuinely enjoying himself.

You notice that he doesn't drink as much as spills his drink on himself, the floor, and his whore. In fact, debasing her in that way and being generally rough with her seems to cause him more joy than the other activities.

OOC: I am assuming a fairly high Insight 'roll' due to wisdom, proficiency, and patience.
player, 29 posts
Wed 21 Feb 2018
at 20:32
  • msg #8

The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 7):

OOC: I am going to describe what I'm after more often than not and have you tell me if/when a roll is required.

I start making a more concerted effort to not be seen watching him. Maybe striking up a conversation at the bar with a vantage point where I can observe him or the equivalent.

Does he appear to be waiting? Is he looking to the window, the door, the staircase, or other points of ingress with a higher-than usual frequency?

If I catch the whore's eye and believe that I won't be seen, I wink at her and briefly put my finger over my lips to signal that she shouldn't acknowledge the wink.
player, 31 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2018
at 17:44
  • msg #9

The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 8):

Also, I check the room to see if anyone else is scoping this guy out as well.
GM, 225 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2018
at 18:47
  • msg #10

The Siren's Trap

There does not appear to be anyone else watching him, but maybe they are just as good as you are. He does not appear to watching ingress or egress points. He does not appear to be waiting for anything.

You wink at the woman, she gestures to another woman to come over, whispers to her, then the second woman approaches you and propositions you.
player, 33 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2018
at 19:01
  • msg #11

The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 10):

I whisper into her ear, in Ferlo's voice: "Sorry, luv, tunight I'm picky and cun waitmah turn."

OOC: If there is some superficial and inoffensive differentiating quality about them, like their hair color, I would amend that to be something like "Tonight I'm looking for a blonde like her."--but only if she isn't going to just send a different girl over. Maybe another way to put it is that I want to make a comment asking for a girl who has a trait only the main whore in question appears to have.

What I wrote was fine enough, though.
GM, 226 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2018
at 20:34
  • msg #12

The Siren's Trap

She looks over at the woman then back to you, "Oh, yes. She's popular," she laughs, "But you'll have to settle for me I'm a afraid," she winks, "Kela's taken for the night. Or at least until he's done, no telling when that might be."

OOC: I found it very difficult to attribute a name.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:36, Thu 22 Feb 2018.
player, 34 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2018
at 20:52
  • msg #13

The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 12):

I feign disappointment, look away, then look back up hopefully: Is'ee stayinfer the night or 'ere fer a while?"
GM, 228 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2018
at 21:59
  • msg #14

The Siren's Trap

"Dunno, but Kela's paid just for the night. So what is it honey, yay or nay?"
player, 35 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2018
at 22:27
  • msg #15

The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 14):

"No offense, but nay. Imma tryta whip him."

I stand and approach the table, making a point to look a bit drunk. If I'm given the first word, I say:

"Yadon' seem much muchofa gambler, and you gotchyer arm 'round mah interst. Playa for yer spot in line."
GM, 229 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2018
at 22:35
  • msg #16

The Siren's Trap

He looks a little startled at first then a look of derision paints his face, "Bugger off, or drop some coin."

You catch a quick, shake of the head from Kela, a slight look of concern on her face.
player, 36 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2018
at 23:10
  • msg #17

The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 16):

OOC: I'm going to assume that the Awakened Mind feature works more like the Telepathy spell than the way Allan decided to run it:

As Ferlo sits down, I communicate the following to Kela telepathically in the voice of an irrelevant third party, optimizing for a friendly and comforting woman's voice:

"Kiss your customer if you are safe."
GM, 230 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2018
at 23:18
  • msg #18

The Siren's Trap

OOC: According to Crawford, Awakened Mind is meant to be one way.

She starts and look behind herself and all around. She looks freaked out. The guy didn't seem to notice. Kela says to him, "Let me get you another drink," and leaves holding her hand to her head in the way someone would if they think they are tripping balls.
player, 37 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2018
at 23:25
  • msg #19

The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 18):

"Do not be afraid. I am the Matron of Shadows, protector of those who give the comforts of the night. I have sent this laborer to you and cast a spell on him. He is now in love with you, but the spell will be broken if you kiss your company. If not, this man will help you."

While saying this, Ferlo pulls some coins from his pocket while gazing lovingly at Kela.
player, 38 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2018
at 23:26
  • msg #20

Re: The Siren's Trap

OOC: According to Crawford, Awakened Mind is meant to be one way.

And, yes, I meant in terms of sending sounds, images, and the like.
player, 39 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2018
at 23:31
  • msg #21

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 20):

15:30, Today: Fergan rolled 16 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 10.  Deception Check?
player, 40 posts
Thu 22 Feb 2018
at 23:56
  • msg #22

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 18):

"Do not be afraid. I am the Matron of Shadows, protector of those who give the comforts of the night. I have sent this laborer to you and cast a spell on him. He is now in love with you, but the spell will be broken if you kiss your company. If not, this man will help you."

While saying this, Ferlo pulls some coins from his pocket while gazing lovingly at Kela.

I also would like to accompany this with an image of a beautiful, serene woman with black hair, dressed in classy whore clothes.
GM, 232 posts
Fri 23 Feb 2018
at 00:35
  • msg #23

Re: The Siren's Trap

She sits down shaking her head and looking at the floor. Then she looks up at you.

She shuts her eyes and you see her say something (she is whispering).

DC 10 Perception check to hear
DC 15 investigation check to read lips.
player, 41 posts
Fri 23 Feb 2018
at 00:40
  • msg #24

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 23):

16:38, Today: Fergan rolled 4 using 1d20+2 with rolls of 2.  Perception Check.
16:37, Today: Fergan rolled 12 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 8.  Investigation Check.

OOC: Ha...lame.

In a fading voice: "The choice is yours..."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 00:41, Fri 23 Feb 2018.
player, 42 posts
Fri 23 Feb 2018
at 00:43
  • msg #25

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 24):

Ferlo puts a silver on the table:

"If'n yer wantin' to see I'mma hones man, name yer game--Elsewise name the wager Immahaveta put up to take yer spot fer the evenin'"
GM, 233 posts
Fri 23 Feb 2018
at 22:11
  • msg #26

Re: The Siren's Trap

The Lordling says, "Ok, I'll take your silver." And puts one down.

OOC: Here is what I am thinking. straight d20, you can make a sleight of hand vs perception and if you win that you get advantage on your roll. If you lose that, you are caught.
player, 43 posts
Fri 23 Feb 2018
at 22:16
  • msg #27

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 26):

I play it straight and watch for him not playing straight:

14:15, Today: Fergan rolled 17 using 1d20 with rolls of 17.  Gamble.

Lessee you beat that, bud!
GM, 234 posts
Fri 23 Feb 2018
at 22:22
  • msg #28

Re: The Siren's Trap

"Double down!" He puts two silver. Then immediately scoops the dices and roll before giving you a chance to agree or decline.

Gamble2: 2

player, 44 posts
Fri 23 Feb 2018
at 22:25
  • msg #29

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 28):

Keep that up and I'll buy 'er a purdy necklace, too!

14:23, Today: Fergan rolled 7 using 1d20 with rolls of 7.  Gamble2.

That was a lucky one....FOR ME! HAR HAR HAR!
player, 45 posts
Fri 23 Feb 2018
at 22:27
  • msg #30

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 29):

OOC: I think I've surmised how this is going to go, but I don't think I can avert it. Live and learn.
player, 46 posts
Mon 26 Feb 2018
at 19:45
  • msg #31

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 30):

Ferlo scoops the silver and the dice and says:

I'll use tha coin ta buy us a coupla drinks, then we cun go two-fer-three fer the lady.

I stand up and walk to the bar. While I am up there ordering beers, and while the bartender has his back turned to me, I cast Hex on the guy and target his Wisdom ability checks.
GM, 237 posts
Tue 20 Mar 2018
at 23:46
  • msg #32

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, you get back with drinks and the guy says, "Ok whutthe hell, let's do it, plenty of wenches here!"

He grabs the dice and rolls.

GM rolled 7 using 1d20 with rolls of 7.  Gamble3.

"Dammit!" he shoves the girl to the ground and spits on her. "go ahead and roll for this bitch, if you care to!"
player, 50 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 03:36
  • msg #33

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 32):

OOC: To cheat or not to cheat, given that he has disadvantage on his perception....I think cheat.

20:34, Today: Fergan rolled 8 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 7.  Sleight of Hand Check.
20:34, Today: Fergan rolled 34 using 2d20 with rolls of 17,17.  Gamble Rolls.

OOC: Darn it

Well, tha's that! Come on, bootiful--let's do wha lovers do.
GM, 239 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 16:41
  • msg #34

Re: The Siren's Trap

For one moment you see a flicker of... boredom? Then the beginning of a wry smile? His expression turns so decidedly nasty any hint of prior emotion seems like a flash in the pan.

The man shoves the prostitute once more and says, "The hell with it, take the whore. She's half used up anyway." He points to the other woman in the bar and says, "You there, Wench! come here!" He looks genuinely angry. He takes the remainder of the money off the table as she approaches. "Looks like you'll get work tonight anyway, lucky you," he mocks.

She hesitates, glancing down at his pouch and he replies, "I paid your friend for the night, I won't be cheated. You take it up with her." At this the bouncer stands up from his stool and the innkeeper slams down a tankard. The second whore gives them a shooing gesture and nods at the first prostitute (sorry, don't want to look up if they have names...).

The Lordling...growls? then grabs her by the risk and takes her back to his room.

OOC: Perception rolls: 3,4
player, 51 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 17:11
  • msg #35

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 34):

As they leave, but after he takes the second girl by the wrist

Tha's a good idea. Ah'd hate ta win yer estate next. Best to run off like a good chickenshit lordling.

If they still leave, I turn to the whore I won and say:

He means her harm. Yer man should protect his girls lahk ah've protected mine. If he won't, ah'll have to. Our love canna blossom on her grave.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:18, Wed 21 Mar 2018.
GM, 240 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 17:55
  • msg #36

Re: The Siren's Trap

"Grave? He'll hit her, yes. That's the world we live in. My man?" She glances at the bouncer and the innkeeper, "Yeah, well, they know the deal too. House gets a cut, but that's all. Whores do get killed, but not that often. Murder's still a crime in Neverwinter, even Lords killin' whores."
player, 52 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 18:18
  • msg #37

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 36):

<blue>He come here a lot un get rough with you and the girls?</aqua>

OOC: We can play this out if you like, but I'm pumping her for information about him. And nothing else.
GM, 241 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 18:32
  • msg #38

Re: The Siren's Trap

Roll persuasion or insight, dealers choice.
player, 53 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 18:35
  • msg #39

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 38):

11:35, Today: Fergan rolled 13 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 7.  Persuasion Check.
GM, 243 posts
Fri 23 Mar 2018
at 22:44
  • msg #40

Re: The Siren's Trap

You find out that this is his third night here. He has become more boisterous each night and that he isn't seen much (if at all) during the day.

This is the first night he has been interested in accompaniment.

She thinks he's off in some way, but a lot of her clients are being things.

Anything else you want to know in particular?
player, 55 posts
Fri 23 Mar 2018
at 23:31
  • msg #41

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 40):

If she knows:

- His name
- His house
- If he is staying at the brothel
- If he tosses coin around
- If he has had any visitors
- What types of events/things/etc. seemed to arouse his interest
- What types of things seem to arouse him
- What he has been doing here if not banging hookers
- If the brothel has a back entrance for patrons who wish to be discrete
- If she believes the woman upstairs is in danger and what we should do about it

I frame all of this except for the last as though I am a great braggart and wish to get as many details of the story as possible to make this story sound better and better when I retell it to people at the bar later. The last, though, I ask with some sincerity.

If I believe I've gotten everything of interest from her about who he is (and if she doesn't have a plan for the last bullet/isn't concerned), I abruptly and with a far-off look say: I must go. A dark-haired woman sent me and I must tell her all I have learned...

I then shake my head in a state of confusion and leave, but I do not go far--Just far enough to remove my disguise and then take up a position where I can monitor the back exit (if) or the front exit.
GM, 245 posts
Fri 23 Mar 2018
at 23:44
  • msg #42

Re: The Siren's Trap

- His name (same as what you know)
- His house (she has heard him claim to be a lord)
- If he is staying at the brothel (yes)
- If he tosses coin around (covered)
- If he has had any visitors (don't know)
- What types of events/things/etc. seemed to arouse his interest (just typical cad behavior)
- What types of things seem to arouse him (not sure, probably likes to hit, but not be hit)
- What he has been doing here if not banging hookers (drinking and gambling and yelling)
- If the brothel has a back entrance for patrons who wish to be discrete (of course)
- If she believes the woman upstairs is in danger and what we should do about it (don't know, don't know)
player, 56 posts
Sat 24 Mar 2018
at 00:51
  • msg #43

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 42):

Ok--I excuse myself with a brief I'll be back, love and walk over to the bartender and bouncer and says: I'll take the room nexta tha lordling. I want tha bastard ta hear I'm better'n 'im at everything 'ee tries.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 20:57, Mon 26 Mar 2018.
GM, 247 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 19:41
  • msg #44

Re: The Siren's Trap

The innkeeper rolls his eyes, then grimaces...

People here value privacy. I will rent you a room, no gaurantees as to who it might or might not be by, or whether or not any of the rooms are, or are not, occupied. One silver.

It is not an upstairs situation. The hall just goes out of the main room and there are two doors on each side. Three of the doors are open. One is closed. At the end of the hall is a back door.
player, 59 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 20:19
  • msg #45

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 44):

OOC: Simplifying dialect for phone purposes

In character, I say: "Ha! Fine by me. I expect I was going to have to tell her to keep it down anyway. I like them loud.

He seems a thin skinned type, though. I'd worry about the girl if I were in your business."

With that, I pay, grab my hooker, and try to steer her toward as room adjacent to the room with the closed door. Regardless of whether we land there, I tell her that I'm interested in watching her practice get craft--pretending to be pleased without pleasure--and that I'd like to see if she can be loud and convincing without my so much as touching her.

OOC: I think this is very in line with my true character, actually...
GM, 249 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 21:35
  • msg #46

Re: The Siren's Trap

OOC: TMI; I don't need to know about your kinks ;-)

She accompanies you and played her part. You hear the door open to the adjacent room.
player, 60 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 21:54
  • msg #47

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 46):

In character, I give a loud satisfied grunt and then put my finger to my lips in a sign to be quiet. I then untie (buckle?)  my pants, say "I'm going to get a drink--please wait" and then walk out of the room tying them back on.

I look into the room as I pass it.
GM, 250 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 22:05
  • msg #48

Re: The Siren's Trap

You see them going out the back, with him holding her wrist.
player, 61 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 22:09
  • msg #49

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 47):

OOC: Also, is Hex still in effect? If not, was that long enough to constitute a short rest? His Wisdom was affected, if that matters.
GM, 251 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 22:13
  • msg #50

Re: The Siren's Trap

1 hour, wow. Depends on if the performance would have broke your concentration ;)
Don't respond to that...

Yeah, still in effect.
player, 62 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 22:15
  • msg #51

Re: The Siren's Trap

You see them going out the back, with him holding her wrist.

Poking my head back into the room, in my regular voice, without an accent, and dead serious, I quietly and urgently say: "He is kidnapping her out the back. Tell the bouncer. Quick, now."

Once she goes, I quickly alter my appearance (put on or take off a piece of clothing or whatever) and follow them out the back.
GM, 252 posts
Mon 2 Apr 2018
at 23:14
  • msg #52

Re: The Siren's Trap

The bouncer and the innkeep exchange looks (and heartfelt love, jk), then the bouncer start jogging for the back door.

Even before you get out, you hear the bouncer yell, "Hey, what's going on!?"

When you get out, you see the Lordling and the woman about 60' away and the man says, "What the hell do you want?"

The bouncer will say the following, unless you cut in, since there is a short pause.

"Where you goin' with her? She works in here! Stella, you ok?"
player, 63 posts
Mon 2 Apr 2018
at 23:22
  • msg #53

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 52):

I will not interrupt, but I try not to be seen if the bouncer is trying to beat me out the door. Instead, I'd like to see if I can make it out the front, run around the building, and listen to the exchange. If that doesn't look doable, I'll listen from my room with the door open but out of sight.

My goal is to keep Stella from harm and tail the thwarted and raging lordling.
GM, 256 posts
Wed 4 Apr 2018
at 06:58
  • msg #54

Re: The Siren's Trap

I figure that a double move is plenty for the bouncer to make it out, and that what you do requires moving into the room, doing an action, then moving down the hall.

You can hang out at the open door without going out and being seen by anyone.

"She's fine. Mind your business, and let her mind hers."

At his point you hear Stella grunt then run toward the bouncer, and the lordling curses, then trudges off yelling, "I'm reporting this! It's theft!"

Do you conceal yourself before they enter from outside? Do you go out? What do you do?
player, 65 posts
Wed 4 Apr 2018
at 15:31
  • msg #55

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 54):

I won't hide from the bouncer and Stella, but I do:

Offer to stay to talk to the guards
- If that is not necessary, I follow the lordling
- If it is necessary, I stay and try to find out
-- what he was doing with her in the room
-- How he reacted to the show
-- Anything he said at all

If the guards come, I tell the truth about events, except for the truth about my identity. I stay in character as Ferlo for the time being.
GM, 258 posts
Wed 4 Apr 2018
at 16:49
  • msg #56

Re: The Siren's Trap

Nobody is calling the guards. It's the sort of thing that comes with the business. They are not worried about being reported.

So, that means you follow the dude. Do your try to be stealthy? I believe I said it is still early evening, but maybe you can fact check that. So, there are still a few people out and about. I believe I mentioned it is the port area, so they are mostly sailors and longshoremen finishing the day's work, turning in for the night, or tending to late arriving vessels.

The man appears to be heading toward the city gates (the port district is outside the wall, are the map of Neverwinter, on the west side, where the river opens to the sea, on the north side of the river, there are docks and buildings, that is the area).
player, 66 posts
Wed 4 Apr 2018
at 16:59
  • msg #57

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 56):

Yes--I'll follow him and attempt to be stealthy, largely by trying to alter my appearance so his eye slides over me in the event he turns around, but I'll also just try not to be seen.

If he goes into a residence/establishment, I do not follow him in, but I wait outside for him until I become convinced he is in for the night.
GM, 262 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2018
at 01:05
  • msg #58

Re: The Siren's Trap

OK, you tail him and he doesn't notice you. He goes into the city and walks for about 20 minutes. You end up needing to hang back a lot farther and the evening wears on, but you stick with him. Eventually you approach a seedy part of town (I'd have to look at the map...) and you see him go into the alley next to an inn.
player, 67 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2018
at 01:24
  • msg #59

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 58):

If I think I can do so without too much danger of being seen (DC 10 or less), I approach the alley entrance to see if I can hear anything.
GM, 263 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2018
at 01:56
  • msg #60

Re: The Siren's Trap

You hear him talking to someone... sounds like he is negotiating with a prostitute. He wants to go somewhere else with her, she says, she don't go nowhere.
player, 68 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2018
at 01:59
  • msg #61

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 60):

I'll continue to listen, but will prioritize not being seen--meaning that I'm willing to not hear the end of the conversation if it sounds prudent to move away.
GM, 264 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2018
at 02:12
  • msg #62

Re: The Siren's Trap

You here him say, "Fine, right here then, turn around." She says, "Pay first, honey." There is a short pause... maybe coins. Hard to hear anything.

Then some muttering... Incanting?

Do you do anything?
player, 70 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2018
at 03:05
  • msg #63

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 62):

If I recognize the incantation, I likely will. If not, I might. Roll?
GM, 268 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2018
at 03:12
  • msg #64

Re: The Siren's Trap

You don't recognize it (you wouldn't even with a good roll), but let's say you recognize it as probably necromancy.
player, 72 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2018
at 04:06
  • msg #65

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 64):

If there is anything to knock down out front to make a ruckus, I do. If not, I'll need to know if line of sight is required for warlock telepathy, with the intent of screaming "RUN!" into the mind of the whore in the voice of the Lady of Shadows persona.

If that isn't possible (and even if it is, actually), I walk into the alleyway entrance with my face turned away from the alley over my shoulder while saying: "I'll be right there. Just have to piss real quick."

OOC: Oh man. I liked none of those options.
GM, 269 posts
Mon 9 Apr 2018
at 04:24
  • msg #66

Re: The Siren's Trap

Sorry for the long wait,  tool Friday off and was busy. I had to figure out some details that will matter.

Should probably roll initiative.
player, 74 posts
Mon 9 Apr 2018
at 15:45
  • msg #67

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 66):

Off to an excellent start:

08:44, Today: Fergan rolled 21 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 20.  Initiative.
GM, 270 posts
Mon 9 Apr 2018
at 16:13
  • msg #68

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, you definitely win initiative.

You round the corner, having yelled at the woman telepathically. You see her facing the wall of the alley, hands braced against the it.

He is standing behind, hand up, chanting. The other hand clutches the hair of the back of her head.

They both look at you if varying states of confusion. He looks angry, she appears surprised and confused by something else (the telepathy), and is just taking you in. There is a hint of fear, but nothing near panic. She looks like a soul who has been jaded by abuse and addiction.
player, 75 posts
Mon 9 Apr 2018
at 16:29
  • msg #69

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 68):

OOC: Trying hard not to tip my hand about being a spell-caster.

If his chanting stops, I stop and will say something.

If his chanting doesn't stop (which I assume), I move to him and make a grapple check on his free hand (which I assume is performing some somatic spell component?) and say Bad idea ta show so much coin, Limpy. Drop tha purse and run ta yer feather bed.":

09:28, Today: Fergan rolled 20 using 1d20 with rolls of 20.  Grapple (Athletics) Check.

If I have any movement left, I move him away from the woman (deeper into the alley), breaking his grapple on her.

OOC: Fate interceded.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 16:30, Mon 09 Apr 2018.
player, 76 posts
Mon 9 Apr 2018
at 16:39
  • msg #70

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 69):

Also this, if it helps:

09:38, Today: Fergan rolled 21 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 15.  (Potential) Intimidation Check .
GM, 272 posts
Mon 9 Apr 2018
at 17:36
  • msg #71

Re: The Siren's Trap

[OOC: What's with these rolls?

So, I am fairly certain that the way skills work in combat is that for the most part they are done with an action. There are several instances, where something has the special ability to make a perception check as a bonus action or a legendary action. This implies that perception is otherwise passive. In other words, I think that skills happen as part of other actions (such as your grapple) or as reactions. Anyway, on with the action.]

You enter the alley (5'), the pair are about 15' away. You grab homeboy by the arm (because of the crit*) and successfully pull him back. It appears to interrupt his incanting*. He still manages to hold on to the whore, who is also pulled back, and loses her footing, lands hard on her rump, and is dragged on her back a couple feet. It is officially a sh!t-show in the alley.

His turn (I am giving you a heads up that I am going to modify death rules, because of massive damage... so that you won't die, die... I promise that I didn't expect to kill you.):

He lets go of the woman, raises his hand and casts a spell. You see a simple and crude, but intentionally placed symbol on the flesh of his upturned palm, which seems to darken as he finishes the spell (it sounds like the same one as before) and he swipes his hand at you.

Att: 18
Dam: 24

Fergan feels a pulse of cold pain wash over his body (have you ever felt morphine?). He numbly feels the dull thud of cobblestone on the back of his head. The last thing he remembers is a piercing scream from the woman and running footsteps, though it is difficult to place them as hers, his, both, or others.

OK, option time. You can choose to die, or come back with a minor curse. I will collaborate with you to determine what it is. The intent is to make it minorly detrimental, obvious in certain situations, and possibly beneficial. It can be complicated, or simple, like a -1 to a stat. But it should be about on par with that. It can also be rectified (by like lesser restoration or whatever the lower level spell of that type is).

I also want you to come up with what the marking on his hand looks like. I want it to look crude but specific. At your option, it could be tattoo, a scar, or a brand. The fact that I am having you come up with it is not some metaphysical, plot related thing, but I like to outsource world-building so you are more invested.

By the way, I misspoke before when I said there is no way you would be able to identify the spell, it is Inflict Wounds. I don't think it would have changed what you did and I am not sure there is a defined way to identify spells. I like the idea that every caster has their own way of casting spells. At most I think I would have given you that it was divine in addition to necromancy.

Also, remind me if you are the same persona (Ferlo, which I did pick up, btw) as before in the bar. I think so, based on the vernacular, but just want to make sure.

*Because of the critical, you got to tie up an arm, even though grapples don't normally do that, also, he lost a slot, not roll for concentration, he just lost it. He is cast with a new slot on his turn. As a result of letting the girl go, she was able to run away on her turn, which she rolled to be after his (initiative 3). So, that's a win :-/
player, 80 posts
Mon 9 Apr 2018
at 17:58
  • msg #72

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 71):

Much to say, so bullet points, but I'm fine with how it all happened and am not asking for amendment:

- I think breaking the grapple on the woman was automatic as a result of him moving, per the grappling rules I have found online.
- I was still in character as Ferlo, yes. I'll try to use colors to indicate personas. Goldenrod is Fergan.
- I'll opt for the minor curse, which seems appropriately motivating, as we are now in a vengeance plot.
- Knowing it was inflict wounds would not have changed my action. I was trying hard to keep him from killing her and him using his credibility as a noble to finger me for the crime while also saving her.
- You are right about actions, and I knew it when I typed the intimidate thing, but I was just teeing up my next move in case there was an opportunity to use it to keep things flowing. I'm going to continue to do this, so don't think I'm trying to sandwich multiple actions into the same round.
- The symbol was a crude brand of a broken arrow above a bundle of arrows.
- I have never felt morphine.
- Can I take it as given that I know he cast Inflict Wounds as a divine spell?

I think the curse should be fun, and that we should work on defining it before moving forward.
player, 81 posts
Mon 9 Apr 2018
at 17:59
  • msg #73

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 72):

I'm actually very pleased with how all of that turned out and am only disappointed that the rules had to be bent to keep Fergan alive. If he had simply dropped to zero, I think that would have been a perfect outcome, to tell you the truth.
GM, 274 posts
Mon 9 Apr 2018
at 18:28
  • msg #74

Re: The Siren's Trap

I think breaking the grapple on the woman was automatic as a result of him moving, per the grappling rules I have found online.

I will look at the grappling deal, but that sounds familiar. One of the things I want to go for in both this game and Seth's is a sense of messy realism. There was a scene in Seth's campaign where he had tied up a bandit that he had previously Sleep-ed. He decided he should more thoroughly incapacitate him by knocking him out with his quarterstaff. Saran Helder has a low strength and it took a lot of hits (and misses) to bring the guy to zero hit points. I went ahead and rolled both sides of the table until the guy was knocked out. It was messy and I think the guy got a lick in on Saran.

The point is, I value that over strict RAW, though I don't think that was violated in what I described with Seth. Though I do value rules and my intention is not to hose you or your goals.

One thought I had was what if an enemy grappled you then your buddy gappled you (and you intentionally fail the grapple) then moves you. It doesn't seem like that should automatically break the enemy's grapple. Seems a bit cartoony. Also, as a matter of in-game mitigation, the guy has above average strength (14), even though he looks more like an 11 or 12.

Can I take it as given that I know he cast Inflict Wounds as a divine spell?

We'll get to that in the next scene. Someone will tell you that is what it look like and it will jibe with what you heard.

The symbol was a crude brand of a broken arrow above a bundle of arrows.


I think the curse should be fun, and that we should work on defining it before moving forward.

Let's. Going to consult OOC shared.
GM, 279 posts
Mon 9 Apr 2018
at 23:51
  • msg #75

Re: The Siren's Trap

I am not going to try and describe the indescribable. Suffice it to say that you looked into the face of madness and saw it laughing back.

When you wake up you find that the things you now know (abilities) and the revelations you have, in no way resemble what you remember experiencing. It is like seeing a bird fall from the sky, bleeding from its eyes, and as a result knowing that it will rain the next day.

You also know that you are cursed. It is as if the necromancy of the spell (which you somehow know is Inflict Wounds) mixed with your metaphysical experience. You fear to ever go back to the other side. You also know, though, that your perception of death, your curse, and the man who cast the spell are connected.

In much the same way that your memory of the death-realm bears no resemblance to your revelations, when you think of the lord that cast the spell, you picture someone else.

You wake in the alley, not knowing how long it has been. It may be darker out, or maybe that's just be the bleakness which you now know occupies the world. There are men standing over you talking to the prositute. They are speaking as if they quite believe you to be dead.

You gather that she screamed, then ran, then the guy ran the opposite direction. It was just one minute ago. You remember to breathe, it doesn't seem as important as it used to be.

Your current Hit point total = 9 [- 2] + [1d4+4]
(Full, minus curse, plus false life)
GM, 280 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 01:01
  • msg #76

Re: The Siren's Trap

By the way
player, 89 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 01:10
  • msg #77

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 76):

I take a moment to collect myself and sit up.

OOC: I'm not sure what state of mind you are thinking I am in, here. It sounds like you are suggesting a substantial character change has taken place--If that character change is simply the manifestation of L1 warlock powers, I'll continue with Fergan as (mostly) normal. If it is the manifestation of the curse, however, I'll play him quite a bit differently than I otherwise would until I get cured.
GM, 282 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 01:17
  • msg #78

Re: The Siren's Trap

Nope, I'm out that's all the takeover I was doing. You're back to you. Just describing the L1 powers.
GM, 285 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 14:44
  • msg #79

Re: The Siren's Trap

Did that answer your question? Fergan saw a vision (which is whatever you want it to be) and now has secret knowledge (L1 Warlock abilities, understanding of Patron). Has knowledge of curse, knows all it's effects, and that it is affected in nature by the spell that killed you (necromancy) and by dying itself (fear of death).

Mechanically, moving forward, you have the curse (as discussed), and that's it. I prefer the False Life modification because it is something that is already a thing, and because it is mechanically similar. I am looking as Long Rests as healing a character by his current max, or in Fergan's case +9hp per long rest, but -2hp for curse, so, effectively +7hp. Which means that you can still end up with 9hp at the end of a rest, as long as you start the rest with at least 2hp. This is minutia, but it is the type of minutia I like for some reason. Sorry, not sorry.
player, 90 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 15:48
  • msg #80

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 79):

Got it. I'm trying to decide if the patron vision is important to play out. I think a way around it could be flashbacks or recollections by Fergan as the campaign goes on. Like, maybe he has every ability a warlock can have but will recollect them in various ways as circumstances warrant?

Thinking of plot, but that lets us move on
GM, 286 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 15:53
  • msg #81

Re: The Siren's Trap

I think a way around it could be flashbacks or recollections by Fergan as the campaign goes on. Like, maybe he has every ability a warlock can have but will recollect them in various ways as circumstances warrant?

I think that works thematically with the Warlock since their powers are literally bestowed and strange.

Thinking of plot, but that lets us move on

The people in the alley look at you in shock.
player, 91 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 16:34
  • msg #82

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 81):

I rub my head and say, in a new voice: Ta-da...

OOC: If you want to play this out, I'm game, but my plan is to sell this as method acting practice gone wrong. If they aren't inclined to arrest me for attempted robbery, though, I would try to simply leave after answering their questions as best I can without divulging anything factual.
GM, 288 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 18:24
  • msg #83

Re: The Siren's Trap

I, like the woman, forgot that you had used "this is a robbery" ruse. So, don't worry about it. She picked up that things got crazy with the other guy.
player, 93 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 18:25
  • msg #84

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 83):

If I discern that before talking much more, I switch back to the Ferlo character and try to make my way back to the theater as quickly as I can while ensuring that I am not being followed.
GM, 290 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 18:27
  • msg #85

Re: The Siren's Trap

player, 94 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 18:34
  • msg #86

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 85):

Ok--I divulge all that I learned about the lordling, his trips to the brothel, his targets, his attempted kidnapping, his (relatively) desperate attempt at a victim in an alley, the mark on his hand, the fact that he is a caster, and that he cast inflict wounds. I keep the curse and what I recall from the patron meeting to myself.

Basically, I keep myself to myself and tell all about the lord.

I believe he will attempt to strike again. If he is smart, it will not be among the population of hookers, as they will likely spread the word to watch for him as a client, now. Beggars would be my next bet. He's hot tempered, but seems cowardly.

I would like to see him brought down without his harming another, but I suspect that he is the best lead to understand the mark on his palm. Whatever affiliation that represents is worth understanding, leveraging, and then exposing.

Fergan looks slightly surprised at the word "leveraging" escaping his mouth.
GM, 291 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 19:00
  • msg #87

Re: The Siren's Trap

I need to put some stuff on the scratchpad, what was this guy's name, Veraz.

Raz nods gravely.

"I have known men like him before. Or known of them. I am surprised you survived such a spell. It has very high damage potential*. We can hope that the violence he did this night slaked his thirst for now rather than stroked the flame. He would be wise to go after beggars, even wiser to torture animals, but I suspect he will find a woman. I doubt he will return to the same tavern he stayed at before, but I will have a message sent to us if he shows back up. I suspect he has alternate dwellings anyway.

Get some sleep."

*Sorry to break the wall. Laziness.
player, 95 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 19:06
  • msg #88

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 87):

* "I once saw a cleric drop a bear with that spell"
player, 96 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 19:07
  • msg #89

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 88):

I the theater? Wherever I am expected to sleep.
player, 97 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 20:42
  • msg #90

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 89):

Also, I am only sleeping so casually this first time, because I don't know if Fergan would know he was afraid to go to bed yet. Expect more haunted wandering of the town at the next rest.
GM, 293 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 20:48
  • msg #91

Re: The Siren's Trap

You have a room at the theater if you want. A dressing room with a bed.

Feel free to describe how your night goes.

What is you plan for the next day? As in what is the goal of the day? I want to set up a skill challenge montage that you write. I will explain better once we agree on you goal and how you succeed.
player, 98 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 21:13
  • msg #92

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 91):

I think the goal for the next day is two-fold.

First (more of a daytime activity), I'd like to try and sweet-talk my way around town looking for an expert on arcane/divine symbology under the pretense of doing some research for a coat of arms for a friend who was recently knighted.

As more of a nighttime activity, I would want to sneakily leave graffiti where hookers would see it that says things like: "Harken' to the Lady of Shadows: Beware the Chanting Man" or "Sister Up!" and etc.
player, 99 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 21:29
  • msg #93

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 92):

Oh--And we can come back to the nightmare stuff, too. I've got a thing to finish before tomorrow and between replying to Seth's email, D&D, and it, I'm mildly swamped.
GM, 295 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 21:29
  • msg #94

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, the first one doesn't require much of anything, someone directs you to the temple of baccob which we can roleplay when. I get to a pc.

For the other, choose three skills that you would utilize to do the graffiti, and explain how you use those scenes in little vignettes. The roll.
GM, 296 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 21:33
  • msg #95

Re: The Siren's Trap

To be clear, you can just make up side characters and types of stores a specific alley or brothel, etc. The world is your oyster. 15 is a success, so you can include how you succeed or fail to do individual tasks, then I will do an overall sum up.

*then roll
GM, 297 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 21:34
  • msg #96

Re: The Siren's Trap

You are encouraged to use skills you are good at and employ spells, abilities
GM, 298 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2018
at 23:09
  • msg #97

Re: The Siren's Trap

I guess that just more homework for ya, homework boy.
player, 100 posts
Wed 11 Apr 2018
at 00:23
  • msg #98

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 97):

OOC: Deep reference.

I think the three skills most appropriate are Stealth (+1), Deception (+6 with Advantage from the Actor feat), and Persuasion (+6).

Fergan returns to the theater at dusk and borrows a stableman's costume and locates some pink paint for making sets. He puts on the costume, taking time to add makeup and other touches with his disguise kit (Deception 25). He then walks into one of the more desperate parts of town and starts working his way from brothel to brothel, whore-ner to whore-ner, surreptitiously (Stealth 21--Crit) and painting warnings about a violent predator being on the loose and preying on women of the night, including occasional mentions of the Lady of Shadows in the vicinity of the original brothel (Persuasion 20).
GM, 299 posts
Wed 11 Apr 2018
at 02:04
  • msg #99

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, wow, those are some good rolls.

I'll come up with something.
player, 101 posts
Wed 11 Apr 2018
at 16:33
  • msg #100

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 99):

Re: Boccob, I'll want to find the book of symbols under false pretenses (as mentioned) and will want to copy any relevant information I find, at a minimum. Preferably, they would give me the book. Second preference, they sell it to me for a cheap price. Third preference, they let me borrow it so I can have a copy made. Fourth preference, they let me bring a scribe to make a copy. Fifth preference, I have to just take notes.
player, 102 posts
Thu 12 Apr 2018
at 19:56
  • msg #101

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 100):

Here are Fergan's plans/motivations at the moment:

1) Prevent the killing of any more prostitutes without divulging his identity
2) Understand the lordling's comings and going, associates, and etc. Where does his money come from? Who provides his food? What is his reputation? Basically, I'm looking to "earn" the "ability" to have a theory about him that we can quickly roll some checks to verify. I'm comfortable fracturing the timeline with flashbacks to dangerous scenarios if that's how the information has to be earned.
3) Understand the symbol on his palm and whether it suggests self-study or membership in an organization
4) Practice his craft with his newfound powers in anticipation of a showdown with the lordling
5) Find an opportunity to take the lordling captive to....interrogate....about how he got his powers, how widespread his association (assumed) are, etc. Secretly collect irrefutable evidence of wrong-doing
6) Ransom the lordling and their secret back to the head of the family (assumed)
7) Turn over evidence to guards and watch the house crumble OR learn that the establishment is corrupt.

I think #3 and #4 would each be enough to get Fergan to leave the city for a time.
GM, 302 posts
Mon 16 Apr 2018
at 18:06
  • msg #102

Re: The Siren's Trap

Re: Library/Temple of Boccob

You walk into the temple and there is a lobby area that looks almost like a security checkpoint. The opening to the next chamber is large, 15' across and 20' high, but it appears that efforts have been made to choke access off to a single file walkway. To either side there are large statues. One is a king sitting on a throne made from piles of books. On the other side there is a sort of statue/model representing the planes of existence.

In the middle there is a reception desk, behind it is standing a young man. He appears to be looking back and forth from several open books. He looks like a mage's apprentice. If he has noticed you, he hasn't given any indication of such.
player, 105 posts
Mon 16 Apr 2018
at 18:59
  • msg #103

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 102):

I walk over and wait patiently for him to notice me, as interrupting a man in thought should be a crime.
GM, 304 posts
Mon 16 Apr 2018
at 19:35
  • msg #104

Re: The Siren's Trap

You walk up and the young mage continues what he is doing, though his e6es do flick up at one point. After about 2 minutes he stops and says,

"What do you seek this day?"

It has the air of formality.
player, 106 posts
Mon 16 Apr 2018
at 19:40
  • msg #105

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 104):

OOC: If I know of a "proper" response to offer, assuming this is a matter of forms, I would offer it in a foreign accent. Otherwise....

OOC: I'm going to try and build a "scholar/researcher" persona, here, changing my voice some (still foreign accent) and my mannerisms a bit. Shall I roll to see if I can keep the performance consistent/convincing?

"Truth, Knowledge, or Directions in a matter of academic research."
GM, 305 posts
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 16:29
  • msg #106

Re: The Siren's Trap

You remember that an appropriate thing to say would be "I come seeking knowledge."

The man behind the desk gives a half smile and bows slightly, puts his hands together and bows slightly and intones, "Come, and be illuminated." Then he starts pushing books aside until he finds what appears to be a ledger and asks, "Name, field of research." then waits expectantly.
player, 107 posts
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 16:42
  • msg #107

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 106):

OOC: Tricksy

"Fergan, symbology."
GM, 306 posts
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 16:48
  • msg #108

Re: The Siren's Trap

OOC: Tricksy

"Fergan, symbology."

Want to know the funny thing? Everything I have posted in the this library scene so far is a lightly edited copy/paste from the beginning of Seth's game. (which makes the slow posting particularly egregious on my part...)

Very well. He scribbles some notes then snaps his fingers and a bit of sand bursts out and covers the fresh ink, then he absently sweeps his hand above the page which creates a small magical gust of wind that blows the sand off. The sand dissipates in the air.

First floor. Ask any of the clerks to help you. They may direct you to another floor for more specific information depending on the what symbology you are looking for.

You enter into the the Temple/Library and it is basically how you imagine a Library to be. You see a few people reading and studying. A couple people cataloguing books.
player, 108 posts
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 17:08
  • msg #109

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 108):

OOC: I think that's just efficient DMing.

I quietly make my way up to/over to the first floor and locate a clerk, waiting patiently for his or her attention. Once I have it, I say:

"Hello--I'm doing some research on the origins and practices of religions and other similar groups. In particular, I'm interested in the symbology those groups have used in the past and what various symbols, such as briars, lions, arrows, and stags have meant throughout history and which groups have used which types of symbols. Is there a reference book that is a kind of symbol "catalog"? I'm interested in usage great and small, so perhaps a book of heraldry focusing on minor and major houses, churches, schools and monasteries would be helpful too?"
GM, 307 posts
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 18:53
  • msg #110

Re: The Siren's Trap

You find a young half-elf that looks more like an acolyte than a wizards apprentice, both are common with Boccob, and sometimes both together. She nobs enthusiastically to your words, then she goes around pulling books of the shelves, handing them to you, chattering about objects of worship now and forgotten.

You have a total of 7 books to look through. She makes a note of the titles, inspecting each one briefly, and asks your name. (then she will tell you to return them to a central desk when you are done).

There is also paper and writing utensils for sale there, slightly above market rates.
player, 109 posts
Tue 17 Apr 2018
at 19:31
  • msg #111

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 110):

Ok--Taking great care with the books, I begin looking through them for mentions of broken and bundled arrows, separately and individually. I also keep an eye out for any heraldric crests which contain the symbol and look for mentions of the lordling's house in those books as well.
GM, 310 posts
Fri 20 Apr 2018
at 18:51
  • msg #112

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, you figure out the family crest of the Lordly. The way it works is that one of the major houses in the area has their crest, then the houses that have sworn featly has the same basic crest with some unique variation. Free free to define this.

After a few hours of study, and because of the symbol is weapon themed, you find in a book depicting battle standards the symbol you are looking for. At least, it is the same basic symbol, but cleaner. Something that would definitely look good on a flag, or shield, or breastplate. The meaning is obvious, "Apart we break, together we prevail" or similar. It can be interpreted other ways too, afterall, an arrow in a quiver isn't of much use if it is never drawn. Arrows are made to be used up. Some would say the same of soldiers.

In any case, this standard was held by a commander from the distant past. He gained an lost many cities in conquest. It is written he slew thousands with the stroke of his wand. After a successful campaign near the Spine of the World, he disapeared. Some say he took his armies north and either died on conquered in the frozen wastes. Or became part of the Northern Tribes. Or that he was assassinated. Or that he simply fell ill. But the accounts agree that his reign of terror in the Sword Coast region ended abruptly.

He was called The Dreaded Korosk. There is no mention of the symbol being used as a holy symbol. The banners were pulled down almost as quickly as they were erected, then forgotten to time.


Other town stuff. Your tagging goes well, exceptionally well. So, well, in fact that you spot a man reading the graffiti then cursing angrily. It's the guy. You are across a main street in another alley. You have not had time to find out where he is staying or anything like that yet.

After his outburst, he appears to become self conscious, puts his head down and quickly moves toward the main street. It is dusk.

What do you do?
player, 113 posts
Fri 20 Apr 2018
at 20:39
  • msg #113

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 112):

I follow him at a distance.
GM, 313 posts
Sat 21 Apr 2018
at 05:24
  • msg #114

Re: The Siren's Trap

You follow him at a distance. He seems to be making a bee-line to a particular location, though he does take a couple wrong turns, it seems, but doesn't stop to ask anyone directions.

Eventually he enters into an inn called the Buried Crown. It is a middling to nice establishment. It is now mostly dark out.
player, 114 posts
Sat 21 Apr 2018
at 05:57
  • msg #115

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 114):

If there is a window, I watch what he does once he gets inside. If he was to go upstairs, I would try to get a sense of which room he was in by watching for a light coming on.

If there is no window, I wait a moment watching for lights to come on or for him to out.

If he doesn't, I'll try to find a place to post up unless I believe my disguise is sufficient to get inside. Think I rolled well, but I'm on my phone and hit reply before checking.
GM, 316 posts
Sat 21 Apr 2018
at 06:59
  • msg #116

Re: The Siren's Trap

OOC: You are always confident in your disguises.

You enter the inn and it is the typical affair. You don't see the guy though. It is the upper middle class crowd that you had guessed.
player, 115 posts
Sat 21 Apr 2018
at 15:50
  • msg #117

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 116):

I grab a drink or some food and hang out to not look weird for coming in and out, just listening to the chatter in the common room before leaving.

I'd report all of that back to the theater guy whose name I can never remember.
player, 116 posts
Sat 21 Apr 2018
at 19:35
  • msg #118

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 117):

Scratch that--I'm in a stablemans costume, so I don't think should have even gone in to the establishment unless it would not be weird. I'll just have to take stake out the location until late, then return to the theater, report, change, and come back very early to continue the stakeout--justifying my reduced sleep with the need to get up early, rather than acknowledge the fear.
GM, 319 posts
Fri 27 Apr 2018
at 17:06
  • msg #119

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, you go back to the theater, sleep for a bit. That night you dream of chunks of your body falling off due to rot, upon which, in a panic, you try to stuff them back on. The rate at which this happens increases leading to a macabre version of Lucy's famous chocolate factory scene. You wake in a sweat, adrenaline pumping.

Back at the inn you find a quiet street, and a dark inn; not surprising given the hour, though you do pass a couple businesses, such as bakeries, and even an inn, that were already showing signs of activity. You hang out across the street on the corner of a residence and an alley.

An hour passes and more people quietly pass through the streets. At around 5am a man carrying a wooden crate filled with food stuffs approaches the front of the inn and gives three careful and practiced thumps with his foot on the door. It is difficult to see, but the door appears to open slightly, and the man with the groceries cocks his head slightly and leans toward the door and calls out softly, "Neemon?"

You hear a moaning growl from inside.

player, 118 posts
Fri 27 Apr 2018
at 17:44
  • msg #120

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 119):

Initiative: 5
GM, 323 posts
Tue 1 May 2018
at 02:21
  • msg #121

Re: The Siren's Trap

The grocer had his coffee this morning and is able to dodge out of the way of a zombie swing. He stumbles backward and drops his box which clatters and breaks on the cobblestones. He turns and runs yelling with an almost deep pitch that would be comical if monsters were not about to pour out of the inn. Instead it comes as an eerie knell.

Fergan sees at least a few zombies at the door of the inn, they are wearing bedclothes and there is blood caked on their heads and shirts.

Your turn (you beat their initiative, grocer beat you all and was able to disengage and leave, the swipe was not a 'real' attack).
player, 121 posts
Tue 1 May 2018
at 04:05
  • msg #122

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 121):

I watch what happens, figuring I don't want to be spotted shooting eldritch blasts in the street, but look for the following:

a) The presence of a way to get to the second shriek of the building
b) Any wounds the zombies bear that are noteworthy
c) The appearance of the deceased for later identification.

If any get close, I move off. I try not to be seen by any approaching guards, though I'm fine being seen by guards after they arrive and get established.

I want to see how the local authorities deal with this.
GM, 324 posts
Tue 1 May 2018
at 23:36
  • msg #123

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, the zoms come stumbling out. They appear to have been killed by blunt force trauma to the head.

So far you see six. The fan out from the door about 30' in all directions. Two of them head your way and end up 5' away (there is one "square" between you, and an open alley behind you). You hear a wagon coming slowly down the street and a voice say, "What's this, git out the road!" It is about 50' away.

The Grocer is farther away and he starts yelling "Help!" and "Guards!"
player, 122 posts
Wed 2 May 2018
at 00:33
  • msg #124

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 123):

I yell "ZOMBIES! ZOMBIES!" in as panicked a voice as I can muster without feeling much panic, wondering momentarily at whether my dream and these zombies are related.

I then move 30' back into the alley and ready an action to cast Eldritch Blast on the zombie who first moves sufficiently deep into the alley that my casting cannot be seen from down the street (assuming I hit).
GM, 325 posts
Wed 2 May 2018
at 00:48
  • msg #125

Re: The Siren's Trap

Go ahead and roll, since that will happen. Assume normal zombies and describe if hit. Describe what your EB looks like. At your option it can look different before/after curse.
player, 123 posts
Wed 2 May 2018
at 01:05
  • msg #126

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 125):

Uttering words that I've never heard before, a streak of blue energy wreathed with purple streaks (curse effect) shoots towards the zombie and strikes for 10 damage. From the front, the blast looks like the tentacles of an anemone continuously peeling backward in the shape of a raindrop until the moment it strikes, at which point the tendrils fling forward, briefly enveloping the target before dissipating.
player, 124 posts
Wed 2 May 2018
at 01:12
  • msg #127

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 126):

I think, from here, I'm just going to disengage and kite them around to find some guards while shouting for help, actually--Given that I screwed up and didn't take my full move, they can dash to within range of me from where I'm standing now and I'm not going to take the opportunity attack.
GM, 326 posts
Wed 2 May 2018
at 04:08
  • msg #128

Re: The Siren's Trap

I believe you did take your full move, 30' it can still get to you tho. Unless you mean to not have readied an action...

Both zombies continue toward you and close the distance (move dash).

You here screams from the streets as people look out their widows to see what is going on. You hear zombie pounding on doors and breaking Windows. The browser, apparently. I hate autocorrect.

So, is your strategy to kite with a doublemove then attack/move the following round? That is sound, but you will take two AoO this round.
player, 125 posts
Wed 2 May 2018
at 05:06
  • msg #129

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 128):

Sorry--by full I meant double.

I intend to disengage and move each round, preventing AoO and keeping them close while I kite them towards guards while yelling for help.
GM, 327 posts
Mon 7 May 2018
at 20:43
  • msg #130

Re: The Siren's Trap

OK, you take them to the next street over, then back up another alley to the first street. While going through the second alley you hear a window break from up above and see glass rain down, "It slides open, Barrok..." says a woman's voice, sufferingly (I appologize for the polysyllabic adverbs), "No time!" comes the jaunty dwarven response.

A javelin and a crossbow bolt follows the broken glass. The javelin hits (6 dam), but the bolt strikes true (8 damage). The zombie seems unphased.

You kite them further along and after they pass the broken window a dwarf jumps down, landing deftly in the alley behind the zombies. He hacks at the zombie with two short swords, landing an attack with one (8dam) on the first zombie which falls to the ground, and to the other with a solid hit. Another xbow bolt hits the second zombie in the head, which twists sickeningly to the side, but has no more effect.

The assailed zombie turns and swings at the offending dwarf, but stumbles over the fallen zombie and is rewarded with a counter-attack, lopping off its head.

OOC: Things got a little wierd on the dice roller because I thought 8's weren't hits, but they are! So, I had to retrofit some stuff and think I got things in the right order applied to the right things. Anyway, both zombies down.

You are back in the first street and you see that the other zombies have broken into a couple houses and you hear screams. There is a man in the street who looks dead, probably the annoyed cart driver. There is some debris in the road and you surmise that the cart turned over, or bumped wildly when the frightened horse ran away over the cobblestones. You see guards coming from both directions. The Dwarf with the shortswords enters the street as well and takes in the scene. I beat later and the door of building he was in bursts open admitting a woman carrying a light crossbow into the street.
player, 126 posts
Mon 7 May 2018
at 21:41
  • msg #131

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 130):

"They came from there," I say in an outlander's voice while pointing to the inn. I make my way to the inn, listening for the sounds of movement inside and avoiding windows upon my approach because I have seen horror movies and know that windows are how people get snatched.

My goals are to search the inn, first, for zombies. Second, for the registry of guests. Third, for the room in which the man stayed. Fourth, for a personal effect of the man or something that I know he has touched. Fifth, for survivors who may have an account of what occurred, when.
GM, 329 posts
Mon 7 May 2018
at 22:31
  • msg #132

Re: The Siren's Trap

They pursue the sounds of screams and the zombies they can see, the dwarf rushing up to battle and the woman (human) walking forward to find a shot.

You head into the inn, which is quiet. You don't see anybody, dead or otherwise (and all of the sudden I have to go listen to Hurricane, I desperately hope you get caught robbing the register). You don't find a guestbook.

You hear sounds of battle and horror outside.

Where do you search next?, there is a kitchen, a private dining room, and an upstairs with rooms.
player, 127 posts
Mon 7 May 2018
at 23:11
  • msg #133

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 132):

I want to "clear" the downstairs. Under the assumption that the all three downstairs rooms open to the other two downstairs rooms, I open one of the two (presumed) doors to look in and then, if I see nothing, move to the other door open it and, if I see nothing, move in.

It's arbitrary to me, so I'll poke open the kitchen, take a look, then move to the dining room--stealthily. Please hold while I roll.
player, 128 posts
Mon 7 May 2018
at 23:12
  • msg #134

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 133):

16:12, Today: Fergan rolled 20 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 19.  Stealth.
GM, 330 posts
Wed 9 May 2018
at 22:08
  • msg #135

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, sorry for the delay. In the kitchen you find what you assume to be the innkeeper with his head bashed in. It looks like he was preparing food to be cooked the next day and that it was (passive medicine check) at least a couple hours ago that he was brained.

The private dining room is empty.

The bedrooms upstairs are empty with the doors ajar. A couple look like there was a struggle, one has a corpse in it (a man, still in bed), they all have blood. One in particular is a messy mess. The blankets were stripped off the bed, leaving just a sheet (as if those existed in medieval settings...), which is almost completely red with blood. There is a bucket of bloody water with a bloody rag in it next to the bed.

Oh, and one more room which is empty, but disheveled, like someone packed up and left, probably duder's room. You investigate it... (17) ... and find some scraps of food which have been knocked off a desk, a note with some names listed on it and subsequently crossed off, and a book titled 'Modern Political History of the Sword Coast".

and... *dice*

13 electrum pieces minted with the symbol you saw on the guys hand on it.
player, 129 posts
Thu 10 May 2018
at 18:36
  • msg #136

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 135):

OOC: Now the conundrum of whether to leverage the resources of the state or to try to keep a secret...

I take the note, the book, and 11 electrum. The remaining two I put on the eyes of the messy dead. I look for personal effects of the victims, as well--a small token that might be used to identify them magically or otherwise. In particular, I would spend time looking for such a thing in the very messy room.

I would then make haste out of the inn by the back door, back to the theater, where I would check the list of names with my mentor and detail what happened, but leave out the detail about the electrum, which I will attempt to plant somewhere among his personal effects--as an insurance policy, of course.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:36, Thu 10 May 2018.
player, 130 posts
Thu 10 May 2018
at 19:01
  • msg #137

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 136):

And, to be clear, I want the coins among his possessions but not in a place that anyone but I would think to look--My intentions truly are insurance in the event that my mentor and the lordling are in cahoots.
GM, 333 posts
Thu 10 May 2018
at 19:23
  • msg #138

Re: The Siren's Trap

The messy blood room did not have a body. There was one dead person in a room, and the dead innkeeper.
player, 131 posts
Thu 10 May 2018
at 19:36
  • msg #139

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 138):

Missed that. Then I leave the two coins on the floor like they fell off the eyes of a corpse that was rising from the bed--meaning that I let them fall off my face from a squatting position over the bed, but I make sure at least one is visible to people examining the room.

The remainder of the plan is unchanged.
GM, 334 posts
Wed 16 May 2018
at 20:08
  • msg #140

Re: The Siren's Trap

meaning that I let them fall off my face from a squatting position over the bed
Method AF!

OK, let's see if we get that far.

By the time you are done searching the inn, etc, you can hear that the fighting has ended in the streets. You can hear a woman wailing in sorrow and perhaps the sound of someone dying.

You hear someone else say, "I think the came out of the Inn."

You are in the common room, and there is a back exit through the kitchen. Your spidey sense tells you that getting out without being heard will involve a roll, though you are not sure the difficulty and it may depend on how you trade off speed for stealth.

You have the coins, and various (which you may define, any common or possibly uncommon mundane items that someone might have in their hotel room while sleeping).
player, 132 posts
Thu 17 May 2018
at 19:13
  • msg #141

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 140):

OOC: Actor feat, yo. Darn about not getting away. Wherever the voice was from, inside or outside the inn, I would do something like the following

Disappointed, I call down the stairs as I walk (intending to be heard) toward and down the stairs: "They did. None in here that I found, and no survivors upstairs. It's..horrible up there. I'm think I'm going to be sick."

I say the last two sentences once I make eye contact with another living thing. If it isn't a guard, I try to excuse myself out the back, like I'm afraid I'm going to barf. If it is a guard, I just sit down at a table.

If I make it outside, I'm going to leave.

OOC: I'm hoping my curse comes with some kind of pallor that helps me sell the illness.
GM, 336 posts
Thu 17 May 2018
at 19:18
  • msg #142

Re: The Siren's Trap

Just to be clear, you are in the common room when you hear that from outside. There is a chance you can get out. This doesn't have to change anything you did.
player, 133 posts
Thu 17 May 2018
at 20:15
  • msg #143

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 142):

In that case, I walk shaking my head and say much the same--but instead try to excuse myself to an alley to barf.
GM, 337 posts
Thu 17 May 2018
at 22:12
  • msg #144

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, you get out to the alley, someone entered as you were waking through the kitchen. You hear them follow saying, "Hey, who are you what did you see...?" Then you hear him stop in the kitchen and say, "God's, who did this?"

Do you make yourself barf and dry heave or something? Both are doable without rolls.
player, 134 posts
Thu 17 May 2018
at 23:09
  • msg #145

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 144):

I do make dry heaving noises and, between heaves, say: " survivors."
GM, 338 posts
Thu 17 May 2018
at 23:17
  • msg #146

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, the guy comes back, a guard, and says, "Were you staying here at the inn? What did you see?" Before you can answer the adventurer woman with the crossbow enters the alley and says, "We saw him being chased in the streets by one of those things. He ran for cover when we killed a couple. Not sure why he decided this would be a good place to hide..."
player, 135 posts
Thu 17 May 2018
at 23:28
  • msg #147

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 146):

I try to let the conversation pass over that moment, as I was not addressed.
GM, 340 posts
Fri 18 May 2018
at 20:57
  • msg #148

Re: The Siren's Trap

It proves to be a good tactic and they leave.
player, 136 posts
Sat 19 May 2018
at 00:52
  • msg #149

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 148):

Do I have the sense of whether they left or went upstairs?

Regardless, I leave through the alley, forcing myself to walk at a casual pace and take trips to parts of the city that a workman (which I think is my disguise) would go to. I take a circuitous route, stop for breakfast, and generally mill about for a couple hours (keeping an eye out for anyone keeping an eye on me) and then make my way back to the theater.

While walking around, I want to see if I can locate enough materials to approximate a guard's uniform--or whatever passes for a "detective" in these parts. If guards have to purchase their own uniforms, I would see if I can do that but not actually divulge my interest, meaning that I locate the shops and such. If the guards have a laundry service for their uniforms, I would want to watch for where their clothes are taken. Etc.

Anyway, I ultimately want to make it back to the theater in a fashion that would bore the heck out of a tail but still be productive in terms of info gathering without giving myself away. Once I get to the theater, I would tell my mentor about what happened and show him the note, but I would not divulge that I had the coins and would go through with the plan of hiding them on the premises among his personal effects in a place he would not look. Back of a closet. Bottom of a chest. Top of a bookshelf--Something that is crazy dusty would be best.
GM, 341 posts
Sat 19 May 2018
at 00:58
  • msg #150

Re: The Siren's Trap

Creating such a disguise will cost... about 10gp. It's all authority is all about being functional and a cut above the rest.

More to come.
GM, 342 posts
Mon 21 May 2018
at 19:31
  • msg #151

Re: The Siren's Trap

OOC: sorry, saw that I posted and thought it was your turn. Should have known better.

Ok, you do all that. Someone mentions that guards have tabbards(?) that are issued since impersonating a guard is a crime. So, if you have one, and are not a guard, it is likely that you got it by doing something illegal, or plan to do something illegal with it.

During the morning you hear rumors of zombies entering the city, no that people are turning to zombies in their sleep, no that there is a death cult that all turned to zombies during a ritual gone wrong, no it didn't go wrong- that's what was intended, etc.

Assuming you tease out rumors when available, you also come across one that one of the zombies, a woman, was mutilated, having strange symbols carefully cut all over her body. Somebody heard this from his brother, who is a guard and was pretty shaken up about it.
player, 137 posts
Tue 22 May 2018
at 17:29
  • msg #152

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 151):

I would attempt to secure one of these tabbards from an aforementioned laundry service or what-have-you. If I am able to secure one, I want to go track down that brother of the deceased.

OOC: To telegraph where I'm going, I want to see if the brother knows anything about her connection to the lordling, if there is theme among the victims, and her identity to carry with me for guilt reasons. I also will be looking to identify the guard so that I can find him after his shift to press him for information.
GM, 343 posts
Tue 22 May 2018
at 17:51
  • msg #153

Re: The Siren's Trap

Somebody heard this from his brother, who is a guard and was pretty shaken up about it.

I realize this is poorly written. I meant that some rando has a brother who is a guard. No relation to the dead. The guard was shaken up by the cuts on the dead woman. He was dismissed when the area was secured and went home where he blabbed. He may or may not know the identities of the people at the inn.

Guards take care of their own laundary, though they can trade in damaged tabbards to the armory. There may be a black market way to get one or have one made, so we will treat it like another skill challenge.

Also take 125xp for the last skill challenge
and take 100xp for the zombie/inn encounter
player, 138 posts
Tue 22 May 2018
at 18:36
  • msg #154

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 153):

Oh--In that case, yes, I would like to figure out who the randos brother is so that I can try to ply him with drinks first. The black-market uniform can come if that doesn't bear sufficient fruit.
GM, 345 posts
Tue 29 May 2018
at 20:15
  • msg #155

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, roll a persuasion check, DC 15 to find out more informaiton about the guard who went home to find out where he lives. If you fail, but beat a 10 you can find out what bar he frequents. If you fail but beat a 5, you can get his name and try another check asking around, but you will have to come up with a good subset of people you would ask (the only thing I can think of is random guards that work in the area), and there is a chance that this might generate the rumor that "people are asking around about you," to that guy.

He is at home, what is your plan to get him into a situation where you would ply him with drinks?
player, 139 posts
Tue 29 May 2018
at 20:44
  • msg #156

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 155):

13:32, Today: Fergan rolled 22 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 16.  Locate the Guard Persuasion Check.

My preference is to figure out where he drinks and then join him for a drink under either gambling (if he is not in uniform) or employment (if he is) pretexts--in either case, though, I'd try to swing the conversation around to some version of:

"You look like something is gnawing at you...I don't sleep well because I'm afraid of my own dreams. Can you imagine? A grown man so scared of his own mind that he thinks he might piss the bed? Still, I just lay staring at the ceiling in a panic until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. So if you need an ear to bend, I'm listening."

If I can't arrange that kind of scene, I'll try to disguise myself as a cleric of [appropriate deity] and, finding him alone/at home, say that I'm investigating the matter, that rumors suggest that the culprit has friends among the aristocracy and might be untouchable by justice, and that I intend to see justice served.

I'd like to discern a) the nature and specifics of the markings and b) the identity of the woman.
GM, 347 posts
Tue 29 May 2018
at 21:18
  • msg #157

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, you find out where he drinks and that you usually comes in the evening. There is enough of a gap between the end of his shift (he works from early morning until early afternoon) and when he comes in that he normally is wearing normal clothes. You show up awhile before he normally shows and see a few guards: cop bar. The other patrons all seem to be middle class, favoring successful craftsmen and local merchants, with a few upper and lower class folks.

He the person of interest, let's call him Hal, comes in about an hour early than he is due. You run your hustle and get him to describe the scene. He explains that the woman, whom he doesn't know, was definitely carved up, "mutilated," with what looked like some kind of runes. He don't know magic much, but it had that look about it. You convince him to draw what he remembers and they don't look familiar, but you are fairly confident that you can figure something out with the books you saw at the library. What has hims so shaken up is that the woman looked like his sister who died of a plague several years ago so he has a bit of PTSD going on. He mentions a couple times that the name of his captain is Rogers, and that he is likely to be getting all the particulars about who the people in the inn were. Also, that woman was the only one who was cut up, unless the other folk had their cuts more hidden, which is possible.

When he has a minute here or there between dialogue, he is just kind of shaking his head. At one of these moments he says, "But why weren't her clothes bloody?" (DM roll investigation: two bits of info 1) the woman was cut up on the bed (you probably guessed that), 2) her body was cleaned afterward and she was re-dressed in clean clothes. Hal confirms that her clothes were more of the going-out clothes, not clothes you'd likely sleep in.
player, 140 posts
Tue 29 May 2018
at 22:38
  • msg #158

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 157):

If I feel a sense of rapport with Hal, like he is not the kind of guy to stand up and shout in a bar full of guards that I know a thing, I will say the following in a low voice, using my own voice:

"Hal, it's not an accident I'm here talking to you. I'm looking for the bastard that did this and I'm going to need your help. Hal...I'm not with the guards, but I'm going to find him and I'm going to visit on him a fate worse than death or prison. If he loves power, I will leave him weak. If he loves status, I will leave his name a slur. If he loves money, I will leave him a pauper in the gutter. And then, and only then, I will put him within the reach of the law so that these families can have their closure.

Hal, whomever or whatever he is, he has a degree of power beyond the abilities of the guards. He will escape, and you and your brothers in arms will be tied here, to your jurisdiction. He will be forgotten among the hundred small crimes that call your attention more urgently, that have a clear solution, and which are safe to follow because they are mundane. That woman will be remembered for a while, but her memory will fade until she is only a pretend monster for children to slay in the streets and a personal tragedy for a family that no honest guard will be able to look in the eye. She may not have been your sister, Hal, but she was someone's sister, and she, too, was senselessly cut down--but for her and her kin, there can still be recompense. I'll find him, Hal, and I'll break him--but I can only that with your help.

Whatever turns up about the investigation, if you can do so without divulging your identity and putting yourself at risk, pass on that information to [Whore I Gambled For] at the [Whorehouse] in a note with "For the Lady of Shadows and the Stranger who Loves You" written on the outside. Try not to be seen. She may occasionally have a request for you, too. Put yourself in no danger for this purpose--I will not have more carnage or ruin piled on, as this monster sought only to destroy and wreak havoc.

If all goes well, we shall never meet again, but you will know my work is complete when this monster crawls to you begging for protection...from me.

Fergan shakes his head slightly, wondering what had come over him, but regaining his composure quickly to throw his lucid endorsement behind the words that had poured out of him.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:30, Wed 30 May 2018.
GM, 349 posts
Fri 8 Jun 2018
at 21:55
  • msg #159

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, roll a persuasion check with advantage and I will finally post.
player, 141 posts
Sat 9 Jun 2018
at 21:49
  • msg #160

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 159):

player, 142 posts
Mon 18 Jun 2018
at 19:59
  • msg #161

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 160):

Still 23.
GM, 351 posts
Wed 20 Jun 2018
at 22:40
  • msg #162

Re: The Siren's Trap

The man looks a little more comforted, but anxious.

Well, uh, well can't see no harm in conscripting outside help. That is unless I am asked to keep quiet about details.

He takes a drink.

Not sure I wanna be close to it, though, but... But I suppose he's still out there, so. I will pass you messages and I will play investigator where I can.

He takes another drink. Then starts to drink heavily.

Anything else you would like to do in the meantime?
player, 143 posts
Thu 21 Jun 2018
at 16:26
  • msg #163

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 162):

I'm interested in whether the lordling has been seen in the interim and where he's reported to be. Thoughts for how to get the info include:

- Finding servants of the lordling's estate to befriend while they are out on personal or house business and then inviting them to do something fun the next time their master is away.
- Determining which guard was on which gate on the night/morning in question. I would put Hal on this if I can.
- Looking for work at the lordling's estate in the event that he is away so that I can case the joint.
GM, 352 posts
Tue 3 Jul 2018
at 17:58
  • msg #164

Re: The Siren's Trap

This is what you find out after a few days-

The Lordling was in town with a body servant, who was killed in the inn. He has no other known servants in town.
Roll a persuasion DC 18 to find information of business associates, executors, etc.

Hal can find that out, there are a few gates, he finds some names and finds out there was no observed strange activity that night/morning.

The lording is from the country-side, owning lands away from Neverwinter, to the north, not quite halfway to Luskan. Coastal mansion. Guards are being dispatched to there (local law enforcement has figured out who the who is by witnesses who frequented the inn).
player, 144 posts
Tue 3 Jul 2018
at 21:01
  • msg #165

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 164):

I am going to roll the persuasion check with advantage because I am going to cast charm person on whomever the source of this information is. I am also going to roll my disguise check because a) I am going to do this in disguise and b) I don't want to suffer the repercussions of casting Charm Person to gather information.

Both rolls will be in a separate post.
player, 145 posts
Tue 3 Jul 2018
at 21:06
  • msg #166

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 165):

14:05, Today: Fergan rolled 16 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 10.  Actor is "adv." to pass yourself off as different person.
14:03, Today: Fergan rolled 10 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 4.  Disguise to avoid charm detection.
14:02, Today: Fergan rolled 29 using 2d20 with rolls of 15,14.  Unmodified Adv. Persuasion.

That's a 21 on the persuasion check and a 16 on the disguise
player, 146 posts
Tue 3 Jul 2018
at 21:08
  • msg #167

Re: The Siren's Trap

Hal can find that out, there are a few gates, he finds some names and finds out there was no observed strange activity that night/morning.

Was anyone noted to be leaving the city around the right time of night/morning?
GM, 354 posts
Tue 3 Jul 2018
at 21:25
  • msg #168

Re: The Siren's Trap

The gates have been close at night ever since zombies had been spotted outside of the city (couple weeks ago). The murders at the inn happened in the middle of the night, the incident with the zombies happened about an hour before the gates opened. Nothing outside of the ordinary occurred.
player, 147 posts
Tue 3 Jul 2018
at 22:05
  • msg #169

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 168):

Ok--Waiting on business associates, executors, etc. information.
GM, 355 posts
Tue 3 Jul 2018
at 22:15
  • msg #170

Re: The Siren's Trap

Glad you posted that since I hadn't noticed your previous two posts...

Ok, you find that you are pursuing parallel lines of investigation with plain clothes investigators. Let's say that the typical garb of said investigators is the stereotypical 19th(?) century garb of the top-hatted constable with a straight cane (stout enough to be no-nonsense). It is not enough to just wear these clothes, from what you have seen since such investigators are always accompanied by 1 or 2 armored, and tabard-ed guards.

You come to find out that the lordling has not come to see any of these associates, which is not normal behavior. Expect he has been to the bank, a little over a week ago to withdraw what liquid funds there were (you cannot find out the amount withdrawn unless you break the law in some way).
player, 148 posts
Tue 3 Jul 2018
at 22:26
  • msg #171

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 170):

I'd like to know more about the workings of the bank--Is there a single banker, for example, who might leave his door unlocked at night due to a false sense of security?

I avoid these top-hatted constables, but also try to gather information on locations they have visited, people they have questioned, and what they have asked about to see if I have missed anything.
GM, 356 posts
Wed 4 Jul 2018
at 00:27
  • msg #172

Re: The Siren's Trap

I haven't put a ton of thought into the banking system. Let's just say that any sort of breach would require a heist type challenge. What is it that you are looking for/hoping to accomplish?
player, 149 posts
Wed 4 Jul 2018
at 17:21
  • msg #173

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 172):

I'm trying to engineer a scene wherein I wake the banker in his bed with the clinking of the coins from the crime scene in a bag, then toss him two and tell him it is time to pay the piper.
GM, 357 posts
Thu 5 Jul 2018
at 20:24
  • msg #174

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, this is what I am going with, for banking. There are bankers who deal with managing money, titles, loans, investments, etc. Separately, there are money-changers who are familiar with reputable banks in the area so are willing to take notes from bankers in exchange for coin. You find that the bigger ones even have speaking stones with which they can call bankers.

So, it is like BECU branches that don't handle physical money and atms. Note receipts aren't necessarily reported by moneychangers unless they need to add money to their accounts from the debit note. It is somewhat of an opaque system for that reason.

Just assume that the same sort of magic and skill that create forgeries are in place to catch abuse. Some methods are known, like telling if something was copied by magic, and others might be more obscure like having some way of know how/where/or by whom the letter of credit was written.

What you know of the current situation is that the lordling cleared his account and had several generic notes written to be payable to the holder. Rather than waiting for the notes to be returned to the bank before changing the balance of the lord's acount, the account was cleared out and the general accounts of the bank were credited and the notes were make against the bank. For all intents and purposes, these letters of credit are like basic currency or money orders.

So, although you don't get someone giving you a detailed account of what exactly happened with your dude, you are able to piece it together from talking with different people and intel from the guard. So, this is to say that you don't believe there is more information to be had from the banker(s). Though you do find out that the guy did his business personally instead of through a servant, which at least one banker thought was strange. You even hear that he was surreptitiously inspected to make sure someone wasn't trying to pull off a magical disguise, but it appeared to be the guy.

Remind me what I have told you about those coins? And are you waiting on anything that I have forgotten about like research?
player, 150 posts
Thu 5 Jul 2018
at 21:26
  • msg #175

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 174):

All I know about the coins are that they are electrum, stamped with the symbol that was crudely branded into his palm, their number, and that they were at the crime scene.

I think all of my venues for further investigation have dried up in town. I don't remember if I've gotten a lead about where to go next, yet. I'll come up with somewhere to ask around if I'm not just forgetting something.
GM, 358 posts
Thu 5 Jul 2018
at 21:43
  • msg #176

Re: The Siren's Trap

Did you investigate that symbol? I think you did. Let me look at that...

More as a meta-ooc point, you know that serial killers can only go so long before needing to kill again. He became desperate after being foiled by you and metaphorically torched the neighborhood. So, it may only be a matter of time, unless he left town (possible). Otherwise, he is lying low or operating in disguise. He might also be up to his old tricks (see what I did there?).
GM, 359 posts
Thu 5 Jul 2018
at 21:55
  • msg #177

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, after review, the coins were stamped with the standard of Korosk, a bygone conqueror who operated around the Sword Coast and disappeared at the Spine of the World. You could enlist scholarly expertise regarding that, and/or do more historical research. (Independent research would require an investigation check, research with others would require the appropriate checks if you involve deceptions, persuasions, etc.).

If you leave town, you can go to the lord's estate (which there are already authorities that are going to be going there), or try to find out where the coins came from in the area.

You could also press your guard contact for more info, take more drastic measures to steal information from investigators or otherwise obtain it.
player, 151 posts
Thu 5 Jul 2018
at 22:10
  • msg #178

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 176):

I think I did, too. It's been a minute.

Ok--I start working the money changers in town (starting with the shady ones, then moving to the large ones) telling them I'm willing to pay for information about anyone attempting to exchange letters of credit for coin, and that I'm willing to pay extra if they are able to a) hold the person attempting the exchange at the location until I arrive or b) give me reliable and confirmable proof of where they are staying.

I also use new graffiti to message the hookers in town something cryptically to the effect of: "He still prowls--Watch his hands!"

Finally, I ask Hal to let me know of any late-night or otherwise suspicious comings or goings through the gates and tell Hal my theory that the man is still within the walls, in disguise.

If that falls through, I would ask a shady money changer what he thought one of the coins was worth, telling him that I found it in an alley near where the zombie what have you went down.
GM, 360 posts
Thu 5 Jul 2018
at 22:18
  • msg #179

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, roll me up a disguise check, a deception check, a sleight of hand check, 3 persuasion checks, and an investigation check. Roll with advantage on 2 of the persuasion checks, adv on the disguise check.
player, 152 posts
Thu 5 Jul 2018
at 22:43
  • msg #180

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 179):

Not great:

15:42, Today: Fergan rolled 17 using 2d20 with rolls of 5,12.  Unmodified Adv. Persuasion #2.
15:41, Today: Fergan rolled 24 using 2d20 with rolls of 19,5.  Unmodified Adv. Persuasion #1.
15:41, Today: Fergan rolled 11 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 5.  Normal Persuasion.
15:41, Today: Fergan rolled 10 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 4.  Deception Check.
15:40, Today: Fergan rolled 13 using 2d20 with rolls of 9,4.  Unmod Adv. Disguise.

So that's:

Disguise: 15
Deception: 10
Normal Persuasion: 11
Adv. Persuasion #1: 25
Adv. Persuasion #2: 18
GM, 362 posts
Sat 7 Jul 2018
at 18:35
  • msg #181

Re: The Siren's Trap

Dealing in letters of credit is a standard thing and they meet many people everyday that will turn in bank notes. A few money changers tell you they will make a note of people that turn ones in from the bank you name. In general they are loath to do anything that will affect their business. One of them says in a cockney accent,

"Ya see, what we 'ave 'ere, right, is what's called fiat currency, right? And it requires that the institution what wrote it, or bloke in some cases, 'as some baseline level of trust, got it? Well, but the geezer carrying them notes around can be the butcher, the baker, or candlestick maker, right? Well, that's beauty of them, right? Only thing better, is if you trade them in for these bits of metal, you get me? Right, well, people use them 'cause it requires even less trust than turnin' over notes. Some merchants will take bank notes as well, if they trust you or recognize the notes."

If you tell any of the more inquisitive money changers why you are asking they really get into the idea of catching a bad guy and ask you how they should contact you with information.

The electrum is worth book value (half a gold, right?) on average. Some people won't pay as much because it is not well known, and others will pay a little more because they have customers that would prefer it, like high fee credit cards. Nobody recognizes the symbols. Though one is interested to know where it was minted, believing that he knew most of the currencies of the realm.
player, 153 posts
Sun 8 Jul 2018
at 18:45
  • msg #182

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 181):

I wouldn't have told any of the money changers why I was looking. I would, however, ask that they pass a message to Hal if any coins with those symbols come through again, telling them that I'll pay 1.5X spot value per coin if the information comes with a description of the person changing them or 2X if it comes with a description and a lead on where to locate the person that results in the person being found.

I telepathically start dropping visions of the symbol into the minds of hookers I see with a message from the Lady of Shadows persona that they should beware this sign. I add the symbol of a hand with a crude brand--Like, an image of the coin in a palm, the words "Beware this sign..." and then the coin fades to show a hand branded with the same symbol.

I now start trying to make my undisguised persona allegation-proof by trying to always be in company of others or conspicuously seen (common rooms, being in the theater, etc.) to establish an alibi for the next murder, as it is possible that the target and I are both moving through the city in similar ways and that I could easily be mistaken for him by the authorities.
player, 154 posts
Sun 8 Jul 2018
at 18:46
  • msg #183

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 182):

Particularly at night.
GM, 366 posts
Fri 7 Sep 2018
at 22:57
  • msg #184

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, you create a dragnet for this guy.

About a week goes by and you don't find anything or hear any word, except that whores are getting nervous between many reporting strange visitations and some word or a couple women going missing, which in and of itself is not unheard of, but given the graffiti and voices, has caused many to retreat indoors to shady establishments (in other words, they have taken to strategies employed more often during cold weather seasons [ironic in 'Neverwinter']).
player, 159 posts
Wed 12 Sep 2018
at 07:21
  • msg #185

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 184):

If no additional coins have surfaced, I try to locate a coin collector to get the skinny on when/where/by whom they were minted, how common they are, whether they are still being minted, etc.

I do this in disguise.
player, 161 posts
Tue 13 Nov 2018
at 23:59
  • msg #186

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 185):

Long story short, you get word back from a money changer about a guy that does not match the lordling's description. You know of an inn the man frequents.

Ok -- I begin by staking out the inn, trying to get a sense for who is a regular and who is not. I do this in the disguise of a beggar or invalid so that I don't arouse suspicion by my being there for a while. I am willing to give this a week. I make sure that I am not too offensive smelling, because I want to make it customary for me to arrive at the inn and pay for food with the alms I have received, which I do for each meal--meaning that I will have to seed my own cup with money if the begging is bad.

If I see the target enter (using the description given), I do not go in the first time unless the target is accompanied by someone, appears to meet someone, or something that otherwise looks out of the ordinary convinces me to alter the plan at the first appearance. My goal, at first, is to find the home of this person, so I would follow him from the inn (in secret, and with a separate disguise).

Once I have his residence, I would be more interested in following him than staking out the inn. However, I would also (once I can impersonate him) want to break into his house and look around.

If all this peters out, I will come to the inn and work the barkeep for information about who the man meets, if he has ever seen the mark, how long it has been since the man was last seen (if he hasn't been seen lately) etc.
GM, 369 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2018
at 00:01
  • msg #187

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, you stake out the inn as described and see the man. He is well dressed, either a minor lord or rich merchant. He is not free with his money, but is not stingy either. It is clear that he visits the inn often and is recognized by the patrons and employees. He is courteous, but not jovial. His name is Darin. People there aren't sure what the source of his money is and he is not the type of man to talk about business. He is clearly slumming, but is good natured about it. You get the impression that he comes here for the simple pleasure of uncomplicated companionship (I don't mean that as a euphemism) and the medieval analog of a good, greasy burger. He has been coming here for years.

You follow him to a manor that is large for a house, but small for a mansion. It has a 8' tall wrought iron fence with large gates in the front and back, a paved path connects the two gates, running directly through the manor though a cover carriage-house style pass-through.

There is a guard at each gate. They both wear chainmail, of similar fashion, but are different enough, along with their personal choice of weapons to imply that they were not issued a standard set of arms and armor. Each wear a sash with a white and blue pattern, probably related to the coat of arms for this noble, or related in some way to the trade guild to which Darin belongs.

The gates are both shut after admitting Darin who arrived by hansom cab which passed through.
player, 162 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2018
at 00:10
  • msg #188

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 187):

Ok. Change of plans. I attempt to befriend Darin when next he shows up at the inn. I will go in well-kept workman's clothes, paying extra attention to detail in putting dirt and grease under my nails, making my hands look calloused, and generally looking like I am somebody who practices a trade but is mindful of his appearances.

My backstory will be that I am currently a hired hand, looking for a trade to learn with which I can pick myself up by my bootstraps and make something of myself. If he asks what skills I possess, I tell him that I get along well with others, have a good attention to detail, and have learned how to spot unscrupulous employers by watching for things like lip licking and mouth covering as signs of dishonesty, or even coin shaving.
GM, 370 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2018
at 01:26
  • msg #189

Re: The Siren's Trap

Roll a persuasion check and a deception check, both with advantage.
player, 163 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2018
at 17:50
  • msg #190

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 189):

20 for each.
GM, 371 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2018
at 18:17
  • msg #191

Re: The Siren's Trap

Darin says, "I like you (rolled 2 vs your persuasion). I like your gumption. But I think there's more to you than you're letting on (natural 20 insight). I can always use more talented and likable friends, but I need you to shoot straight with me. What is it that you really want?"
player, 164 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2018
at 21:02
  • msg #192

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 191):

Should I roll insight to see if I am also being played?
player, 165 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2018
at 21:22
  • msg #193

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 192):

13:22, Today: Fergan rolled 22 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 18.  Modified Insight.
GM, 372 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2018
at 21:44
  • msg #194

Re: The Siren's Trap

See text.
player, 166 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2018
at 23:21
  • msg #195

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 194):

In low tones

"I'm looking for information, but you seem like a nice enough chap that I'm looking for information that some people might find distasteful or dangerous. My search for that information has led me to you, after asking around in some interesting quarters. Chances are, I ask you one question and then I leave because, frankly, this is a long shot, but I have to run down every possible opportunity I can or else I will always wonder.

I fish about in my coin pouch, making a bit of clinking noise and not being discrete about my reaching for it, and try to pull a "standard" gold piece without Darin seeing specifically what I am pulling out. I lay my hand flat on the table with the coin underneath and, without looking away from him, say:

"I just need you to answer one question. Under my hand is a coin. I won't tell you any more about it, so don't ask. If you say you've never seen it before, I leave and you never see me again. If you have, then I think we could both benefit greatly from a longer conversation. Look quickly, because I am putting it away as soon as you answer."

I watch him the whole time for being nervous and then, when I lift the coin and it is "normal" I watch for signs of relief. If he shows neither nerves nor relief, I want to then say: "Well done. Here's the real coin." and show him the real one.
GM, 374 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2018
at 23:46
  • msg #196

Re: The Siren's Trap

He watches the display with curiosity and no sign of nervousness, indicating it is a normal coin. When you show him the other coin, a look of recognition crosses his face, but not fear or nervousness. He says, "You must be an investigator, no? Well, I think I know what this is about. A friend, well, friend of a friend, really, came to me for help. You must have a contact who told you I have been exchanging his coins. But to tell you the truth, he has outstayed his welcome, putting my servants on edge. I have also heard rumors of some disturbances at his father's house.

"I will tell you what I know. He told me that he was staying at an inn which came under some curse, but that he was away when it happened. He fears that his proximity and survivorship will cast scandal on his house, so he wanted a place to lay low until he could contact his father and communicate with the authorities in a discrete manner.

"I do not wish to be involved in any scandal either, and do not wish to be investigated. If you can arrange that, I will have a longer conversation. Otherwise, all I know about coins like that is that I won some in a game of street dice, I cannot recall when or where."
player, 167 posts
Fri 30 Nov 2018
at 20:47
  • msg #197

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 196):

I nod.

"Apologies for the subterfuge," I say sincerely. "You seemed trustworthy right away, but it is a dangerous world."

I describe the lordling and, if the description matches, I put the coin away and say:

"Your house guest is in my debt and I have come to collect. However, I believe he will resort to violence again--yes, again--if he finds out his location has been discovered.

While he is safe in your home and the investigation into the events at the inn--you have heard about those, correct?--anyway, while the investigation is on-going and he is safe at your home, I think you are all safe enough....though....let me ask you....have any of your servants quit or failed to show up for work unexpectedly?"

"In any event, I need to know his comings and goings, if he comes and goes, and where he finally leaves for when he leaves. I can try to get the investigation to wind down, which will hopefully entice him to leave your home. If you are able to create a reason for you to need to know where and how to contact him, we will use that information to apprehend him away from your residence and your name will be well out of it. If you cannot come up with a reason, we will need to come up with something else. Your confidentiality will be maintained as my informant--I guarantee it."
GM, 376 posts
Fri 30 Nov 2018
at 21:09
  • msg #198

Re: The Siren's Trap

He frowns at your words. "You seem very sure about his guilt. At this point I only care to disentangle myself. If he is a danger to my servants, then I am willing to endure some scrutiny to be rid of him. No, none of them have gone missing or quit. He does not leave the premises, that I know of.

"I would like him to leave. I was close to telling him that his time at my house has come to an end, but you have harrowed up my fears. I would not like to wait any longer if it puts me or anyone else in my house in danger.

"What do you think of this: I will tell him that I will be leaving to my rural estate. The activity associated with packing and leaving should encourage his departure. If nothing else, I will not allow him to stay at my vacant house.

"Tell me, how dangerous is this man?"
player, 168 posts
Fri 30 Nov 2018
at 22:13
  • msg #199

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 198):

"He is dangerous enough that my preferred course of action is to catch him unawares within your walls and to apprehend him with a show of overwhelming force. If you were not so averse to a public display, I would leave to bring assistance at once.

As it is, I'd like you to come with me to explain the circumstances to those who can help. If we were to use the ruse that you have proposed, I fear that he could be lost in the hustle and bustle of the departure, as he has already managed to escape a number of chaotic situations to this point. I believe he has some means of evading detection that is aided by chaos--perhaps a penchant for disguises or something similar.

Are you expected back by a certain hour? How long are you typically away from your home on this type of jaunt. We have to assume that he is on high-alert for abnormalities and will turn rabbit at the first sign of trouble, which your unusual absence would be."
GM, 377 posts
Wed 5 Dec 2018
at 23:19
  • msg #200

Re: The Siren's Trap

My daily routine is not consistent. I attend to business as needed.

I will go with you to talk with whomever you'd like.
player, 169 posts
Thu 6 Dec 2018
at 01:24
  • msg #201

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 200):

Ok -- We go find the guard I befriended and take a circuitous route to get there.
GM, 378 posts
Fri 7 Dec 2018
at 22:02
  • msg #202

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, he goes with you, by cab. He asks you about being an investigator, and other general facts about you.

How do you approach these questions?
GM, 379 posts
Fri 7 Dec 2018
at 22:06
  • msg #203

Re: The Siren's Trap

We can make this a skill challenge if you'd like. Give three skills that you use (like persuasion, deception, and insight, for instance), describe how you will utilize each, and roll. Feel free to take license with where you take the conversation, or in what ways he tries to pin you to answers or what he asks.

None of this is necessary, but I will factor it in to experience, etc. as an encounter if you do.
player, 170 posts
Tue 11 Dec 2018
at 01:33
  • msg #204

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 203):

I think I want input to the plan and we should play it out.

I want to a) find the guard, b) have the new guy explain the situation, c) solicit feedback from the guard, and d) put some pressure on the guard to figure out how to move quickly and decisively against the lordling.
GM, 380 posts
Tue 11 Dec 2018
at 16:02
  • msg #205

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, we can do that. Let me think about it.
GM, 383 posts
Thu 9 May 2019
at 04:56
  • msg #206

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, roll 1 each
player, 171 posts
Thu 9 May 2019
at 15:18
  • msg #207

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 206):

08:16, Today: Fergan rolled 18 using 1d20+4 with rolls of 14.  Investigation.
08:16, Today: Fergan rolled 15 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 7.  Deception.
08:17, Today: Fergan rolled 15 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 7.  Persuasion.
08:17, Today: Fergan rolled 28 using 1d20+8 with rolls of 20.  Intimidation.

That was a crit, if it matters. Fine with it not.
GM, 384 posts
Thu 9 May 2019
at 16:54
  • msg #208

Re: The Siren's Trap

What I would probably do if we were playing at a table is to institute a critical rule for skill checks where if you roll a 20, you roll a new check and add +19 to your modifier, then if you rolled 20 again, add +39, and so on. For the purpose for having a mental model, I generally think of crit skill checks as the result +5. With bounded accuracy (is that the right phrase?) I think anything in the 20s basically translates to "you succeed with style".

As for the way I like to do skill challenges, you need 2 or 3 successes (depending on situation and number of checks; success being 15 or more) to be successful, and any result over 20 counts as 2 successes.

So, here is what happens in this situation. Neither the guard or this point exactly understand your authority or motivations, but they feel pretty confident that providing their support is in their best interest, and is something they want to do and that this is a dangerous/chaotic situation. You are able to find the guard in pretty good time.

The guard favors apprehending him in a surprise attack sort of fashion. He feels like getting the jump on him with the aid of you and the manor guards will be plenty and any disturbance would be minimal. You get the feeling that he hopes the Lordling will resist arrest, if you know what I mean.

Darin is ok with a direct approach since the idea of his household being in danger has put him on edge, especially after the guard provides more details (unbidden) about the inn. The plan is to switch to a covered coach and to enter the house in force with the manor guards providing backup.

When you get to the manor, and under the carriage pass-through, you find out from an attendant that the Lordling has left.

(this hasn't happened yet, right? I think I got ahead of myself in my mind and that you already knew the guy left and had a lead on where, but I don't see it in the game...)
player, 172 posts
Thu 9 May 2019
at 18:23
  • msg #209

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 208):

No--I was trying to catch him there.

I now try to urgently find out everything I can about how long ago he left, where we went, how we went, how he looked when he went, etc.

I also ask Darin to close off his room until the guard or myself can have an opportunity to search it--With Darin present, of course.
GM, 385 posts
Thu 9 May 2019
at 18:48
  • msg #210

Re: The Siren's Trap

The house-running servant (butler, I guess), tells you that he was assumed to be in his room, but when they brought him food, he was gone.

They are not sure when he left but it was definitely within the last hour.

Let's do some dialogue role play. There is a cook, a butler, and two guards. Ask questions. Currently, you are talking to the butler by the wagon and the guards are at the two opposite Gates. The cook is inside.
player, 173 posts
Thu 9 May 2019
at 19:31
  • msg #211

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 210):

I make sure to shake everyone's hand and try to feel for the branded symbol in their palm under an illusion.

OOC: I don't remember which disguise, if any, I am in, so I am leaving the text color white, rather than goldenrod (my true color). I also don't remember if there are multiple exits. If there are, this will get harder.

I ask Darin if he would be opposed to having all of the persons on the premises gathered in the courtyard. Once gathered, I ask:

- "How frequently did the guest eat?
- "At what times?"
- "What types of food were requested or rejected?"
- "How were you or your staff treated?"
- "How recently did he order food?"
- "Has he been ordering meals that would include portions of food that would keep for a long journey?"

- "Who was cleaning the room? How often? Did they find anything unusual?
- "Any unusual requests? Or requests for things in unusual quantities?"
- "What hours did the man keep?"
- "Have there been any female visitors?"
- "Did he tip? Did you save any of the coins he tipped with, if he did?"
- "Did he access the library on any occasion? If so, any ideas which books he looked at?"
- "Is anything missing from the estate since he arrived?"

- "What hours did the man keep?"
- "Have there been any female visitors?"
- "Did he threaten you, an animal, or any other living creature on the premises?"

Then, while they are all assembled, I want to ask Darin to ask them a question that only he and the individual would know the answer to as a final confirmation that there are no illusions at play.
GM, 386 posts
Fri 10 May 2019
at 21:36
  • msg #212

Re: The Siren's Trap

See bold.

I ask Darin if he would be opposed to having all of the persons on the premises gathered in the courtyard. Once gathered, I ask:

- "How frequently did the guest eat?
- "At what times?"
Normal times.
- "What types of food were requested or rejected?"
He ate what was provided.
- "How were you or your staff treated?"
They are reticent to answer because they don't what to offend Darin, but Darin tells them to speak freely. They say that they do not like him. He was rude and dismissive, and creepy with how he looked at the maid.
- "How recently did he order food?"
He takes what comes, but he complains a lot about it. What you would expect from a spoiled lord... But sometimes he seems oblivious.
- "Has he been ordering meals that would include portions of food that would keep for a long journey?"
Hard to say.

- "Who was cleaning the room? How often? Did they find anything unusual?
The maid, which is the central point of contention. He insisted that he be present when someone was in his rooms, but he would stare at her. So the butler began doing it, and then the lordling said he wasn't interested to be bothered.
- "Any unusual requests? Or requests for things in unusual quantities?"
- "What hours did the man keep?"
All hours. Sometimes he would wander the hosue at night, sometimes during the day. Seems to not sleep very often, but he does sleep. Has fallen asleep on couches, etc.
- "Have there been any female visitors?"
- "Did he tip? Did you save any of the coins he tipped with, if he did?"
- "Did he access the library on any occasion? If so, any ideas which books he looked at?"
He perused what books were available in the manor, particularly books on heraldry.
- "Is anything missing from the estate since he arrived?"
Not that anyone knows of.

- "What hours did the man keep?"
"I have never seen him leave the premises." Sometimes will hang out in the courtyard at night.
- "Have there been any female visitors?"
- "Did he threaten you, an animal, or any other living creature on the premises?"
Only the idle threats of a brat. One of the guards seemed confused by this characterization, but he had not seen him very much. The times he saw him, he was quiet.

Then, while they are all assembled, I want to ask Darin to ask them a question that only he and the individual would know the answer to as a final confirmation that there are no illusions at play.

You determine there are no illusions at play, but when talk of that comes up, one of the guards seems on edge.

player, 174 posts
Fri 10 May 2019
at 22:01
  • msg #213

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 212):

Is the guard who is nervous about the illusion talk also the guard that was confused by the brat characterization?

Where is the maid? Is anyone alarmed that she is not present? I'd like to ask her questions about what was found in his room.

I have my friendly guard there with me, yes? I'd like to whisper something to him, briefly, like "Back me" and then try to intimidate the illusion-nervous guard with my friend-guard Helping an Intimidation check by saying something like the following:

"If you have anything to tell us, particularly on the topic of magic or illusions, now is the time to speak up. Any information that comes out after this point may be construed as aiding and abetting by the city guards who, as I understand it, are... highly motivated to employ any necessary means to bring this fellow in, given the personal and severe nature of his crimes."
player, 175 posts
Fri 10 May 2019
at 22:05
  • msg #214

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 213):

We also should try and determine if any of the books on heraldry have been removed, moved, dog-eared, marked up, or in any other way "set apart" from the rest to see what he may have been looking up.
GM, 387 posts
Mon 13 May 2019
at 15:36
  • msg #215

Re: The Siren's Trap

You ask about the maid, Darin is curious as well, and the butler tells you that they let her go early because the Lordling was bothering her. After she left, the Lordling went to his room, they are not sure how long after that he left.

When the guard is questioned, he says, "well, I don't know much about illusions but there was something strange. Well, you've picked up that I am nervous. Well, see, as you know there are two Gates and we each make sure that we have one in sight. Shortly after Lucile (the maid) left, there was a currier what left. I didn't catch him coming in, which is always embarrassing, if you understand me. I understand that grocers and such entering the premises without our notice can be a durable offense and don't reflect sell for rehire, but when you talked of illusions and such, well, I thought I should 'fess up in case it weren't the way it seemed."

The butler tells you that he has not noticed any markings or damage to the books, which is something he checks for when he returns them to the shelves.
player, 176 posts
Mon 13 May 2019
at 16:33
  • msg #216

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 215):

Turning to Darin and the city guard: "Lucille may be in grave danger."

Turning to all assembled: "Who knows where she went from here? The market, perhaps? Who knows where she lives?"
GM, 388 posts
Mon 13 May 2019
at 17:16
  • msg #217

Re: The Siren's Trap

The cook knows where she lives.
player, 177 posts
Mon 13 May 2019
at 18:37
  • msg #218

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 217):

Fergan turns to Darin and says: "We will go look in on Lucille. Will you loan us your gaurdsmen and cook?"

Fergan turns to the city-guard and says: "We may need extra hands, if you know of a way to get some help along our route."
GM, 391 posts
Tue 14 May 2019
at 22:46
  • msg #219

Re: The Siren's Trap

You load into the covered wagon that Darin kept waiting. The cook sitting next to the driver.

Along the way you spot an off duty guard that your friend knows. He tells 6o him to find the nearest patrol and go to (address).

You reach a small cottage quickly. It is a very modest building in a poor, but we'll kept part of town.

When you reach the door (to knock or whatever) you find that you are enveloped in silence started a few feet from the door of the house.
player, 178 posts
Wed 15 May 2019
at 00:47
  • msg #220

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 219):

I motion for guard to sneak inside with me, after mentioning that we might see something gruesome and to be prepared to fight.
GM, 393 posts
Wed 15 May 2019
at 00:58
  • msg #221

Re: The Siren's Trap

Door is locked. You have one city guard and two house guards.
player, 179 posts
Wed 15 May 2019
at 04:21
  • msg #222

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 221):

I say to all: "Don't let him touch you. A man in the street was thought dead after this lordling touched the man after the man interrupted his taking his prey. His hands hold deadly magic."

Then I propose we smash the door in while it is silenced, and motion for one of any of the guards, saying that I will pay for damages if all is well
GM, 397 posts
Thu 16 May 2019
at 00:35
  • msg #223

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, you bust open the door and see a square open room with a living area, eating area, kitchen area, fireplace. There are stairs leading upstairs on one side of the room.
GM, 398 posts
Thu 16 May 2019
at 00:37
  • msg #224

Re: The Siren's Trap

Based on your view of the outside of the house, it has a top story that is about half the size of the bottom floor which runs along the back of the building.
player, 180 posts
Thu 16 May 2019
at 00:57
  • msg #225

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 224):

I motion for the others to stay put for a moment, strick my head out of the silence Z, listen for anything, then motion for the guards to silently follow suit
GM, 399 posts
Thu 16 May 2019
at 00:57
  • msg #226

Re: The Siren's Trap

They do.
player, 181 posts
Thu 16 May 2019
at 01:38
  • msg #227

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 226):

I take that to mean "no noises are audible"

In a woman's voice, I call out the maids name as a question, like: "Lillian? I let myself in."
GM, 400 posts
Thu 16 May 2019
at 02:08
  • msg #228

Re: The Siren's Trap

Oh, I think I see what you're doing. There is no response.
player, 182 posts
Thu 16 May 2019
at 04:00
  • msg #229

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 228):

Same voice: "I'll just leave the basket, here. Feel better?!"

Then wait a minute and close the door while remaining inside, in case he dropped the silence.
GM, 401 posts
Thu 16 May 2019
at 19:38
  • msg #230

Re: The Siren's Trap

There is no response. A moment later there seems to be almost a skip in the silence. And for a split second you hear a quick high pitched tone. You realized that it is scream whose sound was heard mid scream for the quick interval. The changeover of the spell did not coincide with anything you did.
player, 183 posts
Thu 16 May 2019
at 20:17
  • msg #231

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 230):

Fergan points up the stairs, holds up three fingers, signals a count of three, drags his finger across his throat, waits for nods of understanding, then counts three and runs up the stairs behind the guards.
player, 184 posts
Thu 16 May 2019
at 20:24
  • msg #232

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 231):

If they are looking to me to lead, I will--Just trying to make sure this is seen as an official action.
GM, 404 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 01:02
  • msg #233

Re: The Siren's Trap

The three guards comply and you all silently go upstairs and go through the door.

You see The maid stretched naked over the bed, silently screaming, blood running from cuts all over her body.

The Lordling is leaning over with a knife.

I notice order:


Surprise round

Guards attack, but the room is cramped. The first moves up and attacks, the second tries to attack past the first guard, and the third attempts an attack reaching over the bed.

Their swords don't have reach, so I am going to say partial cover and disadvantage for the one attacking past the guard, and disadvantage for the one attacking past the bed.

G2 and g1 hit with short swords for a ttotal of 9 damage.

Fergan turn.
player, 185 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 15:57
  • msg #234

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 233):

I squeeze by the guard in the bottom left into the empty square, throwing open or breaking any window I pass on the way and yelling "Guards!", then Hex the lordling (Charisma), and then Eldritch Blast him: 19 to hit, 8 damage.
GM, 405 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 16:06
  • msg #235

Re: The Siren's Trap

The guards continue to hack away at him, two scoring hits (ignore dice results, there were some advantage disadvantage errors which I accounted for and looked at the raw dice).

Lordling takes 8 damage.

Your turn. If you were to guess it looks like he has 1hp. Surprise round and botching initiative was a real killer for this guy...
player, 186 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 16:15
  • msg #236

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 235):

Tried an EB again: 12 to hit, 4 damage.
GM, 406 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 16:56
  • msg #237

Re: The Siren's Trap

Fergan launches another eldritch blast, which glances off the Lordling's chest with a loud *clung*. He is obviously wearing some kind of armor which does not register in his appearance.

Finally gathering his wits, he pulls out a vial of clear liquid, unstoppers it and the liquid rises from the vial and forms into a shard of ice which then zooms at Fergan. It strikes Fergan, then explodes into shards of ice.

(I rolled saves for everyone already, you saved, the guards did not)

Fergan takes a total of 12 points of damage (you are level 2 and didn't up your hp yet, you have at least 15, though), two of the guards drop and one hangs on.

G3 steps closer to the Lordling, and being more wary of the magical foe, instead of attacking outright, tries to distract him for you (help action, you have advantage on next attack).
player, 187 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 17:04
  • msg #238

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 237):

Concentration Save (Hex): Made
EB to-hit: 16
EB+Hex Damage: 7
GM, 407 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 18:42
  • msg #239

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, you blast the Lordling and he crumpled to the ground. His appearance changes, revealing similar garb, but with a breastplate and similar accoutrements. Tubling off his head is a plain leather skullcap. His skin also changes, taking on a pale/dry hue/sheen. He coughs up a little blood on his turn.

The remaining guard, let's say the og guard, not one of the house guards, goes to strike the downed Lordling, but thinks better of it, and instead cuts the bounds of Lucille who promptly faints from blood loss and mental/physical exhaustion.

One of the downed guards breathes steadily, while the other coughs up blood.
player, 188 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 18:53
  • msg #240

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 239):

Ok--I want to stabilize the innocents, first (You can roll for me or have me roll--either way).

Second, I want to secure the lordling (sheets, maybe?)

Third, I want to strip the lordling of his possessions and pile them up. If anything looks crazy interesting, I might want to try to Sleight of Hand it into my belongings.

Then I want to turn to OG guard and say the following, in my own voice:

Hopefully that proves my worth. My guess is that you have a missing persons case on your hands with the original lordling, and that opens up the mystery of why this thing was here the first place. How do you want to handle this? I prefer to work in the shadows, but I have shown you who I am and my anonymity is in your hands.

We can wait for the guards, and I will answer them truthfully or falsely--whichever you would support.

I can escape and you, alone, can wait for the guards, coming to find me later.

I can escape with the lordling and torture an answer out of him, both to make him suffer for what he has done and to determine why he has done it.

I'm open to ideas. This is your life and profession we are dealing with, here, and you have been a friend in this quest, so I don't want to do you any harm. I could not have done this without you three, but you in particular. I only ask that, if possible, you keep these...powers...a secret. They are new since my run in with him and I do not understand them or their nature, yet.

GM, 408 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 19:07
  • msg #241

Re: The Siren's Trap

I screwed up with the dice roller again, but I got all good rolls for you and the other guard, so everyone is stabilized.

The other guard sees you pocket the cap and a wand, but doesn't flinch. There is also a sack of platinum which raises his eyes.

"Lets do this, you go and I will tell the truth, a man, possibly in disguise approached me about hunting down a killer. I followed along while off duty and we caught the murderer in the act. None of us knows who you really are, and I don't care to put you in a bind. We'll keep to the truth. But... Maybe you can pay me a visit with some of that coin for my discretion...? Then maybe we can work together in the future."
player, 189 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 19:12
  • msg #242

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 241):

Fergan tosses him the whole pouch.

You're a good man.

Any papers? Something to indicate why he was interested in heraldry? In the area? Etc?
GM, 409 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 19:16
  • msg #243

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 241):

Fergan tosses him the whole pouch.

You're a good man.

Any papers? Something to indicate why he was interested in heraldry? In the area? Etc?

He did not pack up his room at the manor. He left quickly in order to follow the maid.
player, 190 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 19:24
  • msg #244

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 243):

Got it--That's where I hurry to. I bring word to Darin that his people are wounded and need help.
player, 191 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 19:25
  • msg #245

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 244):

Scratch that. I want to hang back to make sure my man gets backup.
player, 192 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 19:27
  • msg #246

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 245):

Like, on the street. I say:

I'm going to go outside so I am not here when your backup arrives. If I see you leave this house alone, I am going to assume it is him unless you are able to tell me how we met.

I then gag the lordling and take up a position within sight of the house outside.
GM, 410 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 20:24
  • msg #247

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, you do so, you see backup arrive. You here the guard begin to explain what happened. You see the Lordling get dragged out, in manacles, and gagged, and blindfolded, because who knows with magic users, but still unconscious. There are calls for a healer for the woman and other guards. It is about to get hot in the area with more guards and investigators.
player, 193 posts
Fri 17 May 2019
at 23:58
  • msg #248

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 247):

Ok. If a crowd is gathering, I mill my way into them and then try to disappear. Heading to Darin's house to give him the news and search the lordling's belongings.
GM, 415 posts
Mon 20 May 2019
at 18:50
  • msg #249

Re: The Siren's Trap

Darin asks about what happened and his guards.

You find notes about heraldry of the region, maps, etc.

A treasure box :


(Add value if all coinage and express in marked platinum, with any remainder in gold, silver, and copper)

1x Carnelian (opaque red-brown).
 Value 50 GP.
2x Chalcedony (opaque white).
 Value 50 GP.
1x Chrysoprase (translucent green).
 Value 50 GP.
1x Moonstone (translucent white with pale blue glow).
 Value 50 GP.
1x Onyx (pure white).
 Value 50 GP.
1x Quartz (transparent smokey gray).
 Value 50 GP.
1x Star rose quartz (translucent rosy stone with white star-shaped center).
 Value 50
1x Pearl (opaque black).
 Value 100 GP.

A mace, and a shield, but in very good condition and ornamental.

Also, I forgot, a kris dagger at the crime scene, but you probably left that there.

Also fine clothes.
player, 194 posts
Mon 20 May 2019
at 19:36
  • msg #250

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 249):

I can't get my sheet up to date until I know what I can take.

Fergan goes to chat with Darin, taking the notes about heraldry with him, but leaving the valuables (ideally behind a locked door).

Under the assumption that the guards will come looking, I don't want them to arrive and find a looted room that Darin or his staff would have to answer to. I ask Darin's advice about what to do with the goods, and then ask his specific opinion about what someone with papers about these heraldric symbols might be doing? Passing themselves off as a lord? Looking for a specific house? Etc. Or maybe a lead on someone who might know?

I can always take them back to the library.
GM, 417 posts
Mon 20 May 2019
at 23:31
  • msg #251

Re: The Siren's Trap

Darin tells you that he does not expect the city to confiscate the Lordling's belongings, except as to what may be needed for investigative purposes, but that in this case where even the Lordling will surely be executed, that he doesn't expect much given the orgy of evidence at the maid's house. But, a little money goes a long way in the form of bribes to keep his name of the lips of town criers. Also, to pay for medical attention for his servants. So, Darin tells you that he will give you whatever is left after his expenses in the affair.

So, Darin takes the treasure and tells you to make copies of any of the info you want, and to leave the other belongings, especially the mace and shield as there are ways to discern how items have been used in the recent past, especially if they have been used for murder. He gives you the gems and says there is plenty in coinage to cover his costs, and that you should come back in about a week to receive what's left. You should be rewarded for what you have done, afterall.

He does not know why the Lordling would be taking the notes. (OOC: I may have mistated earlier, when the Lordling was knocked unconscious, his face didn't change, just his pallor. For all you know, he is who he says he is and what he looks like checks out with who he is supposed to be.) Someone like him should know this stuff pretty well any, other than the more minute details. To Darin, it almost seems like someone planning war, or a heist or some other type of incursion.

You have plenty of time to copy notes and leave the evidence behind.

You can also mark down that Rando Guard (I forgot his name) and Darin owe you a favor.
player, 195 posts
Tue 21 May 2019
at 01:19
  • msg #252

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 251):

Are we doing anything special with HP rolls? I rolled a 1.
GM, 418 posts
Tue 21 May 2019
at 02:26
  • msg #253

Re: The Siren's Trap

Roll and if you don't like it take high average.
player, 196 posts
Tue 21 May 2019
at 20:14
  • msg #254

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 253):

OOC: Ok -- I'm up-to-date-enough on XP, Spells, HP, Invocations. I need to go look up the extra HP granted by the curse I'm under and write down the skull cap and heraldry papers from the attempted murder, but I don't think those are blockers at the moment.

Fergan thanks Darin and tries to gauge how trustworthy he is about the money and, particularly, the mace. (Insight: 14)

From there, I want to do the following that might justify a fast forward.

1) Attend the lordling's trial. If there is an opportunity to telepathically taunt him at trial, I might want to play this part out.
2) Collect my money and any other spoils from Darin.
3) Check in on friend-guard to make sure he came out of the affair clean
4) Determine if things like wands of detect magic or identify are a thing (a real gap in a one-man warlock party) and, if so, price them to use on the lordling's belongings, including the mace and shield if Darin maintains possession of them.
GM, 419 posts
Fri 24 May 2019
at 18:49
  • msg #255

Re: The Siren's Trap

1) You hear the next day that the Lordling hung himself in his cell.
2) He tells you to come back in a week; you do and he gives you 10 of the 18 platinum and the mace and shield.
3) Friend-guard is great. He has been granted a higher rank. His job is less about standing guard and more about patrolling, with the expectation of ferreting out crimes or gathering info.
4) I am going to take a leap and say you ritual cast detect magic and identify on all the stuff. Turns out that the mace and shield are both +1 and the Pearl is a pearl of power (still functions as a component in the identify* spell as well). The cap is a hat of disguise (you can change your invocation if you have the one that casts disguise if you want), and the wand is a wand of Animate Dead. It has 7 charges, each charge casts the lowest level version of the spell, or you can increase the spell level by one for each additional charge, if you use the last charge roll a d20, on a 1, the wand crumbles to dust.

*Quick note on this, as much as I like to leave flavor in the hand of the player, I have this concept for identify that I am pretty in love with. It is that when you are identifying an object with the pearl, it involves sliding the pearl over the surface of the entire object which traces an illusory version of it, but it is expanded version because the illusory tracers emanate from the center of the pearl. Then you magically inspect the emanations which carry arcane information. You can also identify non-magical items, but you will only get information if it has recently been touched by magic, or strong forces, or entities such as undead, fiends, celestials, fey, powerful magic users, etc.
player, 197 posts
Fri 24 May 2019
at 19:11
  • msg #256

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 255):

Hm. Ok.

- If there is an opportunity to sell/trade magic items, I'm interested
- Re: the "quest", I think Fergan's next steps would, first, be to ask a scholar to look at the collection of heraldric stuff that I've copied and ask if they believe there is a common theme in it and, second, to try to infiltrate the lordling's estate with my familiar or as staff in disguise.
- My mentor might add information, too, so I debrief him on the events.
GM, 431 posts
Tue 5 Nov 2019
at 01:19
  • msg #257

Re: The Siren's Trap

Your mentor tells you he might be able to set up a trade, you could also find a magic shop and sell items, but they typically don't give you as good a deal as trading.

Of the items you have, the wand would def be an black market item. He might be able to fence it for you, or he will buy it for 1/4 value, or maybe find a trade.

The other items could be sold for 1/2 value or traded for similar rarity items, availability and rarity determined by me, since some items are way better than others.

You debrief your mentor, he doesn't seem to know much, but recommends you ask at the library/temple.

Let me know what you want to do about items, then we'll move on to library.

As far as I remember, I said you can copy identify and detect magic from your mentor into your book of shadows (in addition to any spells granted by invocation/pact).

Wands of such are a thing, though if you want to obtain something like that.
player, 199 posts
Tue 5 Nov 2019
at 15:56
  • msg #258

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 257):

This is going to be unsatisfying, but I have to remember what I was building towards before going forward with the magic item trade. I will, however, be keeping the wand of animate dead.
player, 200 posts
Tue 5 Nov 2019
at 23:13
GM, 432 posts
Tue 5 Nov 2019
at 23:53
  • msg #260

Re: The Siren's Trap

If you are Rick-rolling me, I am going to drop you in a pit.
GM, 433 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2019
at 00:33
  • msg #261

Re: The Siren's Trap

I ran a "Large City" Shop from this website:

They use a "Sane magic item price" model based on some post that I have seen floating around. It is based on usefulness. I am going to stick with those prices.

It doesn't include Xanathar items, which can I can roll for/generate by request.

ItemTypeSanity CategoryRarityPrice
+1 Scale mailArmorGamechangingRare1,550 gp
Arrow +2 (each)WeaponConsumablesRare100 gp
Breastplate Armor of Resistance (Cold)ArmorCombatRare6,400 gp
Breastplate Armor of Resistance (Necrotic)ArmorCombatRare6,400 gp
Chime of OpeningWondrousConsumablesRare1,500 gp
Deck of IllusionsWondrousConsumablesUncommon6,120 gp
Eyes of the EagleWondrousNoncombatUncommon2,500 gp
Gem of BrightnessWondrousConsumablesUncommon5,000 gp
Leather Armor of Resistance (Poison)ArmorCombatRare6,010 gp
LuckstoneWondrousCombatUncommon4,200 gp
Pipes of HauntingWondrousCombatUncommon6,000 gp
Plate Armor of Resistance (Cold)ArmorCombatRare7,500 gp
Rapier of WarningWeaponCombatUncommon60,100 gp
Ring mail Armor of Resistance (Poison)ArmorCombatRare6,030 gp
Scroll of Absorb ElementsScrollConsumablesCommon120 gp
Scroll of Flame BladeScrollConsumablesUncommon240 gp
Scroll of Ice KnifeScrollConsumablesCommon120 gp
Scroll of IdentifyScrollConsumablesCommon120 gp
Scroll of Melf’s Minute MeteorsScrollConsumablesUncommon400 gp
Scroll of Ray of FrostScrollConsumablesCommon20 gp
Scroll of Thunderous SmiteScrollConsumablesCommon120 gp
Scroll of ThunderwaveScrollConsumablesCommon120 gp
Scroll of Tidal WaveScrollConsumablesUncommon400 gp
Scroll of Zephyr StrikeScrollConsumablesCommon120 gp
Staff of Swarming InsectsStaffCombatRare16,000 gp
Staff of the PythonStaffSummoningUncommon2,000 gp
Studded leather Armor of Resistance (Thunder)ArmorCombatRare6,050 gp

GM, 434 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2019
at 00:39
  • msg #262

Re: The Siren's Trap

We can re-roll like every month or so.

You can also look for more items from private sellers/boutiques. But it will take time and rolls.

You can look for specific items through a broker. Let's say a broker will charge a markup if they find your item. You can put requests in with brokers, but there is no telling, if/when they will find items, but they will concentrate their efforts for good customers, or ones that give an upfront commission.
player, 201 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2019
at 00:42
  • msg #263

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 262):

Don't I need to know the +1 shield/mace/cap prices to figure out what I'll trade for?
GM, 435 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2019
at 01:51
  • msg #264

Re: The Siren's Trap

Price: Shield/Mace/Cap

Trade: 1,500/1,100/5,000

Sale: 750/550/2,500

Trade-credit can potentially be banked.

EDIT AGAIN: I am going to discount trades -20% + Persuasion Check).

So, if you want to trade the Cap of Disguise, you can get:

5,500(80+roll)/100 = trade credit

There has got to be an easier way to write that.

Maybe 5,500(80+roll)%?

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:05, Wed 06 Nov 2019.
player, 202 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2019
at 15:50
  • msg #265

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 264):

07:47, Today: Fergan rolled 10 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 4.  Trade Persiasion #1.
07:47, Today: Fergan rolled 16 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 10.
07:47, Today: Fergan rolled 19 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 13.

So thats:

- Shield (0.9 * 1500) = 1350
- Mace (0.96 * 1100) = 1056
- Cap (0.99 * 5000) = 4950

Which equals: 7,356. Posting so I can look at the shopping list.
player, 203 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2019
at 15:59
  • msg #266

Re: The Siren's Trap

So, I can get:

Luckstone: 4,200
Chime of Opening: 1500
Scale Mail: 1500
Scroll of Absorb Elements: 120

Total: 7,320
Remaining Credit: 36

And then I can turn around and sell the Scale Mail for 750?
GM, 436 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2019
at 18:08
  • msg #267

Re: The Siren's Trap

Let's just say you can cash out credit as gold at 50% value.

So, if you never 'buy' the scale, you would have 1,536gp, which you can liquidate as 768gp.

Also, I was thinking on the way home to apply the same persuasion calculus to sales.

In other words, anything you bring to a magic shop gets a base value, determined by the item and your persuasion roll, and you can either get 100% of that base value in trade, or 50% of it as currency.
player, 204 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2019
at 20:20
  • msg #268

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 267):

You need to make a resource management game. It is your calling.

Ok, so I walk away with a Luckstone, a Chime of Opening, and 828 gold?

Assuming so, then I think we can move on to the library. Will update my CS at my next break.
player, 210 posts
Thu 7 Nov 2019
at 22:31
  • msg #269

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 268):

I should stop replying in the other thread until this moves. But I won't.
GM, 442 posts
Fri 8 Nov 2019
at 00:50
  • msg #270

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, you go to the library, let's have a skill challenge. What three skills or other d20 rolls do you make and how do you use them to research? This is where you can add to the story, like, "In the library I spot [something] [somewhere] and I [do this thing] to [be able to use that thing]." I would start with the check you want to use and figure out a way to shoe-horn it into a narrative.

Then roll those checks.
player, 211 posts
Fri 8 Nov 2019
at 01:01
  • msg #271

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 270):

I don't remember if the library seems magically warded or not. I'm going to assume so.

I get dressed up in a disguise as a traveling scholar (performance? I don't remember how we did this) and start chatting up the librarian in the way that batty, nerdy, extroverts do (not entirely unlike when Indiana Jones goes to the castle to look at the tapestries in last crusade, but not as angry/impolite). I complain about the road and how I lost so much time due to this, that, or the other (Deception) that I now just don't have the time to do the research that I traveled to do and how I hate to be a bother, but if the librarian could help point me in the right direction I have to go to the old posts to figure out what I'm going here. Have to run to a meeting. Probably look tomorrow.
player, 213 posts
Mon 11 Nov 2019
at 19:23
  • msg #272

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 271):

Ok -- I want to show back up at the library and present myself the same way which (from what I can gather) had me using my real name and a fake voice/persona.

Given that, I want to go to the library in the same disguise [Deception] as before, pull the librarian to the side and explain that my search is not bearing the fruit that I had hoped and that I need pointed in the direction of the city's foremost expert on the topic of heraldry [persuasion] and access to the list of people who have requested access to the same over the past year, or else I will go to the guards and let them know about the connection of this institution to some of the the streets, which I intend to take out by the root [intimidation].

Sound good?
GM, 443 posts
Mon 11 Nov 2019
at 22:48
  • msg #273

Re: The Siren's Trap

Sure, go ahead and roll.
player, 214 posts
Mon 11 Nov 2019
at 23:42
  • msg #274

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 273):

15:40, Today: Fergan rolled 26 using 3d20 with rolls of 2,11,13. Skill challenge.

That's 8, 17, 19 after mods.
GM, 444 posts
Fri 10 Jan 2020
at 00:14
  • msg #275

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, going to do a bit of fast forwarding to get you to Seth, with only minor fudging.

The librarians are notoriously nice but unhelpful, pointing patrons to areas, but lacking any coherent method of finding anything specific. You suspect it is to deter people from using the library unless they are true devotees to research, or possess a magical method of finding useful information.

Your disguise is such that it convinces people that you don't want to be recognized as someone else.

But you prove to be both persuasive and intimidating and eventually you are directed the uppermost floor to a wizard/cleric who specializes in divination, but is the foremost expert on local history. His area of interest is finding ancient sites significant to Boccob. His name is Francis.

He, nor anyone else in the library know of anyone researching that heraldry. But Francis knows that there was a warlord that completely dominated the region, particularly to the north. He tells you there may be contemporaneous records in a defunct temple of Boccob near Luskan. He tells you that he recently sent an explorer that way to help set Boccob's eye in the temple.

He shows you on a map where the temple is. The map is a large platform/table of the region. He then opens a book and finds a name, "Saran," next to which is an alpha-numeric entry (I would have to look it up, but it is not important). He then goes over to a set of shallow drawers from which I removes a marked coin from a drawer matching the alpha-numeric combination.

He sets the coin into a contraption (would have to look up what the contraption looks like) and an illusion springs into being, which is a spherical scene or a young man who looks like an apprentice wizard/adventurer traveling with a caravan. Next to him appears to be a wingless sprite.

The scene moves along with him, always keeping him in the center of the vista.

He asks if you would like to accompany him. He warns that while you are with Saran, he (Francis), will be able to monitor you, which you may oppose, but he assures you that his only interest is research and the mission of the young mage. That is, until Saran is rid of the coins Francis gave to Saran. "Though, truth be told, even by virtue of our brief acquaintance, I could probably manage to Scry you without the aid of these baubles. If your wish is to remain truly hidden, I could help you in that regard. Perhaps as payment for helping Saran with his mission."

(You agree)

He then rummages in another drawer and pulls out a hunk of unworked metal and incants a spell over it. He hands it to you and tells you for the next week it will feel drawn to Saran.

Going to hand wave the intervening time and post your introduction into a new thread.

Also collect 50xp for skill challenge.

You need to add the following to your sheet:

-pearl of power (opaque black)
-wand of Animate Dead. It has 7 charges, each charge casts the lowest level version of the spell, or you can increase the spell level by one for each additional charge, if you use the last charge roll a d20, on a 1, the wand crumbles to dust.
-Chime of Opening
-828 gold (left over from magical item sales)
-10 platinum left over from Darin

1x Carnelian (opaque red-brown).
 Value 50 GP.
2x Chalcedony (opaque white).
 Value 50 GP.
1x Chrysoprase (translucent green).
 Value 50 GP.
1x Moonstone (translucent white with pale blue glow).
 Value 50 GP.
1x Onyx (pure white).
 Value 50 GP.
1x Quartz (transparent smokey gray).
 Value 50 GP.
1x Star rose quartz (translucent rosy stone with white star-shaped center).
 Value 50
1x Pearl (opaque black).
 Value 100 GP.
(pearl of power, listed above)

If there is anything else, you will need to find it in the thread, otherwise it's lost.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:12, Fri 10 Jan 2020.
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