Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, going to do a bit of fast forwarding to get you to Seth, with only minor fudging.
The librarians are notoriously nice but unhelpful, pointing patrons to areas, but lacking any coherent method of finding anything specific. You suspect it is to deter people from using the library unless they are true devotees to research, or possess a magical method of finding useful information.
Your disguise is such that it convinces people that you don't want to be recognized as someone else.
But you prove to be both persuasive and intimidating and eventually you are directed the uppermost floor to a wizard/cleric who specializes in divination, but is the foremost expert on local history. His area of interest is finding ancient sites significant to Boccob. His name is Francis.
He, nor anyone else in the library know of anyone researching that heraldry. But Francis knows that there was a warlord that completely dominated the region, particularly to the north. He tells you there may be contemporaneous records in a defunct temple of Boccob near Luskan. He tells you that he recently sent an explorer that way to help set Boccob's eye in the temple.
He shows you on a map where the temple is. The map is a large platform/table of the region. He then opens a book and finds a name, "Saran," next to which is an alpha-numeric entry (I would have to look it up, but it is not important). He then goes over to a set of shallow drawers from which I removes a marked coin from a drawer matching the alpha-numeric combination.
He sets the coin into a contraption (would have to look up what the contraption looks like) and an illusion springs into being, which is a spherical scene or a young man who looks like an apprentice wizard/adventurer traveling with a caravan. Next to him appears to be a wingless sprite.
The scene moves along with him, always keeping him in the center of the vista.
He asks if you would like to accompany him. He warns that while you are with Saran, he (Francis), will be able to monitor you, which you may oppose, but he assures you that his only interest is research and the mission of the young mage. That is, until Saran is rid of the coins Francis gave to Saran. "Though, truth be told, even by virtue of our brief acquaintance, I could probably manage to Scry you without the aid of these baubles. If your wish is to remain truly hidden, I could help you in that regard. Perhaps as payment for helping Saran with his mission."
(You agree)
He then rummages in another drawer and pulls out a hunk of unworked metal and incants a spell over it. He hands it to you and tells you for the next week it will feel drawn to Saran.
Going to hand wave the intervening time and post your introduction into a new thread.
Also collect 50xp for skill challenge.
You need to add the following to your sheet:
-pearl of power (opaque black)
-wand of Animate Dead. It has 7 charges, each charge casts the lowest level version of the spell, or you can increase the spell level by one for each additional charge, if you use the last charge roll a d20, on a 1, the wand crumbles to dust.
-Chime of Opening
-828 gold (left over from magical item sales)
-10 platinum left over from Darin
1x Carnelian (opaque red-brown).
Value 50 GP.
2x Chalcedony (opaque white).
Value 50 GP.
1x Chrysoprase (translucent green).
Value 50 GP.
1x Moonstone (translucent white with pale blue glow).
Value 50 GP.
1x Onyx (pure white).
Value 50 GP.
1x Quartz (transparent smokey gray).
Value 50 GP.
1x Star rose quartz (translucent rosy stone with white star-shaped center).
Value 50
1x Pearl (opaque black).
Value 100 GP. (pearl of power, listed above)
If there is anything else, you will need to find it in the thread, otherwise it's lost.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:12, Fri 10 Jan 2020.