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12:19, 19th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Fergan Game.

Posted by GMFor group archive 3
GM, 233 posts
Fri 23 Feb 2018
at 22:11
  • msg #26

Re: The Siren's Trap

The Lordling says, "Ok, I'll take your silver." And puts one down.

OOC: Here is what I am thinking. straight d20, you can make a sleight of hand vs perception and if you win that you get advantage on your roll. If you lose that, you are caught.
player, 43 posts
Fri 23 Feb 2018
at 22:16
  • msg #27

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 26):

I play it straight and watch for him not playing straight:

14:15, Today: Fergan rolled 17 using 1d20 with rolls of 17.  Gamble.

Lessee you beat that, bud!
GM, 234 posts
Fri 23 Feb 2018
at 22:22
  • msg #28

Re: The Siren's Trap

"Double down!" He puts two silver. Then immediately scoops the dices and roll before giving you a chance to agree or decline.

Gamble2: 2

player, 44 posts
Fri 23 Feb 2018
at 22:25
  • msg #29

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 28):

Keep that up and I'll buy 'er a purdy necklace, too!

14:23, Today: Fergan rolled 7 using 1d20 with rolls of 7.  Gamble2.

That was a lucky one....FOR ME! HAR HAR HAR!
player, 45 posts
Fri 23 Feb 2018
at 22:27
  • msg #30

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 29):

OOC: I think I've surmised how this is going to go, but I don't think I can avert it. Live and learn.
player, 46 posts
Mon 26 Feb 2018
at 19:45
  • msg #31

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 30):

Ferlo scoops the silver and the dice and says:

I'll use tha coin ta buy us a coupla drinks, then we cun go two-fer-three fer the lady.

I stand up and walk to the bar. While I am up there ordering beers, and while the bartender has his back turned to me, I cast Hex on the guy and target his Wisdom ability checks.
GM, 237 posts
Tue 20 Mar 2018
at 23:46
  • msg #32

Re: The Siren's Trap

Ok, you get back with drinks and the guy says, "Ok whutthe hell, let's do it, plenty of wenches here!"

He grabs the dice and rolls.

GM rolled 7 using 1d20 with rolls of 7.  Gamble3.

"Dammit!" he shoves the girl to the ground and spits on her. "go ahead and roll for this bitch, if you care to!"
player, 50 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 03:36
  • msg #33

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 32):

OOC: To cheat or not to cheat, given that he has disadvantage on his perception....I think cheat.

20:34, Today: Fergan rolled 8 using 1d20+1 with rolls of 7.  Sleight of Hand Check.
20:34, Today: Fergan rolled 34 using 2d20 with rolls of 17,17.  Gamble Rolls.

OOC: Darn it

Well, tha's that! Come on, bootiful--let's do wha lovers do.
GM, 239 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 16:41
  • msg #34

Re: The Siren's Trap

For one moment you see a flicker of... boredom? Then the beginning of a wry smile? His expression turns so decidedly nasty any hint of prior emotion seems like a flash in the pan.

The man shoves the prostitute once more and says, "The hell with it, take the whore. She's half used up anyway." He points to the other woman in the bar and says, "You there, Wench! come here!" He looks genuinely angry. He takes the remainder of the money off the table as she approaches. "Looks like you'll get work tonight anyway, lucky you," he mocks.

She hesitates, glancing down at his pouch and he replies, "I paid your friend for the night, I won't be cheated. You take it up with her." At this the bouncer stands up from his stool and the innkeeper slams down a tankard. The second whore gives them a shooing gesture and nods at the first prostitute (sorry, don't want to look up if they have names...).

The Lordling...growls? then grabs her by the risk and takes her back to his room.

OOC: Perception rolls: 3,4
player, 51 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 17:11
  • msg #35

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 34):

As they leave, but after he takes the second girl by the wrist

Tha's a good idea. Ah'd hate ta win yer estate next. Best to run off like a good chickenshit lordling.

If they still leave, I turn to the whore I won and say:

He means her harm. Yer man should protect his girls lahk ah've protected mine. If he won't, ah'll have to. Our love canna blossom on her grave.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:18, Wed 21 Mar 2018.
GM, 240 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 17:55
  • msg #36

Re: The Siren's Trap

"Grave? He'll hit her, yes. That's the world we live in. My man?" She glances at the bouncer and the innkeeper, "Yeah, well, they know the deal too. House gets a cut, but that's all. Whores do get killed, but not that often. Murder's still a crime in Neverwinter, even Lords killin' whores."
player, 52 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 18:18
  • msg #37

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 36):

<blue>He come here a lot un get rough with you and the girls?</aqua>

OOC: We can play this out if you like, but I'm pumping her for information about him. And nothing else.
GM, 241 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 18:32
  • msg #38

Re: The Siren's Trap

Roll persuasion or insight, dealers choice.
player, 53 posts
Wed 21 Mar 2018
at 18:35
  • msg #39

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 38):

11:35, Today: Fergan rolled 13 using 1d20+6 with rolls of 7.  Persuasion Check.
GM, 243 posts
Fri 23 Mar 2018
at 22:44
  • msg #40

Re: The Siren's Trap

You find out that this is his third night here. He has become more boisterous each night and that he isn't seen much (if at all) during the day.

This is the first night he has been interested in accompaniment.

She thinks he's off in some way, but a lot of her clients are being things.

Anything else you want to know in particular?
player, 55 posts
Fri 23 Mar 2018
at 23:31
  • msg #41

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 40):

If she knows:

- His name
- His house
- If he is staying at the brothel
- If he tosses coin around
- If he has had any visitors
- What types of events/things/etc. seemed to arouse his interest
- What types of things seem to arouse him
- What he has been doing here if not banging hookers
- If the brothel has a back entrance for patrons who wish to be discrete
- If she believes the woman upstairs is in danger and what we should do about it

I frame all of this except for the last as though I am a great braggart and wish to get as many details of the story as possible to make this story sound better and better when I retell it to people at the bar later. The last, though, I ask with some sincerity.

If I believe I've gotten everything of interest from her about who he is (and if she doesn't have a plan for the last bullet/isn't concerned), I abruptly and with a far-off look say: I must go. A dark-haired woman sent me and I must tell her all I have learned...

I then shake my head in a state of confusion and leave, but I do not go far--Just far enough to remove my disguise and then take up a position where I can monitor the back exit (if) or the front exit.
GM, 245 posts
Fri 23 Mar 2018
at 23:44
  • msg #42

Re: The Siren's Trap

- His name (same as what you know)
- His house (she has heard him claim to be a lord)
- If he is staying at the brothel (yes)
- If he tosses coin around (covered)
- If he has had any visitors (don't know)
- What types of events/things/etc. seemed to arouse his interest (just typical cad behavior)
- What types of things seem to arouse him (not sure, probably likes to hit, but not be hit)
- What he has been doing here if not banging hookers (drinking and gambling and yelling)
- If the brothel has a back entrance for patrons who wish to be discrete (of course)
- If she believes the woman upstairs is in danger and what we should do about it (don't know, don't know)
player, 56 posts
Sat 24 Mar 2018
at 00:51
  • msg #43

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 42):

Ok--I excuse myself with a brief I'll be back, love and walk over to the bartender and bouncer and says: I'll take the room nexta tha lordling. I want tha bastard ta hear I'm better'n 'im at everything 'ee tries.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 20:57, Mon 26 Mar 2018.
GM, 247 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 19:41
  • msg #44

Re: The Siren's Trap

The innkeeper rolls his eyes, then grimaces...

People here value privacy. I will rent you a room, no gaurantees as to who it might or might not be by, or whether or not any of the rooms are, or are not, occupied. One silver.

It is not an upstairs situation. The hall just goes out of the main room and there are two doors on each side. Three of the doors are open. One is closed. At the end of the hall is a back door.
player, 59 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 20:19
  • msg #45

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 44):

OOC: Simplifying dialect for phone purposes

In character, I say: "Ha! Fine by me. I expect I was going to have to tell her to keep it down anyway. I like them loud.

He seems a thin skinned type, though. I'd worry about the girl if I were in your business."

With that, I pay, grab my hooker, and try to steer her toward as room adjacent to the room with the closed door. Regardless of whether we land there, I tell her that I'm interested in watching her practice get craft--pretending to be pleased without pleasure--and that I'd like to see if she can be loud and convincing without my so much as touching her.

OOC: I think this is very in line with my true character, actually...
GM, 249 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 21:35
  • msg #46

Re: The Siren's Trap

OOC: TMI; I don't need to know about your kinks ;-)

She accompanies you and played her part. You hear the door open to the adjacent room.
player, 60 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 21:54
  • msg #47

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to GM (msg # 46):

In character, I give a loud satisfied grunt and then put my finger to my lips in a sign to be quiet. I then untie (buckle?)  my pants, say "I'm going to get a drink--please wait" and then walk out of the room tying them back on.

I look into the room as I pass it.
GM, 250 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 22:05
  • msg #48

Re: The Siren's Trap

You see them going out the back, with him holding her wrist.
player, 61 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 22:09
  • msg #49

Re: The Siren's Trap

In reply to Fergan (msg # 47):

OOC: Also, is Hex still in effect? If not, was that long enough to constitute a short rest? His Wisdom was affected, if that matters.
GM, 251 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2018
at 22:13
  • msg #50

Re: The Siren's Trap

1 hour, wow. Depends on if the performance would have broke your concentration ;)
Don't respond to that...

Yeah, still in effect.
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