Fergan Game
Ok, so here is how it went down. Fergan is a talented actor in the employ of the dramatic stage troupe Cuenta Veraz, Truthful Account. The leader of the troupe goes by the same name, so most people call him just Cuenta, Veraz, or simly, Raz, though a couple actors will sometimes call him Vera, with a wink.
He is an eccentric man, or rather he is though to be. He owns a small theater on the border of a upper class and lower class district. The sort of street with shops and restaurants that common folk will treat themselves to for special occasions, but the wealthy frequent as a matter of course. Raz lives at the theater in a private bedroom/kitchen/dressing room. The striking oddity of it is that it is decorated to look more like a tiny temple than anything else. When asked about it, he says, "Some of the most beautiful and enrapturing places on the plane are the rooms around altars."
In the middle of the room is a large ornate pedalstool. On it lies a large, open tome. The words appear to be gibberish, "A prop," Raz says. Though, at times there are scripts on it instead, where Raz stands and reads them aloud before allowing them to be rehearsed by the actors or performed for audiences.
One day Fergan was waiting for Raz in the office/alter room, and was looking over the book, marveling over the great care with which the non-sense words were written. The letters were stylized to the point of looking like new, unknown characters. Most groups of letters were random jumbles, but some words poked out here and there. "Hidden. Sleeping. Power. Beforetime. Corrupt. Cleanse. Seek." Fergan entered a kind of trance. It was broken when Raz entered the room and they realized together that Fergan had just been reading Raz's book of secrets.
From that time on Raz taught Fergan the secrets of [xxxzzdrixz yrwrax or whatever]. He lets Fergan in on his ploy of gathering secrets from the upper crust and airing them in dramatic fashion. "Good for business. Good for our Patron. Good for a laugh."
He asks you to find out what you can about a young lordling that recently entered the city. Raz gives you name, Renthel Blutorr, he is staying at the Siren's Trap, which is a rather rough establishment near the docks.