Spinward Marches Astrographic Data
The Spinward Marches sector is divided into sixteen subsectors, arranged as follows:
___ ___ ___ ___
| | | | Subsectors
A | B | C | D |
___|___|___|___| A: Chronor Subsector
| | | | B: Jewell Subsector
E | F | G | H | C: Regina Subsector
___|___|___|___| D: Aramis Subsector
| | | | E: Querion Subsector
I | J | K | L | F: Vilis Subsector
___|___|___|___| G: Lanth Subsector
| | | | H: Rhylanor Subsector
M | N | O | P | I: Darrian Subsector
___|___|___|___| J: The Sword Worlds
K: Lunion Subsector
Coreward L: Mora Subsector
| M: Five Sisters Subsector
Spinward -+- Trailing N: District 268
| O: Glisten Subsector
Rimward P: Trin's Veil
The sector contains a total of 437 systems, divided between four major governments and several small states, and his home to some 381.7 billion sophonts.
All maps below produced with Traveller Universe