The "Major" races are called such because they have all developed Jump Drive independently, and/or forged a multi-sector domain using it. Of the Major races, three are human, one is geneered, and four are natural aliens:
Aslan (Fteirle)
Kusyu/Dark Nebula 1919 (Kil'rai)
Intelligent major race evolved from carnivore/pouncers on the world Kusyu, situated 135 parsecs from Capital. Physically, the typical adult Aslan masses 100 kg, stands upright to a height of 2 m, and is similar in physical needs and preferences to humaniti. They have good night vision and a heightened sense of smell. The Aslan hand has three fingers opposing a centrally-placed thumb, and all digits have retractable claws. Under the thumb is a single, highly-specialised dewclaw which folds back jacknife fasion into a horny covering in the base of the thumb and palm.
The earliest Terran explorers saw in them a vague resemblance to the Terran lion, and they have been described as lion-like ever since. There are two sexes, male and female. The most notable difference between the sexes is the male's increased size and larger mane of the male. Females outnumber males by 3:1.
The Aslan are a warrior race, proud, noble, and devoted to those in authority above them. The basic unit of Aslan society is the family (
ekho), 2 to 12 Aslan under the leadership of a strong male (
tao'). Other family members include the leader's wife or wives, children, and various blood relatives of the leader. Several ekho combine under one dominant family to form a pride (
ahriy), with the
tao' of the dominant family also the leader (
aewar) of the pride. A number of
ahriy form a clan (
huiha), with one dominant pride. Again, the prides owe their loyalty to the leader of the dominant pride (
fouheh). Clans, in turn, may owe allegiance to other, stronger clans. Aside from military services and the
Tlaukhu (ruling council within the Aslan Hierate), the clan is the highest socio-political organisation among the Aslan.
A deep-seated instinct causes the Aslan to have an inordinate (from a human standpoint) concern with land. For male Aslan, owning land is a major goal in life. An Aslan's stature is determined by the amount of land he (or her husband) controls, or by the amount of land owned by any higher lord the Aslan may be vassal to. The lowest classes of Aslan are landless, and provide the farmers, labourers, craftsmen, and factory workers. A holder of a large territory will often grant authority over it to vassals (usually sons, brothers, or male relatives by marriage) who administer the land in his name.
The sexes have very different roles in their society. Males (in all but the lowest classes) are mostly concerned with military operations, acquisition of territory, and political affairs. Females are concerned with trade, industry, and the accumulation of knowledge. Upper class males have little concept of money and are literally incapable of functioning in a technological society without aid, so they are thus seldom encountered without the supervision of a wife, mother, or other female relative or employer.
For instance, a typical Aslan mercenary unit will be organised by a wealthy married female, who will then assign its operation (for a share of the proceeds) to an unmarried female relative. The battle commander and most of the troops will be unmarried males (many of them also relatives) hired with the promise of land grants (and the opportunity to gain honour and reputation in combat). Staff, operations, supply and intelligence officers will generally be female.
The extremely deadly nature of any combat between Aslan has led to a rigid, ritualised pattern of behaviour designed to reduce conflict. Aslan are very polite, and while most have learned to be patient with non-Aslan, accidental fights still occur. Disputes between individuals are handled by the patriarchs; disputes between families are handled by the pride leader; disputes between prides are handled by the clan leader.
Aslan have no racial prejudice, but they look upon non-Aslan as
tahiwihteakhtau (barbarians) unless they embrace Aslan culture and behave as Aslan. The earliest humans to contact the Aslan (c. -1980 Imperial) felt they resembled Terran lions - and the Aslan felt the humans reminded them of the
waufuahyu, a hairless primate-like rodent native to caves in the tropical regions of Kusyu.
Eskayloyt/Spinward Marches (Actual position unknown)
Intelligent major race derived from winged omnivore/gatherer stock on a homeworld whose location is unknown, but thought to be in the spinward region of the Imperium. The prime candidate is Andory ( Five Sisters / Spinward Marches 0235). They presently inhabit scattered worlds within an area slightly larger than the region of the current Third Imperium. Physiological details of the Droyne suggest that their homeworld was a low gravity world with a dense atmosphere (both necessary to make their wings functional).
Droyne society is divided into rigid castes (
esorde) determined when an individual reaches adolescence (approximately 12 standard years of age). There are six castes: Worker, Warrior, Drone, Technician, Sport, and Leader. These all serve different tasks within Droyne society, but are not just social groups; they are biologically distinct categories. Once a caste has been selected, an individual's development changes, and they "grow into" their chosen caste during the next year. For example, young leaders experience a nearly 30% increase in brain size in that year. The ritual to determine castes is called the
Iskyar (Year of Casting).
Workers perform manual labour and other mundane activity; they are the least intelligent and most placid caste.
Warriors are trained specifically for combat, and are the enforcers and protectors of Droyne society.
Drones raise the young, play a major role in the casting ceremony, and perform administrative functions.
Technicians maintain, build, and design equipment.
Leaders manage and direct society, and are the most intelligent Droyne, capable of initiative & intuitive thought.
Sports are a deliberate exception to the caste structure; they can cross caste lines to become independent and self-reliant, capable of separation from Droyne society for long periods. A Sport is the most probably encountered Droyne away from a Droyne world.
All Droyne have a tail and six limbs, the middle pair being developed into wings and the rear pair digitigrade. Arrangement of limbs is basically humanoid, but the bone structure is quite different and more like that of birds; bones are hollow and brittle, making even the largest Droyne much lighter and weaker than humans of comparable size. Wings are black and batlike, spanning three or more metres. Skin is tough and scaled, and is a grayish tone marked with black patterns. Hands and feet have four digits apiece: fingers are long and flexible, fully opposed to all others on the hand; the feet have three toes and one bony spur or talon which is effective in combat. Eyes are large and compound, giving a wide field of vision.
Most physical variations between Droyne are based on caste. For example, the Droyne are a small race (generally standing 1m tall), but large Workers and Warriors can be larger than humans (up to 2m). Weight generally ranges from 25 to 60 kg. Their skin patterning varies according to caste.
Droyne have three sexes; Alpha Male, Beta Male, and Female. Gender only develops after casting. Drones are Female; Leaders, Sports and Warriors are Alpha Males; Workers & Technicians are Beta Males. Reproduction is complex; pheromones generated by Beta Males are necessary before a Female can ovulate and be fertilised by the Alpha Male. The Drones lay clutches of fertilised eggs & nurture them after they hatch, taking on both a father & mother role.
Droyne society, like most things, is governed by the caste system. There is little individual freedom; tasks are caste-based, and thus the concept of society and government merges into one. Workers work; Leaders lead. All of society is dedicated to providing food, shelter, and the other amenities that make life enjoyable. In addition, there is little discord in Droyne society when things are running smoothly, as each member of society has its own function to perform. Only when disaster happens is the group forced to strain. Droyne are not mindless, but all accept the central group as a part of their of lives and work for its benefit above their own.
The basic unit of society is the family (
tyafelm). This is a group of at least six Droyne, one from each caste. Between three and eighteen
tyafelm group together to form an extended family (
dreskay). Dreskayin may schism (
esivoy) to form two or more
dreskayin, dividing their assets between them and going their own ways. These then build up once more. A collection of related dreskayin are called a community (
oytrip), usually geographical in nature. The head of an
oytrip is called the Leader-of-Leaders. Finally, a special social group known as the fraternity (
kroyloss) is often created to provide companionship for Droyne who set off into the world, but who are not yet part of a
tyafelm of their own. It has a minimum size of six, one Droyne of each caste, and can range in size up to 20 or more. Unlike the
tyafelm, the
kroyloss is a voluntary group, and is not committed to reproduction. In many ways, it is a practice at being a family, but is not as bound by society. A
kroyloss can build a partnership or enterprise, explore, prospect, or innovate, or even just wander.
Oynprith is the common tongue among Droyne.
Guaran/Ricenden (Guaran) 0827
Evolved from gatherer/scavenger stock with six-fold radial symmetry, standing about 1.5 m high and weighing about 150 kg. The head is a limb modified with additional sensory organs (eye stalks, tentacles, and infrared sensors). The other limbs are used for locomotion or manipulation.
With no verbal speech, they communicate by ideographic sign language.
Hivers have never developed an aggressive nature. They are extremely uncomfortable with violence, and will always attempt to find alternatives to conflict. For example, early in their expansion into space, they encountered the militant K'kree.
The Hivers were able to avert K'kree aggression by demonstrating to the highly conservative Centaurs that their skill at manipulating others would result in changes to K'kree society, even if the K'kree exterminated them. The K'kree immediately terminated all contact with the Hive Federation, and interdicted all worlds along the border.
Hivers are more curious than humans. They prefer subtle manipulation to physical confrontation or overt action. They dominate a several-sector domain trailing of Solomani Space, and are known for their superior electronics & computers.
Rarely seen in the Spinward Marches.
K'kree (Centaurs)
Kirur/Ruupiin (Thirty) 1315
The K'kree developed from hexapodal herd animals, developing intelligence for defense. They have a several sector realm trailing the Vargr Extents and the Third Imperium. Their herd mentality makes them happier only when accompanied by their extended family/herd. They are quite claustrophobic.
They are arrogant, conservative, and militantly anti-carnivore. Early in their development, they exterminated all meat-eating species on their homeworld. Persistent rumours indicate that they intend, one day, to launch a similar crusade against
all meat eaters.
They have the most well-developed sense of smell of any known sentient species. Care should be taken, when dealing with K'kree, to abstain from eating anything containing meat for several days beforehand. Put simply, even with good hygiene, K'kree can smell meat on a person for days.
Rarely seen anywhere in Imperial Space. Even more rarely in spinward regions.
Solomani (Humaniti major)
Terra/Solomani Rim (Terra) 1827
Intelligent major race of humaniti which developed on Terra from the original human stock (Homo sapiens). The term Solomani is often used to refer to members of the Solomani race (or, more palatably to some, to members of the human race of Solomani descent) or to members of the Solomani political movement. Its original meaning is obscure, but the word seems to have originally meant either "men of Sol" or "sole men".
Genetically pure Solomani - those with undiluted Terran bloodlines - exhibit a wide range of physical features. Males average 1.8m in height and 75kg in mass; females are shorter and slighter, averaging 1.7m in height and 70kg in mass. Skin colour varies from black and brown through red and yellow to white, embracing all shades between. Eye colour is frequently brown, blue or green. Hair colour can be black, blond, brown, red, or white, with the hair itself either straight or curly. Of all humaniti, only the Solomani display such ethnic diversity (because each other human race grew from an undiverse initial population).
Genetic engineering has often altered the Solomani form, creating a number of Solomani subspecies. The most major changes were wrought by the Ancients, who took humans from Terra and scattered them across charted space. Ancient intervention and limited gene pools created quite different peoples: examples include such minor human races as the Cassilldans , Geonee, and Suerrats; plus the other two major human races, the Vilani and Zhodani . Much more recently, the Confederation Ministry of Genetics ( GenAssist ) and other similar organisations have modified human genes, usually to assist in the colonisation of various worlds. Typical adaptive modifications allow humans to withstand toxic atmospheres, extremes of gravity and temperature, and to perform specific utilitarian functions. Examples include the Izirl (with enhanced hearing) and the Wuans (with distinct genotypes such as Worker and Executive).
True Solomani are rare outside the Confederation , although many humans find their attitudes familiar. Their most distinctive trait is their love of independence, which affects them on many levels. Fundamentally, the Solomani idealise self-reliance. Their cultural heroes typically solve their problems without seeking outside help, encouraging resourcefulness and innovation. Secondly, independence often manifests as non-conformity, the major reason why efforts to unify the Confederation 's disparate cultures has borne little fruit. Thirdly, independence means risk-taking and the love of a challenge; many Solomani make a free-lance living, side-stepping the rigorous economic regulation imposed by the Solomani Party . Finally, although their history contains political tyranny, popular uprisings calling for independence and an end to oppression often occur. The typical Vilani accepts authority; in contrast, the Solomani believe they have the right to challenge it.
The basic unit of Solomani society is the nuclear family (father, mother, and children), and is officially encouraged by the Solomani Party . Other family arrangements do exist within the Solomani Confederation , especially amoung the older member-states, such as polygamy, polyandry (more rarely), and other more "innovative" groupings (especially on colonies, high-tech worlds, and social preserves). Above this level, political structures of individual worlds are as numerous and diverse as those of the Imperium. The major difference occurs at an interstellar level; rather than being based on a feudal structure, worlds form various alliances for mutual defence and trade. These alliances are then signatories to the "Charter for Confederation of the Free Solomani States", first signed in 871. This Charter defines the Solomani Confederation .
The Solomani scattered to the stars in several waves. The first occurred soon after contacting the Vilani Imperium at Barnard's Star ( Sol / Solomani Rim 1926). The Solomani realised that they needed to consolidate their position, and so colonised systems close to Terra. The second wave was a military one; when the Solomani defeated the Vilani Imperium, they sent military units in to occupy the former Imperial territories. The third wave occurred during the Rule of Man, when many Solomani moved into the conquered territories, opening banks, mines, factories and other businesses. However, their actions were not enough; the Rule of Man collapsed under financial strain, and gave rise to the Long Night .
During the Long Night , various states rose and fell around Terra. These were re-contacted by the expanding Third Imperium. Since then, relations between Solomani states and the Imperium have fluctuated from excellent to strained to open warfare. This culminated in the Solomani Rim War (990 to 1002), which ended when Terra was captured by the Imperium. Current relations with the Solomani are lukewarm.
The Solomani Confederation is an eight sector domain rimward of of Imperial space.
Lair/Provence (Grnouf) 2402
Intelligent major race descended from carnivore/chaser stock transplanted from Terra to Lair during the heyday of the Ancients approximately 300,000 years ago. The typical Vargr is about 1.6 metres tall and weighs approximately 60 kilograms. They are upright bipedal carnivores, with rear limbs digitigrade and hands very similar in size and appearance to those of a human, although with significant internal differences. They have approximately the same physical parameters as humans and are able to use the same equipment without modification or additional instruction. Vargr still bear a considerable resemblance to their ancestral canine stock externally, though internally there are many important differences.
The Vargr were a puzzle to Imperial xenologists for many years. Their biochemistry and genetic make-up is almost identical with a number of terrestrial animals, but differs radically from most flora and fauna indiginous to Lair (their purported homeworld). Researches during the early years of the Third Imperium concluded them to be the result of genetic manipulation of transplanted Terran animals of the family Canidae, and almost certainly of the genus Canis. The development of intelligence and of manipulation was thus artificially induced, and not the result of natural mutations or other environmental factors. Considerable adaptation took place, although exact knowledge of the nature of this manipulation is scant.
Certainly the Vargr were never fully fitted for the environment of Lair . This has produced rigorous conditions which have caused the further natural selection and adaptation essential to the survival of the race. This may even have resulted in developments not introduced by the Ancients in their original genetic experimentation on Vargr ancestral stock.
The Vargr have no centralised government. Inded, there is no government which can be said to be "typically Vargr". Every conceivable form of governmental organisation can be found somewhere in the Vargr Extents - often more than one exists on the same world. The only cohesive force in the Extents is a fierce racial pride, which can cause a slight tendency towards racial cooperation. Vargr have long suffered from an inability to organise themselves (to any degree or for any length of time) beyond the star system level, and their empires rise and fall with unsurprising regularity.
Although gregarious, the group behaviour of Vargr is characterised by a constant struggle for dominance within the group. The ability to exert personal authority over others derives from an individual's prestige and force of personality. The Vargr have various words to describe this important personal characteristic, but humans call it charisma. Individuals with high charisma are likely to become leaders of groups, even if they do not have real leadership skills. Charisma and the struggle for dominance play a crucial role in Vargr society.
Vilani (Humaniti major)
Vland/Vland (Vland) 1717
Intelligent major race, evolved from a branch of humaniti which was deposited on Vland by the Ancients in approximately -300,000. Physically they are identical to Solomani, Zhodani, and many other branches of humaniti. Vland itself has a hospitable environment, but an alien biology; humans cannot use local plant and animal life for food unless it is processed.
Vilani history begins with accounts of the wars of the gods, terrible destruction, and of the occasional intervention in human affairs by the gods. Tales are also told of explorers who found great living stone-metal gods possessed of immense magical powers. Modern archeologists now believe these "gods" were actually giant robot warriors and juggernauts used by the Ancients in their Final War. Apparently, the last of these finally ran down in -20,000.
Early Vilani society was dominated by three groups. The first were known as the millers (
shugilii); people who could transform Vland's alien biology into edible food. The second were the aristocrats; the natural leaders of society. The third group were the merchants, who controlled trade. Vilani society went through an industrial revolution in -11,000, and each group gained power rather than losing it. The ultimate breakthrough came in -9235, when a research team working in the fringes of the Vland system created the first prototype jump drive.
The jump drive ensured Vilani ascendancy for the next 6000 years. The Vilani found intelligent lifeforms on other worlds within 60 parsecs of Vland. None of the other races had progressed enough to possess interstellar travel, and the Vilani found it easy to dominate them. They imposed Vilani culture and law on these other races, but the conquering was not militaristic; rather, it was through economic subjugation.
As their sphere of influence expanded, the Vilani found it difficult to maintain control across such great distances with only jump-1. At the same time, each of the three power classes of society found itself threatened by the forces aroung it. Three bureaux were established, each independent of the other two, and each responsible for governing a particular territory. The three were effectively identical, but followed different philosophies based on their origins. Sharushid , originating with the merchant class, emphasised interstellar trade. Makhidkarun, originating with the aristocracy, emphasised interstellar government. Naasirka, originating with the
shugiliis, floundered after it found that it could not control food supplies on most of the worlds it dealt with, but it ultimately became a broad-line organisation which emphasised energy, transport, and luxury goods.
In -5430, the Vilani finally discovered jump-2. No other race had jump-2, and the Vilani maintained a sole monopoly on it by jealously guarding its secrets from all subject races. Beginning in -5400, a series of wars to subjugate the resisting fringe cultures was waged. This period of consolidation lasted until -4045, when the ruling Vilani council, the
Igsiirdi, declared the Grand Empire of the Stars, or
Ziru Sirka.
At first, the Empire had no emperor. Within 10 years, the chairman of the
Igsiirdi, who was elected for life by the council, was declared to be the Shadow Emperor (
Ishimkarun). In -3610, the Shadow Emperor became the Emperor of the Stars - the absolute monarch of the Empire. Successors were elected by the
Igsiirdi upon the death of the old emperor.
For nearly 1200 years the Empire kept the
Pax Vilanica. However, the empire fostered cultural rigidity. Old Vilani culture had been based on the three groupings of society; these groupings were further developed into a rigid caste system, based on the idea that each citizen had a specific and set place in the universe, and it was each citizen's duty to remain in that place. Society could not afford to let individuals do as they pleased. However, not all of the subject races of the Empire were able to be completely absorbed into this culture (the Vegans, for instance) and those societies did not do well under the Vilani.
Vilani culture was maintained by the bureaux structure, and it hampered drive and innovation. Exploration wound down and was stopped by -4000. Scientific research was controlled, and then stopped altogether by -3800. The real beginning of the end of Vilani domination, however, was signalled by the contact with the Terrans in -2422. By -2408 the Terrans and the Vilani were at war; by -2219 the Terrans had surpassed the Vilani technologically and were marching through the cities of Vland as conquerors, and the Grand Empire of the Stars was at an end.
Vilani and Solomani stock were intermingled during the Rule of Man, and cannot be told apart without blood typing (85% accurate) or DNA genotyping (100% accurate). This has meant that Vilani has come to indicate a cultural rather than a racial or national labelling. It is applied those within the Imperium who retain some of the old ways of the Vilani. Dialects of the old High Vilani language survive in certain places, along with a few fragments of Vilani culture, such as musical forms and other fine arts. Certain of the old Vilani noble families have maintained more of the old culture, particularly the families who control the Vilani megacorporations.
Zhodani (Humaniti major)
Zhdant/Zhdant (Gaval) 2719
Intelligent major race, evolved from a branch of humaniti which was deposited on Zhdant by the Ancients in approximately -302,000. Though human in all respects, the Zhodani differ slightly in appearance from humans of Vilani or Solomani stock. They tend to be tall and lithe, averaging close to 2 metres in height, and massing roughly 90 kg. Complexions are predominantly swarthy; hair colour is usually black or brown. They are able to digest certain proteins which are native to Zhdant but undigestable to non-Zhodani.
Close to 80% of all known racial Zhodani live in their empire, the Zhodani Consulate. This large (and growing) empire lies to core-spinward of the Imperium. Clashes and conflicts (Frontier Wars) between it and the Imperium have recurred for the last 600 years, with each war becoming more intense.
The most important difference - and the major source of conflict between Imperials and Zhodani - is their acceptance of psionics. They claim racial superiority based on a supposed natural talent in this area, but their training is the more likely contributor. All Zhodani of noble birth (Social B+) receive psionic training from childhood. Intendants (Social A) also receive early psionic training, while Proles (Social 9-) receive no training. Psionics, something the Imperium is opposed to, is thus a part of everyday life in the Consulate.