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22:06, 11th February 2025 (GMT+0)

Black Crow Specs.

Posted by - Black Crow ComputerFor group public
- Black Crow Computer
NPC, 1 post
Mon 5 Oct 2020
at 12:20
  • msg #1

Black Crow Specs

Ship:  Black Crow             Type: Scout Courier
Class: Type X

USP:       SX - 1223331 - 030000 - 20002 - 0    MCr57.9   100 Tons
Batt Bear:                 1       1   1        Crew: 1
Batt:                      1       1   1        TL 15

Cargo:Passengers:Low Berths:Fuel: 43  EP:Agility: 2  Fuel Scoops, Air/Raft
Architect's Fee: MCR0.579  Cost in Quantity (estimated): 46.320 

Tonnage:          100 tons (standard displacement) 1,400 cubic metres.
Dimensions:       37.5 metres long by 24.0 metres wide by 7.5 metres high.
Crew:             One.  Pilot/captain/engineer.
Acceleration:     3G generated by two Mitchells-Hyundyne thruster units.
                  Cruising and normal operations at 1G.
Jump:             2 parsecs.  Forbes-Kalyushin Jump Drive.  Full auto-rational
                  red-shift governing.
Power Plant:      750 mW Dupree halonic H2Fusion unit.
Gravitics:        Adjustable 0.1 to 2.0G floor fields.  Inertial compensation.
Range:            Four weeks maneuver, two Jump-2.
Cargo:            Two passengers, two low passengers, 2 tons of cargo (28
                  cubic metres).
Armament:         Dorsal hardpoint.  One turret fitted, bearing one 250mW
                  Sharpe/Zendarrashuur beam laser, one Krifarm "Javelin" missile
                  system, and an EDS "Aegis" sandcaster.
Electronics:      Kaleshi Data Systems Model3 computer, with standard software
                  package.  Active sensors to 225,000 km, passive sensors to 40 AU.
Ship's Vehicles:  One 4 passenger air/raft with external hatch located aft.

Black Crow is, on the surface, a standard Type S scout/courier assigned to Tasmin Crow, a former IISS member, who operates the ship under the service's Detached Duty program. 

Appearances can be deceiving.  The ship has actually been built to TL15 standards, as opposed to regular Type S ships which are constructed using perfectly functional TL9 components, mostly to save the IISS money (and allow servicing at lower TL facilities).  The TL15 design has a more powerful reactor (which is actually smaller than the TL9 unit), more efficient STL thrusters, and a better computer than the standard scout/courier.

Other differences include the removal of one stateroom to allow for the larger computer and avionics. and the placement of two CryoSure™ low berths in the ship's cargo hold.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:02, Mon 05 Oct 2020.
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